Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 152: 150 Can you do it? (Please subscribe)



Matthew turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

There, Luo Zhen walked out of the woods with a refreshed look, as if he had done something good.

Thinking of the previous burst of howling ghosts and wolves, and looking at Luo Zhen's refreshing expression, the soldiers in the entire camp immediately cast a fearful look at Luo Zhen.

That look was like looking at a cold-blooded executioner.

Ignoring the fearful looks from the soldiers, Luo Zhen came to Mashu's side.

"If the possesses the , then as long as you make a wish to the , even if the miracle of resurrection of the dead cannot be achieved, you can still do it by summoning the sub-dragon species, right?"

Luo Zhen continued the topic just now and said this.

"With the power of the Holy Grail, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it can summon a real dragon species, let alone a dragon."

This is the view held by Luo Zhen.

That is to say…

"According to the conclusion, the Holy Grail that caused the emergence of this singularity is most likely in the hands of the Dragon Witch, right?" Roman quickly asked: "Then where is the Dragon Witch now?"

Luo Zhen had already asked Gil about this question.

And this place is also a very special place for Joan of Arc.

Because, during her lifetime, Joan of Arc liberated that city, and this anecdote is still recorded in history.

This place is…

"Orléans." Luo Zhen said with great certainty: "The is now in Orleans. Using that as a base, she has launched an invasion of France and has turned half of France into a nest of flying dragons. ”

Luo Zhen, who said this, didn't say a word.

"The creepy feeling I felt from Professor Leif also came from the direction of Orleans."

In other words, in Orleans, there is not only the "Dragon Witch", but also the mastermind behind the burning of humanity.

In addition, the is in the opponent's hands, and the opponent has used the power of the to summon so many fantasy species, and there may even be real dragon species among them. As an enemy, it is really too harsh. .


"It's just that we can only rely on the two of you to break through this difficulty." Roman said helplessly: "This is just the first of the seven special points, and it is also the one with the smallest fluctuation value. If we can't If we break through, saving humanity will be nothing more than a dream."

The reality is so cruel.

"What we can do is give you as much support as possible." Roman said: "Whether it is the suspicious halo over France or Luo Zhen's physical abnormality, we will start investigation and analysis here. On the other hand, we have capable people here, so you can rest assured."

This so-called capable person should refer to the one Roman mentioned before when the spirit son was transferred, right

Luo Zhen was quite reassured about that person's ability.

not to mention…

"The director is also secretly investigating various records and materials, trying to find out some information."

Roman said this a little sneakily.

Therefore, Luo Zhen and Ma Xiu are not fighting alone, but they do have partners by their side.

"Then it's up to you, doctor."

Matthew solemnly entrusted Roman.

"Leave it to us." Roman smiled and said, "Remember to keep in touch. If any abnormalities are detected here, we will notify you as soon as possible."

After saying that, Roman's image disappeared.

Mashu then relaxed.

"Thank you for your hard work, senior." Ma Xiu first expressed condolences to Luo Zhen, and then asked: "How are the results of the research?"

"Well..." Luo Zhen suddenly said mysteriously: "You will know it later."

Seeing this, although Ma Xiu was a little curious, he didn't ask any more questions.

At this time...

"It seems that your work is done."

With these words, Gil, fully armed, walked over from a distance.

"Marshal Gill."

Matthew looked over immediately.

"Thank you for the information you provided, it was very helpful to us."

Luo Zhen also thanked the other party symbolically.

In response, Jill just shook her head.

"Don't mind. As far as the result is concerned, it's a win-win situation for everyone. We also gained rare and valuable combat power, which gave us some confidence to fight against the witch."

This must be true, right

After all, regardless of whether the is Joan of Arc or not, the opponent is most likely a Servant.

Since he is a Servant, it is not something ordinary humans can resist.

But Gill's goal is to defeat the "Dragon Witch" and regain the land of France.

In this case, Luo Zhen and Ma Xiu are rare combat capabilities for Jill.

The problem is that…

"Marshal Gil, can you really defeat the Dragon Witch?" Luo Zhen looked at Gil and asked with deep meaning: "Even if the opponent is Joan of Arc?"

"...I thought you wanted to ask something." Jill met Luo Zhen's gaze. After a while, she said: "It is precisely because the Dragon Witch is Joan of Arc that I must take back France from her hands. This is the only thing that is certain about our country.”

It sounds like this is a statement made out of regret for a friend who has fallen into evil ways, and to prepare to kill his relatives out of righteousness.


"Can you do it?" Luo Zhen looked straight at Jill and said, "Can you send your friend who was finally resurrected back to hell again?"

Luo Zhen's straightforward question made Jill completely speechless.

Gil didn't say anything else, he just raised his head and looked at the dark night sky. After a while, he said this faintly.

"France betrayed Joan of Arc, the saint who redeemed us."

The reason why Joan of Arc was captured was that in a small-scale battle in Compiègne, when Joan of Arc ordered the army to retreat back to the city of Compiègne, the city of Compiègne was afraid that the British army would follow and invade, so it did not wait until all the troops were withdrawn. He closed the city gate, leaving Joan and the remaining rearguard trapped outside the city, and was eventually captured by the Burgundians.

According to the practice of this era, as long as the captive's family can pay enough ransom, the captive can be redeemed. Charles VII, who was supported by Joan of Arc on the throne, did not make any effort to rescue Joan of Arc, resulting in Joan of Arc being killed by Burgundy. The first man was sold to England and was sentenced by England.

Therefore, Joan of Arc was not only slandered by England, her enemy, but also betrayed by France, who tried her best to protect and save her.

"Because of this, I can't watch her continue like this."

After leaving such words of unclear meaning, Jill left alone.

Only Luo Zhen and Ma Xiu were left looking at each other, unable to speak for a long time.