Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 145: 143 The Land of the Hundred Years' War (Please subscribe)


"Start preparations for spirit transfer!"

"Preparation in progress!"

"Start confirming transfer targets!"

"Start confirming the transfer year!"

"Reconfirm the value of the singularity point!"


"The countdown begins!"

In the command room, the technicians began to devote themselves to the operation of the instruments one after another, making the atmosphere both tense and in full swing.

Luo Zhen and Ma Xiu stood in front of Roman, accepting Roman's explanation.

"Following the restoration of the spatial singularity point f, Chaldea and I traced the past of human history through 's reconnaissance of and discovered seven singularities."

Roman suddenly became serious and spoke in a serious manner.

"These seven unique points are all decisive points of divergence that lead to changes in human history. If they were wrong, even if there was only a slight deviation, human history would not be able to develop to the current point. Now, the era where these divergence points are located It was disturbed and developed into a singularity, leading to the emergence of human intoxication."

"In order to regain the foundation of science, your ultimate goal is to repair all seven singularities."

"Otherwise, 2020 will never come, and humanity will be destroyed after the end of 2019. There will no longer be any luck."

After confirming the current situation, Roman explained the content of the mission.

"This time, you will be transferred by the spirit son to the one with the lowest fluctuation value among the seven singular points. The time is France in 1431."

Roman's words made both Luo Zhen and Ma Xiu slightly startled.



The two looked at each other.

Because, in France in this era, there is one thing that will be thought of first no matter what.

"It seems you already have an idea."

Roman took in the performance of the two people in his eyes, smiling happily like a stupid parent who saw his children grow up.

"Yes, France in this era was still in the midst of the Hundred Years' War."

Hundred Years War.

It started in 1337 and was not declared over until 1453. It lasted for more than a hundred years and was called the longest war in the world.

The war was caused by Britain, France and later Burgundy. During this period, many new tactics and weapons were developed that would go down in history. In the end, France won the war and completed the national unification. This laid the foundation for future expansion on the European continent. England lost almost all of its French territory, but it also led to the rise of English nationalism.

During this Hundred Years' War, the famous hero Joan of Arc was also born.

"She is a French hero who liberated Orleans from the Hundred Years' War. She is also a Catholic saint and the most famous saint in the world. She set off from her hometown when she was seventeen years old. During the two years to the age of nineteen, she led the The French army won a brilliant victory unprecedented in the past, which ultimately led to the coronation of Charles VII, who had the right to inherit the throne, and laid the foundation for France's victory."

At this point, Roman sounded a little regretful.

"Unfortunately, Joan of Arc was captured by the Duchy of Burgundy in a skirmish in Compiègne in 1430. Soon after, she was purchased by the English for a large amount of money and was framed. The Inquisition was controlled by the English authorities. She was sentenced as a heretic and a witch, demoted to a witch, burned at the stake, and publicly executed in Rouen, France. It was not until twenty years later that the English army was completely expelled from France, and the Pope at that time re-tried Joan of Arc. The case was eventually vindicated in 1456, and she was canonized as a saint by the Vatican five hundred years later, forever recorded in history.”

And the time when such a saint was burned at the stake was exactly 1431.

"The time when your spirit son was transferred this time was shortly after Joan of Arc was burned at the stake."

Roman reported this information to Luo Zhen and Ma Xiu.

"During this time, Charles VII should have signed an armistice treaty with Philip III, who had arrived in England. Although there were still some minor frictions between the two countries, there was basically no major war at this time."

Of course, this is a historical record.

Now that this era has developed into a singularity, it proves that something went wrong with it.

"Maybe the war is still going on."

"Perhaps, Charles VII and Philip III, who were responsible for signing the armistice treaty, did not meet smoothly."

"More likely, some other country suddenly joined the war for some reason, causing some changes in the war."

Roman listed the possibilities one by one.

No matter which possibility it is, it will lead to very bad abnormalities in human history.

"Your first goal is to investigate this era, find out what's anomaly, and try to fix it."

Roman was silent for a moment and then spoke.

"Although I don't know what kind of abnormality it is, if it can be repaired, it is probably..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Luo Zhen snatched it away.

"Recycle and destroy the in this era, right?"

Luo Zhen's words made Ma Xiu show a surprised expression.


Why is the mentioned at this time

Matthew was surprised by this.

But Roman nodded.

"Although it is just a guess, the emergence of the singularity and the should be connected, just like the singularity in Fuyuki City."

That time, it was because Saber obtained the that did not belong to that era that the abnormality occurred.

"It's probably the same this time, right?" Roman said: "If there is no miracle at the level of the Holy Grail, it is not easy to change history and have an impact on human history."


"Furthermore, there is no doubt that there is someone behind the scenes of human fever."

Roman's words awakened Matthew's memory.

"Professor Leif..."

Mashu whispered the name.

It was this person who caused the emergence of the singularity in Fuyuki City, and caused Chaldea to suffer huge losses and almost collapse.

"And the in Fuyuki City is still in the hands of Revlenor, and the emergence of the seven singular points of human incineration is inseparable from him. So, imagine that he will use the just like he did in Fuyuki City. Whichever being is bestowed with the Holy Grail has the highest possibility of turning that era into a singularity."

Roman spoke extremely seriously.

"Therefore, you must pay attention to the information related to the during the investigation of the singularity, and recover the that caused the singularity to appear or destroy it."

This is the mission of this spirit transfer.

"The above is all the instructions for this mission."

Roman's eyes swept over Luo Zhen and Ma Xiu one after another.

"This time, we at Chaldea will fully support you. We will never let you fight alone like in Fuyuki City."

"We may not be able to provide you with many combat resources, but please feel free to leave the rear support to us."

"For this reason, we have also invited that person out, so stay tuned."

Roman's explanation ends here.

Luo Zhen was moved in his heart.

"that one?"

Could it be...


Just when Luo Zhen had an idea in his mind, Roman gave the order.

"Enter the now and prepare to transfer the spirit."