Summon Survival

Chapter 28


, can only rely on oneself. "Xu Yang looked down at her hands, and she repeated in her heart: You can only rely on yourself.

Just as Lu Huixue was about to say something, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a car that suddenly turned over on the road ahead? She braked the car suddenly, only to realize that the road ahead was covered by vines? Squinting his eyes, there seemed to be a fight nearby, and there were still bloodstains. Mutated plants? How many stars

As soon as Lu Huixue stopped the car, Xu Yang also noticed something was wrong. She fished in the trunk of the back seat, but didn't find it. Xu Yang climbed from between the driver's seat to the back seat. She has a very small body, and she can easily pass by even wearing a thick down jacket. Xu Yang glanced at the box, and there were only two grenades left... Yes, it seemed that the grenades were almost used up after blowing up the zombies last time, but Xu Yang forgot it for a while.

What can two do? Xu Yang pursed his lower lip, opened the car door, went to the trunk, took out a Type 95 assault rifle and a Type 97 sniper rifle, loaded the magazines respectively, and threw the rifles to Lu Huixue .

Xu Yang hit a vine, and the vine quickly lost its disguise and shook it in confusion, as if sensing her position? By the way, Xu Yang never knew what the mutated plants used to attack people, could it be body temperature? After all, plants should have no hearing and vision.

After confirming that it was really a mutated plant, Xu Yang summoned Fleet out. Since the heavy snowfall, she has summoned Fleet and Flame Elf more and more. If it weren't for the shortage of skill points...

Xu Yang sighed, although having a skill template is already a surprise for rebirth, but...she still can't help but think, it would be great if this system was more perfect. Or, it would be nice to have more ways to acquire skill points. It's a pity that these can only be thought about.

"Fleet, use fire to disperse the mutated plants. Lu Huixue, let's drive there." It was rare that Xu Yang didn't want to hunt this vine.

Lu Huixue quickly got into the car, and when the little flying dragon got close to the vine and spewed fire, it rushed out.

Vines are afraid of fire, and they cower when they encounter flames. Fleet's flames are different from normal flames in that they are hotter. After all... No matter how small Fleet is, he is still a dragon, and this fire-breathing dragon is also the breath of a flaming dragon. Therefore, the blood-sucking vines retracted again and again in fear. Although a few tried to catch the armored vehicle driven by Lu Huixue, they were all retracted due to the high temperature.

—It’s actually hotter than a fire-type supernatural power user!

If the vampire vine had wisdom, it would probably make complaints like this.

"Mutated plants are much harder to deal with than zombies, and different types of plants have different characteristics. You don't have enough long-range gunpowder, so don't provoke them." After confirming that the car was out of the range of the mutated plants, Xu Yang lifted Fleet's summons and spoke to Lu Hui Xue said.

"Okay, I'll make a note." When driving by just now, Lu Huixue realized that there were many bones under the vines, and there was not only one overturned car nearby, but the rest of the cars were not so conspicuously lying on the road That's all. Judging from the number of those unfortunate people, it can also confirm the strength of the mutated plants.

"Some of those people probably went to Base K." Xu Yang thought of the overturned car, and there seemed to be a lot of supplies in the car. And the car was also modified. It's just that I don't know if Base K knows that there are mutated plants ambushing on the way to its base. Hmm... I am afraid that many teams in the base have lost contact. Will this cause misunderstandings about base K? After all, those who can be sent to negotiate are not unknown people~ Yes, will we fight

Xu Yang felt that those people were not so easy to talk about "cooperation" when their own interests were endangered. It would be interesting if the other bases questioned Base K during the meeting.

"Maybe." Unlike Xu Yang's mentality of wanting to watch the excitement, Lu Huixue found it a bit troublesome. But it's none of her business after all, Lu Huixue felt sorry for the K base for a second. "Find a place to rest for the night, and hurry up tomorrow. It's not very far from the K base."


Two days later, base k.

Base K is built with barbed wire and city walls, enclosing the entire airport. Although the workmanship is relatively crude, it looks very safe in the last days. The wall should be constructed by earth-type supernatural beings, because this is a wall directly generated from the soil, rather than being piled up with bricks little by little.

"Hello, visiting Base A." Lu Huixue showed the certificate given by Base A, and the reception staff quickly welcomed them in. Their armored vehicle was registered according to the rules of the K base, including the registration of the materials in the armored vehicle, and then the staff parked the vehicle in the garage of their residential area and assigned them a room.

"The meeting will start in two days, and there may be some delays because many bases have not yet arrived."

The receptionist probably said this sentence many times, and he finished the sentence again with a blank face, handed the key to Lu Huixue and was about to leave. It's just that after he took two steps, he thought of something again, and turned back to remind: "You are bringing an ordinary person with you. If you care about it, it's best not to let her out of your sight."

A clean little girl... It is relatively rare to see a few months after the end of the world, which is still very new to some awakened ones. In addition, they all think that ordinary people are just playthings, and they don't think that awakened people who hold ordinary people will tear themselves apart for ordinary people, so... they may do something.

The reception staff thought it didn't matter at first, but the guest from Base A only brought an ordinary person here. In addition to proving her strength, it can also show that this ordinary person should be very important to her. That's why he suddenly reminded... so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to K base.

Lu Huixue nodded knowingly, indicating that she understood. Then closed the door.

This room is not too small, the kind of two bedrooms and one living room, with kitchen, bathroom and balcony. They live on the third floor, not too high and not too low, which is okay.

The author has something to say: About why the emphasis on human design + persuasion? Because lazy.

After the words are in the front, you can directly return to "read the copy or make a speech". To a certain extent, it can also reduce the probability of being complained about.

Ask for comments every day~

twenty seven elves

"Go out and have a look?" Xu Yang suggested. She has a lot of crystal cores on the armored vehicle that are useless. Three-star crystal cores and some two-star Lu Huixue can be absorbed, but she can't absorb so many. I heard that the K base is strong, so there will be a lot of things that can be purchased.

Lu Huixue nodded hurriedly, remembering what she had just said to guide the staff. Even if she doesn't go out, Xu Yang will definitely go out. She was worried about leaving Xu Yang alone.

After locking the door and making sure that the keys were on him, Lu Huixue and Xu Yang left the residential area together.

"Hello! Are you the guests who just came to Base K today? I can introduce the distribution of Base K to you, and I only need a little food and water as a reward!" As soon as they went out, a sallow-faced and thin man ran over to ask, There were several people behind him, who stopped when they saw him running fast.

They are all ordinary people in the K base, and they can support themselves by doing some physical work at the beginning. Like them, no one wants to be taken care of by others, and they can only make a living by guiding guests from other bases or newcomers who have just entered the base. If you are really hungry, you will take the risk and go out to find something to eat. —The food at this time does not refer to the supplies in the convenience store, but some wild vegetables and fruits.

The man was almost starved to the point of skin and bones, and there was only a little flesh on his stomach. He looked at Lu Huixue earnestly, and after seeing Lu Huixue nodding, he waved his fist happily, "My lord, where do you want to go?"

"You wait here, Lu Huixue, go get a bag of crystal nuclei and take it with you." In case you are looking at something but can't buy it for a while. Lu Huixue quickly went to the garage to get a bag of crystal nuclei. A bag like a snakeskin bag, a bag full, was carried on her back by her. After she came back, she gave the man two two-star crystal cores, which was enough for him to have a good meal.

The man thanked again and again.

"What facilities are there at base K? Where is the exchange?"

"Our base has a lot of facilities. There are exchanges, accommodation areas, bars, training grounds, arsenals, etc. If you need it... I have a friend who specializes in drawing base maps, and only two one-star crystal cores are needed. You can buy it." The current one-star crystal nucleus is not very valuable, and the price can be said to be very low.

Lu Huixue then gave him three more one-star crystal cores, one more star was considered as money for him to help with the work, "You can go to your friend to buy one for us later, and now take us to the exchange to have a look."

"Okay. My lord, to tell you the truth, the exchanges in our base can be said to be the most abundant among all bases! Otherwise, the adults above would not consider cooperating with other bases to form a large-scale exchange that is accessible to all bases." The man who got the crystal nucleus seemed very excited. He was excitedly talking to Lu Huixue, and suddenly his stomach growled. It is really… "

"Let's go, the exchange also has food, right?" Lu Huixue didn't care, and just let the man lead the way.

The K city exchange is indeed very large, and there are people coming and going. Some were wearing uniforms of base K, and some were wearing combat uniforms of other bases. They probably came here to attend the meeting. There are plenty of guns here, but they are all second-hand guns, the kind that have been used by others. There are various types of bullets. Xu Yang also found out that someone was selling grenades, ten two-star crystal cores were exchanged for one, and the exchange price for incendiary bombs was the same as it. Xu Yang thought for a while, and each exchanged two