Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 213: 210 Use my hatred for it (please subscribe)



A large amount of blood spilled from the body of Demon God Pillar, as if it was free of charge, dyeing the entire ground red.


Silent screams were also vented from various parts of Demon God Pillar's body, causing all of Demon God Pillar's eyes to become bloodshot.

"You...lower creatures...!"

Leif's voice full of pain and rage came out from the Demon God Pillar, causing magic power to emerge from the Demon God Pillar again like a volcanic eruption.


A dark smoke screen suddenly swept out, surrounding the Demon God Pillar's body and crushing crazily around it.

"Back off!"

Luo Zhen, who was covered in scars, panted slightly, but gave instructions in a rapid tone.

Matthew and Jeanne hurriedly pulled out the weapons that had penetrated the Demon God Pillar, stepped on the shield spread out under their feet, and jumped into the air.

The crushing smoke screen was avoided, but it still set off a terrifying shock wave, causing both Ma Xiu and Jeanne to be blown away by the aftermath just like Luo Zhen before.

If Luo Zhen hadn't deployed the shield on the two people's flying trajectory and stopped them, Mashu and Jeanne would have flown directly to the wall and hit them hard, right


"Ha ha…"

The two girls half-knelt on the shield spread out in mid-air, and began to pant slightly.

It seems that the attack just now consumed a lot of physical strength and magic power of Matthew and Jeanne.

After receiving a blow from the two girls blessed with , although the Demon God Pillar was damaged, it still roared and caused the dark smoke screen to roll up.

It looked like a wounded beast. Although it became weaker, it also became more ferocious.

At least, the magic power pouring out of the Demon God Pillar is becoming more and more amazing.

"Isn't there a way to defeat it...!?"

Cold sweat ran down Mashu's cheeks.

"This is the mastermind behind the emergence of human intoxication..."

Joan of Arc stared at the violent Demon God Pillar, and her hand holding the holy flag continued to tighten.

Luo Zhen, who was riding on the back of the eagle, also began to pant and smiled bitterly.

"Compared to that kind of monster, King Arthur and Black Jeanne are really gentle."

Feeling the magic power passing through his body, Luo Zhen only felt weak.

"There is less than 20% of the magic power left..."

How to defeat such a monster in such a situation

Luo Zhen stirred his brain desperately.

at this time…

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

When such a voice suddenly sounded, not only Luo Zhen, but also Ma Xiu and Jeanne were completely stunned.

This is a very mature and calm voice, full of knowledge and a little bit of mischief, a very nice female voice.

The female voice comes from Luo Zhen's wrist.

To be more precise, it should be said to be the communicator worn on Luo Zhen's wrist.

That is to say…

"Communication from Chaldea?"

Matthew was a little surprised.

Since it is a communication from Chaldea, it should be Roman's voice. Why is it such a female voice

Olga Marie's voice doesn't sound like this either, does it

Just as Mashu was thinking this, the other party seemed to have seen through her thoughts and chuckled.

"Because Leif has turned into the Demon Pillar, Romani and Olga are already in a panic, and the Chaldean staff are also in a commotion. It's really hard to watch, so I'll try a little harder, big sister. , analyze the life response of the Demon God Pillar who has been fighting until now, and after getting the results, I will just give you a little help now."

The person who calls herself Big Sister spoke directly without giving everyone time to react.

"As far as the conclusion is concerned, the Demon Pillar is neither a Servant nor a fantasy species. Of course, it cannot be a human being. However, its entire body is formed by magic power. In Chaldean terms, it is the magic power of the Holy Grail. A huge spiritual base has been constructed, and it has been materialized."

The other party said so.

"If you want to defeat such a monster, the method is actually no different from defeating a servant."

If you want to defeat the Servant, you either have to penetrate the weakness of the spiritual core, or you have to cause huge irrecoverable damage to the spiritual core.

Although the Demon God Pillar is not a Servant, it may not have a weakness called spiritual core, but if it is given a powerful blow from its spiritual base, it can still be killed.

The problem is that…

"Judging from Ronaldinho's real situation, if the magic that can add sharp attributes to weapons and armors is used to let Matthew and Jeanne launch a fatal blow when the magic is at its peak, it may be possible to defeat the devil. column."

The female voice from Chaldea said so.

"But now, Ronaldinho's real magic reaction is much weaker than in his heyday. It should be that the magic power is almost exhausted. This method no longer works."

After hearing what the other party said, Luo Zhen couldn't make any rebuttal.

If it was really during the heyday of magic power, then Luo Zhen could indeed exhaust his magic power and attach huge telepathic blades to the weapons and armors of Matthew and Jeanne, giving the two girls the ability to cut the demon pillars in two. powerful attack power.

But now, even if all Luo Zhen's magic power is used to use the ability of "Magic Toughness", it can only make the length of the telepathy blade reach about one meter.

This way there is no way to defeat the huge Demon God Pillar.

On the other hand, Mashu quickly asked.

"Then there's no second way?"

This inquiry resulted in a very positive answer.

"Of course."

The other party said so.

"If there is an enemy Noble Phantasm that can cause damage to the entire spiritual base, and if the entire body of the Demon God Pillar is burned out, it will be dead."

This condition is simply more stringent than the first one.

An anti-army Noble Phantasm that can burn away the entire spiritual base of the Demon God Pillar

Then it must be at least an A-level anti-army weapon, right

It's a pity that none of Luo Zhen's servants possess such a noble phantom.

Even for Mary, although her Noble Phantasm is an A+-level anti-army Noble Phantasm, the damage it causes to the enemy is of a magical nature and does not have enough attack power to burn everything down.

So, what should we do

Luo Zhen started thinking.


"...What, is it possible to knock down that disgusting pillar just like this?"

Such a weak and sarcastic voice sounded.

"Then things will be simple."

With such a voice, the girl supported her body with the dark evil flag, and slowly struggled to get up from the ground. She stared at the Demonic Pillar and croaked.

"That human Master over there that makes people dislike him."

This sentence was naturally addressed to Luo Zhen.

"Give me magic."

The who lost the seemed to have spent all its life force, smiling ferociously.

"Let me burn that ugly pillar to the ground."

"Use my hatred for it."

The Dark Saint, who was evaluated as a fake, showed her will at this moment.