Summon Survival

Chapter 80


Become an ancient swordsman. Nine-handled knives, Cassia owns nine-handled knives. The ability obtained at the second level seems to be that stellar energy, and after the full level, Cassia can control the knife to kill the enemy at will. Sword art? Moreover, the accompanying skills are also... very powerful.

Cassia's childhood training was very boring, but maybe every swordsman has trained like this. Constantly waving the wooden knife to practice various postures... Day after day, when Cassia became a vigorous young man, he practiced various knife techniques day after day. There are gorgeous ones, some ordinary ones, and there are also Cassia's first-level skills, drawing a sword and slashing.

But at this time, Cassia was far less powerful than when Xu Yang summoned him. The so-called "drawing the sword and chopping" was full of loopholes, and it could barely leave a mark on the wood. Among what Xu Yang saw, what Cassia saw the most was his father shaking his head and sighing.

Until Cassia's coming-of-age ceremony, after he finally practiced drawing his sword, his always serious father finally smiled in relief and rubbed his head. The father and two drank wine happily that day, and Cassia also got the method of cultivating the qi handed down from his ancestors.

This is a new round of cultivation. Cassia thought his father would always be with him.

Xu Yang thought so too. After all, Xu Yang imagined many possible things... Robbers? bandit? Natural disasters like earthquakes? Maybe it's a tsunami, maybe it's pirates on the sea

Xu Yang never thought that there would be a conscription.

"Son, I have nothing left for you. Cultivate your Gang Qi well. This is the key to the secret room. In the secret room are the nine famous knives handed down from our family... In fact, they are not very famous, but they have been passed down from our ancestors. You It can be used, and it can be destroyed during the battle, but you must not sell it for wine." The man hung the key strung with a string around Cassia's neck, and rubbed Cassia's head: " Our family has not seen a powerful swordsman for hundreds of years, you must work hard!"

"... But, my talent is not high." Cassia was a little reluctant to part with his father, and he looked at his father eagerly: "You don't want to join the army, okay?"

"Idiot! Those barbarians have all attacked Rongcheng. Even if I don't join the army, I will be captured within two or three years. I have to serve the country." The man took Cassia into his arms, forehead and card Xia touched her forehead, "Okay, practice your knife well. If you can't, find a wife and let your son continue to work hard. I'll go and take good care of myself."

The man said, counted his simple luggage, tied it on his body, and walked to the village. The conscripts are all there.

War will not change because of the joining of a certain person.

After his father left, Cassia was very irritated and worked harder. But within a year, the news of the barbarian siege had already reached this small fishing village...

"The city is broken! Run away, everyone!"

"The barbarians are attacking! Everyone retreat! Don't bring anything!"

Crying and cursing were a mess, and the fire of the war still spread to this small fishing village.

Cassia went to the secret room immediately and took nine knives wrapped in cloth with him, then took some dry food and fled with the villagers. But he soon discovered that the speed of the pursuit of the barbarian on horseback was too fast.

He watched with his own eyes that the civilians in the rear were pierced through the chest by the barbarians on horseback. Watch as some women and children fall behind, easily captured and tied to horses by the barbarians... and some of the children are left behind.

He fell off the moment he told Mercedes-Benz! The bloodstain and the fading cry were destroying Cassia's will all the time. He can't wait to go back and fight these barbarians for eighty rounds. However, he could only escape tirelessly with a heavy long knife on his back.

The home is gone. The small fishing village is gone. Nothing.

In fact, Cassia has also heard the gossip of the villagers. Their family used to be a very glorious nobleman, but their sword skills gradually declined, and there was no more powerful swordsman in the family, and they were reduced to the point where they lived in a small fishing village. His father was already considered talented, but he was still... far from being a swordsman.

It is said that a real swordsman can reach a thousand horses and thousands of troops.

It is said that a true swordsman wields his knife as easily as if he were using his own arm.

It is said that a real swordsman can easily resist thousands of swords to attack the enemy.

Cassia had also been fascinated.

Yes, ever.

If he hadn't listened to what the villagers were saying, his mother had thrown them here because his father was a worthless swordsman who looked down on them, and she had eloped with the merchants and antique utensils that his father had inherited for generations. .

Some villagers tried to persuade his father, but it was useless. Why force children to suffer like this? Cassia was still nodding at the side at that time, but one night when his father was drunk, he staggered on his bedside and asked him if he wanted to continue learning knives. He looked at the loss and pain in his father's eyes, but he couldn't say what he didn't want.

He thought about it.

So from then on, his father became more and more strict, and made him chop with a wooden knife 10,000 times a day.

What is a knife

Cassia, who was fleeing with nine knives on his back, couldn't help thinking.

Knives... go all the way.

In fact, my father didn't have to join the army. He doesn't need to go to the battlefield, he is not strong, even if he goes to the battlefield, it can't change anything. The savages are brutal and bloody, and they are simply irresistible. But my father went anyway. Why

Cassia didn't know it before, but now he seems to understand a little bit.

Is he going to keep running away

In the corner, holding the nine-handled knife, he looked at the silently crying refugees around him, and there were barbarians behind him. Sooner or later the gang takes another city.

— "Cassia, do you want to be a great hero? If you learn a knife, you can beat bad people and save those who are weaker than you. Have you read the comics? Do you want to be such a great hero?" To coax him to learn what he said when he was learning a knife.

Not to inherit the family's sword skills, not for the father's will. In the beginning, he obviously wanted to help the weak, so he wanted to learn sword skills.

Cassia looked at the refugees around her, and finally couldn't help sobbing softly. He was crying and crying, as if he had turned on some switch, and wept loudly as if to vent.

Xu Yang watched as a bystander, and pursed his lips tightly.

"Good boy, where is your family? It's okay, it's okay, even if we get separated, we will meet again." An old woman saw Cassia crying like this, and couldn't help but leaned over and touched Cassia's hair, from her arms He took out a small piece of cloth and opened it layer by layer, revealing half of the shortbread inside. The old grandma swallowed her saliva, didn't look at what was in her hand, and stuffed half of the shortbread together with the cloth into Cassia's hand, "Eat it quickly, you will have the strength to run tomorrow after eating."

"Everything will be fine." After finishing speaking, the old grandma got up and left, without giving Cassia a chance to shirk. Cassia stood up, but found that the old lady was squeezed into the refugee pile, and he couldn't find it.

…If you are weak, if you are so weak, you can only be protected by others. But, why should he be protected by someone weaker than him? He is obviously an adult, why can't he stand up and protect others

Seventy-six elves

Cassia burst into tears, he ate shortbread in small bites, he was going to become a swordsman. He wants to become a real swordsman!

However, the reality is always so cruel.

Cassia and the others were overtaken by the barbarians. Those who ran behind were women, children and some old people, and those who were the first to be caught and killed were also those who fell behind.

"I'm fighting with you!—"

"You let her go!"

"Tongtong! Mom!—"

It's messy, messy. More people ran forward desperately. Only by running to the next city, where they could hide, could they survive. Cassia is also running, his steps are very heavy, and he is out of breath under the weight of the nine-handled knife. Fortunately, years of practice have improved his physical fitness, otherwise he would have been caught long ago.

"Please, please, please..."

"No… "


All kinds of calls, all kinds of help...

Cassia fell, and nine knives were scattered on the ground. The bright blade seemed to be mocking his cowardice, mocking him for running for his life.

"Look, that kid has nine knives? The condition seems to be pretty good?" A barbarian found Cassia.

"Let's go!" Cassia was helped up, and he looked up. It was a young girl with black and gray faces, and she looked very embarrassed. But if you look closely, you can see that this girl should be very delicate.

Cassia thanked him, hurriedly wrapped the nine-handled knife and carried it on his back, and continued to escape.

— "Yo! There's a bitch here!"

The savages quickly caught up.

"Go, I can't run anymore!" The girl seemed to panic when she heard the voice, she said to Cassia, and took out the dagger hidden in her waist to kill herself.

Cassia knocked out the dagger, pushed the girl, and threw the package directly on the ground, with nine knives scattered all over the ground.

Cassia picked up a knife casually, and looked at the two barbarians who were rushing forward, and made a posture of drawing the knife and slashing.

"Damn, this is a fool!" The barbarian laughed, picked up the spear in his hand, and directly flew Cassia's long knife. He turned over and got off the horse, punched Cassia in the stomach, made Cassia spit out a few mouthfuls of white water, and then threw him on the horse's back: "This kid may have some background, go back and ask." After all, these nine knives It's not a simple knife. The gang of barbarians put away their knives and accelerated to chase the refugees in front.

Cassia was tied to the horse, his consciousness gradually