Sugar Baby

Chapter 86


The studio and the backstage are connected, and countless staff come and go, wishing to have Hot Wheels under their feet, so that they can grow three heads and six arms, so that they can handle countless things at the same time.

The contestants didn't want to cause trouble to the staff, and they all walked to the backstage along the path in an unusually peaceful manner. Even Xin Tian was as quiet as a chicken.

The backstage is where the contestants make up and prepare. There are two dressing rooms for men and women, a staff room, and a player lounge. There is a small vent at the end of the corridor, and a whole side of glass is installed, so you can clearly see the lobby outside the studio.

The show was broadcast live at night, and it's just noon now, but many fans have already gathered in the lobby, wearing cheering shirts and holding banners, happily gathered to discuss the players they support.

Qiu Qiu originally thought that the people who arrived so early must be Xin Tian's fans, but when he looked carefully, he found several familiar faces in the crowd, who had been fighting for him in the support group from the beginning to the end. fans of call. In addition, Hua Xiang's fans also came a lot.

Just as he was thinking, Qiu Qiu's cell phone rang.

Xiao Li, head of Qiu Qiu's Four Seasons support group, sent a message.

In the society, you, sister Li, are beautiful and talk a lot: Qiu Qiuqiu! I just saw you guys go backstage!

Autumn is the autumn of autumn: Why are you here so early... There are still seven or eight hours...

In the society, you sister Li and Renliang talk a lot: the people in Xiaotiantian under the TV station are making too much noise, Feifei and I can't get enough of it, so we brought the big guys upstairs to wait.

Feifei is the head of Huaxiang's support group. Because the two main fans have a good relationship, their two fan groups have always been closely connected, advancing together and retreating together. They are an absolute example of "double fans" in the circle.

Qiu Qiu suggested that Xiaoli and Feifei take them out to find a shop to sit down and rest, and Qiu Qiu would bear all the expenses. But the fans refused, saying that they would stick to their posts and put on a support team. If they left now, Britney's "knights" would definitely seize the opportunity to seize the territory.

This level of excitement is almost like defending a position in Dota.

Qiu Qiu poked Hua Xiang's waist and showed him the chat records.

Qiu Qiu felt very sorry for the fans: "What should I do, it really made them wait so long."

Hua Xiang said, "Why don't we go out and see them?"

"But the program group has regulations that players are not allowed to have contact with fans during the recording of the program."

"Who said you're going to have contact with them?" Hua Xianggui had a lot of ideas, "Okay, you can rest assured and come with me."

Taking advantage of the staff's inattention, the two sneaked away from under their noses. However, Hua Xiang did not go out of the stage, but dragged Qiu Qiu around, and found a very inconspicuous small door at the other end of the corridor. Behind the door was a narrow, small staircase with no lights. The stairs went up in the dark.

If it were someone else, they would definitely not dare to go up when they saw such a scary little staircase. But Qiu Qiu trusted his friend very much. Since Hua Xiang said he had a way, he didn't mind to follow him. At the end of the small stairs is a door, and after pushing it open, it is very bright - they actually walked to the second floor of the lobby outside! !

It is said to be the "second floor", but it is actually just a small passage that only allows one person to pass through, with a wall on one side and a guardrail on the other. This is a maintenance channel specially used to check the air-conditioning outlets and lobby lights, and no one usually comes up.

I really don't know how Hua Xiang knew about this path.

They are now standing on top of all the fans. Looking down from this angle, you can clearly see that the fans are divided into several groups, because the cheering colors of different players are different. Looking down from above, it looks like colorful flowers blooming on the ground .

When Hua Xiang dragged Qiu Qiu upstairs, he took a blank staff book by the way. After all, it was a music show, and there were many stave books in the waiting room. The program team really hoped that the contestants would be inspired and compose on the spot, but unfortunately their calculations were in vain.

I saw Hua Xiang tore off two staves, took out a colored pen from his pocket, and signed his name in a fluttering manner. Then he rolled the staff into a paper ball, and his arm spun twice like a windmill. When he reached the highest point, he suddenly let go, "Whew—", the ball of paper broke through the air, drawing a picture in the sky. A beautiful parabola was thrown towards the fans below.

It happened to be Feifei who was hit by the paper ball. She covered her head and let out a cry. At first, she thought it was some kind of prank. But when she unfolded the paper ball and saw the signature on it, all the unpleasantness disappeared instantly.

Fans immediately gathered towards her, surrounded her and rushed to see the paper ball in her hand. Although the ball of paper is crumpled, it is the idol's signature! Anyone who receives it will be crazy happy!

They were chattering, their faces were full of pride, and they were looking for Hua Xiang's figure.

The fans of Qiu Qiu's Four Seasons support team next to him were very envious after watching it. If Qiu Qiu could also throw a paper ball to them...


The little girl next to Xiaoli yelled, she had just been poked in the forehead by a paper airplane, but she didn't care to cry out the pain, and quickly unfolded the paper airplane: Sure enough, Qiu Qiu's name was written on it!

The girls from Qiu Qiu's support group were also crazy about it.

In just a few minutes, Hua Xiang's fans received countless paper balls of different sizes, while Qiu Qiu's fans received paper airplanes, paper frogs, paper cranes, paper boats, paper windmills, paper rabbits, paper Ninja darts...

Hua Xiang's fans looked at the crumpled papers in their hands and fell silent.

Why are they also idols? Their idols are ingenious, and their signatures are even more like their own. Brother was smiling at them.

After unfolding the ball of paper that Hua Xiang threw over, the words written on it had to be carefully deciphered to be able to barely read "Hua Shi Yang Xi Xi"...

The gap, the gap is too big.

Qiu Qiu and Hua Xiang above their heads couldn't hear the internal rivalry between the two fan groups. Qiu Qiu snatched the last piece of paper from Hua Xiang and folded a lifelike little lily. He wrote blessings on the petals of the lily, looked in one direction, and threw the lily into the crowd.

The lily was finally snatched by Xiao Li, who stuck the lily on Qiu Qiu's human-shaped stand, and everyone competed to take a photo with the stand.

Before the fans could find them, Qiu Qiu and Hua Xiang quietly walked down the stairs hand in hand, and returned to the backstage along the dark original road.

When they got out of the tunnel, they were disheartened. The maintenance tunnel was so dirty that no one went up there until a month. Both of them had a lot of dust on their bodies, making them look like two big tabby cats. They looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Qiu Qiu said, "Your face is so dirty."

"You think you're clean?" Hua Xiang said, reaching out to pat Qiu Qiu's cheek to help him clean the dust off his face.

Qiu Qiu was courteous and extended his hand to help him pat him.

They were helping each other, Ai Guo hurried over and said with a surprised face: "The staff are looking for you crazy, how dare you two have conflicts, why are you hiding here and slapping each other?"

Qiu Qiu & Hua Xiang: "..."

Ai Guo didn't understand what the youngsters were doing, so he held up one of them: "Okay, okay, I'll walk together for the rest of my life, you're a pig and I'm a dog, after slapping them and drinking a glass of wine, we'll be friends in the next life."

As expected of a rapper, the exit is a single bet x4, admiration.

Ai Guo led them straight to the player lounge.

On the way, Qiu Qiu asked him, "Brother Guo, it's only one o'clock, why do we have to gather now?"

Ai Guo explained helplessly: "It seems that the two of you didn't listen to the assistant director's introduction to the competition just now. Our eight-to-four competition is a points competition. Eight contestants sing in two rounds. The first round is self-selected songs, and the second round is based on They will sing on the topic given by the program group, and each person will sing for one and a half minutes, and the top four in the two rounds will advance."

Only then did Qiu Qiu understand: "So now the program team is going to announce the title of the second round?"

"Yes, this game starts at eight o'clock, give us six and a half hours of preparation time."

The three of them were talking, and soon arrived at the players' lounge.

All the players in the waiting room have arrived, and a row of cameras next to them are facing the players, faithfully recording everyone's performance. Even Xin Tian was on the alert, put away his former ease, his pretty face was tense, and his expression was serious.

Qiu Qiu and Hua Xiang were late, and they quickly apologized after entering the door. Because the two handsome guys were sincere, the assistant director only mentioned a few words, and did not criticize them.

"Okay, everyone, please sit down, the recording has started now." The assistant director said.

There were only eight chairs in the room, six of them were occupied by others, only the two next to Xin Tian were empty, no one wanted to be next to her no matter who made her unpopular.

But Xin Tian was shameless, smiled and waved to them in front of the camera: "Come on, Tiantian specially reserved seats for you."

Her tone was very affectionate, and the two had no choice but to sit next to Xin Tian, one on the left and the other on the right.

When everyone was ready, the assistant director took a large envelope from the staff with a mysterious expression. Everyone knew that it must contain the topic of tonight's competition.

In front of the camera, the assistant director cleared his throat, touched his non-existent beard, and said in a mysterious way: "The topic of the second round of competition tonight has been selected by the five judges, and the most suitable theme has been found. that is-"

He suddenly pulled out the card in the envelope, and showed the three words on the card in front of the camera.

When the question came out, all the contestants were silent for a few seconds, and then all their eyes fell on Hua Xiang.

—Because the title is "Chinese Style".

The bias of this topic is too obvious. For Hua Xiang, who was born in a male role, this is a question of giving away points. Some contestants wondered in their hearts. Could it be that Hua Xiang gave gifts to the judges, so he would ask this question

Even Hua Xiang couldn't help touching his face, thinking that he must be too handsome to be so loved by the judges.

Qiu Qiu: "..."

At the moment when the topic was announced, Qiu Qiu immediately understood the trick of the program group: the reason why he chose this topic was not to "praise Huaxiang", but to "kill Xintian".

The godfather insisted on pushing Xin Tian out of the competition. The program team didn't dare to offend the sponsor, and they didn't dare to do it too obviously so that Xin Tian's fans could see it. That's why they chose such a question.

From the moment Xin Tian stepped onto the stage, he followed the route of Japanese idols. Every time he jumped up and down on the stage, he sang two-dimensional animation songs, and his style was also like that of a sweet little girl.

It is not difficult for other people to sing Chinese style songs, but it is troublesome for Xin Tian. There are only a handful of Chinese-style pop songs that are suitable for her, and it is really difficult to practice well in six hours. When she goes on stage, if she makes a slight mistake in her performance, the judges can take the opportunity to score and judge her. Get out of the Final Four.

With such surreptitiousness, even if her fans want to make trouble, but with the rules of the game, they can't make trouble at all.

As for the friend Hua Xiang who was also shot while lying down...

Qiu Qiu looked at him full of guilt, and decided that after Hua Xiang raised "snail powder", he must give him the best dog food as compensation...

The author has something to say: Q: Qiuqiu is so skillful, why not origami peach heart

Qiuqiu: Be careful and give it to your godfather~