Summon Survival

Chapter 50


I'm afraid it will hurt her. As a result, I don't talk about small things, and I don't take the initiative to talk about things that can't be solved.

"How much do you know about the distribution of major forces in the country?" Xu Yang had heard enough of the mercenaries' chatter at this time, walked to Lu Huixue and asked at the front desk.

The front desk naturally knew that this person was Xu Yang. The incident at Base K has been spread all over the place, and many forces even turned a corner to inquire about Xu Yang's abilities. At that time, the person in charge of registering the ability was scolded by Yang En because Xu Yang's record was "ordinary person".

Sensing Xu Yang's aura at the front desk, he is really an "ordinary person". But she didn't dare to neglect any more, she took out a book from the bottom cabinet, flipped through a few pages and said: "Currently the three major bases are k, n, and g. In terms of power, Wanguan counts as one, and Winter City in the north , the Land of Salvation in the east...and the Ghost Walking Field near the sea, these are the main ones. The three bases have been united more and more closely recently, and I don't know if they will be merged..." Of course, the last sentence is her own guess up.

If the three major bases can really be merged, there will be absolutely no power in the country that can compete with it. The K base seems to have found national researchers and scientists, and the other two bases also seem to have high-level figures of the country... But these news are all speculative, and there is no real evidence.

Of course, it is also a good thing to have scientists. Develop the antidote as soon as possible and end the end of the world as soon as possible. The days of licking blood and worrying all day are really difficult for most people.

"Which places have turmoil occurred? For example, earthquakes, typhoons, and corpse swarms."

"The cities near the earthquake zone have experienced frequent earthquakes recently, and typhoons frequently occur on the coastal side... We don't know the details. Maybe the K base has done some research on these. If there is a wave of corpses... since the beginning of spring, the B base has been the first Once." The receptionist was a little startled as he said that, after all, Base A is not much better than Base B. If Base A also suffers from a tide of corpses... I dare not think about it.

Spring? Xu Yang chuckled, there is no spring here. I didn't even feel the tail of spring for a few days, and it went directly to summer, and the temperature kept rising, which was simply killing people.

However, the physical fitness of the supernatural beings has increased, and their resistance to changes in cold and heat should have also increased. Extreme weather will only weed out the weak, and its impact on the strong is limited.

After inquiring about the news for a while, I knew the approximate location of the nearby mutant creatures. Xu Yang and Lu Huixue were about to leave.

"Registration of love and intelligence! Base b has fallen... It's a group of mutant giant birds! Just one day after the tide of corpses!"

"It is guessed that they were attracted by a large number of zombie corpses and the smell of blood... Base b has fallen! Those people are fleeing in all directions, and the whereabouts of base chief Wei Zhizhi is unknown..." A team of mercenary squads rushed in through the door, shouting loudly He said: "The gang of mutated birds... came in the direction of Base A!"

Xu Yang paused, and left the base with Lu Huixue.

The earth is rich in species, and after those creatures have mutated... the characteristics are obvious. For those that are not obvious, after the mutation, you will not be able to tell what it was before the end of the world.

"Let's kill more zombies in the future." Xu Yang suddenly sighed.

In the future, the number of zombies will decrease, and they may become extinct. At that time... it was probably the world of mutated animals and plants that could reproduce, and of course, people with supernatural abilities were added.

"Please, please... I haven't eaten for a long time..." They were about to enter the exchange when a disgraced little girl kneeling at the door stumbled over. The girl walked with a limp, obviously injured. Clothes were worn out, and bruised skin could be seen through the holes.

Although the inner city and the outer city are divided, the exchange is open to both cities. After all, ordinary people will obtain resources such as crystal nuclei through some channels for exchange. And this little girl...

"I'm not a good person." Xu Yang chuckled, although this girl is pitiful, but a seven or eight year old girl begging in the base? There was no one behind her, Xu Yang would definitely not believe it. Xu Yang glanced at Lu Huixue, who was showing a look of impatience, and said, "If you want to save her, you'd better kill the people behind her." Otherwise, even if you donate, the things won't go into the girl's stomach.

Lu Huixue shook her head, threw a one-star crystal nucleus to the little girl, and pulled Xu Yang away quickly.

"A one-star crystal nucleus can't be exchanged for anything."

"I don't want to harm people yet." If you give too much, it will bring disaster. The a base is not strictly controlled... At least in the eyes of ordinary people, it doesn't matter how many people die. As long as there is no big trouble or provoking supernatural beings, the management will not have the energy to deal with the "small conflicts" of ordinary people. "Buy supplies first."

Fuel, food... what to buy for food? There are not many instant noodles in the last days. Compressed biscuits are also less and less. On the contrary, there are more homemade dried meat and bacon. But this meat is from a mutant animal...

Xu Yang directly ordered three bags of rice, and bought several bags of flour and noodles. The prices of instant noodles and compressed biscuits are high, but Xu Yang has no shortage of crystal nuclei, and he doesn't care about Lu Huixue's heartache. All packed up and sent to the yard. Lu Huixue bought a few bags of jerky, and later bought some fruits and vegetables cultivated in the base, as well as ordinary pork and eggs. Prepare to have a good meal for a few days at base a.

After the food was bought, they went to look at the fuel and bullets. Xu Yang almost used up all the crystal nuclei and bought a box of grenades and a box of incendiary bombs. Lu Huixue bought some parts and equipment with his points, and asked someone to strengthen and repair the armored vehicle. This armored vehicle is still very useful, and Lu Huixue will not be stingy if it can be modified even better.

It was already night when the shopping was over and we returned to the yard.

The house was swept clean. The materials were delivered by the people from the exchange, and Lu Huixue opened the armored vehicle to have the crystal nuclei counted and carried back. When Lu Huixue finished her work and entered the room, she saw Xu Yang leaning on the sofa reading a book.

Lu Huixue glanced at it. It was "Origin of Species"

"This house belonged to the owner before the end of the world, just take a copy." As for where the owner of this house has gone, is he still alive? Who knows. Xu Yang wasn't serious about reading. When Lu Huixue came back, she casually put the book on the coffee table and sat up straight. "You want to wait for the mutated birds?" They're all back... Base A shouldn't want her to leave at this time.

"I'm not sure... If you want to leave, I will follow you." The bird's trajectory is not so easy to guess, and it doesn't matter how far base b is from base a. Speaking of this direction, what if they turn halfway? This kind of information is simply a bit funny, and it is probably frightened.

However, base b was destroyed...

There are actually many small bases and forces that disappeared in the last days. But base b is relatively well-known among ordinary bases, otherwise base k would not have sent invitations to it when it opened an exchange. Base b got a little less booths than base a, and its overall strength was only a little less than base a. As a result, base b was suddenly destroyed, and the people in base a felt a little... cold, right

"Aren't you going to change your base?" Xu Yang asked.

Even in the last days, a well-ordered base will develop better. The potential of base a... To be honest, Xu Yang is really not optimistic about it. Even if Tang Feng calculated several bases, the development of Base K is really fast and good. Even if the people in Base K are used and are working hard for others, their base life is really nourishing.

"Let's talk about it later." Base a is also Lu Huixue's first base. Although it would be a lie to say that there is much nostalgia, but the points, the house and the like are all here, and Lu Huixue who suddenly said that he wants to change jobs is really clueless. But since Xu Yang mentioned it, Lu Huixue would be relieved.

"These small bases will either grow, be destroyed, or be annexed by giants." Xu Yang patted the side of the sofa and motioned Lu Huixue to sit down, "Let's not talk about this, how is your ability improved after four stars. And your madness, can you control it now?"

"If the strength and agility were both increased by 10 for star promotion, then the hurdle for three-star to four-star is 20. Madness?..." Lu Huixue thought for a while before she understood what Xu Yang meant by madness. She wryly smiled and said, "That's out of control, right? I don't know how to control it." Uncontrollable madness, even if her power increase was very strong at that time, it's just empty talk if she can't control it.

"Think about anger? Find that feeling of power." Xu Yang is not a supernatural being, so he doesn't understand what Lu Huixue felt at that time. But that didn't stop her from making wild guesses. After all, if Lu Huixue could control the berserk ability at will, there would be no one among the supernatural beings who could match her. It's the same even if there are four-star abilities.

angry thing? Lu Huixue recalled the scene when she thought Xu Yang was dead.

Anger, panic, disbelief. Lu Huixue tried her best to imitate that feeling, but she couldn't grasp the out-of-control string. "No." She was a little disappointed, "I... don't know."

The author has something to say: please accept and comment~

Forty-eight elves

Xu Yang didn't react too much. Maybe Lu Huixue can only arouse her greatest potential when she is on the verge of death. "It's okay." If you can't do it, you can't do it, and don't force anything. With Lu Huixue's ability, sooner or later, the ability will be activated.

"Do you know why I want you to change the base?" Xu Yang leaned on the sofa, his whole body relaxed. She sighed, "Base A is too weak."

"It will become stronger..."

"Base A is busy surviving, busy working on the hierarchy system