Summon Survival

Chapter 82


somewhat similar. I talked to her about it and she is very interested in you. It's a pity that I haven't heard from you..." Tang Feng smiled and said his plan.

"Doctor?" Xu Yang was taken aback, "She will also summon?"

"No, no, no, her power is an improvement in wisdom. But her body is an ordinary person like you, and there is no fluctuation in power. But she has indeed benefited from the end of the world." Tang Feng paused, suddenly Asked, "When you came in, did you notice the uniforms of the defenders of Base K? It is leather armor made of mutated animal fur, fused with crystal nucleus extracts, and its toughness and hardness are comparable to alloys."

"And this kind of technology was developed by Dr. Qin." When Tang Feng talked about this, his eyebrows were a little proud, and he said with a smile: "Cooperating with Winter City, it stands to reason that it is impossible for Dr. Qin to act The exchange personnel came to base K. However, the military got the news about you somehow, and I have communicated with you. Dr. Qin will take the initiative to ask to come to me because of your credit. "

Damn it, it was sold by this old fox.

Xu Yang cursed secretly in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. From Tang Feng's point of view, it seems that the side of Winter City has no malice towards him... Stay or run away overnight? Will he be wanted by all major bases if he escapes? Let's stay and see what happens...

"Chief Tang Ji is very dishonest." Lu Huixue said coldly as he pulled Xu Yang behind him.

"Haha, how could it be? You are the guests of my base K...don't worry. Cold Winter City is only interested in supernatural powers, and will not harm you. Otherwise, the arrest warrant has been issued long ago." Tang Feng smiled. He said, raised his hand and waved, a staff member came up, holding a large transparent box. There is a lock on the opening of the box, which is a fingerprint lock. Tang Feng stretched out his hand and pressed on it, and the box bounced open.

"The construction work of our bases is almost the same, and the signal station has also been established. It's just that the range can only cover the entire base." Tang Feng took out five small squares from the box, which are similar to mobile phones before the end of the world. "It contains information about time, location, maps, and some mutated creatures. It's similar to mobile phones before the end of the world. You can also communicate with each other after logging in with your identity. Energy is supplied through the crystal nucleus, which is crushed into powder and sprinkled into the groove on the back of the phone. Can."

Xu Yang and the others took one each. The material of this thing should not be minerals before the end of the world, but something that has changed after the end of the world. Xu Yang took the phone away and couldn't help asking: "Can't the signal station before the end of the world be used?"

"Special magnetic field interference, I heard from them that the matter in the air is also changing, and it can only be rebuilt with post-apocalyptic things. But after finding a substitute, it is easy to build. I don't know the details." Tang Feng shrugged. Shrugging, she patiently answered Xu Yang and the others' questions. "Is Miss Xu interested in joining Base K?"

"Let's discuss it for a while." Xu Yang shirked. At first she was planning to join, but to see that doctor tomorrow? Who knows what Winter City is thinking, and, so far away, they actually know her? !

As for Tang Feng... There is sincerity. After all, if they really want to be unfavorable to themselves, if they do something early in the meal, or if they are caught off guard tomorrow, Xu Yang can't help it. Although the old fox sold himself, he told him everything he needed to tell... With such an innocent face, answering every question, Xu Yang really didn't have a temper with Tang Feng.

Tang Feng seemed to have expected it a long time ago, so he was not surprised. Smiling and asking people to send them away from here, they didn't say anything superfluous.

"Why do you keep pulling me?" Lu Huixue felt aggrieved. She wanted to question Tang Feng many times just now, but Xu Yang stopped her. "Do you really want to go tomorrow? Otherwise, let's run away overnight. If you don't want armored vehicles, you don't want them. People are the most important thing. What if they treat you... What if they don't treat you well? What if they want to arrest you for research..."

"Okay, okay, if that's the case. We were already unconscious after eating, and when I wake up, I should already be on the operating rack." Xu Yang comforted the agitated Lu Huixue looked at Lei Hao and the others, "Do you want to join Base K? Those people should only be interested in my abilities, and it shouldn't matter if you join or leave."

As for Lu Huixue? Seeing that Lu Gouzi knew the answer like this, he didn't need to ask anything.

Lei Hao and the others didn't speak, not even Zhao Xiaocheng. They are all thinking.

Of course Zhao Xiaocheng wanted to follow Lu Huixue, but seeing Lu Huixue's star rating and the places she and Xu Yang went to adventure, he knew he couldn't keep up. Since they couldn't keep up, forcibly following the army would only be a burden. Of course Zhao Xiaocheng didn't want to, but leaving base K...wandering? Wandering in the last days is really not a good choice. And joining other small bases will inevitably repeat the mistakes of base a. If you want to join forces, base k is undoubtedly a good choice.

"Let's join Base K." Lei Hao and the others discussed in private for a while before giving the answer. "The army doesn't need to be bound with us. We will establish a Huo Lei team alone and develop again."

If Lu Huixue is not invited to join the group, even if Lu Huixue and the others join the K base in the future, they are not teammates. This way, Lu Huixue would not be implicated.

"Okay." Lu Huixue nodded, she would go out with Xu Yang if there were no accidents in the future, this might be the best choice. "Contact me if there is a situation."

"Yes." Lei Hao nodded, they would not try to be brave, and if they encountered difficulties, they would naturally contact Lu Huixue. As for whether the Lu team will's a matter of affection if you help, and it's okay if you don't.

After a simple arrangement, they went back to their respective rooms.

Lu Huixue checked the room carefully, but found nothing under surveillance, so she dragged Xu Yang into the room together.

"I feel bad." Lu Huixue pulled Xu Yang and said in a low voice, very wronged: "I really regret it, if only I could hide you for the rest of my life." Just like when I was in Base A at the beginning, Let everyone think that Xu Yang is just an ordinary person.

But now, even Cold Winter City started to pay attention to Xu Yang. Why? satellite? or something else? Or is it the effect of some supernatural power? Lu Huixue didn't know, and didn't want to know.

Lu Huixue only knew that she had managed to get in touch with the little girl, and as a result, all these big bases had her little girl in mind.

Lu Huixue raised her head, dejectedly. The whole person was extremely wronged.

Xu Yang raised her hand and rubbed Lu Huixue's head. She liked the feel of Lu Huixue's hair very much. Of course, it had something to do with Lu Huixue's love of cleanliness. If Lu Huixue didn't wash her hair for a few days... she definitely couldn't do anything. Xu Yang leaned over and kissed Lu Huixue's face, "So, you have to work harder."

"Six stars, seven stars. You have to work hard to rise to the stars. As long as you are always the leader among the supernatural beings, I will have no problems. Even if those people want to dissect me again, they will still worry about you." Xu Yang With a low smile, he said, "And... I don't have that high value."

She has no supernatural powers, she is just an ordinary person, a truly ordinary person, so fragile as to die. It's just good luck bound to a broken system.

No matter how rare, rare, or shocking the summoning ability is, it is just an ability. They all thought it was a supernatural power, since it was a supernatural power, there was nothing unexplainable. They will always find a reasonable explanation for themselves. According to Tang Feng, the doctor is not interested in him because of his summoning ability, but because of...

The doctor couldn't improve his physical fitness because of his supernatural ability, and he was also an ordinary person. The doctor may think that Xu Yang is the same kind of person as her, so he wants to see Xu Yang.

Xu Yang thought about it while appeasing Lu Huixue, and felt that there should be no danger. Even if those people made trouble, for example, they developed a device to limit the ability of supernatural beings—but it was useless to me. The magic shield is illuminated, and the phantom fog comes with the shield open, and you can still run if you have to run. With Lu Huixue by his side, the escape ability of a five-star power-sensitivity system user is not bad.

— With Lu Huixue by his side, even base K would not be so indifferent to a five-star combat power.

"Perhaps, it's time for you to work hard to control your madness." Xu Yang thought for a while and said to Lu Huixue.

"Won't the blood mist from the Skull Crusher help you go berserk? Can't you control it?"

The author has something to say: There is no list this week, everyone follow the trend

Seventy-eight elves

Mentioning this, Lu Huixue's face became even more aggrieved.

"I don't know... I also tried to enter the berserk mode last time, but it didn't work. In the end... the building collapsed. I thought you had something to do, and I was dragged by that damn thing again, so I wanted to kill it like crazy , entered madness."

Lu Huixue looked at Xu Yang, a little embarrassed: "Speaking madness seems to be related to you."

Xu Yang smiled, this is not a bad thing. In other words, after expressing her heart, Lu Huixue's actions made her feel satisfied. "Take your time, wait for six stars if five stars are not enough."

"However, I'm more concerned about another thing." Xu Yang took out the mobile phone Tang Feng gave them. After turning it on, the page was the same as that of the mobile phone before the end of the world, but this mobile phone did not have any brand, and the boot animation was just a "k ” letters light up in the center of the screen.

Basically, this phone has all the functions that should be available. After adding the ID code to the communication, it is really possible to contact directly. Although the signal is only near base K, does this indicate the beginning of information sharing

"Tell me, what will happen to foreign countries?" Xu Yang's world is not only