Sui Yu Tou Zhu

Chapter 49: Lao Ji, look at my good dad now!


People must pay attention to their priorities in life. For artists, learning skills and doing work are the most important. Ji Shenyu is like this. Instead of reading in the morning after school, he throws stones every morning to strengthen his hand strength and head alignment.

Ding Hanbai was unbearably disturbed, and was startled by the jingling noise. When he opened the door, he saw a row of broken porcelain pieces tied under the corridor, like a bell. Focusing on it, it turned out to be his pile of debris from the ocean.

He said, "I've got a lot of energy, so I don't need to practice anymore."

Ji Shenyu confirmed: "Really?"

Ding Hanbai said, "I won't get better after a week, and I'll get three points."

Three or two sentences can be serious, and Ji Shenyu will not speak again. He wants to carve the best jade with Ding Yanshou, five senior brothers, even if there is no Ding Hanbai, there are still two, three or four. The master trusts him, and he must complete the task successfully.

On the day of the operation, Ding Yanshou called all five of his apprentices to Yupinji, arranged the tools and materials, and instructed Ji Shenyu to draw a picture. The others sat in a row and watched, silently, staring at every line.

Ding Yanshou said, "Shenyu has been studying art with me for the shortest time and is also the youngest, but this time I choose him to sculpt this big order with me." After a while, he glanced at Ji Shenyu's painting, "I'm not guarding who you are. I was unconvinced, so I asked you to come and watch it, draw pictures, draw lines, produce embryos, and finally polish it to see if he can afford it."

Ji Shenyu's pressure increased, pursed his lips and frowned, all his thoughts were concentrated on the tip of the pen. There was nothing left in his mind, only the design of "doing the best", which was implemented into the pen and gradually filled Bai Xuan.

The four of them stared at each other, Jiang Tingen couldn't bear it anymore, and asked in a low voice, "Brother, why didn't you call me to sculpt?"

Ding Hanbai said deliberately: "The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, where is there any place for me?"

He glanced at Ding Yanshou, the big boss appreciated Ji Shenyu on the one hand, and stimulated him on the other hand. That family law only hurt the body, it was to wake up his heart and tell him that it would be fine without Yupinji, don't be so reckless.

After drawing the line, Ji Shenyu put down his pen and looked around at the four of them, smiling embarrassedly. Everyone was speechless, and they didn't pick out the bad, but they didn't boast, as if boasting would be hypocritical.

Ding Hanbai met Ding Yanshou's gaze and said provocatively, "Go after the Fenglou private room, I will treat you."

Everyone left one after another. He stepped forward to hold Ji Shenyu's hand, squeezed the pulp of his fingers, moved his joints, and exhaled warmly. Ji Shenyu felt itchy with her fingertips and her heart, and asked, "Master, do you want to eat?"

Ding Hanbai said: "Remember Yupin, you can be happy, I can be lazy, I can't wait."

Thanks to Ding Yanshou's half-life, he was forced to make such a move by the unworthy son. He thought about it this way. First, he blatantly favored his younger son, so as to provoke his own son to forge ahead. However, he had a good abacus, but he didn't know that the two were already sticking to each other.

This one of the first public teachings was surrounded by four young men every day. Ji Shenyu was uncomfortable at first, but he raised his chest and raised his head in the back, showing off his unique skills.

On the last day, the polished ornaments were very eye-catching, and a touch of jade could smash the heart, liver, spleen and kidney. Move it to the foyer and put it there. It will be crowded with people in a short time. It's really lively. Ji Shenyu stayed in the back hall to clean up, and collected the carved jade pieces in one place. For such a good material, it would be distressing to throw a piece of debris.

He suddenly had an idea, he saved it and took it away, but didn't throw it away. After returning home, I went straight to the study, looking for an old book brought from Yangzhou to teach jewelry making. There are many carvings in Yupinji, the large and medium-sized ones are majestic, and the worst is the ring-shaped seal, each of which has weight. But there are very few strings, and there are only a handful of bracelets and necklaces. Customers have to order them after the big ones.

Ji Shenyu's idea was born, and he immediately put it into action. He got into the south house and was busy for half the night. From that handful of broken jade, there were three oval cloud pattern flower beads, seven or eight small and round Ruyi beads, and even smaller rings ready to be inlaid.

When he encountered a problem, he rushed into the study with a handful of beads in his hands, startling Ding Hanbai who was scrubbing the vase. Ding Hanbai lined up a few scraps and smiled: "Come and have a look."

Ji Shenyu ignored it and approached the booth: "Does it look good?"

Ding Hanbai is extremely self-motivated: "Send me?"

Ji Shenyu smiled and said, "Please tell me." There are few beads, whether to wear gold or silver, and how to set the ring, there are a lot of small problems. He was grabbed by the wrist, tugged lightly, and then slapped on the knee again.

Ding Hanbai paid attention to doing everything in one go, and in the blink of an eye, Ji Shenyu was already sitting on his lap. With a full embrace, he said, "It's not that simple to make jewelry. You have to make a necklace. Before you make it, you have to compare countless looks and choose the best one."

Ji Shenyu was very discerning, pouted and asked, "Will you help me?"

Ding Hanbai was powerless to resist, and the beauties used all the tricks, even if he was a phoenix crown, he would still help. He promised to arrange the gold and silver materials, and he talked a lot, and finally asked: "Do you understand? If you understand, just look at me."

There are five or six pieces on the table, and nothing else, and there is a dark bottle at the very end. Ji Shenyu was pinched by the waist, reached out to look carefully, wiped and scraped off Zeng Dirt, and looked at the original color of the porcelain by the light.

"Tea powder glaze?" He was slightly surprised, "Is it true?"

Ding Hanbai said, "Really, please come and fix it."

Ji Shenyu's heart was cramping, and the tea powder glaze was precious and expensive. It really hurt his heart to destroy this virtue. "I want iron, and I have to use iron as a colorant for this color." He put down the things, took a pen and paper, nested in Ding Hanbai's arms, and said, "There is a zigzag shape on the bottom of the body glaze, and the inscription is inscribed. , there is a green star inside... I have to change the formula of the glaze water."

Ding Hanbai listened quietly, understanding, not understanding, listening to the soft words pouring into his ears. He whispered, "What a treasure."

Ji Shenyu muttered: "Yes, this size, if it is intact, is worth at least 400,000."

Ding Hanbai shook his head: "I'm talking about you."

It took a lot of work to break the jade bead chain. During this period, Ji Shenyu did not rest after class. After a winter vacation, other classmates visited relatives, returned to their hometown, and went here and there. When I asked him, he carved and restored antiques, and he also made jewelry, which was extremely unsuitable.

But he was also vain, went to the grasslands, rode a fierce horse, beautified and talked about it and showed off.

The same table whispered, whoever got married in his hometown, and went back to drink and get married after the spring exam. He was stunned for a moment, and immediately thought of himself, and his face turned red. He couldn't get married, but he did everything about loving his partner this winter vacation.

That lover was really reliable, so he brought a set of jade jewelry he made to the third store, with moiré flower beads, a thin white gold chain, and two white gold rings inlaid with jade. This set of jewelry is particularly eye-catching among the decorations in the hall, and it was bought before closing time.

Ding Hanbai faintly regretted that he had gone to the third store after hiding from Ding Yanshou. He had known that the response was so good, and he should have taken it to the first store to show off. Ji Shenyu learned in the evening and happily called Jiang Tingen to persuade him to make jewelry with him.

"But we rarely do it in our store, is it appropriate?" Jiang Tingen hesitated.

Ji Shenyu said, "As long as things are good, they are naturally popular, and jewelry design is troublesome, but it's easier to make than decorations."

Ding Yanshou and Jiang Shuliu bathed the wild cat in the courtyard, and they were teasing the cat on the bed. Ji Shenyu was stunned when he entered the door, and he was about to leave immediately. He rarely saw the daily scene of loving husband and wife, and cherished it for his master and his mother.

Jiang Shuliu called him, and he had to come in again, smiling foolishly: "Master, I'll ask Master to tell me something." He sat at the end of the bed, a family of three plus a big cat with patterns, the sound of footsteps came in, and Ding Hanbai came to join in into a family of four.

These two juniors are here for business. According to the first come, first arrived, Ji Shenyu said first: "Master, I want to use the carved materials to make jewelry, so as to avoid waste and generate income. Besides, the smallest piece in the jade sales record is the seal. For jade pendants, the price of jewelry is comparable, but the market is very blank."

Ding Yanshou said indifferently, "Do you still know how to run a business?"

Ji Shenyu answered truthfully, "Brother's analysis." He restrained his eyes and only dared to peek at the person from the corner of his eye, "There are not many franchise stores for jade jewelry, but there are some counters in shopping malls. I want to do some first to see the market. If the response is not ideal, forget it... Don't waste time."

Ding Yanshou asked, "If it is ideal, what are your plans?"

Ji Shenyu said: "If it is ideal, I hope to open a jewelry showcase." The business of the three stores has been not good. Instead of occupying space but not making enough profit, it is better to give things that make money. Showcases, if the supply is in short supply, will occupy the entire front hall, and even the entire store will specialize in jewelry.

"The craftsmanship of Yupinji is the best, and jade jewelry will gradually become top-notch in Yupinji." Ji Shenyu imagined, "Or after the reputation is established, we can still cooperate with the shopping mall counter and supply orders."

After he finished speaking, the room was quiet. Master and mother looked at him after looking at each other, and the elder brother hugged the cat and smiled softly. He was embarrassed: "I'm thinking too far... It's a bit whimsical."

Ding Yanshou asked, "Han Bai, what's your opinion?"

Ding Hanbai said: "The third shop is half dead, so instead of staying like this, it is better to do a test field." He was still so unrestrained, "The effect is good, put the work in his name, the effect is not good, the money lost will be charged to my account. "

He waited for a long time, and now he presents a stack of picture books. The order he received before is about to start, and he draws four or five kinds of patterns for one order. Ding Yanshou's qi completely dissipated in the past few days, and he settled down comfortably.

After the two promising sons finished reporting, they got up and left together. Jiang Shuliu shouted, "Hey, why did you take the cat away?"

Ding Hanbai said, "Lend me to play for a night, don't be so stingy."

The wild cat has been to the small courtyard since he hit it, tasted delicious food, and did not beat the silk pillowcase.

Half a month later, the three stores officially put up jewelry display cabinets, and all kinds of jade jewelry are from Ji Shenyu and Jiang Tingen. These two people are like assholes, they follow people all day to gather scraps, and they can't wait to put a dustpan under the drilling rig.

There is no free day, and after the busy end, I spend the weekend in the porcelain kiln. Ji Shenyu prepared the glaze water, imitated the broken porcelain pieces, and made a lot of it. Ding Hanbai and Tong Peifan stared at their work, occasionally glanced at the unique skills of the two brothers, but they could not see the way, and they were satisfied just by looking at people.

In the afternoon, still in the same place, Ding Hanbai taught Ji Shenyu to drive again, but this time he didn't hit a tree and almost jumped into the river. The two sat side by side in the back row, enjoying a sunset through the windshield, and it was past eight o'clock when they returned to the city.

The living room was brightly lit and crowded.

The tea was light, and it was the fourth brew, obviously waiting for them.

I don't know if it's good or bad, and it's inevitable to be apprehensive. Ji Shenyu grabbed Ding Hanbai's sleeve and asked in a low voice, "Master, is it that Master knows about your antiques?"

Ding Hanbai said, "I have been working in the shop every day recently, so I went to the porcelain kiln today."

Ji Shenyu took precautions: "Fake your stomach hurt, and then slip away, what if the master hits you again?" The other party's muscles and bones can bear it, but his fragile mind can't bear it.

Such whispers provoked Ding Yanshou to urge them to enter the room, and when they went in, the sofa was full and the chairs were full. Such a big battle was bluffing. Ji Shenyu found that Jiang Tingen winked at him, cheerful, joyful, not like a bad thing.

Ding Yanshou said: "The account book from the third store has been delivered."

Ding Hanbai's epiphany is related to jewelry! He strode over and took a look at the account books, the increase, the profit, and said happily: "This is a profit! Who are you trying to scare with so many people, the children don't dare to take credit!"

Ji Shenyu walked to the sofa and was hugged and shaken by Jiang Tingen. Ding Yanshou said: "Shen Yu, the jewelry display cabinet you have made is very good. It is up to you to decide whether to expand it and how much to expand."

After a short pause, the head of the family poured a cup of light tea, and then casually dropped a bomb: "From now on, Shen Yu will be the master of the third store in Yupinji, and he can make his own decisions about the big things and small matters in the store. No one has the right to interfere except me."

There was an instant silence, Ding Houkang didn't even react, and Ding Hanbai was really surprised. Master... This means that Ji Shenyu is instantly separated from the other brothers and sisters, has power, and officially begins to take shares and dividends.

Ji Shenyu froze, not paying attention to others, only staring at Ding Yanshou. Is he expecting? I look forward to it from the moment I touch the copper key. Is he happy? He wished he could rush to the street to burn paper, and shouted and told Ji Fangxu. But he was also panicked and afraid. He got too much, and he thought he couldn't bear it.

With several eyes, he was shaking and anxious.

Ji Shenyu thought about it for a long time, and finally gave a response: "Master, I will run the three stores seriously, and everything will be based on the interests of the store." He didn't hesitate because of his seniority. He was confident and didn't bother to be hypocritical.

Ji Shenyu squatted down and helped Ding Yanshou's knee: "But I don't take shares or pay dividends, I only get one salary."

Ding Yanshou said, "Although you are still young, you can save without spending any money."

Ji Shenyu shook his head: "I don't want it in the future. I won't take dividends in my life. I want a salary." His sentence was the second bomb, which surprised everyone. He said: "The family takes me in and feeds me, and I do whatever I should."

The apprentice's eyes were earnest, and he expressed his stance in order to make other brothers feel at ease. Ding Yanshou understood that he would not treat his son badly if he agreed for the time being and what to say in the future.

After the meeting ended in the middle of the night, Ji Shenyu was light and light, if it wasn't for being pulled by Ding Hanbai, he would be able to step on the flowerbed.

Lying on the bed and closing his eyes, he was looking forward to Ji Fangxu's dream, and the first sentence he would say - Lao Ji, look at my good father now!

Ji Shenyu smirked, rolled and buried in the pillow, the wild cat on the windowsill called him laughing and meowing, scolded him for being unqualified, and scolded him for disturbing the cat's sleep.

In the early morning of the sunrise, Ding Hanbai rarely got up early and ran to feed the fish in front of the shadow wall with a pair of white sneakers. After spreading a small handful of fish food, he waited until Ding Yanshou went out to get up and said hello, "Why are these so ugly?"

Ding Yanshou said: "cheap is not expensive, save you being fed to death again."

Ding Hanbai accompanied his dad to go out for morning exercises, kicking stones and picking leaves along the street. "Dad," he said, "Ginger is still hot, you are so hot."

Ding Yanshou glared at him, and hummed proudly after staring.

"You asked Shenyu to work with you, I thought it was to stimulate me and make me feel a sense of crisis." Ding Hanbai said, "But you allowed him to be a master, and I suddenly understood that you are not stimulating me, You're just trying to steal people from me."

Ding Yanshou said: "Shenyu has the ability to sculpt and also has the idea of running a business. I can't wrong him. Besides, I can't count on you, and can't count on my younger son?"

This sentence choked people, but Ding Hanbai seemed to be waiting for this sentence. He stood still and said, "I'm not a worry-free person, and I may make some big mistakes in the future. Dad, please remember that Ji Shenyu is sincere to you, and he is also careful about Yupinji. No matter what happens, rush Come with me, don't bother with him."

How could he have such a gesture before, his eyes were full of earnest pleading.

Ding Yanshou looked at him strangely: "You made a big mistake, Guan Shenyu, why should I care about others?"

Of course Ding Hanbai didn't say it, he ran away. When he was a child, he always chased after Ding Yanshou, but now Ding Yanshou can't catch up with him, he suddenly felt sad. But how can there be so many best of both worlds in the world, many things are destined to live up to one, only to see if it is worth it.

When he came home from the morning exercise, he pushed the door and asked Ji Shenyu to get up, walked over to the bed and opened his eyes to Shang Ji Shenyu.

"I dreamed of my dad." Ji Shenyu said softly.

Ding Hanbai sat down beside the bed, expecting that the other party must have talked a lot in his dreams, carved the best jade, did not waste his craftsmanship, and became a master... The other party got up and hugged him, his body was very hot.

Ji Shenyu murmured, "I told him that I fell in love with Ding Hanbai."

He told Ji Fangxu by name and surname, and said that he had a nose and eyes. He left Yangzhou, and he was doing well. He didn't mention the thousands of good fortune newspapers on his stall. Ding Han is white.

Ding Han's head roared, everything was worth it.

The author has something to say: Ji Fangxu decided to give Ding Yanshou a dream: Lao Ding, you can have some snacks!