Summon Survival

Chapter 41


Difficult to upgrade. If only there was a swarm of corpses, or a swarm of insects. well. If she is strong enough to withstand the entire insect swarm by herself, she might be able to jump directly to the 20th or 30th level! That bug swarm didn't last long, and it wasn't particularly large. And she didn't fight all the time, she even had a rest, probably not even 1/1000th or 1/10000th of the whole thing she ate, and she was almost promoted to two levels...

If Base K commits suicide again, she will definitely rush there! Well, if you have time, see if you can send some news to Base K, and give yourself a message in advance when they gather bug swarms and the like

Xu Yang was thinking about how to level up here, while Lu Huixue was eating with Akui and Fleet over there. Although the two-star mutant pig was more than twice the size of a normal pig, the meat was quickly sold out! Akui doesn't eat much, so he just tastes it. After all, the dark elves are also elves, and they don't eat these things very much. But Fleet is a dragon, even young dragons are carnivorous! Almost three-quarters of a mutated pig went into its stomach, and the remaining one-quarter went into Lu Huixue's stomach.

"Mutated creature meat really contains energy." Lu Huixue wiped her hands, and seeing Xu Yang coming over to cancel the summons of Akui and Fleet, said, "But it shouldn't be harmful to the supernatural beings." Although there is only one A little bit, almost imperceptible, but this flesh and blood should have strengthened her body.

"Next time, let's see if there is any base to experiment with ordinary people." If there is no harm to ordinary people... Xu Yang smiled and stopped thinking about it. What is she whimsical about? Now it is the world of supernatural beings. Ordinary people are very few now. The test is to see if one star can eat meat of two or three stars. How can anyone care about ordinary people... The most common human being can be said to be one star There are supernatural beings.

When four stars and five stars appear, how many ordinary people are left


"Wait for me." Lu Huixue cleaned up the crystal nuclei, went down and drove the armored vehicle over, and threw all the crystal nuclei into the trunk. Xu Yang looked at it and seemed to have nothing to bring, so he got into the co-pilot.

Head southeast.

"Get out of the car." Xu Yang took a Type 95 sniper rifle and pushed open the door. She could already vaguely see the shadow of the building, and she would definitely be found if she drove there.

Naturally, Lu Huixue has no objection, she is not very accurate with marksmanship, but her weapon was broken when killing a cow, and now she is a little embarrassed to use her bare hands. But if there is a real fight, Lu Huixue can just throw away people's wooden doors and bricks with the strength.

Xu Yang summoned Akui again, and the three carefully leaned towards the building.

"There are two sentry towers, and there are two two-star guards on them." Lu Huixue sensed it and said.

"Akui, you are in charge of the one on the left. I said let's shoot together." Xu Yang squatted down and aimed his sniper rifle at the two-star supernatural being on the right sentry tower. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Akui also stretched his bow and wanted to shoot.


There was a muffled sound from the sniper rifle, Erxing's head on the right burst instantly, and the body fell down. Akui's arrows were like a rainbow, and one arrow took away the life of the supernatural person on the left.

"Conceal the breath." Xu Yang said on the ground, then stared at the camp. She didn't have a silencer, so that was naturally exposed. But those people didn't know where they were sniping, and it was probably a mess inside now.

It didn't take long for them to lie down, when they heard an angry shout from inside the camp: "Who violated our camp of gods! Come and die!"

Akui was already squatting on the tree, she had already seen someone coming, behind him were three men, presumably they were all elites in this camp.

The author has something to say: Please accept comments~

Thirty-nine elves

After thinking for a while, Akui drew his bow on the treetop. Silver Purgatory has been used today, she can't use it anymore, but the rest of the skills may not be able to hit them hard.

Moon rain falls. The full-level Akui is not affected by the moonlight, so the group attack skills that need the moonlight to charge can naturally be used. During the day, the glow is not so noticeable…

"Who!" The camp leader sensed the moment the arrow shot out. His right hand was entwined by lightning, and when he saw any movement, he would not dodge it, and he raised his hand to meet the arrow!

But Akui's arrow took an unusual path and exploded suddenly when it was about to touch him! The silver moonlight poured down with countless fine and dense rain of arrows. The man was able to cover his whole body with lightning and it was fine. But the people around him were a little slower, and one of them was shot in the right thigh by the rain of arrows, bleeding profusely immediately.

"Bang!" It was another sniper attack. The bullet flew out, but when a person roared, the soil rose up from the ground, and immediately formed a wall to resist the bullet.

Merkel, Delton, Vliet...

Now that it has been exposed, Xu Yang no longer hides it. Summon the main summoned beast instantly, then dodge and run to another big tree. Her physical fitness is a little better than ordinary people, and if she is caught, she will die. You can only harass them here by sniping.

Lu Huixue was unarmed, took out Xu Yang's grenade from his arms, and rushed towards the camp, pulled the safety guard and threw it forcefully at the moment of approaching—


Qi An almost died of anger, he saw Lu Huixue this time. It was an unfamiliar woman who attacked their camp? Could it be a relative of a woman in the camp... a three-star peak? ! He coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, wrapped his arms around Thunder Dragon, and responded directly: "We have no enmity with you! Why did you attack my camp? Whoever you want, just say it!"

"I'll kill you." Lu Huixue cursed, and punched the low-quality iron gate flying. She folded it forcefully, tore down a section of the watchtower's wooden board, and attacked Qi'an.

"Merkel! Delton! One person entangles one!" The leader is the three-star peak, but the two around are not. Xu Yang wasn't worried about Lu Huixue, but it was impossible for Lu Huixue to fight against four. "Fleet, set the camp on fire!"

If they waited until the two-star supernatural beings from the camp came over, it would be difficult for them to escape. After the order was issued, Xu Yang once again aimed at the handicapped Samsung, and Akui probably also aimed at this, after all, this was the only one whose thigh was injured.

"Bang" Xu Yang frowned and quickly reloaded. Her marksmanship is good, but it's a pity that the man slipped away so fast... Do I have to predict it? But she didn't know the man's actions...

"Damn you!—" Qi An suddenly shouted angrily! It turned out that Delton activated the halo of ridicule, which instantly attracted the attention of the three-star powerhouse who was his opponent. And at this moment, Akui's arrow pierced through his skull! Qi An could have rescued her, but Lu Huixue was too bullying, harassing him with her speed, but she didn't want to confront her head-on! It is extremely difficult for her own lightning to attack her.

Under the rage, Qi An was also secretly startled. What is the background of this man? knight? The god of death in the black mist? And little flying dragon? That African woman with the bow... no, maybe not human? Not human? ! This superhuman... no, is he an ordinary person? How could she drive a whole bunch of non-humans! ? Could it be that there is some treasure on him... No, wait, it seems that there have been rumors at Base K... Qi An didn't think about it, he yelled, condensed the thunder and lightning together, and rushed towards Lu Huixue.


"It's up to you?" Lu Huixue sneered, her figure was too fast to leave an afterimage. Although her speed is not top-notch, it is difficult to touch her if she really wants to avoid this guy. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the crippled man dodging Xu Yang's snipe, grabbed a handful of soil from the ground and sprinkled it towards Qi'an at the moment of running, and went straight to the man without looking back.

Peng! With one punch, Lu Huixue dented the breastbone of the man who couldn't dodge, and the man was sent flying, lying on the ground coughing up a large blood clot, his face pale as paper. After punching, Lu Huixue turned around quickly, with her arms in front of her body, Qi An's lightning struck hard, and a burning smell came, and Lu Huixue retreated quickly.

skin trauma. Lu Huixue shook her arm. The physical fitness of the force-sensitive supernatural powers is not comparable to that of the natural supernatural powers.

"Bang" a purple lightning barrier appeared above Qi'an's head, even though he was still staggered by the impact. The barrier was not broken, and the bullet fell to the ground. Damn it, it's an archer and a sniper, the problem is why didn't he see the sniper! "Everyone! Don't mind the fire, kill them!"

Firefighting? Damn idiot! I'm going to die here and still manage the camp fire? ! They're all a bunch of idiots! Qi An was extremely annoyed, but there was nothing he could do with that bunch of rubbish. The three he brought over were all his right-hand men who worked hard together. All Samsung! In the blink of an eye... ordinary people driving strange creatures? Summoner! The self-proclaimed Summoner who appeared at the K base, and who repelled the bug swarm and formed an alliance with the K base—Xu Yang? Damn it, why did she set her sights on the Heavenly God Camp!

"Boss, help—" Before the words finished, Delton restrained him, and Merkel cut off the man's head with a scythe. This is not over, Merkel waved his sickle, and the gray mist was pulled out of this person? As the mist was pulled, a heart-piercing wailing buzzed in the heads of the people nearby!

Qi An's pupils shrank rapidly: What is this? Death? Can it really harvest souls? What the hell is this thing? Is Xu Yang's summoned beast really that powerful? Qi An did not attend the meeting, and his understanding of Xu Yang was limited to a little information from base b.

Countless questions exploded in his head, Qi An didn't know! He doesn't know anything! Why, why would she stare at her camp!

[Successful upgrade to obtain skill points: 5]

[The last mission: Seven days of survival in another world. Do you want to send now? ]


Just kidding, Xu Yang's teleportation, Lu Huixue died 100%. This woman's current value is not low, so Xu Yang will not give up on her.

But the thunderball still has a tortoise shell, which is quite annoying. Xu Yang looked at the running from behind