Sugar Baby

Chapter 92: Coming out (3)


Teacher Dong swept the three restless men out of the house. The three of them stood outside the door and looked at each other, their hearts pounding.

Teacher Dong has a gentle personality and rarely gets angry. When her temper flared up this time, even Comrade Lao Qiu, who had been with her for thirty years, could not tell when she would calm down.

Seeing that the three of them were frozen here, Fu Ruien didn't have a solution, so he took the initiative to ease the atmosphere: "Mr. Qiu, it's already evening now, why don't we find a place to have dinner first?"

"Okay," Papa Qiu sighed, "I'm not in the mood right now, so just eat something."

"I'm not familiar with this neighborhood, do you have any recommendations?"

"Oh, then go to the Seafood Palace over the bridge."

Qiu Qiu was speechless: "...Dad, why are you talking so casually?"

Qiu's father had reason and evidence: "What's the matter? I finally had a chance to poach the corner of capitalism. Don't you want me to have a good meal?"


The three of them casually ate some abalone, lobster, sea cucumber, and geoduck in the Seafood Palace. Papa Qiu was not in high spirits, and stopped after eating more than two thousand yuan alone.

After eating, the three of them headed back homeā€”of course it was Fu Ruien's house.

Seeing them coming out of the restaurant, the driver got out of the car quickly, opened the rear door for them respectfully, and made a "please" gesture.

Just as Qiu Qiu was about to step into the seat, Qiu's father squeezed into the back seat without saying a word.

Qiu Qiu: "Dad..."

Qiu's father stared at them: "Dad, what's the matter, you go and sit in the front, your real father wants to chat with your godfather."

Qiu Qiu became even more nervous, holding Fu Ruien's hand so frightened that he dared not let go. He was frightened too much today. Although Dad Qiu seemed to accept their relationship now, what if he didn't play his cards according to common sense and planned to teach his godfather a lesson after getting in the car

On the contrary, Fu Ruien quickly accepted Papa Qiu's arrangement. He patted Qiu Qiu's hand to calm him down, then he took a step with his long legs and got into the back seat.

After sitting down, Fu Ruien gave Qiu Qiu a "nothing" mouth shape, and then Qiu Qiu sat on the passenger seat worriedly.

The atmosphere in the car was so weird that the driver also felt Alexander. As a driver for a big boss, the most important working principle is "don't pay attention to the boss's private affairs". He just needs to concentrate on driving and watching the road, and he doesn't care about anything else.

It was just after the rain, and the air conditioner in the car was blowing a cool breeze. Father Qiu let out a sigh, slipped out comfortably in the back seat, and sent a text message to his wife.

I'm Lao Qiu: Teacher Dong, don't be angry, don't get angry.

After thinking about it, he felt that this sentence was too flimsy, so he quickly added an emoji.

It was a long and long photo with a light blue background and pink petals floating on it. At the top was a golden and benevolent Buddha statue with shining golden brows, and a line of big characters was written underneath - "Don't Get Angry".

Then there are thirty lines of familiar doggerel.

For Mr. Qiu, who has been immersed in the field of Chinese language and literature for more than 30 years, this "Don't Get Angry", which has been spread all over the streets, is not a real "poetry" at all. However, this kind of market-oriented literary works are easy to understand and catchy, and they are passed on from word to mouth by the people, and have a strong and enduring vitality.

I'm Lao Qiu: [Smile] [Smile] Here's "Don't Get Angry" for you.

Teacher Dong did not return.

... Could it be that he was asleep

Papa Qiu waited for three minutes, and then thoughtfully sent another WeChat message.

I'm Lao Qiu: Take a good rest.

In an instant, a small exclamation point popped up on WeChat, prompting "You and Dong Youxin are not WeChat friends".

Papa Qiu:? ?

Father Qiu immediately sat up straight, leaned on the back of the passenger seat, and patted his silly son on the head: "Qiuqiu! Send your mother a WeChat message!"

"Ah?" Qiu Qiu frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"You still need me to pay for what you post? Post whatever you want."

So Qiu Qiu thought about it for a while, deleted, deleted, and edited it several times, and sent a WeChat message to his mother.

Autumn is Autumn: Mom, I'm sorry, it was supposed to be a good family reunion, because the oh thing made you unhappy. Don't be angry, you have worked so hard all the way, take a rest, there are meals I have prepared in the refrigerator, you should eat some at least, it will be uncomfortable if you fast for too long. In addition, I remember that there are several masks in the cabinet in my room. The air on the plane is very dry, and your skin is sensitive. If you feel uncomfortable, make a mask before going to sleep.

Teacher Dong quickly responded.

Dong Your Heart: Yes.

Qiu Qiu showed his father the chat record in frustration: "Mom hasn't calmed down yet..."

Qiu's father said, "you make up for the trouble you caused yourself", but he was thinking in his heart: it's strange, why didn't the wife block her son

Fu Ruien and Qiu's father sat side by side in the back seat. He was tall and had good eyesight. He clearly saw the process of Qiu's father being blocked on the phone screen, but his expression remained unchanged. The attitude is still respectful.

Father Qiu asked him: "By the way, I haven't asked you why she got into your car. You kiss... Cough, why didn't you recognize her when you were making out?"

Fu Ruien answered the ins and outs of the matter seriously. When he said "there is a frosted baffle between the front and rear rows of the car to block the view", Dad Qiu immediately interrupted him: "What frosted baffle? Let me see. "

Fu Ruien pressed the control button beside him.

The frosted baffle is lightly lifted from the card slot, and within a few seconds, the top is pushed to the roof, dividing the large compartment space into front and rear parts.

Qiu Qiu looked back nervously, but from his perspective, he could only see two shadowy figures behind the baffle.

Behind the frosted baffle, one of the pudgy figures said: "Okay, don't come down, Xiao Fu, we finally have a chance to have a good talk."

Qiu Qiu: So nervous, trembling >A