Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 198: 195 is up to you (please subscribe)


Perhaps, what has happened during this period of time will make many people think that a long time has passed.

However, if we look at it carefully, the attack on Orleans with the French army, the encounter with Jeanne d'Arc and Jeanne d'Arc one after another in Orleans, and the eventual escape from Caster with Jeanne d'Arc only happened just the day before yesterday.

In other words, Luo Zhen visited Orleans again after just two days.

However, this time, Luo Zhen no longer only has Ma Xiu as his partner, but also has five more riding servants as partners, who came here together.

Having said that, Luo Zhen didn't sigh too much.

Looking at the city that exuded a richer and heavier atmosphere, Luo Zhen had only one thought at this moment.

"This time, I won't lose again."

With that said, Luo Zhen turned his head and looked behind him.

There, everyone stayed together and prepared.


Joan of Arc tightened the holy flag in her hand and looked at the city that she had a close relationship with, her eyes slightly stirring.

Not only Joan of Arc, but also Jill was watching intently, and must have been feeling a lot.

The rest of the people were no longer as noisy as before at this time.

"Finally back here again."

"Last time, we helped Joan of Arc invade. We have been hiding in secret to provide support. This time we can finally attack head-on."

Mary and Amadeus made such speeches respectively.

"Is that guy right there?"

Elizabeth stared closely in the direction of Orleans, her young face full of seriousness.

Even Qingji's little face tensed up.

"So many wyverns..."

Just as Kiyohime said, the number of wyverns flying over Orleans was overwhelming.

"It's about five times more than when we attacked before... No, it must be at least ten times more."

Matthew's tone was full of tension, and he was obviously worried about the unoptimistic situation.

In this situation, it was Roman who comforted him.

"There are indeed a large number of life reactions and magic reactions gathered in Orleans. The number is far from what it could be compared to before. However, on the contrary, the nearby life reactions and magic reactions have almost disappeared. It is probably because the has to deal with it. The threat here has brought back all the wyverns in France, right?"

In other words…

"All the threats and anomalies in this singularity are in that city."

Roman spoke out quite seriously.

"As long as the attack is successful and the is defeated, the incident will be completely over, and France and this era will be saved."

On the other hand, if it fails, everything is lost.

Is this what Roman wanted to express

All the followers immediately exuded a sense of nervousness, but also cheered up their fighting spirit.

Including Luo Zhen.

"This couldn't be better."

Luo Zhen said this without wavering at all.

after all…

"The opportunity to make it happen once and for all is right in front of you. It's impossible not to seize it tightly."

Luo Zhen glanced at everyone present.

"Success or failure depends on you."

Luo Zhen's words were exchanged for smiles.


"Let's start from our side."

Gil pulled out the long sword worn on his waist and pointed forward.


Following Gill's loud shouting, all the French soldiers behind him shouted.


Bathed in the shouts of the soldiers, Luo Zhen touched the command spell on the back of his right hand and slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Then it's time for me to fight."

As these words appeared, the command spell on the back of Luo Zhen's right hand flashed.

The second stroke of the command spell slowly faded in Luo Zhen's hands, and finally turned into surging magic power, filling Luo Zhen's magic circuit.

The battle begins here.

… …


When the soldiers' shouts rang out, a scene like thousands of troops appeared in front of the vast plain where Orleans was located.

Soldiers held weapons in hand and rode on military horses. While shouting, they rushed in the direction of Orleans, letting the billowing smoke and dust roll up behind them, like thousands of horses galloping.

Such momentum immediately aroused the reaction of the bipedal flying dragon army in Orleans.



The bipedal flying dragons roared as if they were angered, and then flew out of Orleans one after another, as if blocking the sky and the sun, flying through the air and rushing towards the French army.

At first glance, this seems to be very similar to the scene when the French army attacked Orleans two days ago.

However, after two days, great changes have occurred on both sides.

After the French army's continuous battles in the past two days, the size of the army has been reduced by more than half, with heavy casualties, and it has long lost the power it had two days ago.

On the other hand, the Flying Dragon Legion has brought back all the flying dragons in France. Compared with two days ago, the number has increased by no means.

In addition, ordinary soldiers are no match for fantasy species. This attack by the French army is simply reckless and seeking death.

If there are no further changes.

“〈Requiem for death〉!”

The voice of the true name of the Servant's Noble Phantasm of Liberation appeared like the wind and a phantom.

The next second, a heroic and evil song turned into invisible sound waves, echoing throughout the battlefield.



The overwhelming group of bipedal flying dragons that swooped down from mid-air suddenly froze and roared in pain.

"This is a song dedicated to the God of Death. Even though I doubt whether Yalong's hearing can recognize this great melody, today is a special release, so don't miss it."

Amadeus stood at the very back of the battlefield, holding the baton in his fingers, smiling lightly as he kept playing.

Under the effect of its Noble Phantasm, even the servants are not immune to having their abilities reduced, and may even suffer continuous damage. Naturally, the tribe of mere dragons is no longer a problem.

As a result, the two-legged flying dragons not only roared in pain, but their strength was also greatly weakened.

The soldiers of the French Army rode on the heroic and evil sound waves, shouting and rushing towards the wyverns.

“Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang…!”

From behind, the cannonballs had already been fired, landing among the dragons first, setting off layers of fire waves and blowing up the groups of bipedal flying dragons.

at the same time…


Countless magic arrays spread out across the battlefield, turning into gates connecting souls.



Amidst high-pitched howls, huge demon wolves emerged from the magic circle and appeared on the battlefield.

The number of demon wolves is extremely large, so many that they can almost rival the flying dragons.

Their eyes radiated a faint light one after another, and they rushed towards the flying dragons head after head with agile and flexible steps, just like flying in the clouds.

The flying dragon army was in pain and could not react at all.


Suddenly, the sharp claws tore through the dragon scales.


Suddenly, the fangs pierced the bloody skin.

Demonic wolves pounced on the flying dragon one by one, biting and tearing it fiercely.



In the dragon's roar full of pain, blood spilled all over the ground.