Summon Survival

Chapter 73


what is the problem.

—When seeing so many rich materials, many people will get carried away with excitement.

After getting the news, Lu Huixue slapped the person unconscious, and then headed towards the place the person pointed to.

Their base camp is a warehouse. I don't know if it was abandoned before the end of the world, but it must be abandoned after the end of the world.

Lu Huixue got out of the car with the psychic abilities in the back row. During the time on the road, Xu Yang took back all the summoned beasts, and now the cooling time has ended. She walked behind Lu Huixue, if someone was really here, she would summon him in an instant.

Lu Huixue didn't bother to knock on the door, and just kicked towards the closed big iron door of the warehouse. With a loud bang, the door was kicked away, and with a bang, it fell on the door at the corner of the warehouse. An obviously protruding shoe print was shocking to see.

Five or six people were sitting around a fire and eating meat, while the rest were scattered around, and some people were venting their anger by dragging a woman who could only vent her anger. There was a loud noise, and almost everyone stopped to look at the door, only a strong man over two meters tall was still rolling the skewers.

And judging from the expressions of those people, that strong man is their leader.

Lu Huixue glanced around, and saw bones piled up in the corner and corpses nailed to the wall. There are obviously a lot of canned food left in the warehouse, but what these people are baking is clearly...

"Come here." Xu Yang pulled Lu Huixue, then changed hands and threw the grenade into the warehouse. At the same time, he took out the incendiary bomb and threw it in. When the explosion and flame appeared inside, roars and curses also rang out.

Obviously, they thought that Lu Huixue and the others were here to negotiate, after all, Lu Huixue also brought the eldest brother over.

The brawny man didn't expect to do it right away, didn't the two of them want to trade his brother for supplies or something? In the last days, the important interests are right! With a loud shout, he led his younger brothers to escape from the back door of the warehouse in embarrassment. A grenade and an incendiary bomb were not enough to kill them, but this embarrassing posture broke his calm and indifferent aura just now! He took his younger brother and looked at the two little girls gloomyly. Before he could yell or curse, a series of silver arrows shot towards his head with the sound of swishing through the air? !

"Kill them!" The big man was completely angry. He was thinking about the end of the world. It was rare to see two top-quality girls. He wanted to stay with them and hang out with them for a while, but he didn't expect these two people to be so shameless! He shouted angrily, and his whole body soared to a height of three meters, his black hair bulged, and his muscles swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. With a roar, he punched his chest and rushed towards Lu Huixue and the others.

Lu Huixue held the hammer in her right hand, and went up to the "gorilla" who rushed up, and hit the man's chest with a hammer, directly smashing him into the burning warehouse. "However, a four-star garbage can be the boss?" With a cold shout, Lu Huixue plunged into the warehouse with a hammer in hand, and started a full-scale suppressive beating.

—Scaring so much, and making such a big show, Lu Huixue thought it was a five-star one. I didn't expect it to be four stars like her. Fighting at the same level, and all of them are physical enhancements, Lu Huixue of the force-sensitivity department is not inferior to anyone.

In a duel with supernatural beings, the group attack magic of summoned beasts is not like fighting zombies, which can kill everyone in one shot. Lu Huixue singled out the leader, and the rest were all three stars, Xu Yang was not in a hurry. She first opened a magic shield for herself, and then summoned both Semetek and Cassia. The existence time of mid-level magical creatures is 10 minutes, but Xu Yang clicked two levels of elemental purification, and the existence time of mid-level magical creatures became 40 minutes in a blink of an eye.

Delton took the lead, and when the ridicule started, he called a few three-stars for no reason, and his eyes turned red for no reason. How can this black knight be upset

sixty-nine elves

Merkel directly picked a three-star peak superpower to use fear, stunned the person, and then swung a sickle to start a fight with another three-star. Both Fleet and Akui are equivalent to long-range support. Semetek did not sing big magic this time, but continued to fire some small spells: fireball, wind blade and the like, to harass and sneak attack the group of supernatural beings.

Cassia used one to ten. The ancient swordsman had six knives on his body and three knives on the right. With one hand, he directly cut the supernatural being who wanted to fight him head-on into tofu. Seeing that the situation was not good, the group of supernatural beings wanted to attack Xu Yang, but Xu Yang's blue shell was too perverted, no matter what supernatural power he could break it...

Or, run away? …

Soon, a gang of people still alive had the idea.

They are all three-star power users, as long as they escape here, they will not be unable to survive. If they are lucky, they can sneak into the base... Although, that is far from the freedom it is now. But their bosses are all one-on-one winners and losers are unknown! They can't beat...


A head with wide eyes and a horrified face rolled under the feet of the crowd, and they scattered in fright. Is that, is that the boss? ! actually died? actually...

Without a chance to surrender and beg for mercy, Lu Huixue didn't say anything about their crying and begging for mercy, shifting responsibility from each other, and selling misery. She just carried the skull smasher and cooperated with Xu Yang's summoned beasts to start killing.

"To die by my knife is the greatest honor in your life." Cassia lazily waved the knife with a cigar in his mouth and said, he also seemed very casual when dealing with these miscellaneous fish that were separated randomly and had no intention of fighting at all. , Even if it is just a simple knife, he can find the flaws in them in an instant... No, in other words, these people are full of flaws, and he still has to worry about which one to attack.

[Successful upgrade to obtain skill points: 5]

The battle ended soon, Lu Huixue counted the crystal cores and put them in the trunk of the armored vehicle, and sorted out the things in the small camp before planning to leave with Xu Yang.

—Woman in the warehouse... Immediately after those people left the warehouse, they committed suicide.

Xu Yangben was still hesitating whether to settle, but he didn't expect... Forget it.

"People who don't take the initiative to hunt zombies like this, but start to bully the weak with their existing strength, their fighting ability is very weak." Xu Yang couldn't help but sigh, of course, maybe it's because Lu Huixue is too powerful.

"It's just relative to us." Lu Huixue said, after all, four stars is not a Chinese cabbage. "It doesn't help me much to fight this crap, though."

"We will meet." The world is so big, there are many dangerous things. It's just that they haven't met them for the time being, if they do, it's not impossible for them to die together. Xu Yang reassured casually, opened the skill template, and allocated five points of skill to element strengthening, so that the existence time of the summoned beast would be doubled again. From 40 minutes to 80 minutes. Almost an hour and a half!

Binder: Xu Yang (summoner)

Grade: 31

Skill Points: 2

Next, it's time to work hard to unlock the next column of skills. How many levels? Maybe level 40. ... In short, it's just a matter of time.

half year later. Land of redemption.

"I can't copy the ability because it's too advanced? I can fully understand this, but based on genetic replication... The experiment failed? No matter how it shows, it's just an ordinary person... Damn it, Thirteen is using the blood of ordinary people to fool her me!"

"Twelve, calm down. This is where my younger brother went together. Even if Thirteen can fool me, my younger brother won't." Number Four patted Twelve on the shoulder, "Maybe we missed something."

"I know, experiment... just continue the experiment. Damn, it's hard to find ordinary people in this last world, and I don't know why the data has to be displayed as ordinary people? Is it restricted? Ability stripping? Exclusiveness?" Ten Er took off his gloves a little maniacally, "I'm going to take a bath to calm down."

"No. 9 is dead. No. 18 escaped with serious injuries. It took me a week to save his life." No. 4 looked at Twelve's back and said, "The Land of Redemption has been exposed."

"It's been exposed a long time ago! Since the gang of garbage and poisonous people I transformed were sent out by No. 1, they have been targeted by the fake military!" He was referring to the three bases g, k, and n.

"We only have one stronghold left in the mountain city of Ningzhou. You should suspend the research on the refinement of the 'summoning' ability now, and study how to make the flower of salvation bear fruit."

"The main city of the Land of Redemption is shrouded in poisonous smog, or did No. 1 work hard to control the emission of the poisonous gas of the Flower of Redemption so that the area did not expand further? Look at the data, I have sorted out 110,000 copies, and I have a little clue None! Why doesn’t No. 1 kill people and offer sacrifices, and then ask the gods? I’m willing to give everything for the gods.”

"...unable to communicate. You know, we can't actively contact the gods."

"So I'll work hard to study the ability. Number two can't wait to use this 'summoning' ability. He has to ask me more than ten times a day." Twelve waved his hand and walked out of the laboratory. Number two's ability is "Copy the ability of others to use", and the only condition is contact with blood. But this time Xu Yang's blood... No. 2 used it, touched it, and it didn't work. But No. 2 was looking forward to this ability very much, so he handed over this task to him, hoping that he could figure out why.

No. 4 didn't linger, he sighed, and after walking out of the laboratory, he saw blindfolded No. 5 standing quietly at the door.

his brother.

No. 4 raised his hand and rubbed his brother's hair. While pouring his supernatural power into his body to accelerate his brother's evolution, he stopped his brother by the shoulder and took him out of the laboratory together, "Go out next time, Let number six or number seven go with you. The big guy eleven is too stupid, and thirteen is unreliable and too dangerous."