Summon Survival

Chapter 69


Controlled by desire, he rushed towards the magic circle like crazy—

That bag of Xu Yang contained twenty attractants! Not to mention three stars, even the remaining one or two star zombies suppressed by the leader-level zombies are crazy. But Xu Yang sent Fleet to fend off those crazy low-star zombies, this ultimate move was not prepared for them.


Bozhou University is shaking!

A wave of heat swept over, knocking out many supernatural beings who were fighting. Xu Yang stood behind Semetek, and the magical barrier of Shenhao protected them tightly from the aftermath of magic.

[Successful upgrade to obtain skill points: 5]

How many died

After three days of besieging the city, Xu Yang was promoted to one level, and now he has been promoted to another level. Xu Yang has reached level 30. But she didn't open the skill bar to see if the skill was unlocked, but stared nervously at the cloud of smoke...

Give it a try! This is very much related to... the difficulty of the next battle.

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated...

sixty five elves

There is a theorem in this world called "smoke and dust are harmless", but a woman like Xu Yang who has a halo will not be bound by this theorem.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the zombie bones in the center of the magic circle were gone, leaving only pinches of ashes. The zombies outside the magic circle were not seriously injured, and they stood up shaking their heads, their minds seemed to be very unclear. The smell of the capsule hadn't dissipated yet, and all the low-star zombies in the distance went crazy and ran to this side.

While Xu Yang threw incendiary bombs and asked Fleet to breathe fire, he asked Akui to use "Silver Purgatory". As soon as the silver flame came out, some three-star zombies who were still in chaos were howling and rolling on the spot, and then they were burned to death.

"Nice job!" Zhang Haofeng couldn't help but praise, Xu Yang's wave was so beautiful, he killed most of the three stars at once, greatly reducing their pressure! Lu Huixue couldn't help laughing when she heard this while pinning down the four-star leader. Even though Zhang Haofeng didn't praise her, Lu Huixue was happier than she was praised. As soon as he was distracted, he was slapped away by the paw of the leader zombie, so Lu Huixue didn't dare to be distracted, and got up to meet him seriously.

Xu Yang didn't have time to answer, so he turned on the shield and ran back, asking Semetek while running: "If I upgrade you to a level, can you cast more magic?"

"I can unlock higher-level magic, but I can't support my magic power. At least I have to wait for you to upgrade to level 5." Unlike Akui and the other summoned beasts, Akui and the others... Although the higher the level of Xu Yang, their combat effectiveness will also increase. The stronger it is, but it won't be so severely restricted like Semetek. Semetek's mana is linked to Xu Yang's level. If Xu Yang's level cannot be improved, even if Semetek unlocks the forbidden magic at full level, there will be no mana released. "Before you reach level 40, you can consider not giving me some skills. Of course, it's a different matter if you have too many skill points to use."

Xu Yang was speechless for a while, okay. There are bugs like Semetec, and it is normal to have more restrictions. Xu Yang comforted himself like this, opened the skill bar, and found that the next line of skills was really unlocked!

Ancient Swordsman Cassia (10), Elemental Purification [Passive] (5)

A summoned beast, and an enhanced skill (passive) that belongs to the mid-level summoned beast to extend the skill time.

Only fifteen skill points in total? Point!

It's only seven o'clock after midnight? Xu Yang looked at the swordsman's name, and it seemed that he was a melee fighter who didn't need the blessing of mana. So... extend the time. Then click on the first level of elemental purification.

Binder: Xu Yang (summoner)

Level: 30

Skill Points: 2

When there were only two skills left, Xu Yang stopped thinking about it. Her escaping steps stopped abruptly, and she suddenly turned to face the few surviving three-star zombies and a large group of low-star zombies hanging behind her buttocks.

"Come out—ancient swordsman Cassia! Sanction them!" Xu Yang raised his head and chest out on a whim, and A Kui was surprised by the full lines. All scared off.

Semetek covered his face with a magic robe, which not only kept his mystery, but also prevented him from being seen by the curious eyes of the supernatural being, thus losing face. Covering his face and shaking his magic robe, he bowed at 45 degrees to Xu Yang, and slowly backed away. The teleportation array lit up from under his feet: "I'm sorry, I'm leaving..."

Xu Yang coughed lightly, one by one...

The giant magic circle slowly lit up. A big man with six long knives on his back and three long knives on his right hand walked out of it. His whole body is full of explosive muscles, and a scar extends from his exposed chest to his abdomen. It can be imagined that this scar almost split his whole body in two. No one can imagine how this man survived.

"Ancient swordsman, Cassia. Report." Holding a cigar in his left hand, he blew out a smoke ring, and Cassia walked out of the summoning circle carelessly stepping on the smoke. "Oh, it turned out to be a group of miscellaneous fish..."

"I am happy to serve you." Without waiting for Xu Yang's order, Cassia looked at the group of zombies running towards him. He lightly tossed the cigar into the sky, and the whole person's momentum suddenly froze, with an astonishing killing spree. Yi and the swordsman's lingering sword intent froze the surrounding air to the point of freezing! Cassia took a step back, holding the handle of the knife with his right hand—

In an instant, Xu Yang only saw three cold lights flashing by in an instant! The sound of breaking the sky? There is no sound at all! After three cold lights, Cassia lazily raised his hand again, and the cigar was just caught between his fingers. A smoke ring slowly spits out...

The group of approaching zombies was still charging forward, but suddenly fell apart as they ran. The body parts fell off in pieces, arms? leg? Even the intestines were all cut off! The ones rushing forward are all three-star zombies!

Samsung! Died like this? They don't even know when they died!

This scene was extremely disgusting, but Cassia was not affected in the slightest. Wearing tattered animal skin shorts, he slowly walked to Xu Yang's side, "Oh, my lord~"

"My first meeting, I'm Cassia. An ordinary swordsman."

fierce, powerful...

Not only is it powerful. Xu Yang blinked his eyes, this man can pretend to be B better than Semite Ke! He is even more handsome than Semitec!

If Semetke is a meticulous nobleman, then Cassia is a free and unrestrained prodigal son. It looks lazy and casual, but the momentum when killing the enemy... This contrast can make people's eyes shine!

Too pretentious! Cassia didn't look back after she drew her sword and slashed, and walked towards Xu Yang after blowing out smoke rings! Those zombies didn't die immediately, but were suddenly decomposed after running for a few steps, but Cassia didn't look back after taking out the knife.

How confident.


"There are still a lot of low-star zombies." Xu Yang couldn't help but reminded, why did the three-star zombies stop fighting after a second? Is it a "one trick" like Semetec

"Drawing a sword requires a cooling time." Cassia raised his eyebrows and said seriously, "I'm only level one, and I haven't unlocked other more gorgeous sword skills."

"You can attack normally." Xu Yang remained expressionless.

"That's not handsome, please allow me to refuse..."

"Immediately! Clean up all the zombies!" Xu Yang almost laughed out of anger, this summoned beast really has more and more personality! Is it really a cool thing to draw a knife and chop? !

"Okay, okay, I will obey your will." Cassia said helplessly, gave an irregular knight salute, and walked heavily towards a group of low-star zombies.

—It seems that it is so unreasonable for him to use normal to fight mobs.

Cassia walked halfway, and suddenly turned back. Seeing Xu Yang's eyelids twitched, but Cassia gave the cigar to Xu Yang.

"Please hold it for me for a while, I will continue to smoke later." Saying this, Cassia rushed towards the group of low-star zombies. One second he was giving cigars with Xu Yang, but the next second many zombies in the low-star zombie group were chopped into the sky...

Although he likes to pretend to be handsome, this swordsman is really strong.

Xu Yang couldn't help suspecting that Cassia exchanged her soul just to keep being handsome.

"Target strength assessment... Eleven may not be the opponent." Thirteen watched the corpse tide resistance from a distance. They were also drawn into the battle, but this did not prevent her from observing Xu Yang while dealing with the zombies. Xu Yang's attractant didn't just attract zombies from one direction. The low-star power users who were unable to do anything were now defending against the low-star zombies coming from all directions. "I lost my sight..."

This "ordinary person" is much more terrifying than that woman of the Limin department. There are endless means, summoning ability? Summon all kinds of creatures? But this man was able to light up the cover just now, it should be a protective cover. Shisan has seen defense-type supernatural beings, and those supernatural beings can also wear this kind of cover, but Xu Yang's is obviously stronger.

"The strange ability has not been recorded yet... Sure enough, the potential of human beings is infinite." There was a bit of appreciation in No. 5's speech, but Xu Yang is an "ordinary person"? Just physical fitness. Perhaps it was because of his overpowering abilities that his body was suppressed and unable to evolve, just like him—because of dual abilities and tracking, he was blind in both eyes.

Blindness in the early days of the end of the world is actually very uncomfortable. Fortunately, he awakened the wind-type supernatural power at the same time, and his brother's supernatural power can accelerate the growth of his supernatural power. Otherwise, number five would never have become stronger so quickly.

"She is very valuable. No, her value is beyond everyone's imagination!" No. 5 thought of more in an instant. No. 2's ability is copying, so can No. 2 copy this ability? If it succeeds, what will be summoned? — This man must live! "Get her blood. Gotta get it,