Summon Survival

Chapter 5


Looking at Xu Yang, "If you are willing to live with me, we can buy a bigger one together."

"Oh." Xu Yang opened the backpack, rummaged through and found a bag of things wrapped in a plastic bag, and handed it to Lu Huixue, "Go buy it."

A bag of nuclei? Lu Huixue couldn't help laughing, she thought Xu Yang was a little cute. She roughly counted them, almost twenty-two. She didn't expect the harmless-looking little sister to be so powerful. Like her, she still often kills zombies, and she only collected more than 40 pieces in total. These add up to 70 yuan, and you can buy a house in the best part of the entire base.

Moreover, after buying the house, Xu Yang lived with her, so Xu Yang was the one she was protecting. Even if Xu Yang can't reveal her ability to be an ordinary person now, if others want to bully her, they have to weigh whether she is qualified or not. This can save Xu Yang a lot of trouble. That little sister probably wouldn't hesitate to kill if she was provoked. In the base... this is very bad.

Passing the crystal nucleus to Lu Huixue, Xu Yang originally wanted to wander around alone, but after thinking about it again, he didn't know where to find her after he separated from Lu Huixue, so it's better to look at the house with her and decide where to live. When the time comes, she will visit the base again to see if there are any "familiar faces".

The fixed house was located in the center of the base, and even because Lu Huixue took out too many crystal nuclei, the person in charge of the base came over to get acquainted with them in person. Although everyone is a one-star power user now, the abilities of each one-star power user are very different. A person like Lu Huixue who collects more than 70 crystal cores a month can be said to have unlimited potential, so naturally he must be recruited well.

The house was bought quickly, and the person in charge even offered a 10% discount, exchanging rice, oil and other ingredients for the remaining crystal nuclei. This was selling Lu Huixue a favor, and Lu Huixue really had to accept this favor.

By the time everything was done, it was almost dark. Xu Yang's stomach growled a few times, she glanced at Lu Huixue expressionlessly, Lu Huixue immediately smiled and comforted her, "Let's go to the new house now, there is a kitchen there~ Your Flame Spirit will lend me a while, and I'll make fried rice with eggs for you." Lu Huixue shook a bag of rice and a small bag of eggs, and said with a smile. In the end of the month, vegetables are almost extinct, and even the person in charge can't eat any fresh fruits and vegetables. The meat is better, and it can still be bought with a large number of crystal nuclei.

Xu Yang nodded his head reservedly, but he was reserved for less than two seconds. The stomach growled again in disbelief.

Xu Yang's face darkened.

Lu Huixue didn't dare to laugh again, and quietly led the way.

five elves

Homura may never have thought of her usefulness as cooking and cooking in her entire life. The flame elf is a villain like a group of flames. He can't distinguish the facial features or anything. It's just a group of fire, and he can barely make out the human form. Very small, almost reaching the calf. At this moment, the pitiful little fire ball was lighting a fire for Lu Huixue, and he had to obey his orders to change the fire from time to time.

One of them disappears when the time comes, and the second immediately makes up for it.

When a bowl of golden egg fried rice was served in front of her, Xu Yang recalled how many years it had been since she had eaten egg fried rice. Well, I haven't eaten since the end of the world.

To be honest, Lu Huixue's bowl of egg fried rice looks very attractive. Xu Yang hesitated and didn't put down his chopsticks. When he raised his eyes, he saw that Lu Huixue had already eaten half a bowl.

Xu Yang: ...

"What's the matter? Don't you like it?" Lu Huixue asked while swallowing his food. Her eyes glanced into Xu Yang's bowl from time to time, which made Xu Yang instantly alert, and immediately picked up the bowl.

Without thinking about it, Xu Yang took a bite.

... Unexpectedly, delicious.

Very tasty egg fried rice. Although there are no other side dishes, and even the seasoning is just a little salt, the egg and rice are almost perfect. Lu Huixue can actually cook...

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Lu Huixue felt that Xu Yang's eyes were wet, which made her heart soften. Immediately said, "You like me to cook for you every day."

Xu Yang was taken aback, as if he didn't expect Lu Huixue to say that. Her expression was a little unspeakably sad, but she just shook her head, "No." This kind of promise is too hypocritical.

Make it for you every day? How about this sentence? And I will protect you. … As long as we are united, we can survive. ... Don't worry, I'm here. ... You trust me, I will not harm you. … We are one, it doesn't matter if you can't awaken. ...even if...

Xu Yang finished his meal in two or three bites, but did not speak. Silently summon the ice elves to make ice storage. Rice bowls and chopsticks are disposable and thrown away after use. After a while, the one-time items are probably almost consumed.

The new room was cleaned very well. The beds are new bedding and sheets. Xu Yang stared blankly in front of the bed for a while, packed up his clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Of course, the base has water supply, which is produced by people with water abilities. Today's supernatural beings only have one star, so there is a quota of water every day, and each room can only use that much at most every day. ---Xu Yang simply took a shower, then climbed onto the bed and wrapped himself up.

At this time, the comfort is unreal. It was so illusory that it seemed that this was a dream, and when she woke up she was still that wandering zombie. Xu Yang sighed, it will be fine once the task is done. After leaving the base, the outside world is real.

After a few more months, the false peace of the base will probably no longer exist.

After you go out, you must kill more zombies to upgrade. This rubbish template doesn't even have experience to show that Xu Yang doesn't even know how far he is from upgrading. Of course, she also knew that the powerful one-star zombies would definitely level up faster, but at that time, the zombies were all cannon fodder without crystal nuclei, and they hadn't had time to become one-star. When she and Lu Huixue set out on missions, there shouldn't be any problem in leveling up to level five.

At that point, new skills can be learned.

It was very hot and stuffy. Xu Yang tossed and turned, trying not to fall asleep, feeling drowsy and sweating from the heat, which was extremely uncomfortable. There is no electricity and no air conditioner in the Biansheng base... How come there are no lightning-type superpowers? Xu Yang thought in this way dully, raised his hand and summoned an ice elf to hold in his arms, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Xu Yang took a shower with ice-elf water, and he felt refreshed. Lu Huixue was busy making noodles, which were simple egg noodles.

"We're going on a mission soon, and the eggs will go bad if you don't eat them." Lu Huixue explained in this way. Xu Yang made sense when she thought about it, after all, she didn't have any gold fingers like space, the eggs would definitely go bad if she didn't eat them, so it would be a waste.

After breakfast, the two of them went to the hall of supernatural beings to register and form a team. By the way, they had a look at the tasks. Now most of the missions are to collect materials. After accepting the mission, the base will distribute some guns, weapons and vehicles to you. However, all the materials collected must be handed in (except for crystal cores). The base will draw 20% of those materials and convert them into points according to regulations. If necessary, they can be directly exchanged with points.

"Hello, please register to form a team." Lu Huixue asked for Xu Yang's ID card and handed it to the front desk along with her own.

The receptionist took a look and hesitated, "Are you sure... Are you sure you want to form a team with ordinary people? The outside world is very dangerous for ordinary people. If you really have no teammates to choose, we can also register to look for them." teammates."

"No need, register." Lu Huixue glanced at Xu Yang's face after speaking, and found that Xu Yang was not fluctuating.

Of course Xu Yang knew what it meant to be an ordinary person. One of the things she resented about the base was that she didn't let ordinary people go out to exercise at first, saying that it was dangerous outside to protect them. But later, it was the base that thought ordinary people were wasting food. — The base thought life would get better and better. But in fact, while human beings are evolving and becoming stronger, all the alien creatures on the earth are also evolving and becoming stronger, and their speed of becoming stronger is far faster than that of most human beings. The original intention of the base may be good, but the result is not very good.

— But in the final analysis, he was too cowardly and timid. Don't dare to fight, dare not break through, afraid of death, afraid of zombies, afraid of so many things, but still delusional about gaining power. how can that be possible? If you don't fight or work hard, you deserve nothing.

In the beginning, ordinary people complained about human rights, but after they were suppressed by the supernatural beings, everyone was scared. No one dared to speak out. But the situation didn't get better, but the butcher's knife was chopped down even harder. Xu Yang shook his head, what's the use of thinking about it, it's all in the past. She can't control everyone, she can only manage herself.

After the registration at the front desk was over, Lu Huixue and Xu Yang were in the same team. It's just that Lu Huixue is the captain of this team. Xu Yang glanced at the team name: "Xueyang"? Obviously in the last life, he was called back to the Snow Mercenary Corps. At the beginning, some people joked that it was "returning blood". It's just a name, and it doesn't matter.

There are currently three types of missions in Base A. The first is to collect materials. The base designated a place known to have been investigated without advanced threats, and sent a mercenary team to collect supplies. The second type is a rescue mission, for example, which mercenary team went to which place, but has not returned for a long time and there is no news. So another mercenary team was sent to investigate the situation. This difficulty depends on the difficulty of the missing team taking over the task. The third is to explore unknown areas. Go to unexplored cities to investigate, find out the number of zombies in this city and the highest level of zombies, etc., collect information and send the information back.

"What kind of task do you want to do?" Lu Huixue looked at Xu Yang who was choosing seriously, and asked.

"Collecting tasks. This one." The city Xu Yang chose was a bit far from City A, perhaps two cities away. But the number of zombies in this place is "uncountable"