Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 173: 170 Idol and Artist (please subscribe)


With half of the country captured by the wyverns, there are no places in France that can be called absolutely safe, and the area is no longer that wide. In addition, the cities are limited and the plains are vast. There are also not many places to hide.

At least, leaving aside ordinary residents, such as armies fighting abroad, gangs who have become thieves, homeless collectives wandering around, etc., the only hiding places they can choose are forests, mountains, bushes, etc. Otherwise, they will be taken away from time to time. The wyvern flying through the air was discovered.

Although the friends Joan made during the journey were Servants, they did not need to be too afraid of the flying dragons, but if they exposed their whereabouts, they would still be in danger of being targeted by the "Dragon Witch" forces.

Therefore, the meeting place agreed upon in advance by both parties was also in a secluded place, located in the forest some distance away from Orleans.

"That's it."

Jeanne d'Arc, half squatting on the eagle's back, raised the holy flag in her hand and pointed to a forest below.


Luo Zhen almost subconsciously used the skill of "Spiritual Vision". He first looked inside the forest, and then discovered a lot of magic reactions.

Some of these magic reactions were naturally born monsters, some were magic residue leaked from the spiritual veins, and some were beasts that had mutated after devouring the corpse of the bipedal dragon from nowhere, which made Luo Zhen couldn't help but sigh.

"If it weren't for this place becoming a singularity, these anomalies wouldn't have happened, right?"

Although it was not as serious as in modern times, the mysterious decline phenomenon also progressed to a certain extent in the fifteenth century. Generally speaking, such abnormalities would not occur.

Now, thanks to this singularity, the routine of this world has gradually deviated from the right track, resulting in so many anomalies.

"If we let it go like this, it won't take the Dragon Witch to destroy France. This era will also evolve into a foreign body, which will have a great impact on the future."

In view of this, for the development of human history, this unique point must be repaired no matter what.

"As long as the is recovered, the singularity will be restored, and everything will return to how it should be in this era."

At that time, all anomalies that do not belong to this era will be erased.

Including other people's memories of time travelers like Luo Zhen, or the lives of those who should not have died, will also return to their original appearance.

This is what Roman gave Luo Zhen.

"We have to think of a solution as soon as possible."

Luo Zhen left behind such a thought, and then discovered two huge magic reactions with the ability of "Spiritual Vision".

That is not a reaction that ordinary beings can have. Its scale is so violent that it can only be a Servant.

"Is that there?"

Luo Zhen immediately drove the eagle under him to fly in that direction.

at this timeā€¦


A gong-like sound came like a wave, sweeping up the air and shooting towards this side like an invisible cannonball.


This time, Joan of Arc took action before Luo Zhen, suddenly stepped forward, set up the holy flag, and stood in front of Luo Zhen.


As soon as the sound waves that came like invisible cannonballs touched Joan of Arc, they were immediately bounced away like broken glass.

That's because Jeanne d'Arc possesses the EX-level "Anti-Magic" skill.

Due to her unshakable faith, Joan of Arc possesses extremely high resistance to magic, and can stagger, dodge, and deflect almost any magic, except for the mysteries of the church.

The incoming sound attack obviously did not belong to this category, but was an attack originating from magic.


Luo Zhen seemed to understand something.

Joan of Arc seemed to be in the same situation, and she quickly spoke down.

"It's me! Please stop attacking!"

As the voice fell, the sound waves coming from the forest suddenly stopped and then dissipated.

"Go down."

Luo Zhen immediately urged the eagle under him to fly into the forest.

When the two got off the eagle's back...

"Welcome back! Jeanne!"

A girl rushed over.

It was a girl wearing gorgeous and beautiful clothes, with dazzling long silver-white hair tied into twin tails, and a fluffy crown studded with gems on her head.

The girl looks to be less than 20 years old, but she exudes the aura of a lady. At the same time, she gives people an innocent, romantic and natural idol temperament, and her appearance is so exquisite that it is not like anything else in the world. , enough to make people fascinated at first sight.

Facing such a girl who was passionate about him, Jeanne seemed a little at a loss.

Fortunately, before the girl was about to pounce on Jeanne, someone stopped her.

"Calm down, Maria, Joan is scared."

It was a man who said these words and held the girl with his hand.

It was a man wearing a colorful and exaggerated black dress, with pale skin and slender fingers. He also held two batons in his hands. He looked quite frivolous.

The man's voice is also quite nice, and you can tell at a glance that he has a very high level of control over the music, giving him a very artistic feel.

However, this is what such an artist-like being said.

"Although I don't mind beautiful beauties hugging each other and flirting. That will definitely make people's emotions so high that they have to play a song, but it will be troublesome if it happens like that. If the song used to praise the friendship between beautiful girls is circulated In later generations, will look pretty good?"

The other party was thoughtful like this, which made the girl he called Maria angry.

"Really, didn't you say you are not allowed to tell dirty jokes? Amadeus!"

Hearing this, the man named Amadeus patted his head as if he had just woken up at this time.

"Oh, how rude, I accidentally forgot."

Amadeus said this, but there was still a smile on his face. It was obvious that he had no intention of introspection at all, but only restrained himself slightly.

Seeing such a pair of partners who were like happy enemies, Luo Zhen was somewhat confused.

Not only because of the playful attitude displayed by the two, but also because they inadvertently revealed names that Luo Zhen had to care about.

"Maria? Amadeus?"

No way

Probably not

Just when Luo Zhen was thinking this, Joan of Arc stepped forward.

"Sorry to worry you, Mary, and Mr. Amadeus."

Joan's apology turned the two people's attention back to this side.

"Really, don't worry so much next time."

While the girl was condemning, a flawless and beautiful smile appeared on her face.

"I just hope there won't be a next time. Even if there is, it won't be so sudden. Otherwise, if my music attacks the wrong person, it will be really embarrassing."

The artist looked indifferent.

Immediately, the two of them noticed Luo Zhen.

"Oops? Are there any new friends here?"

The girl's eyes lit up and she was very happy.

"I see, that ridiculously big eagle just now is your familiar, right?"

The artist instead offered sober remarks.

The two of them introduced themselves.

"First time we meet, I am Rider's servant, my real name is Marie Antoinette."

This is a girl-friendly way to introduce yourself.

"Caster's servant, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, well, just call me Amadeus."

This is a relaxed self-introduction of the artist.

As for Luo Zhen, he has long lost his words.

Not for anything else, just because of the two people in front of him.