Summon Survival

Chapter 86


Bian wondered, there are really more and more mutated animals recently, obviously all they encountered in the past were all kinds of zombies besieging the city. Is it because there are fewer and fewer zombies? It's just because there are fewer zombies, so relatively speaking, more mutant animals are encountered, right? It's not that there are more and more mutant animals...

"Mutated animals...can reproduce, right?"

"The end of the world is only three years, and the reproduction is not so fast." However, there is a reason for those exaggerated insect swarms and rat swarms. Lu Huixue thought, if there were mutated dogs, a litter of small mutated dogs would be left at a time, which would be a terrifying reproduction speed—compared to humans.

In the last days, there are very few supernatural women who are willing to conceive. After all, if you want to survive, you have to keep going out to do missions, you have to keep fighting to obtain crystal nuclei and materials, and you need to rest in the base to recuperate... The base will not provide any subsidies. But Lu Huixue thought, maybe it will gradually improve in the future, after all, people keep's not good.

"Wow! Woo woof! Hululu..."

A barking sound came from the front, Lu Huixue stepped on the gas pedal irritably, and heard all kinds of mutated dogs barking from all directions.

Being surrounded again is really... annoying.

The author has something to say: Strong, forced holidays...

Eighty-one elves

The only thing that is easier is that these mutant beasts are more intelligent than zombies, and they also have some instincts. So when they found that their side was invincible, or after the powerful leader-like mutant creature died, the gang of mutant dogs would retreat and run away.

Fighting off waves of mutated animals, Xu Yang and the others didn't take any trails in the wilderness, because the car is not very convenient, and because they don't want to meet mutated plants. To some extent, mutated animals with low star ratings are much easier to deal with than mutated plants.

"I'm about to enter the sphere of influence of Ghost Walking Realm..." Lu Huixue looked at the artificially erected wooden sign, on which a cartoon pattern of "Ah Piao" was drawn with red liquid, which looked very cute. But it's also a hallmark of Ghost Walk.

"Keep a low profile and walk fast. It will be fine." Although it doesn't matter even if something happens.

The sporadic mutant animals repelled along the way did not make Xu Yang upgrade, which made Xu Yang feel a little boring. Because she didn't encounter any difficult targets, she never summoned new partners. Ah, Ningzhou's first show would be good too

"Someone is there." Lu Huixue suddenly braked suddenly, and she freed up a hand to protect Xu Yang. The next second, she heard a muffled rumble and the ground trembled. A mud wall rose out of thin air and directly blocked the road.

"Going through the ghost land~"

"Leave money to buy your life!"

"Tch, hide your head and show your tail." Lu Huixue pushed open the car door, rushed forward and punched the dirt wall, and then quickly came back to get on the car and started it. — How fast is it? When the clods of soil fell and shattered one after another, the armored vehicle rushed out on top of the fallen clods.

"Damn? Earthen wall!" Standing on the top floor watching the man wearing a clown mask couldn't help but swear, what's going on? Why did his wall suddenly explode? "Brother! Go down and stop it!"

"Immediately!" The man who looked exactly like this man suddenly jumped from the tall building. When he was about to hit the ground, his right hand slammed into steel. He punched the ground, and a crack spread directly towards the armored vehicle.

Another earth wall was raised, Xu Yang directly used the magic barrier to wrap the entire armored vehicle, directly knocked out a big hole in the earth wall, and walked through it. As for the crack in the back? Lu Huixue increased her speed to the peak, so she never cared about the people behind her.

"Ghost Walking Field is really weird, there are tolls. The slogan is also low." Lu Huixue muttered while driving, and the collapsed earth wall could hardly be seen from the rearview mirror. "Two people have collected tolls, and I think too highly of myself." It's not two five-stars.

"Maybe it's just in the name of Ghost Walk." Xu Yang glanced back, and the two guys didn't seem to have any intention of chasing after him.

Lu Huixue shrugged and quickly forgot about it.

"Ah! Damn it! After waiting for so many days, I met someone passing by, and I still haven't got anything!" The earth-type supernatural user scratched his hair frantically, with an expression of resignation, "Damn it! I collected tolls here, but I paid ten four-star crystal nuclei to get this chance!"

"Come on, didn't we slaughter a fat sheep last time? The capital has already been returned." The ironized supernatural being is quite open-minded, "Those two people... shouldn't be easy to mess with. If they really stop me, I won't necessarily fight Pass it." He thinks that weird blue shield is the ability of the co-pilot, it should be the ability of the defense department. And the one who drove... smashed the earthen wall with one punch, and the speed was so fast, it should be a power-sensitivity user without accident.

"Oh, bad luck. Now it's really... brother! Someone is here again!" The earth-type supernatural being suddenly excited, he took a deep breath, and the ducks he just got flew away. This time - "earth wall!"

The earth elements condensed rapidly, and one after another huge mud walls condensed out on the avenue. The steel-type supernatural being learned to be smart this time, lightly jumped up to the top of the first earth wall, folded his arms and watched as an obviously modified jeep slammed to the brakes below.

— "Go through the ghost land, and save your life money!"

The woman in black who was sitting in the back seat and dozed off suddenly sneered, "Why didn't I know that I have to pay for Ghost Walk?"

"My lord?" The driver was a young brother, he asked in a low voice, and made a movement of wiping his neck, which was an inquiry.

"Bring it here." The woman was wearing a tight black leather jacket, outlining her graceful curves. At this time, his face was full of anger: "Since I received the money, why didn't I get any of it? I want to ask where the money went!"

"Yes." The driver brother responded in a low voice, pushed the door and got out of the car, and the whole person rushed out like the wind, and the wind blew up, and the earth wall was divided into pieces by a few wind blades with a wave of his hand. The steeled superhuman fell down suddenly, and before he rushed over, he saw the little brother's hands intertwined, and the wind suddenly blew in his ears, making his clothes rattle. He stood there with the whole body, and the strong wind rolled up the dust and mud in the sky, and he swung it down for a moment, and countless wind blades poured out——

"Oh? Already fully adapted to the five-star ability." Seeing this scene, the woman's expression gradually eased.

"My lord, it should be that some people below wanted to earn a little bit of money, so they bought their lives and money." The co-pilot was a more stable middle-aged man.

"I know." The woman smiled slightly, with a little sarcasm: "I'm here to personally collect money for my life."

"Really, the small forces around are all dead. It's just that they haven't expanded for a while, and no one dares to collect money on my site."

In just a few breaths, the driver brother held up a tattered, blood-stained steel supernatural power on the wind and fell in front of the car, followed by earth supernatural powers.

"Didn't the garbage that gave you permission remind you not to charge the strong?" The woman said, "In the future, remember to give the crystal core directly to R Han, the guy in the ghost town who likes to wear a clown mask."

The eyes of the earth-type supernatural being went dark, and he almost fainted. Even if these people don't say their identities, he can still guess... Guess that these people are big shots in Ghost Walk! He gave the crystal nucleus to Mr. Han? How could he have access to Mr. Han... No, maybe this is an opportunity? Calm down and think about it, he probably soared into the sky because of his contact with the insiders of Ghost Walk!

"Let's go, although it's not in a hurry, but if the dagger I fancy returns to the Land of Redemption, it won't be easy."


Ningzhou Mountain City.

No. 16 suddenly sneezed, he rubbed his nose: "It's strange, why did you sneeze suddenly? You can still sneeze after you're not familiar with it?" He shook his head and ignored it. A small, scarlet dagger suddenly appeared at the fingertips. If Lu Huixue was here, she would have found it.

The dagger was flipped between his wrists, so fast that a simple look could only feel a red light flickering on this man's wrist. Humming an unknown tune, he walked towards the building with one hand in his pocket, and when he came to an iron gate, he kicked it open. "Fifteen, it's time to cook! Thirteen said she was hungry!"

"You can see the ghost, she ate herself when Thirteen was hungry." No. 15 rolled her eyes, very dissatisfied with this guy. However, he resigned himself to putting down a large stack of papers in his hand and got up to cook.

"What is this? Oh, the information from the Land of Redemption. Why, do you want to send someone to help us keep the Seed of Redemption?" No. 16 couldn't help laughing, with a bit of sarcasm: "The last time we sent The remodeled garbage can't even beat the low-star mutant beast you hypnotized, and the more you study on the twelfth, the more you go back."

"It's just a failure." No. 15 shrugged. "No. 11 and No. 18 will come."

"The eighteenth who was seriously injured and almost died? He has already lost a seed of redemption, why, make up for it?" Number sixteen became more and more disdainful, "Number eleven? A big guy with no brains?"

"Honestly, I think Eleven looks more like a mutant beast after awakening! Especially after he received the blessing, he looks more like a strange hybrid of a toad and a Hulk."

No. 15 is both helpless and funny, but in fact, it is more than No. 11? Which of the eighteen apostles didn't wear a black robe when they went out? Don't normal supernatural beings see them as if they saw a monster? Blessing... To put it bluntly, it is actually the physical modification of them by the gods. Technology - Twelve