Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 165: 162 Joan of Arc and Joan of Arc (please subscribe)


Judging from all the comments made by Jeanne d'Arc and Jeanne d'Arc, both of them seem to be Jeanne d'Arc, but one is still a saint and the other has become a witch.

Is such a thing possible

Are there really two identical beings in this world

The answer is yes.

At least, that's the case for Servants.

"Because, all the followers are clones of the original body in the "Seat of Heroic Spirits"."

Heroic spirits themselves cannot be summoned.

The only thing that can summon heroic spirits is the world.

Humans can only summon servants who are clones of heroic spirits.

This was decided from the beginning.


"Since it's a clone, then it's okay to have two clones at the same time, right?"

This is how it works.

Although it is very rare, it is not impossible for a heroic spirit to be summoned twice and two identical servants to appear.

Of course, the so-called identicalness here is only in general terms, that is, two people are the same existence, but it does not necessarily mean that they are exactly the same.

Take Cu Chulainn as an example. It is possible for him to appear as a Lancer and as a Caster. The two of them are the same existence, but due to different classes, different attributes, and the time they are in, Due to various reasons such as different paragraphs, the two people may also have different values, ideas, personalities, and even how they behave.

After all, there is no concept of time in the "Seat of Heroes".

People can summon the rider in different time periods, such as the immature rider when he was young, the prime minister when he was an adult, or the declining rider when he was old. However, due to different experiences and events, the powers, skills, treasures, and ranks of the two parties may be different. For this reason, it is possible for them to become hostile or even kill each other. of.

In view of this, it is an extremely rare situation for the same heroic spirit to be summoned twice at the same time, at the same place, and on the same stage, and to have two identical followers.

Now, in front of Luo Zhen, perhaps such a rare thing happened.

The Servant named Jeanne was most likely summoned twice.

Moreover, the two sides had differences due to attributes.

For example, King Arthur of Fuyuki City, the legendary King of Knights, is supposed to have the attributes of "Orderly Good", with a high-spirited spirit and a loyal and upright personality, but that Saber has the attributes of "Orderly Evil", concise and concise, ruthless, But they still have the consciousness of being a king, but because their attributes are different, the things they do are also different.

Even if the purpose and ideal itself have not changed, the normal King Arthur can keep himself clean for the ideal, but the darkened King Arthur can implement even tyranny in order to realize the ideal. This is the difference.

Now, in front of Luo Zhen, it is very likely that such a case will appear.

Usually, chastity has the attribute of "orderly goodness", just like the legendary saint, who is honest, honest and compassionate.

However, Black Joan has the attribute of "Chaos Evil". Due to the attribute conversion, she no longer possesses compassion and kindness. She even fell into the abyss of hatred because of her betrayal during her lifetime, thus taking revenge on all of France.

In other words, both of them are Joan of Arc, but their different attributes lead to different things they can do.

Faced with this situation, Joan of Arc said this.

"I didn't even think about revenge."

What I am referring to here is of course not only the manifestation of the current spiritual base, Joan of Arc as a servant, but also the true body located in the "Seat of Heroic Spirits".

"Even if I was burned at the stake, even if I was betrayed by the world, I have never resented anyone, because I have already accepted this outcome, and I believe that I am not worthy of the title of 'Saint' at all."

Joan of Arc spoke sincerely.

"Even if it has died, become people's fantasy, and been engraved on the , this idea has not changed."

Since the main body doesn't even have the idea of revenge, even if the attributes are converted, at most it will be a different personality and there will never be any desire for revenge.

This is what Joan of Arc wanted to express.

"... In other words, you don't admit that I am Joan of Arc, right?"

The smile on the witch's face disappeared.

Replaced by indifference, violence, and murderous intent.

"That's fine, I've had enough of everything this name brings."

The witch raised the flag in her hand and declared.

"Just like I can't understand why you don't want revenge, you can't understand me either."

"If you deny me, then I will completely deny you."

"Even if you lose your title, your name, and your memory, only the hatred itself will not be lost."

"In that case, this is enough for me."

"Just hold on to your illusions about this country and go to hell to be burned at the stake."

After saying that, the witch waved the flag in her hand.

At this moment...


The red lotus' karmic fire burned.


Jeanne was taken aback.

From that flame, Joan felt strong resentment and negative emotions.

That is something that has nothing to do with the Saint.

"How about it? You don't have such power, do you?" The witch said with a twisted smile: "This is the flame that I can only obtain after accepting the fire torture and determined to take revenge for everything, the flame of revenge."

Heroic spirits are the crystallization of fantasy. The existences transformed by people's beliefs, whether they are heroes in mythology or historical heroes, will be recorded based on this belief.

Thanks to this, if some heroes have powers that they did not have during their lifetime, if they are added to legends and stories after death, then based on this power of faith and popularity, the heroic spirits and followers will also gain this power. force.

Since the witch is Black Jeanne who is resentful because of being betrayed, she wants to take revenge on those who watched her being burned at the stake and burned by the fire of karma, so she can gain new power and a new Noble Phantasm. Of course.

"Only I, who is slandered as a witch, can use this cursed flame, so that everyone can be burned in the fire of karma like me."

Black Joan shouted angrily.

"Experience this flame full of hate and hatred again, and die in the fire!"

As soon as the words fell, the fire of karma swept towards Jeanne like a storm.


Joan of Arc did not dare to neglect at all. She stood up and raised the holy flag in her hand.


A bit of bright light immediately lit up from the unfurled flag, letting the hazy golden light fill the air.

At this moment, both sides used their Noble Phantasms at the same time.

"This is the roar of my soul tempered by hatred!"

Black Jeanne liberated her Noble Phantasm's true name loudly.

"〈Roar! my wrath (la grondementhaine)〉!"

The fire of karma suddenly swelled up, instantly burning the floor black, evaporating the air, covering Jeanne's body like a wave, like a dragon's breath.

"My flag! Protect my compatriots!"

Jeanne liberated her Noble Phantasm equally loudly.

"〈My Lord is here (luminosite eternelle)〉!

The hazy and bright golden light also bloomed from Joan of Arc's holy flag.