Summon Survival

Chapter 62


, she slammed the skull smasher on the corpse on the ground, such a slam, it broke the ground directly! Xu Yang didn't have time to react at all, his feet were unsteady and he fell directly.

Lu Huixue:? !

Lu Huixue instinctively wanted to pull Xu Yang, but before she touched Xu Yang, her body suddenly softened, and the blood mist dissipated in an instant, she kept reaching out and fell straight down, before the skull-crusher could even take it back. Little, under the weight of the hammer, Lu Huixue not only failed to hold Xu Yang, she even pressed on Xu Yang and threw him down.

Fortunately, before landing, Lu Huixue reluctantly switched positions with Xu Yang, so that Xu Yang did not come to the bottom. But after doing all this, Lu Huixue lost all strength and fainted.

As for Xu Yang? Although Lu Huixue was at the bottom, the force of falling from the first floor made Xu Yang uncomfortable for a while, his head sank. When she barely got up, she realized that there was another mystery under the tall building? This is a straight passage!

Xu Yang didn't go to explore, she felt a little uncomfortable and rubbed her wrist to confirm that she didn't have a broken bone before she breathed a sigh of relief. As for Lu Huixue? For a four-star power user of the force-sensitive system, where would he be injured on the first floor? This guy is too impulsive, is it because of madness? Xu Yang thought that Lu Huixue could barely control the madness. Does it take five or six stars to control it

Xu Yang looked up at the hole in his head, and sighed faintly. She'd better wait here for Lu Huixue to wake up, and take a look at what's in the underground passage. The man in black is guarding Tongzhuang, maybe the treasure of guarding is here.

After waiting until dawn, Xu Yang couldn't help falling asleep on Lu Huixue's body.

"Hiss—" Lu Huixue gasped, her whole body was limp and weak, and the feeling of numbness and pain mixed with a slight movement made her wake up instantly. After lying down for a long time, Lu Huixue felt a little better. Looking at the big hole above, she almost remembered what happened last night. Lu Huixue raised her hand, touched Xu Yang's hair, and stood up cautiously, feeling a little guilty for some reason.

Well, Xu Yang wanted to inquire about the news that the black-robed man would not die, but she didn't pay attention and told him to die. Then? I was controlled by inexplicable anger, smashed the floor with a hammer, and told Xu Yang to fall directly... Lu Huixue still has lingering fears in retrospect. Falling on Xu Yang's body, Lu Huixue suspected that Xu Yang would be crushed to death by herself.

Lu Huixue sighed, controlled the hammer to shrink and put it on the necklace. Xu Yang struggled and woke up.

Lu Huixue looked at Xu Yang's slightly red face, before appreciating Xu Yang's rarely confused look, Xu Yang suddenly became clear.

Xu Yang pressed Lu Huixue's shoulder and got up, "Are you okay? Let's see what treasures are hidden in this underground passage, and then go up—I'm hungry."

"Okay." Lu Huixue responded quickly, Xu Yang didn't seem to intend to pursue what happened yesterday

Xu Yang rubbed his head, opened the skill template to add skill points to Fleet, and asked Xiao Feilong to reach the full level as well. She was too tired yesterday, so she didn't upgrade or check the biography. Later, I will pack up the battlefield and ask Lu Huixue to drive after replenishing food and water. It is safest to check the biography at that time.

Xu Yang roughly judged the direction, summoned the flame elf to find the way to illuminate, and pulled Lu Huixue to walk into the passage. The passage is sloping, downward, and extremely long. They walked for a long time in darkness. Xu Yang didn't even know how long they had been walking when there was no change in the surrounding scenery and the darkness was quiet.

Until, a huge door came into view.

"The treasury?" Xu Yang couldn't help but wonder, she tried to push the door, but the door didn't budge.

"Here I come. This should be tailor-made for power-type supernatural beings." Lu Huixue looked at the obviously sunken palm print on the door, put her hand in, and then began to exert force.

— There was a heavy voice, and the door opened.

The moment the door opened, the smell of blood came into the nostrils. Not only the smell of blood... but also a smell that Xu Yang didn't know how to describe. She squeezed her nose and walked in through the gap pushed by Lu Huixue, and saw the huge glowing blood cocoon in the center of the airtight room and a red seedling . Although the seedlings are red, there is a faint green mist around the seedlings, which is almost invisible to the naked eye. Xu Yang stepped on the blood on the ground and approached, and saw a piece of flesh and bones in the base under the blood cocoon.

"They... what are they doing?" Xu Yang was surprised by the bloody scene, but it was not shocking. But it's very interesting that the man in black is guarding these, cult? Sacrifice

"I've never seen this kind of plant, and this blood cocoon is too...unbelievable." Lu Huixue looked at the throbbing blood vessels on the blood cocoon, feeling extremely disgusted.

Xu Yang couldn't help getting closer, she raised her hand to try to touch the seedling, Lu Huixue squeezed her wrist: "Don't do this, plants may also have viruses."

"Okay, are we going to destroy it? Or contact the people at the base to come—vomit." As Xu Yang spoke, a sense of vice suddenly surged up. She clutched her stomach and retched. She didn't eat, and her stomach was empty. At this moment, her stomach and intestines seemed to be entangled together, and she couldn't stand up because of the pain. "I'm a little uncomfortable..." Xu Yang's face turned pale.

"A lack of oxygen or... is this plant poisonous?" Lu Huixue was startled, and hurriedly supported Xu Yang to go outside. After Xu Yang took two steps, his body went limp, and he vomited blood. Lu Huixue was so frightened that her hands and feet were cold, she hugged Xu Yang with one hand and pushed the door open forcefully. She was about to carry Xu Yang up, but Xu Yang pulled her clothes to stop her.

"Wait, wait." Xu Yang breathed outside for a while, and the uncomfortable feeling disappeared instantly. "Destroy that plant." Summoning Fleet as soon as he raised his hand, Xu Yang breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "You have high physical fitness, so there will be no serious problems. Aren't those people in black robes pale blue and covered in pimples?" ? I suspect it has something to do with this plant." This plant feeds on human flesh and blood, which reminds Xu Yang of the white tentacle creature he encountered once, and that creature also feeds on human body for its eggs.

"Okay." Lu Huixue put Xu Yang on the ground. Seeing that Xu Yang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and his face looked better, he turned around and pushed the door open. After rushing in, the dragon's breath swept the entire closed room away!


There was a burnt smell, the blood cocoon inside began to tremble, and the countless blood vessels began to shrink faster, pulsing and pulsing, but they still turned into dross under Fleet's non-stop dragon breath.

The author has something to say: Please accept _(:3”∠)_ "Fleeing: I Have a Red Clothes [gl]" in advance. I will open this book after it is finished. If there are no accidents, I will continue the file!

The copy is as follows:

Jiang Xiaoli was just woken up by urinating in the middle of the night, and when she went to the bathroom, she pushed open the door of the bathroom, and she ended up entering the world of escape.

Facts have proved that if people are unlucky, they will be unlucky in everything they do.

Jiang Xiaoli survived from the novice book carefully and exhausted all kinds of hardships. What other escapers got were mahogany swords, ghost-suppressing banners and other magic weapons, and they are all-powerful in the escape world!

And what did she get? A red-clothed ghost!

One was interested in her, and after going berserk, he wanted to kill her because he loved her too much, turning her into a ghost in red!

Jiang Xiaoli: Sister, I beg you to stay away from me! I don't taste good at all! (crying jg)

But after a few books...

Jiang Xiaoli: I'm lying down. (Serenity jg)

after that…

Jiang Xiaoli: I think I can be a ghost!

Li Hongying:

Those who are interested can accept it! ! ! ~I love you guys~

fifty-nine elves

[Destroy the 'Seed of Redemption' to gain skill points: 3]

Xu Yang was obviously taken aback. Seed of redemption? No, no, it doesn't matter what it is, the important thing is that this thing can add skill points? what does that mean

Xu Yang scratched his hair, the system can only get skill points by leveling up, but now killing that weird Hong Miaomiao with a blood cocoon gave him three skill points... The hammer that Lu Huixue got, when he touched it The system also responded. Does this mean that the "Seed of Salvation" was left behind when the system was broken? But it’s not right, if it’s left behind, why is it rewarding skill points after killing…

Binder: Xu Yang (summoner)

Level: 25

Skill Points: 3

Looking at these three skill points, Xu Yang fell into confusion instead.

… never mind.

Point the skill to the magic shield, and the magic shield will be at full level.

Taking Fleet back, Xu Yang shook his head and let Lu Huixue carry him away. When Lu Huixue rushed up to the first floor, she also took time to pick up fourteen four-star crystal nuclei. There is still a difference between the crystal nuclei of supernatural beings and the crystal nuclei of zombies, because the crystal nuclei of supernatural beings look clearer .

Because the four-star zombies and the black-robed man were dead, the one- and two-star zombies around here began to wander aimlessly again. Xu Yang summoned all the summoned beasts to clean up the zombies. Lu Huixue walked in front of Xu Yang with a skull hammer in his hand, and the two of them fought all the way to the front of the armored vehicle.

Then Xu Yang discovered that the three-star zombies that died yesterday were eaten by two-star zombies, and the crystal nucleus was gone.

It may be that Lu Huixue doesn't care about this little "small money", or it may be that it is useless to care. The two of them didn't have any communication on it. Lu Huixue got in the car and started the car, while Xu Yang summoned Semetec and threw the zombie attractant into the tall building.

Half an hour later, they left Tongzhuang.

Accept biography.

Xu Yang glanced at Lu Huixue who was driving seriously, closed his eyes in the co-pilot, and began to accept Foley