Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 130: 128 What each pursues (please subscribe for the fourth update)


No matter which world you are in, space system abilities are both rare and advanced.

In this world, the same is true.

Space transfer.

Naturally, Luo Zhen wouldn't know this kind of magic.

In the past, in Chaldea's Singularity, Luo Zhen had used the power of the Command Spell to briefly achieve space transfer and summon Mashu, his servant, from another space.

Therefore, Luo Zhen knows that space transfer is a very advanced magic. Unless you are a magician from the Gods, it is basically impossible for one person to achieve this miracle.

The same is true in this world. Space transfer is a very high-level magic. Even if it is built into the body of the automatic doll in the form of a magic circuit, it usually requires the cooperation of several dolls to perform it perfectly and carry out accurate transfer. Otherwise, once If something goes wrong and it is moved underground or into a wall, it will be a dead end.

For this reason, space-based automatons are as rare as gems that are found only once in a million. Even if they were searched all over the world, there might only be less than a hundred of them, and some of them are unusable types.

But now, Akabane Tianquan has such an automatic doll next to him.

Moreover, he successfully used it alone.

That's natural, right

"We, the Akabane family, are good at manipulating multiple puppets to perform group battles. Magic that requires the cooperation of several puppet users can be completed. If it is our "Puppet Technique", even one person can complete it. It is precisely because of this Only then will the Akabane clan have the confidence to rise in this era. This era indeed belongs to us, Akabane."

Chiyu Tianquan raised his eyes and looked at Luo Zhen.

"It's just that this talent is so jealous that it would be better to reduce the number that can be used, don't you think so?"

These words were like challenging Luo Zhen's endurance limit.

Moreover, it is completely unlike the words spoken by the Akabane Tenquanhui in the past.

"Are you really Brother Tian?"

Luo Zhen stared at Chiyu Tianquan.

Why did this big brother who used to be kind and amiable suddenly become like this now

"You, shouldn't you..."

Luo Zhen was about to say something, but was forced to interrupt.


With a clear sound of footsteps, the automatic doll named Huochui slipped into Luo Zhen's arms silently and placed its slender hands on his abdomen.

Power exploded in that hand.


As if he had suffered a terrible impact, Luo Zhen's body flew out in a burst of explosions, hit a burning pillar of fire, and then slipped down.


Luo Zhen suddenly coughed up some blood.

However, this performance made Akabane Tianquan admire him.

"In the end, you still used your to see Huo Chui's actions. At the most critical moment, did you concentrate a large amount of magic power on your abdomen and deploy your ?"

Therefore, Luo Zhencai only received a slight impact from this blow, otherwise his internal organs would have been completely shattered.

Of course, if it weren't for the protection of the fire rat hidden in Luo Zhen's sleeve, Luo Zhen would have been burned to pieces when he touched the burning pillar.

Although Akabane Tianquan didn't know this, he could guess something from Luo Zhen's state.

"I've felt this way since before." Chiyu Tianquan said calmly: "What secrets are hidden in you, a very big secret."

This is more intuition than speculation.

"In this family, actually, the person I know the least about is you, because you always practice and research by yourself, never communicate with the clan members, and only interact with a very few people. I don't understand at all. I can’t see through you, let alone see you clearly.”

Chiyu Tianquan looked at Luo Zhen coldly.

That look was like looking at an object worthy of regret.

"It's a pity that you don't have the power of and you are not my kin. Otherwise, you should be the best living material, right?"

Such a sentence gave Luo Zhen a huge impact on his spirit.

Living material

Could it be...

"Did you kill the clan to make forbidden dolls?"

Luo Zhen revealed this possibility.

If Akabane Tianquan really needed living materials to make taboo dolls, then his behavior of massacring his clan would have to be explained.

As he said, in terms of living materials alone, the Akabane tribesmen with the "Blood of Red Wings" are definitely the best supplies.

However, Luo Zhen denied his statement.

"If you are just making taboo dolls, then just find someone to make a living body. There is no need to massacre people for the "Blood of Red Wings"."

So why did Akabane Tianquan massacre the clan

Why does he need tribesmen with the "Red Wing Blood" as living materials

Luo Zhen doesn’t know.

really do not know.

However, if it is just a guess, Luo Zhen can still make some guesses.

Since the materials of the taboo dolls only need to be living bodies, and there is no need to be picky about the quality of the living materials, then what are the things that need to be carefully selected before they can be made from living bodies

"What you are after is not just a forbidden doll, but something above the forbidden doll...!"

Luo Zhen's words caused the atmosphere around Chiyu Tianquan to suddenly change.

It became fierce.

"...I take back what I just said."

Akabane Tianquan's voice sounded slowly.

"It's not that your vision is too low and you can't see things that are too high. On the contrary, you are a scary person who can see all possibilities and take into account all impossibilities."

What Luo Zhen originally pursued was something that was theoretically impossible, so it was called a miracle just now.

In this case, Luo Zhen naturally believes in all impossibilities and will calculate all possibilities.

"I originally thought that after having these six dolls, you would be unable to catch up with me. Now it seems that it is too dangerous to keep you."

Akabane Tianquan's voice dropped to zero, extremely cold.

"Forget it, let you sleep here with the clansmen."

After finishing speaking, Akabane Tenzen seemed to no longer hold back, releasing all the magic power and injecting it into Kamakiri beside him.


The space behind Luo Zhen suddenly fluctuated.

And there, a girl emerged.

It is Huo Chui.

Luo Zhen saw all this with his .

Unfortunately, before Luo Zhen could react, Huo Chui had already stuck to his back with his overwhelming speed.

A pair of palms reached towards Luo Zhen's back.

Death is approaching Luo Zhen.



With a clear shout, the girl who looked like a dark moonlit night fell from the air, landed directly behind Luo Zhen, and flew up to meet Huo Chui's palm strike.


Amid the loud impact, shock waves surged like an explosion.

Luo Zhen then turned around, looked at the girl standing in front of him, and opened his eyes wide.


The person who came was Ye Ye.