Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 166: 163 As long as it is your order (please subscribe)



This is a Noble Phantasm unique to Black Jeanne who descended as the "Dragon Witch".

It can convert the resentment in itself and the surroundings into magic power and burn it. It can even absorb the opponent's attack and expand it. Whether it is a cutting skill, a striking skill or an invisible curse, it can all be converted into physical power. The attack power, like the karmic fire released by the dragon's breath, bounces back to the opponent, burning the opponent to the bone marrow.

Therefore, this Noble Phantasm is an A+ level anti-army Noble Phantasm, extremely powerful.

At this moment, Black Jeanne liberated this precious phantom, turning resentment and curses into raging fire of karma, burning in all directions while engulfing Jeanne.

Faced with this curse and resentment that is enough to reach an A+ level anti-army weapon, even saints and saintesses still cannot bear it.

"Let it burn!"

"Let it burn!"

"Let it burn!"

Black Jeanne shouted wantonly and loudly, as if she was venting her hatred and hatred, causing the flames to swell.

So the floor started to melt.

As a result, the air began to coke.

As a result, space began to distort.

As a result, the temperature began to skyrocket.

The entire audience hall instantly turned into a sea of scorching fire, turning the area into a complete purgatory, with black smoke rising.

In such a hell-like sea of fire, only one place remained intact.

That's the area where Joan of Arc is.


In the hazy golden light, it was as if there was an invisible barrier guarding Joan of Arc, blooming from the fluttering flag and covering the surrounding area.

"Lord, please protect me."

Joan of Arc closed her eyes tightly. Facing the torture that burned her to death but became infinitely more powerful, the saint showed no fear or fear on her face. She just prayed devoutly and stood up. A golden flag.

〈My Lord is here (luminosite eternelle)〉.

This is a Noble Phantasm transformed from the holy flag that Joan of Arc waved during her lifetime.

By using the angel's blessing to protect a certain area centered on this flag, one can directly transform one's own into physical defense, blocking all attacks. The saint who saves the country waves the flag on the battlefield, almost helpless. The power that embodies the legend of overcoming injury to the end.

Its level is level A, the highest level.

Although the level is lower than that of Black Joan's Noble Phantasm, Joan of Arc's reaches the EX level beyond the specifications. After being converted into physical defense, you can imagine how powerful the attacks it can block are. Know.

The barrier formed by the hazy golden light blocked the incoming karma fire, firmly protecting Joan of Arc.

However, what comes next is a watershed moment.

Although Joan of Arc's Noble Phantasm has amazing defensive power, the flag itself will continue to accumulate attack damage. Once abused, it will become unusable.

On the other hand, Black Joan's hatred, resentment, and magic power are as bottomless as they are, not decreasing at all, but rising higher and higher.

"Burn! Burn! Burn!"

Black Joan's screams became louder and louder, becoming more violent.

Under such circumstances, resentment and magic power simultaneously boosted the power of the Noble Phantasm, causing the fire of karma to erupt like a volcano.


Joan of Arc's expression gradually became labored.

On the flag, the hazy golden light began to weaken.

If this continues, there is no doubt that Jeanne d'Arc's Noble Phantasm will definitely be breached.


Black Jeanne laughed wantonly, letting the clear voice that was exactly the same as Jeanne's echo echo around.

In this case...


The ground around Black Jeanne suddenly collapsed.


Black Joan was so shocked that she fell into the ground before she had time to react.

When Black Joan reacted and wanted to jump up, another accident happened.



In the movement that sounded like mouthparts rubbing, huge ants emerged from all around, and their powerful forelimbs bit Black Joan's body and dragged her down to the ground.

Surprisingly, it is the magic ant.

"This is…?"

Joan of Arc, who was struggling to hold on, was stunned.

And this time...

"What are you still doing?"

A hand grabbed Jeanne and woke Jeanne up.

It was only then that Joan of Arc discovered that someone had actually run up to her at some point.

"Who are you…?"

Joan of Arc was surprised.

But Luo Zhen doesn't have that much free time.

"You will know later, so retreat now."

Luo Zhen pulled Jeanne up without any explanation and used magic again.


The huge eagle spread its wings and flew high, emerging from the rotating magic circle.

"Quick! Get up!"


Under Luo Zhen's urging, Joan of Arc didn't care so much anymore and quickly mounted the eagle and came to the eagle's back.

Of course, Luo Zhen also climbed onto the eagle's back.

"rush out!"

Driven by Luo Zhen, the eagle made a sharp cry and flew out of the audience hall.

Almost at the same time, a devil-like voice rang out from deep beneath the ground.

"Let it burn!"

A stream of scorching flames spurted out from the ground and rushed out of the ground, burning the rock formations red.

The demon ants were burned to ashes in the flames, and they didn't even have time to scream.

Black Joan emerged from the flames and returned to the audience hall with a gloomy face.

"There are really a lot of rats today."

Black Joan screamed, but did not catch up.


"Please leave it to me, Jeanne."

Caster, holding a grimoire in hand, appeared next to Black Joan, giving her sincere advice to Black Joan as if he had been here from the beginning.

"Whether it's an immature saint or a human who appears out of nowhere, you don't need to worry too much."

Caster said this with a seemingly understanding but rather dark smile.

"I will help you deal with all the annoying enemies, even if the opponent is a god."

Hearing these words, Black Jeanne's face looked a little better.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Black Joan said in a slow tone as if she completely trusted the magician: "You won't let me down, right?"

To this, caster answered without hesitation.


This is something that has never changed, past or present.

"As long as it's your order."

Caster bent down exaggeratedly.

"That's good."

Black Joan nodded, letting her voice echo clearly.

"Then leave it to you."

"My most trusted marshal, general, and friend."


Hearing this, Caster Gildrey laughed.

That smile was dark, evil, and full of cruelty and ruthlessness.