Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 18: 017 The lost light of civilization


Before long, night began to fall.

In the room, Luo Zhen felt the magic power that had been fully restored in his body, took down the laptop that had been resting on his knees, closed the game interface, and stretched.

"about there."

Luo Zhen murmured like this.

Whenever the magic power in the body is full, it is the moment when Luo Zhen begins to hone his magic skills.

Even if something like that just happened today, Luo Zhen didn't want to waste this habit.

Just like Roman said, Luo Zhen, who is usually lazy, is extremely hardworking and serious about magic.

A boy who truly loves the technology of "Magic" will never give up on his hard-won miracles.

"Let's practice the new summoning today. It would be great if we could complete the summoning of the fourth intermediate familiar."

Luo Zhen was so looking forward to it and was ready to get out of bed.

At this time...


The automatic door to Luo Zhen's room suddenly opened with a rapid sound.


Luo Zhen was startled for a moment, and looked at the door as if reflexively.

I saw, outside the door, a girl rushing in hastily.


Fufu, who was lying on Luo Zhen's bed, immediately called out as if to say hello.


Luo Zhen was also a little surprised.


Matthew, who was usually polite, didn't care at all about the reactions of one person and one beast. He panted and looked at Luo Zhen.

At this second, Luo Zhen had a bad premonition in his heart.

Just because, in Ma Xiu's beautiful eyes, there was an unprecedented emotion.

Mashu just panted and stared at Luo Zhen.

After a while, Matthew said something.

"The lens detected an abnormality."

This sentence confirmed Luo Zhen's premonition.

… …

Chaldea, go to one of the corridors in the central control room.

At this time, Luo Zhen and Ma Xiu passed through this corridor and ran quickly towards the central control room.

"Senior! Please hurry up!"

"Already...already very fast!"

Ma Xiu, who was running in front, kept urging Luo Zhen, who was running unsteadily as if he was about to die, which made Luo Zhen feel sad in his heart.

As a man, it is really embarrassing to be urged by a woman to run faster while he is panting like a dead dog.

"I can't help it. Who made my magic circuit so good that it affects my body's functions? Yes, it's not that I'm too weak. It's all because I'm too good..."

Luo Zhen could only keep comforting himself like this, walking on unsteady steps while shaking, and at the urging of Masu, he quickly ran to the central control room.

After much difficulty, the two finally arrived at the central control room after passing an elevator.

As soon as the automatic door opened, Luo Zhen, who was panting and sweating profusely, being supported by Ma Xiu, saw it.

"Outliers rising!"

"Outliers continue to rise!"

"Hurry up and try to take control!"

"No! It's beyond the limit!"

In the central control room, a group of staff operating instruments in the command room let out panicked screams and faintly screamed.

Olga Marie, who was hiding in the room and was sulking, seemed to have been notified first and had arrived here. She was having a heated discussion with Leif, who had a serious face, and her face was filled with unprecedented anxiety.

And in the center of the central control room, "Chaldeas" suspended in mid-air like a huge globe was producing abnormalities.

"… No way?"

Looking at the condition of , Luo Zhen muttered in disbelief.

"Chaldeas", which had always been shining with beautiful blue light and the fluorescent fire of civilization, was actually changing color.

The people who saw this scene were not just Luo Zhen and Ma Xiu, but also the other suitable people who had received the news and rushed here.


"Could it be..."

"Is it finally..."

The adaptable people who came here were whispering and staring in the direction of , their expressions looking quite sinister.

Of course, Roman also came here.

"... I didn't expect it to intensify in such a short period of time."

Roman, who came to the central control room, looked in the direction of , and after a while, he made a rare and calm speech.


Matthew was suddenly at a loss.

Luo Zhen also turned his head and looked at Roman.

After all, what Roman just said seemed too much like he knew the details.

In other words, this change was not beyond Roman's expectation.

At that moment, Luo Zhen asked.

"You know something? Bro!"

Luo Zhen asked this question unceremoniously.

In this regard, Roman also looked at Luo Zhen, as if he felt there was no need to hide it, and sighed.

Immediately, Roman told Luo Zhen something.

"Actually, as early as a few months ago, Chaldean observers discovered that was changing color."

With a simple sentence, Luo Zhen suddenly understood the situation.

"It started changing color a few months ago...?"

No wonder.

No wonder Chaldea, who had been carrying out observation missions in an orderly manner in the past, suddenly called on the adaptable people in the hall to conduct simulated battles during this period.

It turns out that it is not just because of experiments and training, but also because the situation may develop in the worst direction

began to change color.

This is not a situation that can be ignored.

You know, this earth environment model is a device that presents the state of the entire planet.

Once it becomes abnormal, it means there is something wrong with the planet.

"Could it be..."

Luo Zhen couldn't help but think of the worst possible situation.

This situation was revealed by the exclamation of Mashu, who had been looking at .


Hearing this, Luo Zhen immediately turned his head and looked in the direction of .

There, the "Chaldeas" that had been shining with brilliance finally gradually dimmed under a burst of ups and downs like a dying struggle.


The entire central control room suddenly became silent.

Everyone stared blankly at the darkened , speechless.

"The light...disappeared...?"

Mash's murmur sounded like it was coming from a distant place, full of illusion.

Luo Zhen was also silent.

As long as the fire of civilization of Chaldeas, which represents the planet, remains lit, it proves that mankind will be able to live in peace and harmony for the next hundred years.

And once it loses its shine, it only means one thing.

Human history is about to disappear.

That's all.

Olga Marie stared at that had lost its light, her face somewhat pale.

However, Olga Marie did not lose her cool.

"Start summoning those who are suitable for the Master immediately!"

Olga Marie gritted her teeth and issued an order related to the future of mankind.

"I want to see all the Master candidates from all over the world gathered in Chaldea within a month!"

This also means…

"Is the battle about to begin...?"

Luo Zhen whispered.

Comes with a complicated heart.