Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 180: 177 Do you want to find it first? (Please subscribe)


After some commotion, the camp finally regained peace for the time being.

The soldiers were still wary and fearful of Joan of Arc's existence, and they also became jealous of Luo Zhen and his party, and stopped approaching. However, at least they followed Gill's order and dispersed on the spot.

Under such circumstances, a group of people gathered in the main tent where Jill lived.


As soon as he entered the tent, Luo Zhen asked Masu and Jill.

"Tell me the current situation first."

Although he had already learned some information from Roman, Luo Zhen still wanted to know the details from the person involved.

Of course, this was also to avoid any more troublesome disputes between Joan of Arc and Jill, so Luo Zhen chose to go directly to the important topic.

Matthew seemed to understand this and took the initiative to report it.

"We were attacked by archers a few days ago when we were retreating..."

This is something Roman also mentioned.

After rushing out of Orleans, the French army had not retreated far when the enemy archers caught up with them and launched an attack without saying a word.

In order to block the rampage of this riding servant, although Ma Xiu stepped forward, without Luo Zhen by his side, Ma Xiu's combat power was limited and could only barely block all the enemy's shots, but was unable to repel the opponent.

Later, under Chaldea's reconnaissance, the enemy Rider also caught up with him at an alarming speed, and even the enemy Saber joined in the pursuit.

Just when Masuu and his party were anxious about this, a servant on horseback appeared and provided help.

"The people who are helping us are the servants of the Lancer class."

Matthew explained seriously.

“According to the information provided by the other party, she seemed to be fighting against the Assassin in the Dragon Witch. She didn’t want to ignore us at first, but when she saw us fighting against the Dragon Witch’s servants, she helped us. "

Hearing this, Luo Zhen was stunned.

"Ignore it? Just fine?"

The rest of the people were also stunned one after another.

However, Mash's explanation was not over yet.

"The other party originally planned to leave after helping us repel the enemy archer, but then we mentioned that that woman has a group of dragons to lead. How could the lovely Iri-chan be so shabby that she can only be alone outside? Wandering? Such a reason was offered to us. Although they are just a group of useless puppies, not as good as the noble dragon, but since the opposite side is just a mongrel dragon, there is no other way. Paparazzi, you are here to be My hound, that squirrel with the shield over there, yes, that’s you, I’m asking you, is there a stage for a concert here? I want to go there! Such a request has followed us."

Ma Xiu's explanation made the corners of Luo Zhen's mouth begin to twitch, and also made the others speechless.

"After that, we retreated before the enemy Rider and Saber caught up with us. While returning here, we got in touch with our seniors. Now, the enemy Rider and Saber are still chasing us, and the enemy Archer seems to be also chasing us. We are making a comeback, and before our seniors arrive, we are still discussing whether to move our position first.”

Mathu's explanation ended here, and he looked at Luo Zhen and spoke extremely seriously.

"Anyway, senior, should we first find a stage where we can hold a concert?"

Mashu said this in an extremely off-kilter manner.

"Looking for...your head!"

Luo Zhen flicked Ma Xiu's forehead, causing Ma Xiu to cry out in pain and cover his forehead.

As for the rest of the people, they all had different reactions.

"How should I put it?" Joan of Arc said with some difficulty: "What a unique servant."

"Yes." Mary smiled sincerely: "I feel like she is a very cute lady. I really want to meet her as soon as possible."

"...With all due respect, Maria." Amadeus had an unusually gloomy face and whispered: "I don't know why, I have a very ominous premonition, and I don't think it is a person who can make a profit at all. Singers who get perfect applause at concerts, so if possible, annihilate them as soon as possible. This is the impulse that emerges from my heart. If I don’t do this, I will definitely regret it, absolutely.”

The three cavalry servants expressed their thoughts respectively, one smiled bitterly, one looked forward to it, and one actually cursed.

One can imagine how much trouble this so-called Yili-chan will cause.

"What about now?" Luo Zhen asked as if he didn't dare to ask: "Where is this unique Lancer now?"

"This..." Matthew suddenly became a little hesitant.

It wasn't until a while later that Ma Xiu spoke like this.

"Actually, just this morning, we encountered another mounted servant."

Matthew revealed such shocking news.

"The other party is Berserker's servant, and his relationship with Miss Lancer is not very good."

Mashu hesitated.

"Now, those two are over there in the woods, preparing to..."

Before such a sentence could be finished, an accident happened.


Along with a roar, it seemed as if something exploded, causing the air to shake slightly.

"What...what happened!?"

"What happened!?"

Everyone in the tent stood up in surprise, and then rushed out collectively and came outside.

As soon as they came outside, everyone saw that the entire camp was in panic, causing every soldier to overreact and clenched their weapons.

"What happened!?"

Gil grabbed a soldier who ran past and questioned him.

"Marshal...Marshal!" the soldier shouted in panic: "It's over there in the woods!"

Almost everyone looked in the direction of the woods reflexively.

The next moment, everyone felt it.

In the center of the woods, a burst of magic rose.


A soprano-like sound wave vibrated there.


A roar like a dragon was also stirred up along with the pale flames.

Sound waves and flames seemed to be intertwined with each other, twisting and mixing at the same time, setting off blasts of wind and sending smoke and dust everywhere.

Listening to the high pitch and roar, before the others could react, Amadeus covered his ears and groaned.

"Damn it...! Damn it...! What kind of bad sound is this...!? Bastard...!"

Amadeus just cursed.

"No swearing! Amadeus!"

Mary's brows were raised, as if she was ready to teach Amadeus a lesson.

But Amadeus was rare and ignored Mary.

"What's the point of swearing? That shit-like sound simply insults the word sound! Don't call it swearing! I can't stand it anymore!"

Amadeus shouted with red eyes.

"You must stop it quickly! Otherwise I will go crazy! I will definitely go crazy!"

With that said, Amadeus rushed into the woods regardless of everyone present.

"Ah, it's become like this..."

Mary lamented as if she understood something and apologized to everyone.

"I'm very sorry, everyone. As his guardian, I can't stop his behavior. For Amadeus, music is the only thing. Without music, that person only has perverted attributes, so he If you can’t stand the noise and noise, just forgive him.”

Mary said this nervously.

"Isn't this the time to talk about this!?"

Luo Zhen complained.

"Hurry over there! I feel like something is going to happen!"

The group of people rushed into the woods together at Luo Zhen's greeting.