Summon Survival

Chapter 58


strange creatures...

Shi Qi felt that it was necessary to bring these creatures back. Maybe this is a new species that the gods have placed in this world

"Delton, restrain him from the front." Xu Yang commanded and saw Lu Huixue rushing out. Lu Huixue was extremely fast, holding only a twisted assault rifle in her hand, she didn't plan to confront this strange green-skinned creature head-on, but walked around behind this man, looking for an opening.


Akui had already got off the car, she drew the bow calmly, and the silver arrow pierced through the air. The bloody sledgehammer in the man's right hand knocked Delton away, dispelled the mist that Merkel charged in, and raised his left hand , He pinched the arrow in his hand with his bare hands, and under the force, it broke into two pieces.

Being attacked from all sides, No. 17 showed no signs of panic. With a low smile, he raised his hand to lick off the blood exposed by the cut in the palm of his left hand, and his momentum suddenly rose. "Then, let's play with you guys!"

After saying that, he waved the blood hammer, and the conical fine spikes on the blood hammer suddenly grew an inch, and with a flash of red light, it smashed hard on Delton's armor! This is not over yet, a blood mist diffuses from the hammer, this mist is so overbearing, it actually dispels Merkel's black mist, causing Merkel to be so angry that he is holding the sickle and jumping around the periphery, unable to approach at all !

Things are going badly for Delton! The blood mist also has an effect on the souls of the dead. What the hell is that hammer! Tricky, this time the opponent actually has such a weapon, she miscalculated. She thought that in the last days, there would be nothing that would harm ghosts, ghosts and souls. Xu Yang looked at the distance between Merkel and Delton, "Silver Purgatory." Xu Yang whispered that she would take Delton back.

Akui immediately began to accumulate energy, there was a lot of movement here, but Shi Qi's attention was not on Xu Yang's side. He seemed to be in a state of madness. The big hammer hit Delton's armor hard again and again. The armor was damaged, and the blood mist poured into Delton's body crazily! Seventeen's expression became more and more excited, but the next second, Delton disappeared.


Shi Qi was stunned, and the mad and ferocious expression on his face froze. In the next moment, the rain of arrows fell on the land wrapped in silver flames, and Merkel retreated again and again without being accidentally injured.


Shi Qiyi smashed the hammer, and the "twist" thrown by Lu Huixue flew away. His clothes were burned by silver flames, but with the blood hammer in his hand, the blood mist enveloped his whole body. The silver flame made him very uncomfortable, but it didn't cause the huge damage he imagined—no, the blood mist faded! The ability of the blood hammer is not endless!

Shi Qi fixed his eyes on Lu Huixue, and with a sudden kick, he chased after Lu Huixue. Lu Huixue immediately turned around and ran away.

Xu Yang summoned Semitec.

"Do you have a way of dealing with that man? He's constantly moving."

Semetek raised his hand and released a string of starlight powder, causing the surroundings to suddenly light up. He looked at the two chasing and fleeing in the distance, and his eyes were locked on the blood hammer in Shi Qi's hand, "That one is incomplete, right?"

"What?" Xu Yang was taken aback, but quickly realized what Semedek was talking about. "You mean..."

"There is that person's breath on the hammer." Semetke said solemnly, then suddenly smiled softly, "I will help you out of your worries." He walked forward slowly, singing a light and dexterous ballad, A golden chain gradually solidified behind him...

He slowly approached the two who were chasing, and Shi Qi also felt the breath of Semetek. Dangerous breath.

Seventeen paused, turned around and rushed towards Semetke, that chain! Must be crushed before condensing!

The author has something to say: Seeking all kinds of _(:3”∠)_ every day

fifty five elves

da da da da...

Xu Yang set up his assault rifle and swept wildly at Seventeen. Regardless of the numbness in his hands, he quickly changed the magazine and continued to fire. Shi Qi quickly swung the blood hammer to block the bullets, and Lu Huixue took the opportunity to approach quickly.

Merkel has been trapped by the blood mist and cannot approach, but it is getting closer and closer to the time of disappearing. —It didn't help at all this time!

This recognition made Merkel very uncomfortable, and the little dragon even breathed fire beside him. Although it couldn't hurt the person, it was still contributing. And it just stood there.

If it was useless, wouldn't Xu Yang summon it? Yes, like Akui, you can come out often. But sometimes when Xu Yang summons Delton, he will not summon himself... Is it a useless dead soul

Eternal night, eternal darkness. It walks in the shadows day after day, harvesting souls with a scythe in hand, but it can't take a step away from Eternal Night. It can only be a shadow there, it can only... Obviously, it is what it most desires to come out. Even if it dies, even if it dies, it even sacrifices its soul, isn't it strong enough? Yes, it is not strong enough, so Xu Yang has not upgraded him to the full level yet, and Akui, who is at the same level as it, is the first summoned beast to be fully upgraded...

Shi Qi suddenly felt cold all over, a biting chill spread from the soles of his feet, only his right arm was covered... the hand holding the blood hammer was still warm. what happened? He turned his head hesitantly, his pupils shrank suddenly, what did he see

Merkel disappeared, and a thick black mist directly pressed over. The blood mist continued to erode the black mist. Even if the black mist had to be consumed twice to offset a little of the blood mist, the black mist rushed straight towards it crazily.

— "Never be trapped by eternal night."

Countless dead souls screamed in the black mist, bones? Sea of corpses? Endless souls are struggling. Just so dazed, Lu Huixue punched Shi Qi staggeringly. He raised the hammer to resist, but Semetek's last note fell. The golden chains shone brightly, like a golden dragon coming straight through, trapping Shi Qi severely.

Lu Huixue stepped on Shiqi's right shoulder, pressing down with all her strength, Shiqi's muscles bulged, and a huge force made Lu Huixue a little unbalanced, but at this moment, a black mist suddenly Break into Seventeen's body! Shi Qi let out a shrill howl, his eyeballs turned upside down in horror, leaving only the round whites of his eyes, and he made an inexplicable heh heh sound, but the extent of his struggle gradually disappeared...

Lu Huixue directly took off Shiqi's right shoulder and held the hammer in her hand. She first ended Shi Qi's pain with a hammer, took out Shi Qi's four-star crystal nucleus, and then took off the necklace from Shi Qi's neck.

[Successful upgrade to obtain skill points: 5]

Although he was upgraded, Xu Yang's complexion was not very good. She covered her heart and lost all color on her lips, leaning on the armored vehicle and breathing heavily. Cold sweat rolled down drop by drop.

Merkel, Merkel... At that moment, she seemed to have glimpsed Merkel's past, a darkness. It was dark. This is not a serious upgrade. Merkel seems to have been stimulated by something, and suddenly... forcibly obtained some abilities. Xu Yang looked at the column where Merkel was in the skill template. Merkel's skill was gray. The cooling time displayed on it turned out to be three days. After upgrading Merkel to the full level, Xu Yang felt relieved that Merkel hadn't had any accidents.

Binder: Xu Yang (summoner)

Grade: 23

Skill Points: 0

Akui estimated that there were still about ten minutes left. The man died, and the people in the city didn't know if they felt it. If anything, it's a constant stream of trouble...

Stay away from here for the time being, and detour to see the situation in a few days to clean up the zombies in the city. If they were discovered, or the high-star zombies inside were under martial law, they would not delay in Tongzhuang and go to try their luck elsewhere. After making up his mind, Xu Yang got into the co-pilot. She looked helplessly at Lu Huixue holding the necklace with the hammer in one hand and the crystal nucleus in the other: "Show me the blood hammer." This thing, Semedek said, smelled like a system, and it was not ordinary. stuff.

Lu Huixue handed over the necklace together, drove the steering wheel with one hand and pinched the four-star crystal nucleus with the other to start absorbing it.

As soon as Xu Yang's hand touched the small hammer, the voice of the system rang in his mind.

[Ding! Special item detected, searching inventory... Error! mistake! ]

[Searching the mall... WARNING! system error! ]

[warn! warn! system error! ]

[Skull Crusher: I will crush your head! (Variable size can be recognized as the master)]

[special power:? ? ? ]

It really is a broken system. However, it also shows that the hammer should have been something in the system. Perhaps due to some reason or failure, the system was broken and some things were lost instead of being completely destroyed. What did the system encounter? Xu Yang was a little puzzled, what kind of force majeure would a system that can freely travel between planes encounter, making itself incomplete

Xu Yang pressed his temples, but felt a pain in his head, and couldn't figure it out. She didn't even know what the "system" was or who created it. never mind.

Xu Yang didn't think about it anymore, she handed the necklace and the small hammer to Lu Huixue, "This is called the Skull Crusher, and it seems to have other special abilities. You can test if you can recognize the owner by dripping blood on it."

Lu Huixue stuffed the crystal nucleus into his pocket with one hand, and stretched out his right hand.

Xu Yang took out a piece of paper, dipped it in some drinking water, wiped Lu Huixue's hands briefly, and then pressed the small hammer ball on Lu Huixue's index finger, after all, there were many spikes on the ball. Without even furrowing Lu Huixue's eyebrows, the previously dull Skull Crusher glowed red again.

"It seems that there is a connection." Lu Huixue put on the necklace and sensed it while pinching the small skull hammer.

"You like this skull hammer very much?" The excitement on Lu Huixue's face was too obvious.

Only then did Lu Huixue realize that she seemed to be