Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 148: 146 〈Bipedal Flying Dragon〉 (please subscribe)



Ma Xiu's words shook Luo Zhen's spirit, and he quickly raised his eyes and looked forward.

I saw that on the grassland some distance away, a group of people were being harassed by a group of bipedal flying dragons falling from the sky.


"The dragon is coming!"

"Don't... don't be afraid! Hurry and attack!"

"Take up arms! Attack!"



Amidst a burst of chaotic shouts, the group of people took up their weapons one after another. Even though their hands and feet were shaking, they still had to face the flying dragons falling from the sky.

If you look closely, you will see that these people not only carry weapons such as spears, swords, shields and armor, but also horses for transportation. The nature of the group is quite strong.

Luo Zhen knew it at a glance.

"Is that the French army?"

It seems that a French army was attacked by a flying dragon on its way to an expedition or a triumphant return.

Moreover, looking at the other party's flustered but not frightened appearance, it was obvious that this was not the first time they had seen these fantasy species.

"Isn't it already the case that the flying dragon is wandering around France for a day or two?"

Luo Zhen deduced this conclusion instantly.

Otherwise, in this era when fantasy species have retreated, ordinary soldiers will definitely not just show panic when seeing such a monster.


Ma Xiu's urgent cry awakened Luo Zhen, who was deep in thought.

At this time, several people in the army had been bitten to death by the flying dragons that descended from the sky. The entire formation had been scattered, and the entire army was about to be annihilated.

"How can an army of ordinary soldiers defeat a group of wyverns?"

Luo Zhen didn't feel strange at all, but he also knew that now was not the time to think about this.


"Ready to come to the rescue! Matthew!"

Luo Zhen's instructions made Ma Xiu tense up.

"Yes! Master!"

Matthew immediately raised his shield and responded firmly.

… …



Amidst the roars that shook the air, one by one, the bipedal flying dragons fell from the sky like arrows, flying down, charging towards the army below with ferocious and violent faces.


The sharp dragon claws pierced the soldier's back.


The sharp dragon teeth gnawed into human internal organs.



The soldiers screamed one after another, and then they were dragged into the sky by the flying dragons that attacked one after another. They were surrounded by the large group of flying dragons that gathered, and their figures were directly submerged.

There is no doubt that it is eating.

The soldiers who were overwhelmed by the wyverns were bitten and devoured completely, leaving only countless blood stains.



"These damn dragons!"

The surviving soldiers turned pale at this cruel scene, but they were still aroused and could not help but tighten their weapons.

But behind these soldiers, there is a commander.

"Fire! Push all the shells up!"

The person who roared like this was a man wearing silver-white armor with black hair. He was about thirty or forty years old. He looked shrewd and brave, but he was thin and skinny, but he still had a vague appearance. It can be seen that the French Marshal is a handsome man.

At this time, the French marshal furrowed his brows and showed a bit of anger in his eyes, as if he had turned his fighting spirit into murderous intent as he kept giving orders.

"Keep the formation! Don't be scattered by the flying dragon!"

"The spearmen set up their spears! Aim upward! Steady your body! Prevent the flying dragon from charging!"

"Don't ride a horse! Normal horses will panic and run away when they see that kind of monster! They all have to dismount to fight!"

"Hurry up!"

Under the orderly instructions of the French Marshal, the soldiers did not collapse in an instant and formed some resistance.

As a result, the soldiers set up their spears one after another, so that the flying dragons who were about to swoop down were frightened and did not dare to collide with the gun array. They could only flap their wings and fly high into the sky, but they were shot by a group of soldiers pushing artillery carts from behind. Suffered the baptism of shells.



The sound of explosions was endless, causing waves of fire to rise in the air.



The cries of pain and roars of the flying dragons were mixed together, and they could not stop resounding.

The bombardment thus contained the rampage of the flying dragons and finally reduced the casualties.



Along with a roar, a bipedal flying dragon suddenly raised its head, opened its mouth, and flames spurted out from its mouth.

The flames were like meteorites, falling straight into the Legion.


In the explosion, the breath of fire exploded in the center of the army, turning into explosive wind and sweeping around.


Wails sounded.

The soldiers were blown away by the breath of fire, even engulfed, and burned directly in the fire.

The other flying dragons also began to spit out flames, destroying the entire formation of the army.

"whispering sound…!"

The French Marshal screamed and clenched the sword in his hand.

"Is this the end?"

Reluctant words escaped from his mouth.

at this time…

"Drink ah ah ah!"

A shout drowned out all the sounds at the scene, and a figure rushed in from a distance like a charging chariot, setting up a heavy shield.

The sudden speed directly set off wind and waves, uncovered the sand and dust, and with an unrivaled momentum, it hit the flying dragon hard with a trend that even the flying dragon could not react to.


Amidst the loud impact, the bipedal flying dragon didn't even have time to scream, but was knocked backwards and fell into the hills not far away, never to be seen again.

"That is…"

The French Marshal couldn't help but be stunned.

Not only the French Marshal, but also every soldier present opened his eyes wide.

Taking advantage of this moment, an instruction was also issued.

"Knock them all away!"

Upon hearing this instruction, the girl holding the shield responded directly.


The moment she finished speaking, the girl holding the shield raised the shield in her hand high and knocked it down hard on the ground.


Amidst the explosion, shock waves erupted like a geyser, mixed with sand and dust, rushing in all directions, blowing away the surrounding flying dragons and rolling them into the air.


The girl holding the shield let out a sweet cry again. She flew into the air like a shadow. In a few leaps, she showed amazing jumping power and caught up with the flying dragons that were rushed into the air.

The next moment, the girl swung the shield in her hand continuously, like a hammer, like a stick, like wind and shadow, and as fast as thunder. In the flash of her body, she knocked away the flying dragons one after another.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers in the army made a huge commotion.

" awesome!"

"She was actually able to deal with those monsters on her own!"

"Could it be...could she be an angel sent by the Lord!?"


The soldiers became excited one after another.

Even the French Marshal looked at this scene blankly, with obsession in his eyes.

So brave.

So powerful.

It's almost like...

"Joan of Arc..."

The French Marshal murmured the name with sadness in his eyes.

They didn't notice at all that one person had already blended into the legion.