Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 194: 191 The last carnival (please subscribe)


Night gradually comes.

I don’t know if it was because Dion escaped back to Orleans to report. During this day, the number of wyverns flying over France from time to time became less and less. By the evening, there was no one left, filling the air with There was a feeling of storm coming.

After all, as the saying goes, it's always the calm before the storm.

Now, the tranquility brought by the disappearance of the two-legged dragon is like telling others that the biggest storm in France is coming, which will naturally make the atmosphere extremely heavy and depressing.

Of course, what makes the atmosphere so heavy and depressing is not only the absence of the wyvern, but also the French army in the camp.

Just because Gill had already announced it to the entire army.

"Tomorrow we will attack Orleans again. This will be our last chance to save France. It is up to you to decide whether you want to follow me... follow the saint I am waiting for."

This announcement caused the soldiers of the French Army to fall into silence, resulting in such an atmosphere in the camp.

The one day given by Luo Zhen is indeed necessary.

This is not only preparation for a group of followers, but also preparation for the soldiers of the French Army.

Under such circumstances, the soldiers maintained silence all day long, not knowing what kind of psychological struggle they were going through.

But no matter what, at least in the camp, no soldier chose to escape before the battle, which was a blessing in misfortune.

In this situation, the entire camp ushered in the dark night.

When night fell, the entire camp broke the silence during the day and started a carnival.

This was all because of a word from Mary who couldn't stand the atmosphere.

"Since we are ready to risk everything to fight tomorrow, everyone should spend tonight happily. How can we be so gloomy all the time?"

The queen, who could not sit back and watch the people suffer, but was determined to face everything with a smile, naturally could not watch everyone face the final battle in depression.

So, after Mary's tossing, the group of followers seemed to be convinced.

What does persuasion do

Very simple.

prepare food.

Prepare drinks.

Then, just have a great time.

"So, get ready..."

In front of the bonfire in the camp, Mary cheered like this with a beautiful smile and a beautiful voice in front of all the soldiers sitting around the bonfire, as if everyone was watching.


Along with Mary's cheers, all the soldiers present also cheered loudly.

"""""vivfrance (Long Live France)!"""""

The cheers went up to the sky.

However, this is not over yet.

"One more vivofrance!"

"""""vivfrance (Long Live France)!"""""

"Louder vivefrance!"

"""""vivfrance (Long Live France)!"""""


"""""vivfrance (Long Live France)!"""""

Mary led the soldiers in the entire camp again and again, like a concert, making the soldiers cheer enthusiastically, laugh and enjoy themselves.

In the process, all the food and drinks in the camp were taken out and provided to everyone, so that everyone could drink and eat happily.

Of course, a group of followers also participated in it.


Beautiful music lingers in the camp.

That was the work of Amadeus.

As if to assist Mary, who was shining brightly on the stage, and to accompany the singing idol, Amadeus kept playing his famous song with his eyes closed and a chuckle.

Elizabeth and Qing Ji are entangled.

"Let me go! Let me go! Let! Me! Go! Go! La!"

Elizabeth kept yelling, like a spoiled rich lady, and she was still yelling and preparing to rush in the direction of Mary.

"You brainless dragon! No one will welcome you!"

Qing Ji held Elizabeth tightly and used all her strength to prevent Elizabeth from going out.

The reason is also very simple.

"That's a concert! The stage that attracts everyone's attention! How can you let that woman have it all to yourself!?"

Elizabeth struggled hard and dragged Qingji out bit by bit.

Unfortunately, Qing Ji still couldn't compromise.

"You want to go up and sing, right? In this case, you absolutely cannot allow it!"

Regardless of her own image, Qing Ji tightly wrapped around Elizabeth like a snake.

Once Qing Ji lets go, Elizabeth will definitely run up and sing a song, right

And being sung by this witch who is good at magic sounds, let alone cheering, I am afraid that the entire camp will fall down by then, becoming a model of dying before leaving the battle.

Qing Ji doesn't care about everyone's life or death, she just thinks about herself.

No, it should be said that it was for Luo Zhen's sake.

"Master must never be allowed to bear your terrifying dragon breath again!"

"It's not Dragon's Breath! It's singing! Singing!"

Qing Ji and Elizabeth were entangled in this way.

They were still fighting fiercely in the morning, and the quarrel was unbearable to everyone, but now it has turned into this. It seems that these two people are not incompatible, but are incompatible with each other just because they get along.

Luo Zhen looked at this scene and breathed a sigh of relief silently.

no way.

If Elizabeth were to sing, Luo Zhen would die.

If Qing Ji is left idle, Luo Zhen will also die.

In this case, it would be best to let these two girls play with themselves.


"Don't you need to help? Master?"

Ma Xiu prepared food for Luo Zhen and asked worriedly.

"Forget it." Luo Zhen shook his head and said, "They actually enjoy it, so let them do it."

After speaking, Luo Zhen looked around.

"That's right." Luo Zhen asked strangely: "Where is Joan of Arc?"

"Miss Jeanne?" Matthew also looked around, and after finding no trace of Jeanne, he said: "I don't know, but when the banquet started, Miss Jeanne seemed to have gone to the woods."

"The woods..." Luo Zhen pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Then I'll go find her. Just keep an eye on these guys and don't let them get into trouble."

"I understand, senior." Ma Xiu agreed without objection.

Luo Zhen then quietly left and headed towards the woods.

… …

Once they entered the woods, the cheers seemed to fade away and became distant.

As Luo Zhen walked inside, he followed the induction of the temporary contract with Joan of Arc and headed in the direction where she was.

When Luo Zhen arrived at his destination, the scene that appeared in front of him made him slightly startled and surprised.

"Marshal Gill?"

Deep in the woods, in front of a clearing, Jill appeared in front of Luo Zhen.