Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 151: 149 Something happened? inconvenient? (Please subscribe)


It was getting dark gradually.

It was not until night fell that the bipedal flying dragons that had been flying back and forth in the French sky returned to their nests to rest, disappearing without a trace.

Under such circumstances, the army led by Gildre chose to camp. After setting up the camp in an area that was not easy to see from a high altitude, the soldiers camped on the spot and began to rest.

Luo Zhen and Ma Xiu followed this army and settled in the camp.

Now, Matthew is reporting information to Chaldea.

"I see, I understand the situation."

Roman appeared on the projection screen with a cautious expression.

"The Dragon Witch led a group of flying dragons to ravage all of France... This is indeed an anomaly that is enough to create a singularity."

Whether it is the sub-dragon species that do not belong to this era appearing in hordes in broad daylight and destroying several cities, or the saint who was burned at the stake suddenly resurrected and killed the king of France, it is enough to overturn history. big event.

However, these events do not appear in the historical records, which proves that this is an anomaly that should not occur in this era. The stain on this world must be cleared away.

Matthew reported these situations to Roman and said this.

"Now, we are operating together with the French elite troops led by Marshal Gildray. This is the instruction of our seniors."

Due to the murder of Charles VII, France was ravaged by the flying dragons. Now the whole of France has entered complete chaos. Even the army has no one to organize, and it looks disorganized. If it weren't for the English army, they are also afraid of the "Dragon Witch" If so, based on France's current situation, it will definitely be easily won by England and become a defeated country in the Hundred Years' War, right

In view of this, the French army is currently reorganized by Marshal Gill, and is trying its best to organize effective resistance and look for opportunities to take back the ravaged country from the hands of the "Dragon Witch".

In other words, the current enemy of the French Army is also the .

The enemies of enemies may not necessarily be friends, but they can cooperate with each other.

Therefore, Luo Zhen made a request to Jill to accompany him.

"... Well, you can fight against those monsters, which is a very precious combat power for us. As long as you are willing to provide help, we can provide you with food and weapons."

After careful consideration, Jill agreed.

"Very good, this decision is correct." Roman nodded, and then asked doubtfully: "By the way, where is Luo Zhen now?"

"Senior...?" Matthew's expression suddenly became a little subtle, and he said very complicatedly: "Senior is busy with something right now, so it's inconvenient."

"Inconvenient?" Roman was stunned.

Just when Roman was about to ask something, in the woods not far from the camp, a miserable howl of pain resounded and passed on, startling the soldiers in the entire camp.

"What...what is this sound!?"

Roman was equally frightened.

On the contrary, it was Matthew who spoke in a somewhat unspeakable voice.

"Actually, senior is conducting research on the wyvern captured alive today."

What exactly is this research content

Roman wanted to ask this question, but when he heard the ghostly cries and howls again, he was so frightened that the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Forget it...forget it, it's better if I don't ask so many questions."

Roman flinched shamelessly.

Matthew also changed the subject.

"Although the senior is...busy, he still asked me to ask the doctor a few questions." Matthew asked: "Excuse me, doctor, is Joan of Arc's resurrection true or false?"

This is the first question that needs to be clarified.


"Senior has said that the resurrection of the dead belongs to the realm of magic. It may even be something that cannot be touched by magic. If we only rely on the power of the Holy Grail, it is also not enough." Matthew said: " In this case, is Joan of Arc's resurrection just a misunderstanding?"

The implication is that there is a possibility that this is not Jeanne d'Arc, or that someone is pretending to be Jeanne d'Arc.

"I'm not sure about this either." Roman shook his head and said, "We haven't seen Joan of Arc with our own eyes, and our understanding of Joan of Arc is limited to historical records, so we can't interpret this answer, but Luo Zhen said That's right, even with the help of the , it is very difficult to resurrect the dead."

However, even if she cannot be resurrected, it does not mean that the "Dragon Witch" is not Jeanne.

"After all, Joan of Arc is very likely to be a Servant." Roman raised this point and said: "There is no past and future in the "Seat of Heroic Spirits". If Joan of Arc as a heroic spirit is summoned to the era of her lifetime, , that is entirely possible.”

If this is the case, it is no wonder that it is thought to be a resurrection.

After all, most people are unaware of the existence of heroic spirits and servants. When they see Joan of Arc appear, they will naturally mistakenly think that she has been resurrected.

"Senior thinks so too." Matthew agreed with Roman's statement and said: "If this is the case, senior also has a question. The saint who saves the country will be the kind of person who wants to take revenge because of the slander and frame-up during her lifetime. Heart, and then ravage the people of the motherland?"

"This..." Roman hesitated a little, and then said: "Although it is not impossible, it is hard to believe that the saint can be such a hero."

The so-called saint who saves the country does not just say nice things.

According to historical records, Joan of Arc was originally just a peasant girl in a remote mountain village in France. As a Catholic, she prayed sincerely. One day she suddenly heard the Lord sighing at the killing of human beings, and she decided to leave the village.

For such a little girl from the countryside, who suddenly wants to lead an army to fight, it is easy to imagine the doubts, ridicules and obstacles she will encounter.

But Joan of Arc still did not give up, and eventually achieved miraculous comebacks many times in just two years and won many victories. Even after being captured, this woman knew nothing but the prayers written in the Bible. A village girl who doesn't understand can use the theologian as her opponent and engage in improvised debates without giving in, making the process of punishing her as a heretic very difficult.

"Marshal Gill also said that the saint was a devout believer who kept asking for a cross from those around her who called her a witch even when she was put on the execution platform."

Matthew said with a color on his face.

"Such a saint should not become a heroic spirit with resentment and eventually take revenge on the motherland."

To sum up, Luo Zhen actually does not believe that the "Dragon Witch" is Joan of Arc.

more importantly…

"Senior said that there was no legend related to the during Jeanne's lifetime." Matthew said word by word: "Summoning a dragon is the most advanced magic. Even a sub-dragon is not just a magician who can do it casually. Summoned, Jeanne will become the "Dragon Witch" and lead the dragons, which is an anomaly in itself."


"Unless that holds the in her hand."

Such a sound came from the direction of the woods.