Sui Yu Tou Zhu

Chapter 23: I want to date you


Ding Hanbai came across a high school classmate on his way to work, and he said goodbye after a few small talk, which reminded him of his academic life. In the blink of an eye, at the entrance of the Cultural Relics Bureau, he still prefers his working life.

When I go to school, it is arranged by the teacher. If I skip class, my parents are told. When I go home, I will be scolding and nagging. Going to work is different, and absenteeism will not be known by parents, and the body and mind are happy and free.

After parking the car, he walked through the side door of the office building, looked up at Maple Vine, and found that a small part of the leaves had turned yellow. The director's red flag sedan blocked the door, went around to the back of the car, and saw Zhang Yin talking to an old man at the door.

Ding Hanbai took a closer look, isn't that old man Zhang Sinian

"What are you doing here?" Zhang Yin said in a low voice, "How did you trick the doorman to let you in? Just call me when you find me, and I'll go to your place when I have time, and run here with a woven bag."

Zhang Sinian said, "Don't be sentimental, I'll collect waste." He took out a crumpled piece of paper from his trouser pocket, unfolded it several times, and handed it over. It was the application written by Ding Hanbai and Zhang Yin's own signature.

Zhang Yin was deflated, pointing at Sang and scolding Huai: "Is this Ding Hanbai doing it on purpose? I don't believe it can be so coincidental!"

Zhang Sinian lowered the brim of his hat: "Take out the scraps, if not, hurry up and enter the building. Do you think I am willing to waste my words with you?" He turned around and sat down on the steps, sorting out the old newspapers collected in the guard room.

Ding Hanbai hid behind the car and waited for Zhang Yin to leave before showing up. He didn't hear what the two of them just said, but Zhang Yin was notoriously snobbish, so he probably said a few words when he looked down on people.

"Brother Zhang?" He laughed, and when Zhang Sinian raised his head, he changed his words, "It turned out to be my master, I haven't seen him for a few days and look younger."

Zhang Sinian blinked slowly, his chapped lips opened and closed, but he said nothing. Ding Hanbai thought the old man was unhappy, and he was right, who could be happy when he was taught by someone several decades younger? He left without saying a word, went to the cafeteria to bring back a cup of hot soy milk, stopped making trouble, and sat on the steps in clean trousers.

Zhang Sinian moisturised: "Aren't you going to work quickly?"

Ding Hanbai said, "Don't worry, you have to stay with Master for a while."

There were not many people coming and going by the side door, mainly the cleaning auntie and the cook in the cafeteria passing by.

Ding Hanbai glanced at the old newspaper: "There is a room full of cups, dishes, bottles, and bowls. It's not good to sell anything, especially the bottle with a hundred longevity pattern, which will be filled with pickled tofu in the future?"

Zhang Sinian said with a smile: "The person who made the bottle with a hundred longevity is called Liang Hecheng. Have you heard the story of the spear and the shield? He and I, one is a spear and the other is a shield."

If there is something Zhang Sinian identified wrongly in the market, it is made by Liang Hecheng. If the object made by Liang Hecheng is judged to be counterfeit, it has definitely not escaped Zhang Sinian's discernment.

Ding Hanbai remembered the name, got up and went to work.

As soon as he entered the office and confronted Zhang Yin, it was inevitable that he would be muttered a few words because he was late, and these few words that did not hurt or itch made him meditate all morning. He shoulders the responsibility of inheriting the jade sales record, and he learns about antiques under his apprenticeship. How can he still have the energy to go to work

In other words, what a waste of time at work.

There is another person who is also meditating. At this time, he is sitting in the classroom and listening to the lecture. Ji Shenyu looked at the knowledge points on the blackboard, and supported his chin, thinking, he has to squeeze time to carve things, and he wants to learn his skills from Master Liang, how can he still have the energy to study

As soon as the get out of class bell rang, other students stood up one after another, and he hesitantly said, "Going to school is really a waste of time."

The teacher blew his beard and stared at him. If he hadn't watched him take the first place in the exam, he would have pulled him to talk.

Ji Shenyu was tired of studying all day, and when he came home from school, he met Ding Keyu on Sha'er Street. When he thought that Ding Hanbai had beaten the other party before, that Ding Keyu would annoy him more, or was he a little afraid of him

Ding Keyu asked, "What do you do for dinner in the front yard?"

With a flat tone and no emotion, Ji Shenyu replied, "I should have porridge."

Ding Keyu asked again, "Is the injury all right?"

Ji Shenyu nodded and walked back side by side with the other party. The rest of the road was quiet until a harsh bell suddenly sounded behind him. They turned back at the same time, it was Ding Hanbai who was tired of working all day.

Ding Keyu smiled obediently: "Brother, it's time for get off work."

This attitude difference is too clear, Ji Shenyu accepted his fate, and he may not be compatible with the second uncle's family. The three of them went home together, and at dinner they learned that Ding Yanshou was going to go out for a few days to choose ingredients, and Jiang Shuliu went with him.

Ji Shenyu said with a smile: "Master and mother, you are so loving."

Ding Hanbai thought he was flattering: "Master Ji and your mother don't love each other?"

The table was suddenly and inevitable, Ding Yanshou and Jiang Shuliu looked at Ding Hanbai at the same time, if the round table was not far away, Jiang Caiwei would have kicked Ding Hanbai under the table. Ding Hanbai also regretted it. He really forgot just now that Ji Shenyu was Ji Fangxu's illegitimate son, and his composition was complicated.

The porcelain spoon touched the rim of the bowl, and there was a crisp sound, not so quiet.

Everyone eats quickly, tacitly wanting to end the meal as soon as possible. Ding Hanbai apologized with a piece of fresh mushroom, and put it sideways into Ji Shenyu's bowl, which happened to meet other people's eyes.

Ji Shenyu looked at him with a bowl, and caught the fresh mushroom with a spoon.

Ding Hanbai laughed unexpectedly. He didn't get punished for doing bad things. He was proud and hated: "What else do you want to eat, I'll just pull the plate over to you."

Ji Shenyu replied, "Love, otherwise how could there be me."

Far away in a foreign country, watching other parents raise their eyebrows every day, Ding Hanbai suddenly understands it thoroughly, Ji Shenyu is flattering, he can't help but say it with envy. And Ji Shenyu's answer just now was not so much an answer to him, but a lie to himself.

He felt dull and put down his chopsticks.

Leaving the banquet and returning to the room, he chewed six or seven eight-treasure candies.

Ding Hanbai's throat hurt because of the sweetness, and it was in this sweetness that he felt the bitterness in Ji Shenyu's heart. He grabbed a handful of candy in his big hand, but a handful was not enough, so he simply picked up the whole box. There was no one next door, so he went to the large living room to look for it, and when he passed the corridor, he saw Ji Shenyu and Jiang Caiwei sitting and chatting.

Jiang Caiwei gave Ji Shenyu chocolate, and Ji Shenyu looked very happy.

Ding Hanbai stood for a moment with the candy in his hand, and then went back in relief, a light wind blew from behind him halfway through the journey. He turned around sharply and collided with Ji Shenyu, who was running in front of him, and the eight-treasure candy box was completely overturned.

The two squatted down to pick up the candy, Ji Shenyu opened his palms: "I brought you the chocolate that my aunt gave me."

Ding Hanbai didn't answer: "Eat what you like."

Ji Shenyu asked, "What are you doing with a box of candy?"

Ding Hanbai didn't answer. After picking it up, he walked back. In fact, he wanted to ask Ji Shenyu if he was angry, but then he felt that it was meaningless to ask. If you don't get angry, do you feel at ease? I'm afraid that he will speak more unscrupulously in the future; if he is angry, he will not be able to hold his face to coax him, and it may be even more embarrassing to ask around.

He thought optimistically, it would be good to sleep.

The light bulbs in the courtyard were so bright, and the two bedrooms were all blacked out. Ji Shenyu subconsciously groped for the position next to the pillow, looking for the string tied to the bell. I suddenly remembered that he was healed and the bell had been taken off.

Hands clenched into fists, buried in the quilt and fell asleep.

When the head of the family went out, Ding Hanbai quickly usurped the throne and did not go to work in an open and honest way. Ji Shenyu was so envious that she couldn't hold back until noon, and asked the teacher for leave by claiming that she had a stomachache.

He slipped home to clean up the potted plants and took them to Liang Hecheng.

It was still the small courtyard in Fang, Ji Shenyu arranged the green plants, cultivated the soil and watered it. When he was done, he took a brush and dipped it in white paint, and redrawn the rusted house number. White smoke wafted out of the house, Liang Hecheng cooked a pot of tender corn and greeted him to eat it while it was hot.

With the door closed, the master and the apprentice gathered together, and the corn was hot and hot, making the two of them eat very lively. "Master, when do I make things?" Ji Shenyu asked, "I have to take time to carve things every day, for fear of going backwards or even being abandoned. The same is true here."

Liang Hecheng said, "Look at this house, and then think about what objects are the most in the antique market?"

Porcelain is the most common. China is also famous for porcelain. Ji Shenyu immediately understood that the basis of various types, colors, insignia, etc. is the porcelain itself. Porcelain can’t be fired without burning it. To have porcelain, you must first have a kiln.

Since Liang Hecheng is doing this, he must have a knowledge of porcelain kilns. After eating a piece of boiled corn, he took a pen and wrote it in the notebook. Just after writing a line, the sixth little finger was pinched by Ji Shenyu.

Ji Shenyu said softly, "Master, do you feel anything?"

Liang Hecheng replied: "Yes, this is not waste."

Ji Shenyu laughed a little, and then laughed out loud. He saw that the little finger was upturned. Although it was deformed, it was interesting, and he couldn't help but want to touch it. Stab, Liang Hecheng tore off the paper after writing, and there were two lines of addresses on it.

It is far away, dozens of kilometers away from the urban area. It is a small porcelain kiln in the village. The owner is Tong Peifan, a friend of Liang Hecheng. Ji Shenyu asked, "Master, shall I go by myself?"

He is a foreigner, and he only knows a few roads today. How can he find such a far place? However, Liang He took advantage of his physical reasons to refuse, which did not mean to help him at all.

Ji Shenyu sees it through but doesn't speak it out, no matter if there is a problem, it's not a matter of tempering people, there must be a reason for people who come here to do things.

After spending the afternoon, he put on his schoolbag and was about to go home. Liang Hecheng hunched his body and watched, heading towards the alley. At the last meter, Liang Hecheng called him again.

"Don't go by yourself, ask someone to accompany you."

In the end, still worried, Ji Shenyu rushed back: "Then why don't you take me there?"

Liang Hecheng said, "I'm already dying. How long can I take you? This job is a lonely job. It's done quietly when the door is locked. I wish no one would know me."

Ji Shenyu suddenly felt sour, his nose, eyes, and seven orifices were all sore.

He wanted to ask, then why let him find someone to accompany him? What if it was known

Liang Hecheng patted him on the shoulder: "I'm afraid that you, like me, will cover up too tightly, and in the end there will be only yourself. I am fortunate to meet a child like you, but you may not be fortunate enough to meet another one. Find someone you can trust, even if Don't hide it, just go to the suburbs to play."

Ji Shenyu left again, for fear of letting the old man see him lose his temper.

As he walked, he recalled that the other party always said fate, and he only thought that the elderly were superstitious. But everything starts with fate, they become master and apprentice, the three or four pots of flowers and plants, the pot of sweet corn, he gently squeezed the old man's little finger, and now the old man is watching silently behind him... Quietly, fate is divided into love .

Maybe Liang Hecheng regarded Ji Shenyu as a fallback, and Ji Shenyu only regarded Liang Hecheng as a projection of Ji Fangxu, but no one can say for sure in the future. The sincerity penetrates little by little, and the initial selfishness will eventually be polished.

Walking out of the alley, the sky is high and the road is wide, but it seems that there is no warmth in the alley.

Ji Shenyu began to think about new questions, who should he ask to accompany him

When he got off the bus at Chiwangfu Station, he didn't think about it, and when he finished walking along Sha'er Street, he still didn't think about it. The arches were swept cleanly around, and there was only one eight-treasure candy lying there, which was left in the dark last night. Ji Shenyu picked it up, peeled it off and threw it into his mouth, sweet, the outermost icing melted away, and the picture in his mind became clear.

He thought of Ding Hanbai, and he thought of Ding Hanbai early in the morning. But Ding Hanbai is the most difficult to provoke. If his secret is accidentally exposed, I don't know how much trouble it will cause.

But this sugar is so sweet that it melts that defense.

Ji Shenyu ran around and shouted, "Senior brother! Where is it?!"

Ding Hanbai brought back a peach-colored tourmaline from Yupinji. At this moment, he was standing in the machine room with a knife embossed. He was called by this crisp voice and almost cut a cut.

He listened to the happy energy, guessed that he was the first in the test again

It shouldn't be. Before the mid-term exam is due, he guessed again, Jiang Caiwei's gloves are knitted

Before Ding Hanbai could guess the reason, Ji Shenyu had already run in, opened the door, and bulged a ball on one side of his cheek, obviously eating candy. He continued to carve, pretending to be calm, waiting to hear the reason.

Ji Shenyu was excited and showed his timidity: "Senior brother, I want to ask you out."

Ding Hanbai swallowed a mouthful of air: "What are you asking me for?"

Ji Shenyu only said that he wanted to go out to play, and also said that his classmate's home was in Tong Village outside the city, where the scenery was beautiful and he wanted to see it. As he spoke, he walked to the operating table, leaned down, supported the table with his forearm, and was as close as he wanted to whisper.

Pink tourmaline, he asked: "Don't you think that flowers are rich and noble?"

Ding Hanbai said, "The guests like it."

Ji Shenyu was quiet for a while, and then said softly, "Then, are you going?" Turning back to the original topic, he looked at Ding Hanbai carefully, anticipating what to do if he was rejected, and how to thank him for his promise.

It's so close that you can smell the sweetness of the sugar balls in the tinge of white. For the first time in his life, he couldn't hold the carving knife steadily, tightening his fingers and the tiger's mouth, as if his heart was clenched together.

At this moment, the phone in the north room rang suddenly, Ding Hanbai calmed down, put down the knife and ran to answer it. Ji Shenyu didn't hear the answer, and ran back together.

"Hello?" Ding Hanbai answered and frowned, "Stomach pain?"

After putting down the phone, Ding Hanbai's expression was like that of his father, and he walked to the door step by step, so scared that the birds on the tree were silent. Ji Shenyu leaned against the door frame and had nowhere to go, and finally realized that the call was from Teacher Du.

Sure enough... If you don't know, you have to do nothing.

But Ding Hanbai himself was absent from school, so he shouldn't be blamed for truancy...

Ji Shenyu thought about it first, but before he could admit his mistake, Ding Hanbai suddenly asked, "Eight treasure candy or chocolate?"

After clearing his throat and rolling his eyes, there was even a hint of embarrassment in his tone.

Ji Shenyu judged the situation: "Your candy is delicious."

Ding Hanbai proudly said: "There is still in the box, eat too much to cure stomach pain." He strode back to the south house, not only talking absurd things, but not pursuing the matter of truancy, but he seemed to be awe-inspiring.

This person is so strange, Ji Shenyu shouted: "Senior brother, are you willing to take me to Tong Village?!"

Ding Hanbai was very awkward, and after a while he threw out "I do".

Good guy, the bird on the tree is ashamed of the white man, and it is earth-shattering.