Summon Survival

Chapter 83


A country, but the country she is in covers a very large area, and Xu Yang has been moving around in various cities in the last days. In the past, the information collapsed and it was impossible to understand, but now does it mean... the end of the world can be resisted by the whole world

In three to five years or more than ten years, the zombies should be almost extinct. As long as the threat of mutant creatures is brought under control, what will the world be like then? What is the cause of the last days, and can it be solved? —If it is solved, Xu Yang thought, if the virus and the like ceased to exist. What about the supernatural beings? Will the power go away? If it can't disappear... Isn't this world going towards fantasy

"Foreign countries...should be facing the same problem as us. But guns are more common there...well, but in that case, there shouldn't be much difference between supernatural beings and ordinary people in the early days of the end of the world. After all, there are guns?" Lu Huixue guessed , Hearing Xu Yang's question, she couldn't help but wonder what kind of situation it is in foreign countries. There must be survivors, and there must be many people with supernatural powers.

As for union? Lu Huixue feels that it is not very possible at present, and it is estimated that they are all dealing with their own domestic crises.

"It's all just speculation after all." Too lazy to think too much, Xu Yang didn't have any particularly big ambitions, and he didn't have any pursuit of power. As long as they survived in the last days, at most, Lu Huixue was added to live with Lu Huixue.

It's just that I joined the K base, no matter what I do, I'm not as casual as before. Xu Yang had to think about these things.

Look, tomorrow's development.

Take a look, the sincerity of K base.

Xu Yang and Lu Huixue got up early in the morning, and when they came to the doctor's residence after a brief breakfast, they found out that the doctor lived in a small villa? Moreover, the surrounding security personnel... are all three-star or higher abilities.

"You two are Xu Yang and Lu Huixue, right? I've heard of you for a long time." The man who appeared to be the captain of the team protecting the doctor came forward in a special uniform, shook hands with Lu Huixue, and said, "The doctor has already Get up, someone has already reported your arrival. Please wait a moment, someone will come to pick you up."

"Can't you respond?" Lu Huixue couldn't help asking, "Are you from Winter City?"

"Ah, yes. We are ordered to personally protect the doctor's safety, but this is the doctor's residence, and it is not convenient for us to go in." The captain looked very accommodating, he smiled, and watched the security door being opened, a man dressed like them A woman in almost uniform came out.

"Please." The woman looked very indifferent, she calmly uttered a word, and brought Xu Yang and the others into the residence.

"Didi." A scanner at the iron gate turned to the woman, but turned back after scanning the medal on the woman's chest.

Anti-theft device

No way of knowing.

Followed into the room, Xu Yang saw a woman in a white nightgown sitting on the sofa drinking porridge with her legs crossed, and a familiar face sitting upright beside her.

Xu Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, oh well. The small reservoir is promising.

That's right, the one sitting next to the woman in the nightgown is actually Xi Yemu

"I didn't expect you to come early in the morning... Did Tang Feng scare you?" The rumored doctor put the porridge on the coffee table, and she lazily leaned on the sofa, "Sit whatever you want, if you don't have breakfast, I can also provide it here for free."

"No, we've already eaten." Lu Huixue said, the doctor in front of her is undoubtedly a completely ordinary person, and Lu Huixue can't feel any fluctuations in her abilities. But this feeling is different from Xu Yang. Xu Yang is a real ordinary person. This person... can feel an indescribable energy hidden in this person's brain.

Is this the ability to break through the upper limit of intelligence? The disadvantage is that the body is an ordinary person

"Don't be so nervous. Speaking of which, it's only right that Xiao Xi knows you." The doctor seemed very relaxed, and didn't care about Lu Huixue's guard. She looked at Xi Yemu, "Speaking of which, the first time I heard the name Xu Yang was from Xiao Xi's mouth. He muttered about his kindness, saying that he was saved or something, and he had a strange summoning ability, but his body Unexpectedly weak, he is a completely ordinary person... In Winter City, when I first heard about it, I was very curious."

"There is only one possibility when the ability is restricted. That is that the ability is too powerful, so powerful that it has to be restricted by the host..." the doctor said softly, and she pointed at herself in distress "But in fact, unless it is a dual-line ability user, generally there is no such restriction..."

"After hearing the news about you, I really want to meet you to see if you are really an ordinary person. I came here from Cold Winter City and caused a lot of trouble for the generals..."

"Now it seems that you are really an ordinary person... an ordinary person who is not ordinary at all."

After rambling on so much at once with emotion, the doctor's voice was also lazy, as if nothing could arouse her much interest. Xu Yang couldn't help but wonder if this person is really a doctor? Such a person invents? To say that the five-star supernatural being who opened the door to welcome them is Dr. Xu Yang, can I believe it a little bit!

And her special reservoir has turned into someone else's reservoir... However, the reservoir is also at the peak of four stars. The water-type abilities also improved so fast

Thinking of this, Xu Yang felt relieved. She pulled Lu Huixue to sit on the other side of the sofa, and the cold-faced woman who had just brought them in poured them a cup of tea in silence.

"Then, do you have other reasons for wanting to see me?"

"Ah, almost. Because I am too tired to use my brain during the research, so I don't want to talk to you now." The doctor pressed his temples, looking a little tired, she sighed and leaned back On the sofa: "The land of redemption, the seed of redemption, how much do you know?"

"The man in black?" Xu Yang was taken aback, but he didn't expect to hear a few words from this lazy doctor.

"It's the eighteen apostles." The doctor corrected, and then muttered, "Ah, only a few died, I don't know if there are any new ones to fill in..."

"The seed of redemption needs to be nourished with crystal nuclei and flesh and blood, whether it is a person with supernatural powers or a strange beast. When it matures, it emits a gas that is poisonous to life on earth, but high-star creatures have certain resistance to these." Like an endorsement Similarly, the doctor took a sip of tea after saying all this in one breath. She looked at Xu Yang, but she didn't continue talking. Instead, she asked a question: "How do you think the end of the world came about?"

"I don't know, and I'm not interested either. Just tell me what you need us to do." Xu Yang frowned, not much interested in playing the question-and-answer game here.

"Ningzhou Mountain City has a seed of salvation, destroy it."

"Shouldn't this kind of task be handed over to Base K?" Xu Yang frowned.

"The three major bases have a place of redemption undercover, and their actions will be detected." The doctor said indifferently, "You have the strength to solve this, and you will not be noticed. I will provide you with any equipment you need. As an important scientific researcher in Winter City , My every move is being watched, and it is impossible for the entourage to carry out the task alone."

"Toxins only pose a threat to ordinary people. High-star superpowers don't care much at the moment, and they don't want to tear themselves apart with the Land of Redemption. That power is not limited to our country. After all, only by spreading the net can we change the current living conditions and become adaptive. The environment of those creatures..."

Xu Yang looked at the doctor: "Those creatures?"

"I call them aliens." The doctor brushed the hair next to his ears, and said casually, "Like a mutated toad, full of poison, living on poisonous mist. The Seed of Salvation is like our planet on their planet Like the trees, the seeds of redemption produce the poisonous smog upon which they live."

"So, the cause of the end of the world is that aliens invaded the earth?"

"Maybe. The motive is unknown. After all, Winter City's information is limited. We just picked up the corpse of the alien by chance. We have never talked to that creature. But the land of redemption... oh, redemption? The brainwashing ability of those aliens probably Not bad." Speaking of this, the doctor was full of sarcasm, but quickly returned to that lazy look, "Let's cooperate. Even if the end of the world will be lifted, I can't think of anyone else who can develop an antidote except me."

"You need backing, and I need hidden power. Isn't it? Listen to Xiao Xi, you are a good person." The doctor said, and took out a strange pistol from under the sofa. This pistol is transparent, but it feels like a cold metal texture. Lu Huixue took it and squeezed it, but it didn't deform it. "It's made by Alien Metal No. 5, a product of the last days. The liquid inside can cause great harm to mutant creatures... Of course, after touching the flesh. It is not impossible to kill five or even six stars."

"Ordinary firearms are useless. I haven't reported this yet, how about it?" The doctor raised his hand, and the cold-faced woman who had been standing silently behind the doctor went upstairs silently. After a while, a special alloy box was moved down. The doctor pressed his fingerprint on it, and after a beep, the woman opened the box.

There are jars of blue liquid neatly placed inside. That is, the "bullet" of this special pistol.

Seventy-nine elves

"First of all, I am not a good person. Secondly, I cherish my life more than anyone else." Xu Yang glanced at the box. If what this person said is true, the value of this box of bullets is self-evident. But... the risk of agreeing is also great.

"Materials? Information