Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 40: 039 Find it somewhere else


"Summoning of Evil Spirits".

One of the three magic techniques that Luo Zhen has learned that can summon intermediate familiars.

As the name suggests, this magic can summon an evil spirit.

This evil spirit is an owl.

In ancient times, owls, which only appeared at night, were often regarded as unlucky birds and symbolized bad omens.

It is generally believed that the owl is the incarnation of the god of death that can travel between the underworld and the present world, and is responsible for bringing spirits wandering in the present world back to the underworld.

The owl summoned by "Evil Spirit Summoning" is exactly this kind of evil spirit that symbolizes bad omens.

The ability of evil spirits is as recorded in legends, and it can bring spirits in this world back to the underworld.

In other words, it can restrain the spirit body, separate the spirit body from the present world by devouring it, and dispel the power of its existence in the present world.

At the beginning, after Luo Zhen learned this, he almost without hesitation designated it as one of the magic tricks that must be learned. Finally, after spending about half a year, he completely mastered it and transformed the symbol into The owl evil spirit with a bad omen was summoned and engraved in the "seat" of the soul, completely used by him.

With this evil spirit, Luo Zhen has the means to deal with his followers.

After all, a servant is essentially a spiritual being.

If he could rely on evil spirits to separate and devour his followers from the real world, then Luo Zhen would have a fighting chance when facing his followers.

Unfortunately, this idea is not realistic.

This is because the summoned evil spirits are only intermediate familiars at best, but the servants are almost all upper-level familiars. The particularly outstanding ones are even enough to rank as the highest-level familiars, and the rank of the spirit body is only in Under the gods, it is impossible for a mere intermediate familiar to devour them.

With Luozhen's mind, he naturally understands this and will not naively think that just one intermediate familiar can defeat all the servants.

However, even so, Luo Zhen still regards "Evil Spirit Summoning" as his trump card.

"Even if the subject cannot be peeled off and eaten, it can at least have a certain degree of impact, right?"

After all, evil spirits are existences that specialize in restraining spiritual bodies. Even if they cannot devour the servants, there should still be ways to affect them.

At this time, this conjecture was confirmed.


In Berserker's body, the owl that only Luo Zhen could see was like a woodpecker. Its sharp beak stabbed Berserker's spiritual core hard, causing the spiritual core to tremble as if it was making a cracking sound.


There seemed to be a hint of pain in Berserker's roar.

Although the restraint of evil spirits cannot separate the terrifying servants like Berserker from the world, it has dealt a slight blow to them.

Whenever the owl in the body stabs its beak hard on the spiritual core, berserker will feel a pain from the soul, causing the figure and movements of this top servant to stagnate from time to time.

The stagnation time is very short, and even a servant with an advanced familiar level may not be able to catch this short-lived flaw.

Including Matthew.

However, Ma Xiu couldn't catch this flaw, but Luo Zhen could.

It was Luo Zhen who controlled the evil spirits to attack. Luo Zhen was naturally able to calculate the timing of the flaw and gave the attack instructions to Ma Xiu.


Under Luo Zhen's instructions, Mashu swung up the huge shield and hit Berserker hard.


Amidst the heavy impact, Berserker's extremely strong body retreated frequently.


Berserker was furious beyond measure.

To put it bluntly, this servant can definitely be ranked among the highest level familiars.

On the other hand, Mash has not yet fully integrated the power of the Servant, and has very little combat experience. His strength is at the level of a superior familiar at best. Only when his defense reaches the rank of the highest-ranking familiar can he be able to confront Berserker.

But it was just a confrontation, and it was still difficult to defeat Berserker.

But now, with the support of Luo Zhen's three major forces, Ma Xiu has the upper hand.

How can berserker not be angry

Even if he loses his mind, this violent anger cannot be eliminated.

The ferocious beast-like servant just roared like this, ignoring the bursts of pain coming from the spiritual core in his body, and launched a desperate counterattack.


With the sound of the ax and sword hitting the shield hard, sparks began to fly.

The force was actually a bit stronger than before.


Matthew felt a huge force coming from the shield, causing her to be knocked back several steps involuntarily.


Berserker immediately sprang out like a cannonball, stalking up to him, the ax and sword in his hand turned into a storm, and kept calling at Mashu.

Amidst the clash of gold and iron, the giant man who turned into a meat grinder and the girl who was struggling to hold up the shield were still fighting fiercely.

"Sure's not that easy...?"

Behind him, Luo Zhen's body became even more shaky, as if he might fall down at any time.

It is true that with the assistance of "Evil Spirit Summoning", Luo Zhen was able to have a certain interference and influence on the servants who were invincible to humans, but that was not without cost.

The cost of summoning this kind of familiar, which is specially used to restrain spirits, is that it consumes a lot of magic power.

In addition, Luo Zhen also provided a large amount of magic power to Ma Xiu, which strengthened Ma Xiu's power. The two superimposed, so that the originally considerable magic power in Luo Zhen's body was consumed as fast as running water.

This caused Mashu's strength to begin to decline, and the summoned evil spirits had less and less influence on berserker.

"The original chance of defeating Berserker is less than 10%. Even if the evil spirit's assistance is added to increase the chance of winning by 10%, and the blessing of the command spell increases the chance of winning by another 10%, the chance of winning is still less than 30%. That’s all.”

In other words, Luo Zhen knew very well that even if he used all his strength and combined with Masu's power, the chance of winning would be less than half.


"The remaining chances of winning can only be found elsewhere."

If there is no chance of winning, just create a chance of winning.

"Berserker is stronger than ever, but its weaknesses are also obvious."

That means there is no sense at all.

In this case…

"Some small tricks may come in handy."

Luo Zhen tried his best to squeeze out the remaining magic power in his body.

The battle situation changed instantly.


Just when Berserker arrived at a certain position and was about to deliver a powerful blow to Mashu, he lay on the side. The lifeless gray wolf suddenly opened his eyes, roared wildly, jumped up from the ground, and pounced. In the direction of berserker.

That was the wolf familiar that Luo Zhen used as his backer and had long been ignored by everyone.

Therefore, before Berserker could strike down the ax sword in his hand, who was about to deliver a powerful blow to Mashu, the gray wolf pounced on him and bit Berserker's thick arm.

Of course, this wolf is just a lower-level familiar, and there is no way it can bite through Berserker's hard flesh.

But the familiars controlled by Luo Zhen are also not just wolves.


The ground beneath Berserker's feet suddenly collapsed.

I saw that several demon ants had sneaked into the ground without knowing when, burrowed through the ground, dug through the place where Berserker was standing, and firmly hugged Berserker's lower body with their pointed feet with terrifying strange power. .

Berserker was dragged into the ground by the magic ants one after another, and fell into it along with the rock pan.