Summon Survival

Chapter 114


It condenses into a white jade long sword. "Ah, it's this thing again." The Moon God clone seems to be very dissatisfied with this opponent, and this dissatisfaction is largely based on...the opponent is too ugly.

According to Zhizhi, this apostle of the moon god is all first-class in appearance, most of them are elves, or the kind who only drink dew... Bah, the elves from the fountain of life are her most loyal followers, the more beautiful they are The more you get her mercy when you pray. ——As a clone, it also perfectly inherits the characteristics of Luna's face control.

"Heh." No. 1 laughed suddenly, "You think my strength is just like this?" He also knew that this guy was summoned to entangle him, although it was a bit troublesome... He rushed out suddenly, raising his hands countless white Tentacles gushed out of his black robe and entangled Ramos.

"Unclean things." Countless moonlight concentrated on one point, and dozens of white jade long swords suddenly appeared behind Ramos. The white moonlight glowed, holy and... terrifying. "Judgment."

A large dial seemed to appear behind her, and for a moment,

Countless long swords flew out, but No. 1 was not afraid, and went forward—no way, the others just died in vain.

Moreover, the summoner's summoned beast seems to have a time limit.

No. 8 seemed to go up to protect No. 1, but Lu Huixue hit him with a hammer, a defensive shield appeared, and No. 8 was knocked back. The huge fist of earth condensed from the ground, and Lu Huixue jumped back to dodge , Countless wind blades swept over, cutting the stone fist into pieces—an ice wall was built in front of Lu Huixue, and the other wind blade cut it into countless irregular pieces. Lu Huixue took advantage of the opportunity to dodge wind blade.

It is a seven-star ice-type supernatural power sent by the alliance to help. The rest of the abilities began to use their abilities to attack the reformers who were attacking the earth wall. Number three released smoke from behind, and number one toxin fused with the smoke, quickly sweeping the entire battlefield. —Even if there is a gas mask, it cannot be completely resisted.

Semedek stood beside Xu Yang, and a barrier enveloped him, Xu Yang and Akui together. A Kui aimed at No. 3 behind him with his bow, and the arrow pierced through the air, but No. 3 moved and wandered in the poisonous fog.

Fleet, Merkel, Delton, and Cassia joined the battle. Fleet sprayed out dragon breath in the air and aimed at the reformers, while Merkel and Delton Cassia approached No. 2, and No. 2 copied it. After using No. 5's skill, the strong wind entangled around him, and Delton's black armor was covered with scars in a short while. But he didn't activate the taunt aura—it had the protection aura. A platinum halo lit up under the feet of all the summoned beasts.

No. 0 was tied to an arrow by Akui, and shot from the city wall to Delton's feet. Delton pressed the button, put No. 0 into the black armor, raised his long sword and rushed towards No. 2. Merkel's black mist was cut and recombined by the wind blade, it suddenly penetrated into No. 2's nose and nose, fear!

The wind suddenly stopped for a moment. How could Cassia miss this opportunity? The nine-handed knife rose out of thin air, and he controlled the long knife to strangle No. 2—

"Damn it!" After a moment, number two quickly realized. Merkel was forced out of the body by him, jingling—the wind blade and the nine-handled knife collided together, and he hurriedly dodged to dodge, but Cassia suddenly stepped forward, holding a knife, without even having time to charge , Draw your sword and chop! Passing by his right arm, No. 2 had tried his best to avoid it, but a section of his forearm was still cut off. He became crazy, and the wind blade condensed in his hand. When he turned around, the wind blade pierced into Delton's black armor... Delton's whole body flickered, but it didn't disappear immediately. He threw away the long sword, regardless of the wind blade on the black armor, and tightly hugged No. 2's left arm. No. 2 wanted to hide, but suddenly a piece of golden chain bound him from the top of the wall, and he could break free in just a second...

There was a flash of cold light, and Delton turned into data and dissipated. There was a snap. Green's left arm fell on the mud and rolled twice, at the same time, No. 2 screamed—

The four elemental elves are also fighting, the flame elf restrains the smoke ability No. 3, the ice elf restrains the earth element ability No. 6, the light elf and the defense type No. together.

The light elf entangled No. 8 to paddle with him, and then acted as a full-time nurse to assist his teammates. But No. 8 is a seven-star, and it hurts to death when he punched him. Milk? Shit! She swung the light giant's big fist and fought him! Countless meteors of light fell from the sky, and the wheel of light judgment took shape behind her. The huge light elf was glowing all over, and swung the judgment wheel to smash number eight, smashing the tortoise shell into the mud inch by inch. It was even more sensational than the flame elves and ice elves.

Dark elves can be dark elf giants, or they can stay invisible in the dark night. When the wind blade comes, it will hide and shuttle in the dark night. No. 5 is blind, but the tracking ability seems to be malfunctioning, and he can't sense anything! His world was already pitch-black, but apart from the trajectories and battles of his teammates, the one he was fighting against was...

But why, I can't feel it.

Numerous shadows shrouded No. 5. In the darkness, there seemed to be a light in front of him. It was a closed wooden door. No. 5 walked forward hesitantly and opened the door. It was the elder brother who was crouching on the desk doing the questions.

"Xiaowen?" The elder brother saw him and covered the homework. He greeted the younger brother to come in, with some expectation in his eyes, "Brother took you to buy a gift, guess what it is?"

"What… ?"

"Dangdang! Astronomical telescope!" Ji Hong smiled brightly, and he pulled out the box from under the bed like offering a treasure, "I want you to assemble it yourself! Hehe, the money from the part-time job during the summer vacation has been put into it..."

No. 5 was stunned, oh, this is the summer vacation, my brother insisted on going out to work part-time, and even rented a house outside. He didn't come back until the school was about to start... He said he liked astronomy and the stars, and what if human beings could fly in the future? … Number five suddenly burst into tears, why did my brother… change…

In the early days of the end of the world, my brother disappeared. No. 5 awakened the ability of the wind element. He searched his brother's school over and over again, but there was no news of his brother. Later, he stumbled and returned home, only to find that his parents had disappeared. The sky is big, the earth is big, and in the chaotic last days, among the noisy crowd, he is the only one. Countless times he woke up in the dark, countless times watching the ugliness of human nature fight for food, and he thought countless times, will his brother be okay

The more persistent, the more insane. He longed to find his brother, until one day tears came from his eyes. He realized that something was wrong, and escaped from the camp alone, curled up in the shabby house, and he had a fever again. After passing out of a coma, when I woke up again, the world had no more light.

He awakened the tracking ability.

He also found his brother.

The elder brother became a lunatic, and he became the companion of the lunatic.

Everything has changed.

One hundred and seven elves

His soul seems to be out of body, so he changes from his perspective to God's perspective, and he watches "myself" stumbling to the place of redemption, which is very weird and terrible. He said he was looking for his brother and Ji Hongshen, but no one was willing to help him. Those jokes made him blind, until he used the wind ability to make them shut their mouths forever.

"Are you... a dual-line supernatural power user?" His supernatural power was broken in an instant. At that time, he didn't know why, and he didn't know who this person was. Later I found out that this is number two, and his ability is copying. He was led into the Land of Redemption. Number Two said, "There is no Ji Hongshen in the Land of Redemption, only number four. I can take you to see him, and you can decide whether to join us or not."

At that time, everyone was not completely crazy, and the only one who was crazy was No. 1.

"..." The moment he pushed the door open, he saw his brother, but the next second he was pushed to the ground, and the door slammed shut in front of him. "Get out—" The sunny and warm brother was gone, replaced by an ugly, green-skinned, often crazy brother, but this is also a brother.

Did Ji Hongwen stay after all, he became number five. Being able to get along with my brother day and night. He didn't accept the blessing, and he didn't want to become like his parents couldn't help it. The elder brother has changed, but he remains the same. When the elder brother looks at himself, he can remember his previous appearance.

It's just that in the end, in the end...for what.

Before they knew it, they had completely changed. What is astronomy? What is a university? What about the universe? They used to watch the stars together...

Ji Hongwen knelt on the ground, he wanted to save his brother, pull him, and make him change back. But in the end, I also changed.

All the scenes in front of him disappeared, and he fell on his back with blurred eyes, smiling wryly, there was not a single star in the darkness.

On the battlefield, the figure of No. 5 was lying on the ground, with countless purple black ghost hands wrapped around his body, but No. 5 did not resist at all. He was silent, silent, as if he had fallen asleep.

The breath is getting weaker and weaker, until it disappears.

"No. 5?!—" There was no movement on No. 5's side, and no one expected that the quietest battlefield would be the first to end!

In the Land of Redemption, No. 4, who was accompanying the 12 reformers, suddenly had heart palpitations, and the experimental medicine in his hand fell to the ground with a thud and shattered. The liquid spread, but he was stunned with a pale face.

"Number four?" Twelve gave him a strange look, "What's the matter? You shouldn't be sick... are you going to be a star?"

Number four, however, froze. He closed his eyes and his whole body became cold. Why, suddenly a little sad? He looked at Twelve, and a tear fell from the corner of his eye. It's ridiculous to say that they turned into this inhuman and ghost appearance, but they still shed tears.