Sugar Baby

Chapter 98


On the stage, Qiu Qiu and Hua Xiang stood side by side. Two young people of similar age stood under the spotlight and greeted the judges' praise and criticism with their heads held high.

They just had a hearty competition with music. Although they have different styles and singing methods, they have the same love for music.

The five judges commented on their performances one by one, and all praised them more than criticized them. Huaxiang's singing skills are mature, while Qiu Qiu's progress is extraordinary. They are two little stars shining slowly. Everyone believes that they will have brilliant achievements in the future.

This competition can be said to be a "warm-up" for the finals. In this game, who wins and who loses is a concern of many fans.

The host came to the stage and asked the judges to vote. The judges discussed in a low voice for a long time, but no one cast their first vote.

Hua Xiang covered Mike, turned his head and asked Qiu Qiu: "Autumn thief, are you nervous?" When he spoke, his teeth were chattering.

Qiu Qiu didn't say anything, took a small step towards him, and grabbed Hua Xiang's fingers with his cold palm.

The director noticed the small interaction between the two, and immediately cut a close-up close-up, emphasizing the "brotherly love" between the two contestants.

The audience in the audience "buzzed" and exploded.

Feifei screamed and took Hua Xiang's support fan to wipe away the burning heat on his face, and with the other hand he slammed into Xiaoli next to him: "Did you see it! Did you see it!"

Xiao Li's voice was crushed by her hammer: "You... Didn't you say, no, you're not a cute CP..."

Feifei: "If you are not cute, you will not be cute, but this is the official candy!"

Xiaoli is speechless

Feifei remembered belatedly: "I'm sorry, sorry, I remember your cute 'Qiu Wo'?"

"...Don't don't don't don't don't, I've changed my mind now and plan to live a few more years."

Two handsome boys clasped their hands on the stage, and the off-site audience who were watching the live broadcast on the website were not calm anymore.

Father Qiu stared at the projection screen dumbfounded, and then looked at Fu Ruien who was serving tea, pouring water and cutting fruits without complaint, and felt that his son was too worthless.

"Little Fu, don't get me wrong, I think Qiuqiu and this long-haired guy should be ordinary friends..."

Fu Ruien didn't even raise his eyebrows: "They are not ordinary friends."


"They're girlfriends."


"Just kidding. I also know Hua Xiang. They share similar interests and have a good relationship." Fu Ruien smiled, and it seemed that he really didn't take it seriously.

Seeing that it was late, he put down the melons and fruits in his hand, got up and walked towards the hall. He casually picked up the coat draped over the back of the chair, and picked a low-key one from the plate full of car keys.

Papa Qiu asked, "Where are you going so late?"

Fu Ruien replied: "I think it's almost time, I'll pick up Qiuqiu."

The game is coming to an end, and now he is going out to drive, and when he arrives, Qiu Qiu should have just finished the interview.

Before going out, Fu Ruien told them in detail: "There should be celebrations after this round of competition. We will come back very late. If you two are tired, go back downstairs and rest first. Don't worry about the things on the table. Tomorrow There is a nanny to clean up."

Teacher Dong nodded: "Okay, be careful on the road."

"Thank you, you go to bed early."

After Fu Rui'en left, Teacher Dong suddenly twisted Qiu's father inexplicably.

Papa Qiu: "Oh?"

Teacher Dong said lightly: "With a boyfriend as considerate as Xiaofu, our son is so stubborn, how can he change his mind."

On the stage, after fierce quarrels and mutual compromises, the five teachers finally announced the results of this round—

——Qiu Qiu got two votes, while Hua Xiang got three votes.

So far, all the judges votes have come out. Hua Xiang deserved the first place, Qiu Qiu came in second by one vote, and Qi Qiqi narrowly missed the third place.

Ai Guo's music journey can only stop here. After the results came out, he thought he would have "tears in his eyes", but when he touched his face, there was only a big smile.

The host handed him the microphone and asked him to give a couple of testimonials, but he didn't shirk.

"Actually... how should I put it, actually before I stepped on the stage today, I had a premonition that I should not be able to move on. Or I had this premonition when I entered the national finals. I always thought, Oops, I couldn’t make it to the top 12, but I made it; I thought again, the top eight must be out of the game, so I made it to the top eight; even my wife said, pack up and wait for the top four to get out.”

Scattered laughter came to mind in the auditorium, his wife stood up from the audience, waved at him, and shouted: "I didn't say that, I made you ready for the rematch!"

Ai Guo glanced at Hua Xiang next to him: "...It turned out that this kid entered the rematch."

The audience laughed louder.

Hua Xiang plunged his head into Qiu Qiu's shoulder in shame.

"But this time... I really have a hunch that I can only get the fourth place." Ai Guohu groaned his own inch, "As I get older, there are too many things to worry about. There will be all kinds of things that distract me, and I can't even spend a full three hours a day practicing my mouth... It's not that I'm selling badly, but I just feel that it's a pity.

"It's a pity that I... didn't appear here at the age of twenty."

Qiu Qiu, who was in his "twenties", listened quietly.

"These kids who can compete with me are really good," Ai Guo glanced over the three of them one by one, "Qiu Qiu, every time he plays, he is improving, and every original song is a surprise again and again." , the talented elementary school bully; Hua Xiang, this kid is unreliable, but his vocal skills are too reliable, thank you for letting me hear another kind of opera; Qiqi, Xiaodouding, I think you must be a child loved by God , to sing that melody.

"You are the top three deservedly... I am really happy to have the opportunity to compete with you on the same stage."

The three of them were a little shy to be praised by "big brother" in public, especially Qiqi, who had already hid behind Qiu Qiu's butt, not wanting to be photographed by the camera.

In fact, the program team didn’t give Ai Guo a long time to give his testimonials, but Ai Guo thought, fuck it, I’m about to step down, I don’t know if there will be such a good chance in the future, I must say a few more words.

He clenched the microphone tightly in his hand, and said the last sentence with a smile: "The most fortunate thing for me is that when I saw the audition banner on the street a few months ago, I suddenly decided to walk over... I want to thank myself for helping me. I found my 20-year-old self who loved music."

When he put down the microphone, Qiu Qiu, Hua Xiang, and Qi Qiqi had already rushed over, one hugged his body, the other put his arms around, and the youngest little kid was clinging to his thigh.

The four good brothers huddled together, although a little sad, but more happy.

The audience applauded thunderously, and even the judges stood up and applauded for them. A sentimental female judge had already cried aloud, wiping her tears carefully with her fingertips. I don't know if she was really moved or for the effect of the show.

Ai Guo rubbed the heads of the children in his arms, and said with a smile: "Okay, I haven't cried yet, what kind of golden beans are you dropping? Today I have the most shots, so this wave is not a loss."

After the show ended, various media came forward to interview.

This time there were a lot more media than last time. Qiu Qiuyuan thought it was for the competition, but he strayed away after asking questions.

—It turns out that most of the media are here for Xin Tian who broke the scandal!

Today's live broadcast was too much trouble. The video during the live broadcast was intercepted by enthusiastic netizens. In just a few hours, things continued to ferment. On the hot search list.

Someone recognized the dandy young man who beat up the mistress as the prince of Yangtian Media, and now things got worse. Xin Tian had a relationship with an entertainment company owner who was old enough to be her father. What a surprise! !

Yang Tian did not accept interviews, and Xin Tian was still in the hospital and refused to come out. The reporters couldn't interview the parties involved, so they could only beat around the bush to find other contestants, trying to dig out some serious information from them.

As for who won this game and who advanced? — Geez, it doesn't matter at all!

Facing off-topic questions from the media, Qiu Qiu responded with "I don't know, I haven't heard of it, and I don't know."

Hua Xiang was much more blunt: "How the hell do I know about her shit, I haven't even spoken to her!"

In the end, the security guards came to invite these media reporters away.

Looking at the backs of those reporters reluctant to leave, Qiu Qiu felt more and more uncomfortable.

Singing seriously, no one pays attention; making a lot of noise and cheating, but it arouses heated discussions among thousands of people.

He didn't even touch a piece of clothing in the entertainment circle, and he was already fainted by its stench.

"All right, all right, don't bother with the bugs that have already flown away." Ai Guo saw that he was unhappy, and changed the subject, "Don't leave for a while, Brother Guo invites you two to eat skewers. It's not far from here. The taste is delicious. Very authentic!"

"But it's already very late." Qiu Qiu looked at his watch, it was already twelve o'clock, he was always a good boy, and he would call in advance to report when he came home after ten o'clock.

"Alas, you look like a twenty-year-old, the nightlife of twenty has just begun!" Brother Guo patted his back again, "This semi-final match is worth celebrating, Qiqi is The child doesn’t need to come, but you must not run away!”

Qiu Qiu thought so too, this is Brother Guo's last match, and he really needs a serious farewell.

"Brother Guo, wait for me, I'll tell my godfather to let him go home first..." He just received Fu Ruien's WeChat message, knowing that he was waiting for him in the parking lot outside.

"What kind of home are you going back to?" Ai Guo said cheerfully, "We can bring our families with us at the party!"

"Huh… ?"

"What's the matter, isn't a godfather also considered a relative?"


Qiu Qiu quickly lowered his head, and didn't let Brother Guo see his blushing face, because he thought too much and forgot the original meaning of the family >