Summon Survival

Chapter 52



(But I'm afraid I won't be able to stop once I take a break, alas.)

Forty-nine elves

Xu Yang estimated the time and glanced at the battlefield. "Akui, you release the silver purgatory at the bottom of the crack." Xu Yang found that there were bugs slowly crawling out of the crack, so he simply asked Akui to use his big move here. There are people fighting in other places, and it is easy to accidentally injure.

Akui nodded, drew the bow fully and began to charge. A shot of moonlight poured down, directly making Akui the focus of the audience.

- "Then who? You still turn on the flash when you are fighting?" I don't know who it is, but he complained while fighting. The voice is not small.

A sea of silver flames swept across the crack in an instant, and many insects that hadn't crawled out screamed miserably. Some fell into the cracks with silver flames, and the flames spread for a while!

Akui was expressionless, and she opened her bow again, this time accumulating Moon Rain Fall! Absorb the power of moonlight and rain down moon arrows.

[Successful upgrade to obtain skill points: 5]

"Damn it! You're so powerful with a flashlight! Where's your flashlight, old man? Give me one too..."

"Go away! Quickly remove the bug in front of you and let me help you!"

When the time for the summoned beasts is over, Xu Yang only summons the elemental elves to help. Fighting side by side with Delton, the funny man found that Delton disappeared out of thin air, and then was chased by the earthworm, screaming and whining for five minutes before killing the mutant earthworm. Later, I was still asking around why the old man in black armor suddenly disappeared.

The battle didn't end until the sky lightened slightly. In the very beginning, the damage was extremely severe. Dozens of ordinary people died, and sixty-three people with one-star abilities died and eighteen were injured. Fifty-seven of the two-star supernatural beings died and thirty-one were injured. The three-star power user didn't die, but he was more or less injured.

When everything is over, start cleaning the battlefield. Xu Yang and Lu Huixue went back to the villa. Many furnishings in the house were shaken off by the earthquake, and the chandelier also fell off.

"Go to bed first. Find someone to clean up and change the lights later." Xu Yang bypassed the mess on the ground, went straight into the bedroom and fell on the bed. Since the beginning of the night, she has been nervous and kept calling, which is not a small consumption for her. Although it has not reached the point where mana is exhausted, it still needs time to rest and recover.

Lu Huixue was also tired in the middle of the night, but she was sweating from fighting, and there were bugs' corrosive mucus on her body, so she had to take a bath first before rolling into bed and hugging Xu Yang who was already asleep.

But after taking a bath, Lu Huixue was not so sleepy. She hugged Xu Yang, but what she thought in her mind was that after today, Base A would probably pay more attention to Xu Yang.

Especially Xu Yang's... Semiteke? It seems to be the name, right? Anyway, that male elf is too powerful. Lu Huixue thought that calling the "Meteorite" out of thin air last time was already the limit, but she didn't expect that "Winter Reappearance" came directly now? She can't instantly kill that kind of black beetle with a single punch...

Go berserk? Lu Huixue gritted her teeth. She has to be stronger, stronger... She has to...

"Sleep." Xu Yang slapped Lu Huixue's waist with a somewhat impatient tone.

Lu Huixue lost her mind in an instant, she hugged Xu Yang even tighter, and rubbed her chin against Xu Yang's hair, "Okay, go to sleep."

These things... Let's not worry about it at that time.

Until noon, Xu Yang was woken up by Lu Huixue's sticky heat. Pushing Lu Huixue away with a slap, Xu Yang summoned an ice elf to hold her in his arms before feeling alive.

Lu Huixue was still a little dazed when she was slapped awake, but she didn't daze for long, she rubbed her eyes and got up. "Are you hungry?"

Xu Yang hugged the ice elf without opening his eyes, rolled to the other side of the bed and continued to sleep.

Lu Huixue lay on the bed in a daze for a while, rubbed her messy hair, put on slippers and got out of bed resignedly. Let's do breakfast first... Cough, let's have lunch. There was such a big commotion last night, it's no wonder Yang En didn't look for them. Although the other superpowers in base a are very good, but Xu Yang... to be precise, Xu Yang's summoned beast made a big splash yesterday.

While thinking about what to eat, Lu Huixue boiled the water, opened a tube of dried noodles, thought about his appetite, and poured half of it. Well, by the way, crack two eggs.

Lu Huixue was there preparing to eat. Xu Yang hugged the ice elf and was thinking about skill points. 7 skill points... Thinking of what Semetek said, Xu Yang didn't want to save up to upgrade that mage.

Upgrade Merkel! In the advanced task, Merkel contributed a lot, and when Merkel mutated the cow last time, Merkel felt a little wronged that she didn't upgrade him. Xu Yang gave Merkel a level, and Merkel's existence time was extended to 16 minutes.

Binder: Xu Yang (summoner)

Grade: 21

Skill Points: 0

Seeing the skill points returning to zero, Xu Yang felt a little emotional. But... round and round, it's getting hot again. In less than a year, she has already reached level 21. Even though more and more experience is needed to upgrade now, her speed is already very fast.

She wasn't even left behind by Lu Huixue.

This life is different.

"It's time to eat noodles." Lu Huixue knocked on the door and said with her head in.

"Okay." Xu Yang responded with a chuckle.

"Is Xu Yang an ordinary person?" In the meeting room, Yang En tapped on the table, scanning for a week.

"Probably not. The news about base K is not wrong, everyone saw it yesterday." Kong Tai shook his head and expressed his opinion, "Her ability is very special, it is the ability to summon. The summoned creatures seem to be fixed rather than Random. As for the origin of those creatures, no one knows, but she is very strong! Stronger than the three-star peak!"

No one can deny that. Xu Yang's summoned beasts are weird and weird, but each one is very powerful and has different abilities.

"She is an ordinary person... Maybe it's because the awakened ability is too powerful, which limits her own development." Kong Tai speculated on this possibility, and when he said this, many people nodded secretly. It's very possible.

After all, such a heaven-defying summoning ability would be unreal if it had no flaws.

But want to take advantage of this shortcoming? Probably impossible. Lu Huixue was very stubborn. She turned to Xu Yang when she brought Xu Yang, who was still an ordinary person, in the early days of the end of the world. But at that time, they could still communicate, and Lu Huixue would be careful. — But after they went on missions together, everything changed after Xu Yang disappeared.

Although Lu Huixue looked like the gentle guy who was easy to talk to, but when she became ruthless...

Now that Xu Yang has been found again, they have observed it. Lu Huixue is completely led by Xu Yang! That woman is obviously already at the peak of Samsung, but she has no temper at all and is driven by others! Some people in the base thought that Lu Huixue was seduced by beauty, but are there still few good-looking men and women in the base? At most, Lu Huixue was being kind to others, trying to order her around? That is courting death.

Xu Yang has Lu Huixue's personal protection, and his weak constitution can be ignored for the time being.

Some of them were very dissatisfied with Lu Huixue taking ordinary people on missions together. Now that I think about it... Ugh.

"Then why didn't Xu Yang show his ability earlier? It's really..." Yang En was a little speechless. If Xu Yang showed his ability earlier, wouldn't Base A treat her badly? Fortunately, it was the news from Base K that they were shocked. The battle last night also proved Xu Yang's value and potential. Such a person must be wooed!

But Yang En knew it in his heart. If Xu Yang didn't have Lu Huixue by her side, she would have shown this special ability when she was weak - you must know that Xu Yang is an ordinary person. Even if the summoning of those creatures is fast enough, it is not available 24 hours a day, right? Catch her, research or drive... Yang En shook his head, it's useless to think about it now.

"Have all the injured supernatural beings been quarantined? Has anyone been infected with the virus?" Without mentioning this, Yang En asked about yesterday's casualties.

"All the one-star power users have mutated, and the two-star and three-star power users are fine." Cao Hu was in charge of the logistics, and he reported calmly, "The appeasement of the dead power users has been done, and the compensation should be given to The family has also compensated."

"That's fine. Find earth-type supernatural beings to fill in the cracks opened by the earthquake, and strengthen the walls of the base. Hmm... build a few more sentry towers, isn't it to say that there may be mutated birds? Let the guards fight recently Keep your spirits on alert." After saying this, Yang En briefly gave some other matters about the base, and the meeting was dissolved.

Before the end, Yang En suddenly raised his head and asked, "How many points are suitable for this reward?"

He didn't ask who it was. But everyone knows it.

"There are 3,000 points for every trip to base K..." Kong Tai rubbed his hands and said with a wry smile.

"A total of 4,000 strokes." Yang En took out a cigarette from his arms and lit it, and waved his hand while exhaling the smoke, "Don't spread it around, so as not to make other Samsungs unbalanced."

"How can it be unbalanced? Lu Huixue is already a four-star star, how dare they."

Yang En was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "That's right."

Lu Huixue was the first to break through the three-star threshold in Base A, and those guys with lofty hearts had to accept it even if they refused. Speaking of which, their ability to collect information at Base A is really not very good, and they don't even know the real strength of other bases. Not to mention those big bases, they are far away, and there are thousands of neighbors. Base A really doesn't know the real strength of that force.

He squinted his eyes and took a deep breath, the smoke slowly exhaled from his nostrils. If he is powerful, if he knows the strength of others, who would want to pretend to be a grandson. The third mercenary regiment, if it is said to be abolished, it will be abolished. This is putting the face of Base A on the ground and stepping on it.

But there is no way. The appearance of the a base is only so small, what about Wanguan? How deep are they? Who knows. Those mutant animals in the light zoo