Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 204: 201 Now, it’s hard to tell the outcome, right? (Please subscribe)


In Greek mythology, there is a very famous goddess.

The goddess's name is Hecate, she is the queen of the underworld, the founder and manager of hell, the famous god of death, and the devil in charge of magic.

She once helped Zeus, the main god of Greek mythology, defeat the Cyclops, and even Zeus was in awe of him.

She controls ghosts, magic and spells, haunts cemeteries, hunts at night, and is visible only to dogs, who bark to signal her arrival.

It is said that this goddess will appear when a lunar eclipse is about to occur, accompanied by various demons and ghosts.

Her symbols are the torch, the fork, the wolf, the mare, the yew, the mandala and the snake.

Of course, the snake clinging to Luo Zhen's arm was not an entity transformed from Hecate, it was just an intermediate familiar.

However, in the same way that an owl can travel to and from the underworld, Luo Zhen summoned an evil spirit that can devour spirits. At this moment, the snake Luo Zhen summoned was not an ordinary creature, but a kind of snake. Demonic spirit.

"Hecate is the goddess of the underworld and the famous god of magic. The snake she symbolizes, in addition to representing life and death, is also known as a symbol of magic."

Luo Zhen's voice was transmitted clearly.

"Although the demon spirit I summoned cannot use miraculous magic, it has a characteristic that it can lurk in the body of a living being, absorb the magic power of the host object, amplify and expand the magic that acts on the host object, and even It can be used to amplify and expand the magic that once acted on the host object, so that the magic can be reawakened."

This explanation awakened both Jeanne d'Arc and Jeanne d'Arc, who understood the reason.

"Could it be..."

Joan of Arc showed a stunned expression.

Black Joan was also slightly startled and almost blurted out.

"You gave the previous hypnosis to...!"

That's right.

Under the influence of the demon spirit, the hypnotic magic exerted by Amadeus on Fafnir two days ago was reawakened.

If that's all, forget it.

With Fafnir's power, the mere hypnotic magic has no effect at all. The reason Amadeus succeeded was just because Fafnir was napping at the time, and Amadeus only deepened its sleep, allowing it to It's just not easy to wake up.

In other words, if Fafnir was awake from the beginning and prepared to wreak havoc, the mere hypnotic magic would not work at all.

In this case, even if Luo Zhen awakens the hypnotic magic that once acted on Fafnir and lets it work again, it will not be able to make Fafnir fall into a deep sleep.

However, the demon spirit not only awakens the magic that once worked, but also secretly absorbs the magic from the host in order for the magic to work.

And Luo Zhen threw the demon spirit onto Fafnir two days ago, allowing the snake to absorb the magic power silently for two days.

All these magic powers are now used to activate this magic.

As the pinnacle of fantasy species, the strongest dragon species, one can only imagine how much magic power it has for two days.

As a result, the effect of the hypnotic magic that had been exerted on him was astonishingly powerful under the one-time squandering of this magic power.

"Although it's impossible for it to sleep forever, at least, it won't be able to wake up again until the end of this war."

Luo Zhen made the snake on his arm slowly disappear while making a declaration to his enemy.

"In addition, the flying dragon army is being held back outside, and the servants you summoned are also fighting outside. There is only Caster as a riding assistant, but we also have two riding servants here. The situation is Even if it can’t be said to be in our favor, now it’s hard to say whether we will win or lose, right?”

Luo Zhen's declaration made Black Joan's expression become ugly as she watched Fafnir fall into a deep sleep.


Black Joan suddenly raised the black flag in her hand, letting the raging fire burn.

The flame was not aimed at Luo Zhen and his party, but at the sleeping Fafnir.

No matter how effective the hypnosis is, as long as it attacks Fafnir, it can wake him up, right

Therefore, Black Joan let the flames of hell burn towards the evil dragon behind her.

"Don't even think about it!"

Luo Zhen seemed to have expected this, and activated his magic power.


The big pit beneath Fafnir suddenly collapsed again.

Several demon ants dug out from the ground and expanded the hole that exploded due to Fafnir's appearance.

Fafnir fell into a deep sleep and fell into the pit, falling to the ground together with countless rocks and debris.

The fire filled the hall, but it stopped expanding because of the collapse of the ground. It burned to the pothole a step later and did not touch Fafnir at all.


The person who reacted violently to this was not Joan of Arc, but Caster.

"Unforgivable...! Unforgivable...! Unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable...!"

Caster shouted with a distorted face, and the magic power in his body surged like a rage.

In his hand, the magic book named "Luoyan City Teaching Book" complied with Caster's violent spirit and began to take effect.

The next second, sea demons emerged from all directions in the audience hall. As always, some were big and some were small. Some stretched out their long tentacles in the direction of Luo Zhen, and some sprayed out... Deadly venom.


Luo Zhen just called out like this.


Mashu responded immediately, advancing instead of retreating, facing the incoming attack.

Venom and tentacles attacked from all directions.

With just a shield, Mashu needed to block all these attacks.

At this moment, what Mash recalled was the scene in the large hollow at the singularity in Fuyuki City.

At that time, in order to respond to his trusted senior and protect his most important Master, Mashu successfully deployed his Noble Phantasm.

After that, after training, Mashu was able to continue to deploy this Noble Phantasm.

Although this is not the true power and appearance of this Noble Phantasm, in order to make it easier for Mashu to use it, as the director of Chaldea, Olga Marie still gave this Noble Phantasm a name.

"〈Imaginary Noble Phantasm Simulated Development/Foundation of Human Theory (Lord Chaldeas)〉!"

When the name resounded in Mashu's mouth along with the clear and sweet sound, light bloomed on the shield symbolizing protection.

The light turned into a solid protective barrier, which expanded from the shield and blocked attacks from all directions.


The venom that landed on the barrier made a corrosive sound.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang...!"

Tentacles also hit the barrier one by one, causing muffled sounds.

Ma Xiu used his own treasure to protect Luo Zhen.

"whispering sound…!"

Black Jeanne screamed and waved the black flag in her hand. Just when she was about to make a move, she was stopped.

"Your opponent is me!"

The saint waving the holy flag appeared in front of Black Joan.

"Stop being in the way!"

Black Jeanne shouted, but still pointed the finger at Jeanne.

The war is about to break out.