Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 200: 197 The meeting of fate (please subscribe)



This name should originally belong to Elizabeth.

Just like Vlad III became famous as "Dracula" and became a familiar vampire to the world, the same goes for Elizabeth. Her name "Camilla" is the evidence, future and end of her life as a vampire.

However, Elizabeth, who was summoned at the age of fourteen, had not yet committed the crime of sucking the blood of a girl, and had not yet been given the name "Camilla".

But now, Elizabeth called out the name of her future self.

The object he called was assassin.

The cruel and ruthless enemy servant Assassin uses a torture device called the Iron Maiden to torture girls and thirsts for blood.

"You...! Were you actually summoned...!?"

Assassin Camilla screamed, and the hand that wasn't holding the torture instrument reached out.

The sharp nails immediately swung like claws on Camilla's fingers, cutting through bloodstain-like tracks and cutting towards Elizabeth.

"You can be summoned, why can't I?"

Elizabeth, however, was not to be outdone and brandished her magic spear, stabbing the incoming claws.


In the fierce sparks, the magic spear and claws bounced off each other, causing Elizabeth and Camilla to also separate, jump back, and distance themselves.

However, even if the distance between them is widened, the two people's eyes still spark fierce friction.

That's hate.

That's disgust.

That is also resistance.

Elizabeth and Camilla expressed their emotions to each other in such a way.

only because…

"Young little girl...!"

Camilla glared at Elizabeth with gritted teeth.

"I'm not a little girl! I'm everyone's idol! My idol!"

Elizabeth yelled as if she was being stimulated.

But this made Camilla's expression distorted.

"What kind of idol? How stupid!" Camilla glared at Elizabeth and said, "Stop having those unrealistic dreams!"

"No!" Elizabeth retorted stubbornly: "It's you who should stop my meaningless behavior!"

What behavior

Of course it was the obsessive pursuit of the girl's blood and her beautiful appearance.

And even if Elizabeth didn't say it herself, Camilla could understand this idea.

the reason is simple.

"Since you are me and we are the same existence, there is no reason why you should not listen to yourself. Do you hear me?"

Elizabeth demanded unreasonably.

However, the content presented in his words is enough to surprise people.

"The same existence?"

On the side, Vlad III, who was confronting Qing Ji, turned his head as if he was interested.

"… Is that so?"

Kiyohime also finally understood why Elizabeth was obsessed with killing the enemy's assassin.

That's right.

Elizabeth and Camilla are one and the same.

As mentioned before, even if it is the same existence, it is possible to be summoned at the same time. It is just a matter of different attributes, age, and time period.

Elizabeth and Camilla were like that.

Among them, one is Elizabeth, who was summoned at the age of fourteen and has not yet committed a heinous crime; the other is Ca, who is already an adult and committed a crime as the bloody countess and was sentenced to life imprisonment. She eventually died in prison. Mira.

This led to a decisive confrontation between the two sides.

Although Elizabeth is noble, domineering, cruel, and ruthless, she is not as inhumane as in the legend. Although she is an evil anti-heroic spirit, she is also a girl who yearns for love. She has a timid part in her temperament, and her evil deeds are not thorough, even if she is summoned. When he came out, in the end, he either helped his own people or let the enemy go. He would show kindness at critical moments, and he was a reasonably sensible and obedient villain.

On the contrary, Camilla does not have the cuteness of the past and cruelly pursues blood.

It is normal for the two of them to have such differences.

After all, the reason Camilla pursues blood is because she wants to borrow blood to maintain her beautiful appearance.

But Elizabeth still looks like she was when she was young. She doesn't need to pursue beauty at all. As an anti-heroic spirit, she is considered a dabbler.

One of them is their past self and the other is their future self, but they are incompatible with each other.

Young Elizabeth refused to be Camilla, not wanting to commit a stupid crime for something so meaningless.

Camilla also dislikes Elizabeth. To her, Elizabeth is just an absolutely unforgivable figure who is content with ignorance, sings the praises of youth, and does not need to do anything to remain beautiful and lovely.

To sum up, Elizabeth will stubbornly target Camilla.

Similarly, the moment Camilla saw Elizabeth, there was no one else in her eyes.

"Unpleasant...really unpleasant..."

Camilla whispered.

"It is so unpleasant to see a past that has no idea what reality is and only knows how to waste youth and beauty!"

In response, Elizabeth tightened her face and spoke softly.

"I know that you are my future, my nature, and at the same time my end. No matter how much I resist you, history will not change. I will still be the feared bloody countess. What you committed That’s all I have to bear.”


"But, I still want to say it."

Elizabeth spoke loudly.

"I never want to be you! Absolutely not!"

For this reason, Elizabeth came here just to stop her future self.

This made Camilla really angry.

"Then I will deny you with all my strength and erase this unbearable past!"

Camilla's body was filled with rich blood.

"bring it on!"

Elizabeth also mobilized all the magic power in her body.

The two riding servants who were the same being stared at each other, and then they crushed the ground under their feet and rushed toward each other.

After Vlad III and Qing Ji saw this scene, they also looked at each other.

“It was an unimaginable improvisation.”

Vlad III only had this feeling.

"Then shouldn't it be time for us to dance gorgeously here?"

Qingji responded to Vlad III's remarks with a peaceful smile.

"Of course, Yu has not let go of the enemy's innocence on the battlefield."

Vlad III smiled leisurely.

"Then let me perform a dance for my Master."

Qingji raised the fan in her hand.

Iron piles and flames appeared in the next moment.


The sound of explosions echoed endlessly on this battlefield.

At the same time, at the edge of the battlefield, the two fateful people also met again.

"My dance partner is indeed you, my knight."

Mary greeted her enemies who came to assassinate her with a touching smile.

"Although I may not be qualified."

Dion looked at Mary closely, and raised the Western sword in his hand without hesitation, pointing at the person he swore allegiance to during his lifetime.

The second reunion between the guardian and the guarded was, as expected, on this battlefield.