Summon Survival

Chapter 77


Ji has long been infected by the zombie virus.


Lu Huixue ran away by stepping on the three-star zombies like this, and the leader-level zombies behind were blocked by her little brother when they wanted to chase them. The group of three-stars was frightened by the roar of the corpse and quickly dispersed, but they had just been ordered to stick together, and they were very dense. This time, they were crowded together, and Samsung was accidentally stepped on by his companion, and then it couldn't get up again...

A golden thunderbolt the size of a pillar hit the leader-level zombies directly, and countless thin and dense thunder snakes spread out on the ground, making the surrounding zombies go numb with electricity! The three-star zombies who couldn't retreat in time also suffered. They fell to the ground one by one as if their crystal nuclei had been destroyed. Immediately after the golden lightning, there were more than a dozen purple lightning bolts as thick as arms, which were controlled by Semetek as best they could to attack the leader-level zombies!

"Roar!" The leader-level zombie felt the threat, and before he could dispel the paralysis effect, he pulled a four-star zombie beside him and blocked it on his head—a dozen "purple snakes" passed by, and the four-star zombie was scorched black and was killed by the leader-level zombie. The zombie was thrown on the ground, and instantly shattered into black powder, and a four-star crystal nucleus could still be seen in the powder. The skin of the leader-level zombie is also scorched, especially the hand holding the four-star zombie. It picked up the crystal nucleus of the four-star zombie and ate it directly, and let out a roar in the sky!

After hearing this, the two four-stars turned around and climbed towards the tall building.

Lu Huixue ran a certain distance and took out the crystal nucleus that Cassia had just thrown to her. After absorbing it briefly, the crystal nucleus turned into powder and dissipated. And at this time, the gang of three-star zombies dispersed again...

[Successful upgrade to obtain skill points: 5]

Xu Yang saw that it was Merkel who cut off the head of the four-star zombie with a sickle. Merkel did not stop. After killing the enemy, she decisively turned into a cloud of black mist and shrouded the four-star zombies that Delton was resisting. Fleet took advantage of the situation and took off into the air, spraying a heavy dragon's breath towards the two four-stars that were constantly climbing on the wall of the tall building.

- "Team Lu!" A fire dragon sprang out from among the group of three-star zombies. Xu Yang saw from above that there was a sea of flames behind the car.

Lei Hao, Zhao Xiaocheng and Zhou Zhiya rushed over.

They all had protective shields on their bodies, and they got out of the car quickly. Zhao Xiaocheng lifted the car high with his wind power, and slammed it towards the leader-level zombie. The car was already smoking, and after it slammed on the ground, there was an explosion——

"Go upstairs and stop those two four-stars." Lu Huixue roared loudly, she stared at the leader-level zombie, she wished she could smash the heads of the two four-stars immediately, but this leader-level zombie I will definitely not let myself go. If she really went to Xu Yang's side, she was afraid that the remaining four-star and five-star zombies would all go as well. She raised her hand and tore off the small hammer accessory, a blood mist emerged, and Lu Huixue pinched the skull crushing hammer in her hand. Her eyes were slightly red, and she jumped out in an instant, holding the hammer in her right hand and slamming the head of the leader zombie.


Cassia clung to the giant four-star zombie. The zombie was too huge for Cassia to perform well for a while. He took off the long knife on his back, used his energy to stab the long knife into the body of the giant zombie, Cassia stepped on the handle of the knife, and jumped onto the back of the giant zombie.

Although the giant zombies are extremely powerful, they are not flexible enough. When fighting alone, facing Cassia, a nimble little bug, he couldn't be crushed to death. It jumped up and landed heavily, trying to knock Cassia down in this way. The six knives on Cassia's back pierced the zombie's body, but it didn't seem to hurt anything other than driving the zombie crazy. He pulled out the long knife on his right hand, and the Gang Qi enveloped the blade in an instant. Cassia stabbed the long knife into the back of the zombie with force on his wrist to ensure that he would not be dropped.

"Damn..." The tall building shook, Xu Yang couldn't help but swear. The four-star zombies haven't climbed up yet, so the house won't collapse, right? As soon as I thought about it, tiny cracks spread from under my feet...

Semetek waved his magic robe and covered Xu Yang's head in an instant, protecting Xu Yang and Akui together, and the magic barrier lit up in an instant. The crack suddenly shattered, and the tall building collapsed at this moment!

The two four-stars were bothered by Fleet and hadn't climbed up for a while. They fell into dizziness under Fleet's dragon roar. At this moment, the giant zombie began to jump continuously...

The small crack that was originally shaken by the dragon's roar expanded rapidly, and Fleet tilted his head and said "Oh?", as if he still didn't understand what happened. But the next moment, the tall building collapsed...

Lei Hao and the others didn't even have time to go upstairs, and Zhou Zhiya fell behind. After running out of the building, he saw Lu Huixue covered in blood mist, and the skull smasher in his hand was emitting a strange red light. Lu Huixue looked ruthless, as if she had lost her mind. Directly attack the five-star zombie, turning a blind eye to the seven four-star zombies rushing around. Zhou Zhiya immediately removed her defensive cover, and turned all the remaining abilities into a defensive cover to protect Lu Huixue.

"Crack" in less than three seconds, the defensive cover was cracked by the zombies. The four-star defensive cover smashed out the hand bones of the four-star zombies. The group of four-stars was still crazy, and the roar of the leader-level zombies became more and more urgent. The zombie held by Merkel and Delton panicked as if it was about to return for help, but was completely blocked by Delton's black armor. At this moment of distraction, Merkel's sickle crossed unceremoniously and killed it!

On the other side, Cassia knew that she seemed to have gotten into trouble, but Xu Yang's breath was stable, presumably because he was not injured under the protection of Semetke and Akui. With a low growl, he stepped hard into the flesh and blood of the giant zombie's back with his feet, stood upright, and charged up - drew his sword and slashed.

The moment he slashed, a wave of power rose from the bottom of his heart and spread to all his limbs. Cassia gave a low cry, and suddenly pulled out the six long knives inserted into the giant zombie's body. He threw the three knives in his hand into the air, and the nine knives burst open behind him.

"Random Knife Judgment. Strangling!"

Pulling out the sword and cutting made the giant zombie furious, and his arms kept reaching behind him trying to grab Cassia. At this moment, the bodies of the nine-handled knives were all shrouded in Gang Qi, and driven by Cassia, they smashed towards the head of the giant zombie. The huge palm didn't even last for three seconds before it turned into blood mist and pieces of white bones scattered all over the ground—

Xu Yang got up from the ground, and during the fall, she activated the magic shield to envelop the three of them. So they didn't get hurt much... It's just embarrassing Semetke's cleanliness.

[Successful upgrade to obtain skill points: 5]

The author has something to say: Babes, I am 15,000 this week!

Seventy-three elves

Let's take a look at what just happened...

Grabbed by the four-star zombie's thigh, Lu Huixue didn't want to hit it with a hammer. A thicker blood mist was emitted from the hammer. Lu Huixue's eyes were already scarlet, and she locked on to the five-star zombie.

But in the face of such an imposing leader-level zombie, its first reaction turned out to be—run away

right! It escaped!

Without even thinking about it, Lu Huixue threw the skull-crushing hammer straight into the back of the leader-level zombie. Regardless of the claw marks left by the four-star zombie on her waist, Lu Huixue kicked the ground violently, smashing the five-star zombie Fell to the ground. She grabbed the zombie's head with both hands, and with ten fingers together, her nails dug into the scalp...

"Roar!—" The most important head was pinched by someone, and the five-star zombie went completely mad. It struggled desperately, screaming and ordering those gangsters to come over and kill this damned woman. However, this woman turned a blind eye to the approach of the four-star zombies, no, if this continues... It turned around suddenly, trying to press Lu Huixue down, and the black sharp claws slashed across Lu Huixue's arms—

Unexpectedly, Lu Huixue didn't care about this attack at all, or that Lu Huixue had no room in his mind to think about avoiding the attack. The moment the zombie turned over, she took advantage of the situation and twisted the zombie's head hard—"Ah—"

Lu Huixue let out a low growl, veins sprang up on her forehead, and the carotid artery throbbed like a green snake. Under the tremendous force of this explosion, there was only a click, and Lu Huixue suddenly fell on his back and fell to the ground, holding the startled and angry head of the leader-level zombie with both hands...

Xu Yang then upgraded.

"Clean up the four-stars! Clean up the four-stars quickly! Lu Huixue? Lu Huixue!" Before Xu Yang felt the joy of upgrading, he saw Lu Huixue collapsed among a pile of four-star zombies just as he climbed out of the ruins. Those four-star zombies were stunned for some reason, but... Lu Huixue looked too miserable, he was like a bloody man!

Use the number zero to lure the four-star zombies aside, and Delton, Merkel, and Cassia quickly finish off the enemies at hand and come to support them. Xu Yang turned on the magic shield again and ran towards Lu Huixue.

"Lu Huixue?" Xu Yang called softly.

Lu Huixue's eyes moved, and she threw her head aside with some effort. She barely sat up, and the wounds all over her body were torn more severely. Xu Yang stretched out his hand hesitantly, but he didn't dare to touch those wounds, it was too scary.

Moreover, the wound on Lu Huixue's arm was actually black blood. She was attacked by a five-star zombie? Wouldn't it be... possible to be infected? Xu Yang couldn't believe it, would Lu Huixue turn into a zombie and die in the end? Obviously in the previous life... Is it because of this variable? Xu Yang tore off a corner of his clothes and tried to bandage Lu Huixue, but such a small amount of fabric couldn't even stop the bleeding... Where is the armored vehicle

"No, it's okay..." Lu Huixue felt a little weak, was Xu Yang worried about her? Lu Huixue wanted to smile, but the wound hurt too much, so she had to give up.

A soft golden light melted into Lu Huixue's body, and Lu Huixue's wound suddenly felt itchy. When she raised her eyes slightly, she saw Semetek put on