Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 206: 203 There is a price to pay for looking down on others (please subscribe)


Group combat has always been the specialty of the Akabane clan.

To put it bluntly, the "Puppet Technique" of the Akabane clan is the crystallization of the knowledge of puppet manipulation techniques, tactics, academics, etc.

The reason why Luo Zhen attached so much importance to the practice of "Puppetry" in the first place was because the techniques and tactics that had been developed for thousands of years were too useful.

Perhaps, when manipulating a puppet, the true meaning and meaning cannot be fully revealed, but every time there is one more object to be manipulated, the formations that can be formed, the tactics that can be used, and the strategies that can be implemented will become more and more numerous. The more there are, and the effect produced by combining the skills of the magician at each stage, it is not as simple as one plus one.

Luo Zhen is known as a "Prodigy" among the Akabane clan. Since he is said to be comparable to Akabane Tenquan, who is also known as "Tendo", we know how advanced he is in the "Puppet Technique".

If it weren't for the fact that the profoundness of the "Puppet Technique" of the Akabane clan requires the cooperation of the secret technique of the "Red Wing Formation" before it can be fully demonstrated, then Luo Zhen would definitely be the best in Akabane Tianquan based on his attainments in the "Puppet Technique" alone. above.

Now, this effect is shown.

Using the servants of two cavalry at the same time allowed Luo Zhen to maximize his skills, abilities and brains, showing a combat effectiveness that far exceeded that of the two cavalry. It was completely different from the passive situation when he attacked Orleans two days ago.

Luo Zhen just wanted to tell everyone present.

"If the tiger doesn't show off its power, do you really think I don't exist?"

Because he was a human being, in this singularity, Luo Zhen was ignored by Yiqi's sharp-edged servants one after another and was not regarded as a threat.

Especially Black Jeanne, who never looked at Luo Zhen from the beginning to the end. Even if Luo Zhen plotted against Fafnir, this witch still only had Jeanne in her eyes, not even Mashu, let alone Luo Zhen. Really.

Even the lunatic Caster seems to regard Luo Zhen as a being who can be rounded and flattened at will.

In this case, Luo Zhen gave separate lessons to these two servants with brain problems.

"There is a price to pay for looking down on people."

Luo Zhen sent magic power into Jeanne d'Arc and Ma Xiu's bodies again.

What he got in return was a voice filled with hatred.

"〈Roar! my wrath (la grondementhaine)〉!"

In the vast audience hall, the unprecedentedly intense magic power began to surge, and at the same time it turned into the karma fire of hell, spreading like an explosion.

The temperature in the air suddenly increased exponentially, causing the flames to turn into a sea of fire and sweep across the entire hall.

"Did you free the Noble Phantasm?"

Luo Zhen was not surprised and gave the order almost without hesitation.


As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Xiu and Jeanne rushed from one direction to the left and the other to the right, and landed in front of Luo Zhen.

Magic power also emerged in these two girls.

"〈Imaginary Noble Phantasm Simulated Development/Foundation of Human Theory (Lord Chaldeas)〉!"

Mashu knocked the shield on the ground, causing the shield's surface to flash with patterns, turning into a protective barrier that rotated and unfolded.

"〈My Lord is here (luminosite eternelle)〉!

Joan of Arc raised the holy flag in her hand high, letting the flag loosen from the flag, fluttering up, blooming with dazzling brilliance.

The protective barrier and the protective light appeared in front of Luo Zhen, turning into the strongest defense, firmly protecting the group of three people.

The blazing fire of karma immediately rushed over, like a red avalanche, engulfing the area where the three of them were.



Both Matthew and Jeanne shouted loudly, supporting their defenses and resisting the engulfing Karma Fire.

"Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!"

Black Joan's voice full of hatred continued to vent to the entire sea of fire, causing the magic power to skyrocket.

The blazing fire of karma immediately expanded again and became even hotter, as if it had received fuel.



Matthew and Jeanne had expressions of difficulty on their faces at the same time, as if they couldn't hold on.

Standing behind the two of them, Luo Zhen, who was protected by them, was extremely calm.

"Are you planning to kill us like this?"

With the power of the Holy Grail, Black Jeanne's magic power is almost endless.

Just like King Arthur at the Singularity Point in Fuyuki City, the terrifying holy sword in his hand can be fired infinitely. You can imagine what kind of terror it can bring.

The same goes for Black Jeanne.

Maintaining the continuous activation of the Noble Phantasm like this is nothing to her who has obtained the power of the .

On the other hand, once the magic power is exhausted, one can only die in the sea of fire.

"My anger...! My hatred...! My resentment...! How can you eliminate it!"

Black Joan stood in the middle of the sea of fire, her face full of hatred, her eyes full of dark emotions, making her roar at this side.

"My revenge will never end until the entire France, the entire era, and the entire world are burned to death!"

"Absolutely not!"

"So, burn it for me!"

Black Jeanne squandered her magic power crazily, turning the karma of hell into the magma in a magma pool. Not only did it turn red, but it was also struck by waves after waves, constantly invading the only thing that supported it. Barrier.

Gradually, the space was distorted by the heat.

Gradually, the floor, walls and ceiling of the entire audience hall seemed to melt, and while reddening, liquid dripped.



Matthew and Jeanne moaned at the same time.

That was a sign of being unable to hold on any longer.

"Use the command spell quickly! Luo Zhen!"

Even Roman in Chaldea screamed like this, and an owl flew by very anxiously.

As Roman said, if you use the command spell, there is still a way to solve this crisis.

However, Luo Zhen did not intend to use the command spell.

There was only one command spell left, and Luo Zhen was prepared to save it to survive the second danger.

Moreover, even without using the command spell, Luo Zhen could survive the current crisis.

the reason is simple…

"If you only have hatred in your eyes, it's easy to ignore a lot of things, idiot."

Under Luo Zhen's pity-like whisper, Black Joan didn't notice it at all.

Behind him, a stone that was burned red and as sharp as an awl levitated, and the telepathy surrounding his body was twisted into a blade shape, turning into a sharp telepathy blade.

The next second, the blade of telekinesis burst out.

He was unprepared and just used his Noble Phantasm to attract heavy flames, trying to burn up Luo Zhen and his party, and shot straight away from the back of Black Joan.


The sound of tearing like tearing silk resounded.

The stone cone, which was burned red and blessed with "Magic Toughness", pierced straight into the flesh and blood, bringing up a bright red blood stain.


Black Jeanne's pupils shrank to the size of needle tips.


In the sea of fire, Matthew and Jeanne, who were struggling to support themselves, were also shocked.

Even Luo Zhen was shocked.



With a large amount of blood spurting out from his mouth, the mad sorcerer holding the magic book slowly fell down.

There was a bloody hole on his body that was extremely glaring.


Black Joan finally exclaimed.