Sui Yu Tou Zhu

Chapter 6: Surprised


No one expected that Ji Shenyu would stand out in the final exam.

Several brothers in the Ding family have good grades, but the family does not pay much attention to learning. Ding Yanshou also said early in the morning that jade carving is the main business, and the others are side businesses. The reason why he didn't expect it is because Ji Shenyu usually doesn't say anything, and it's hard to see him laughing and playing or being serious and serious.

Except for Ding Hanbai, no one has come close to Ji Shenyu's daily life, but even if Ding Hanbai is near the water tower, he doesn't pay much attention to Ji Shenyu's every move. He knew that Ji Shenyu slept very late, and didn't know what to do with the lights on every day. Even if he guessed that it was reading, he didn't expect to be able to read so well.

The night before, he was softened by Ji Shenyu's bowl of thin noodles, and he proposed to continue to pick up the other party, but he really didn't serve people's lives.

Thanks to the summer vacation, both of them were relieved.

The door of the machine room was closed, and Ji Shenyu could finally observe it carefully. Ding Keyu and Ding Erhe wiped the machine and picked out the drill to use. Three or five minutes later, Ding Yanshou also arrived, and one teacher and three apprentices were preparing for class.

The air conditioner was not on, and the house full of jade was cool enough, Ding Keyu said like a mosquito: "Brother, let's go with him?"

"He" refers to Ji Shenyu, Ding Erhe glanced at Ding Yanshou, but did not answer.

"The three of you come here." Ding Yanshou washed his hands and said, "Small pieces are easy to learn but difficult to master, you all know the techniques, you have to keep pondering on your own. This is non-stop - not a month, not a year and a half, this is the forever."

Ding Yanshou paused: "Shen Yu, did Fang Xu ever say this?"

Ji Shenyu replied: "Master said that there is no peak in this line of work, and this line of work cannot be satisfied, and it takes a lifetime to climb."

Actually it's the same. In front of Ding Yanshou was a crystalline hibiscus the size of a Xinhua dictionary, which was naturally untouched. He said: "For the medium one, I don't draw the knife directly, let's see how the knife's edge moves."

Before painting, it is necessary to design and conceive, and consider the color and luster of the material. Basically, no one dares to use the knife directly. Ding Yanshou didn't think about it, he clenched the drill knife and slammed it, turning the material again and again. Four knives in all, debris flying, deep marks, not hitting anywhere, like... destroying things.

Ding Yanshou said at this time: "Most of the natural materials are mottled and flawless. This is the best piece that your brother brought back, but I want to test you, so I destroyed it."

Really ruining things... Ding Keyu had angina, and he didn't dare to think how Ding Hanbai would be furious when he came back. Ding Erhe asked, "Uncle, do you want to cut this piece of material?"

"No." Ding Yanshou said, "It's just a whole piece anyway, it's up to you."

After the class, Ding Yanshou took Ji Shenyu to Yupinji. Ding Keyu and Ding Erhe cleaned up. The two brothers were slow, and they couldn't wait to pick up the scraps for a while.

"Brother, how do you carve this?" Ding Keyu asked, "If you don't cut it, you will carve each one separately? It's not like it is squeezed on a piece of material."

Ding Erhe said, "Let's cooperate with Ji Shenyu."

Ding Keyu was unhappy: "His level is not flattering."

After cleaning up, Ji Shenyu left anyway, and there was no way to discuss it without one person, and he was worried that Ding Hanbai would come back and beat people like crazy, so Ding Keyu and Ding Erhe also stayed put. Ji Shenyu has arrived at Yupinji, and accompanied Ding Yanshou to manually search and classify the goods to be put on the counter.

"Shen Yu, do you like to study?"

"I prefer reading, what's wrong, Master?"

"It's alright, just ask casually." Ding Yanshou didn't expect Ji Shenyu's grades to be so good. He also knew that Ji Fangxu had shifted his focus and tossed about antiques, so he was not sure about Ji Shenyu's interest in the bank and the How much is determined.

As his name suggests, Ji Shenyu asked cautiously, "Master, am I delaying my work?" After asking, he immediately explained, "Because I want to do better in the test, you accept me for nothing, and I want to give it to the two of us. Earn money."

Ding Yanshou laughed: "Don't be nervous, I want to know what you like more, what you like more, Master supports it."

Ji Shenyu was even more apprehensive. He wasn't suspicious, he just couldn't stand the fear. Ding Yanshou has no obligation to take care of him. He will spend money on food, clothing, and everything in his life. If he has the will, he has to do his best for Yupinji. But Ding Yanshou asked him what he liked more and did not limit his choices.

Ji Fangxu never said that to him.

Ji Shenyu kept his mind on his mind until he got home at night, and he didn't enter the house when he returned to the courtyard.

Ding Hanbai grabbed Jiang Caiwei's ice cream, and saw Ji Shenyu was hysterical and owed his hand, and stuck the cold box on the back of Ji Shenyu's neck to help the other party regain consciousness quickly. He sat down beside him: "Aren't you happy with the first test?"

Ji Shenyu was praised by Ding Hanbai for the first time, and he was the most familiar after all, so he told Ding Hanbai what Ding Yanshou said. Ding Hanbai continued to eat after hearing this, without raising his eyes or raising his eyebrows: "Moved?"

Ji Shenyu nodded, and Ding Hanbai said, "Even if Master Ji and my father are brothers and sisters, even if it's good enough to wear a pair of pants, that's not a real brother, and you're not part of our family."

The truth is ugly, so no one usually speaks, Ji Shenyu wanted to cover Ding Hanbai's mouth.

"Don't get me wrong." Ding Hanbai continued, "This distinction between closeness and estrangement does not mean that the relationship is fake, but that my dad can treat you as his own son and love you, and he can take care of you in this life, but he can't be like beating and scolding his own son. I will teach you the same lesson, and I cannot impose the responsibilities that your own son should bear."

Ji Shenyu seemed to understand, and turned to look at Ding Hanbai.

Ding Hanbai, his own son, finished the ice cream and leaned against the railing comfortably, as if to say something about chores: "My dad never asked me what I like more, I can like other things, but I can't beat my own business, even if Better than that, I have to put my business at the top of my struggle in this life.”

He also turned to look at Ji Shenyu: "My surname is Ding, this is my responsibility."

Ji Shenyu observed Ding Hanbai's eyes up close for the first time, his pupils were polished with ink, and the black was extremely bright, causing him to slow down his speech: "Then what do you think, are you willing?"

Ding Hanbai said: "It's the boy who comes with his temperament, and it's the man who takes the responsibility. I am willing."

But the deepest waves in his heart have not been lifted, and the continuation of Yupin Ji is his responsibility. He has to continue and do it well in the future. But this business is not necessarily the case. The ancestors chose this business to be their own business. Do future generations have to remain the same? Why can't he choose for himself

Ding Hanbai shrunk the ice cream box and put out the conflict temporarily.

Ji Shenyu was left alone in the corridor. He was struck by Ding Hanbai's words, and he felt tired after thinking about it for a long time. Stretching back to the house to sleep, the study door creaked open, Ding Hanbai put a bag of garbage at the door and asked him to throw it away in the morning.

Ji Shenyu didn't care, and it was only the next morning that he saw through the mouth of the bag that it was actually a pile of debris from the ocean. He coveted it for a long time, hugged it and hid back in the room to appreciate it.

This pile of things has been screened, some large and lightly damaged ones are left by Ding Hanbai, and the rest are broken and rotten. Ji Shenyu carefully packed it up, and was elated as if he was picking up a leak. When he went out to meet Ding Hanbai and got up, he didn't have time to smile.

Ding Hanbai was half asleep and half awake, seeing Ji Shenyu running out of the courtyard, everyone disappeared, as if his smiling face was still standing in the morning glow of the courtyard. He didn't change his pajamas and went straight to the machine room, trying to make something while he was free on the weekend.

The whole family does not get up late and eat breakfast in the living room of the front yard. When Ji Shenyu was in Yangzhou, there was only a family of three. Sometimes when his wife bothered him, he would eat in the kitchen by himself. It was rarely so lively in the early morning.

When the porridge and soup were ready, Jiang Caiwei brought a bowl with many red beans to Ji Shenyu and asked, "Have the Chinese white been raised yet?"

Jiang Shuliu said directly: "Shen Yu, ask your brother to eat, if you can't afford it, pull your ears."

Before Ji Shenyu could reply, a burst of hurried footsteps came from outside, and everyone looked at the door, only to see Ding Hanbai barging in with messy hair, and King Kong's angry eyes were not as angry as his.

Ding Hanbai was straightforward: "Who touched my hibiscus stone?!"

Ding Erhe and Ding Keyu watched Ding Yanshou quietly, and at the same time shrank his shoulders in a defensive posture, Ji Shenyu held the red bean porridge with a fearless face, thinking that Ding Yanshou was the greatest, Ding Hanbai could only swallow this breath.

Ding Yanshou sat upright: "I moved."

The anger on Ding Hanbai's face didn't diminish at all: "You moved? You haven't lived for half your life to see what grade of material it is? It's a natural formation! It's the best!" He had rushed to the table and slapped him On the edge of the table, the two fried dough sticks were shaken and rolled out of the plate, "The most important thing is that it is my material, and I am not willing to touch it yet, you have ruined it for me!"

The roar was about to lift the roof, Ji Shenyu was so terrified that he couldn't hold the porridge, how could he have thought that Ding Hanbai would dare to challenge Ding Yanshou like this. Ding Yanshou didn't fight hard, but he seemed to expect this reaction: "Eat first, cool down."

"You can't get rid of it!" Who would have guessed that Ding Hanbai would have more to say, "This is my treasured treasure. You go up and pull four knives, what do you mean? It's like disfiguring my wife! What kind of mind do you have? Get this hand!"

Ji Shenyu shuddered at the metaphor, and he explained aloud: "Master, Master is going to test us, let us sculpt—" Before he could finish, he was kicked by Ding Keyu, almost biting his tongue.

Ding Han Bai paused for a second, and was even more angry with Ji Shenyu's explanation: "Just to teach them to destroy my material? Are their skills worthy of that?!"

He kept looking at Ding Yanshou, but the words he shouted swept the other three. Ding Erhe and Ding Keyu had no expressions, only resentment in their hearts, Ji Shenyu was different, he did not expect Ding Hanbai's opinion of his junior brother Is that so, so disrespectful

However, Ding Hanbai said frankly: "Whoever knows how many pounds and how much, I can't bear to touch something, others are not worthy of it, I will save those four knives, you have to learn to teach yourself to find things, don't look for anyone else Not happy."

There was a riot at breakfast, and almost everyone lost their appetite. Ding Houkang slapped Ding Yanshou with eye drops, trying to find justice for his two sons. Ji Shenyu stirred a bowl of porridge to cool, and he was so angry that he couldn't drink it.

He felt that it was inappropriate for Ding Yanshou to destroy the jade without authorization, but it wouldn't make Ding Han's scolding so unpleasant... Especially the two sentences that belittled their brothers and sisters, arrogant can eat people.

He was afraid that he would meet Ding Hanbai again when he returned to the small courtyard.

Ding Hanbai was holding his disfigured wife in Jiang Caiwei's room. His five fingers were slender and powerful, but his movements were extraordinarily gentle. Jiang Caiwei brought in the food, closed the door and said, "The fire also broke out, and my father also scolded it. Let's eat."

Ding Hanbai rolled up his sleeves: "Auntie, do you think I scolded me right?"

Jiang Caiwei is Ding Hanbai's sister-in-law and Jiang Tingen's sister-in-law. She is separated from Ding Erhe and Ding Keyu by one floor, but she treats everyone well. But who is not selfish? On a good basis, she loves Ding Hanbai and Jiang Tingen the most.

"Is it right to scold people?" she replied, "In front of so many people yelling at your dad, you were taught to look at jade by your dad before you even learned to walk. It's not the best, and it was your dad who taught you back then. admitted."

Ding Hanbai scratched the edge of the bowl with his chopsticks in his hand: "I'm angry, whoever asked him to destroy my things, still use it for those straw bags."

His idea is very simple - there needs to be a balance between techniques and materials, and a seven-point technique cannot use three-point materials, let alone ten-point materials.

Ding Hanbai throws it when he is angry, never wronging himself. Now he cleans up the table and shows it to Jiang Caiwei. He thinks a pink and white stone is very suitable for Jiang Caiwei and can attract peach blossoms.

"Auntie, do you like it? Let me carve one for you as a dowry?"

Jiang Caiwei said: "Okay, connect my Nanhong statue, one big and one small."

Ding Hanbai turned to look at the small statue on the dressing table. After polishing it, it was left for a while, and it was smoother to the touch. He finally remembered and asked, "Isn't it Ting's work? Who gave it to you?"

Jiang Caiwei betrayed: "Guess what."

Ding Hanbai was dubious: "My dad? But he doesn't have time to carve such small things, and his line drawing is not like him, this soft."

Jiang Caiwei said, "It's a word of caution."

Ding Hanbai said in surprise, "Ji Shenyu?! Ji Zhenzhu!"

All his impressions of Ji Shenyu were on the lucky bamboo that failed that time. Even if he occasionally missed, he would not be able to go from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to Urumqi, unless the other party was actually acting.

But he is not sure, Ji Shenyu's craftsmanship is so good

Ding Hanbai swept into the small courtyard like a gust of wind. There was a string between three or two trees in the courtyard. Ji Shenyu was drying clothes under the trees.

That's right, what he said in the morning hurt people, if Ji Shenyu is really good at it, it's normal to be angry.

Ding Hanbai walked over leisurely, picked up a pair of trousers and twisted it, stretched out a rope and pressed the rope around, asking, "Auntie's Nanhong statue was carved by you?" With a casual tone, he glanced at the person The corner of the eye is bright.

Ji Shenyu clamped a pillowcase to the rope: "I carved it."

To admit it in this way is to admit at the same time that Lucky Bamboo was loaded with garlic, and it also means to completely kick off the cover of the straw bag in the future. He was not lightly stimulated by Ding Hanbai's noise. In the future, if other senior brothers would prevent him from saying something else, he gently challenged Ding Hanbai.

Maybe it was because he didn't care about Ding Hanbai's opinion when he first arrived, but it has been reversed today.

Ding Hanbai and Ji Shenyu didn't speak any more, they walked silently under the tree to hang clothes, and the person who recognized them admitted it so frankly, and the person who asked about it accepted it so generously. Shaky water droplets.

Ding Hanbai looked at Ji Shenyu's face through the white shirt, and his hibiscus stone appeared in his eyes. The floating shadow was omitted, and Ji Shenyu's face became clear, which made people wonder if this is called Furong Mian.

Ding Hanbai gritted his teeth and was caught off guard by himself.

The author has something to say: A normal person is like a brother, and after sour, he thinks: It's none of my business to look good. If it's Yan Control: Wow, I love him, fuck him. (not alluding to anyone)