Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 2619: After finishing the book, Yan Kuai said





Tell the important things three times, then sprinkle flowers on yourself, and finally finish the book! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

Although this is not the first time that Ruqing has written a finale for a book, she has written a finale for her own books in the past. Ruqing felt mixed and relieved, and also felt a little reluctant to give up, but this book After finishing the book, Ruqing really felt relieved.

There is no way. Friends who know it all know how difficult it was for Ruqing to write this book. First of all, there was all kinds of bad luck and bad luck last year. In addition, after getting married, there were a lot more family matters, which led to all kinds of problems. The instability of updates made the difficulty of writing this book rise several levels, and it also made Ruqing just want to say, "It's really too difficult."

In addition, writing this book also has many other difficulties than writing the previous books.

For example, with the passage of time and changes in the Internet environment, many things that were easily accepted in the past are no longer able to satisfy many book lovers.

For another example, after writing several fanfics of the same style in succession, many people have expressed that they are tired of reading them, or that they have grown older and no longer "love" them.

In addition, there are also stage tests that every book will go through, which will have more or less impact.

Furthermore, when writing this book, Ruqing must admit that she really chose a subject that is not easy to grasp and attractive, which ultimately resulted in various controversies and conflicts.

Under such circumstances, this book was not only difficult for Ruqing to write, but also somewhat unsatisfactory.


Ruqing was not very satisfied with the book "The Summoner of Miracles" in many aspects.

I originally had a lot of good ideas in my head, but in the end, due to time issues, update issues, secular world issues, and being stimulated by all kinds of monsters and monsters that jumped out of my mind, the ideas that were supposed to be written turned into something else. Or maybe it was simply not written.

Of course, Ruqing also wrote it very carefully, otherwise this book would not have reached the point of writing more than five million words. The results of this book are actually not bad. Thanks to everyone's continuous support, although the results are not as good as "Zhizhi" "Death Infinite" is much better than "All-round Fantasy", so it shouldn't disappoint everyone, but Ruqing really feels...

how to say

There are actually many places where I could write better, that's how it feels.

So, in summary, due to various problems, this book's performance is okay. After all, everyone has supported it so much, but it is certain that there are a lot of regrets.

In view of this, Ruqing even moved out of her home and is now living outside. After a good rest, she hopes to start over and write better.

This year, Ruqing has an ambition.

That is, write an original light novel.

Perhaps many people will feel regretful, but in fact, after investigation, Ruqing found that with the changes in the Internet environment and changes in everyone's tastes, many book lovers are now more patient in reading the next book. Like in the past, people who like fan fiction, unless there is a change in their mood, will not be disappointed if they see a fan author turning to original work, but their interest will be halved. In the end, after reading a chapter or two, they will find that the genre is not their favorite. I gave it up very simply.

In this case, why not be bold and write a book

In the end, even if you fail, it’s still an attempt, right

The most important thing is, in this way, if the original setting and plot are not written, then it should not be called "water" anymore, right? (Suffering from it)

To sum up, for my next book, Ruqing wants to try an original light novel.

Of course, originality is originality, and what Ruqing writes is the same as usual.

Moreover, based on the regrets left by this book, the next book will probably continue to use "summoning" as the theme. I just don't want to write another magician-type protagonist, and I don't want the summoned objects to turn into tool beasts. It should be It's a whole new world that no one can imagine.

For this reason, Ruqing has also read a lot of books on summons. If you have books of this type that you like, you can recommend them for Ruqing to read so that she can perfect her inspiration, such as "Long Live the Summons". very nice.

Recently, Ruqing has been looking at the settings of various legendary creatures, some from the East, some from the West, and some from various idiosyncrasies. She hopes to make the settings of the summoned creatures in the next book more comprehensive and more attractive. .

Everything is new for the next book, so I really need to plan and think about it carefully.

Ruqing just hopes that the next book will not be thrown into the street. o(╥﹏╥)o

As for when to publish a new book, let Ruqing rest for at least one or two months before deciding!

When the time comes, I will still say the same thing - I hope my friends can support me!

After all, whether it is "Girl's Great Summoning", "Omni Fantasy", "Straight to Death" or "The Summoner of Miracles", each of these four books has more than five million words. Ruqing only hopes that the next one will be published. I hope I can have the motivation and achievements to write this number of words in this book!

Thinking about it this way, I have written more than 20 million words in about six or seven years since I started writing books. How did I persevere? (covering face)

In short, I sincerely hope that I can write a book that everyone will like!

Finally, a series of mysterious numbers are presented - "100, 103, 660, 589".

Server B, the national server, is understood by everyone who knows it. I hope the big guys will appreciate it! (*^▽^*)

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