Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 63: 062 is just the beginning


Chaldea, central control room.

At this moment, the control room, which had been engulfed by raging fire and gradually disintegrated in the fire, no longer had any red color at all.

The fire appears to have been put out.

However, traces of the disaster still remain.

I saw that in this control room, which used to be full of solemnity and mechanical feeling, there were debris and rubble everywhere, rendering this space like a disaster area after an earthquake, which was messy and messy.

One by one, appeared in every corner like fallen pillars.

Burnt marks are everywhere in every space.

Under such circumstances, changes occurred suddenly.


The sudden appearance of a channel-like swirling light turned countless light particles into a rotating door of light.

Within the light particles, two figures gradually took shape, and a white creature fell out of them.

"it hurts…!"

Luo Zhen fell directly to the ground, holding his waist and grinning in pain.

"Senior...Senior!? Are you okay!?"

Masu also staggered a few steps the moment he landed. Finally, he relied on his amazing sense of balance as a sub-server to regain his center of gravity. He looked at Luo Zhen and quickly stepped forward to help him up.


As for Fufu, she landed on the ground very gracefully, walking slowly, as proud as a peacock.

The two of them and the beast escaped from the singularity so smoothly and returned to Chaldea.


"Are you all okay!?"

In front of the control room, a doctor in a white coat ran over in surprise and joy. Although he was surprised by the Mashunaya servant's dress, he still screamed when he saw Luo Zhen returning safely.

"Great! I finally launched the spirit transfer at a critical moment! I brought you back!"

It seems that the reason why Luo Zhen and others were able to escape smoothly and return to Chaldea one second before the singularity collapsed was all due to Roman.


"You're so big!"

Luo Zhen, who was helped up by Matthew, couldn't help but stepped forward angrily. With a violent shudder, he hit Roman on the head, knocking Roman running over to the ground and howling in pain.

But Luo Zhen did not give up.

"Too slow! Damn brother! Where have you been from yesterday to now!? I couldn't contact you again! I almost ended up at the singularity because I couldn't transfer my soul! Did you eat a meal in Chaldea? Have a meal and then sleep again!?”

Luo Zhen got angry very simply.

After being transferred to the singularity point, I have been in a high sense of tension. I have faced heroes who are famous in history, and I have narrowly escaped death several times. This kind of situation would have been a long time ago for an ordinary person. Already mentally broken.

Although Luo Zhen performed extremely well, turning his head constantly and coming up with various strategies to break through dangerous situations since he was transferred to the singularity, and received the attention of many followers, but in fact, this does not mean that Luo Zhen There's really no pressure.

No matter how you say it, Luo Zhen is just a teenager. Due to his past experiences, he is certainly different and has a very smart mind. However, as mentioned before, Luo Zhen only has rich knowledge but does not have much life experience.

Therefore, Luo Zhen just tried hard to tell himself that he had to calm down and do everything well. There was still pressure and urgency in his heart.

Now, the danger was finally broken through, and everyone successfully returned to Chaldea. Luo Zhen felt relieved, and at the same time, he released the pressure and resentment in his heart at once.

"If I could get in touch earlier, I wouldn't have to work so hard, you soy sauce gang!"

Luo Zhen scolded Roman angrily.

Roman was also aggrieved about this.

"I...I can't help it! I was still lazy, but who knew that the alarm suddenly rang, saying that there was a fire in the control room, which almost made me faint. When I hurried over, the rest of the area There was also an explosion, and everyone was in a commotion. The central area was blocked again, and there was no way to get in. When I came to my senses, I was actually the highest-ranking person in Chaldea, and the others were not exploding. He died in the accident, but his whereabouts have not yet been confirmed. Even the director and professor are missing. I can only take command at the request of others. I first rescue the victims, then deal with the disaster and restore the basic functions of Chaldea. I can do it in less than 10 minutes. It’s already very fast to handle all this and unblock the central area in one day!”

Roman complained repeatedly.

Only then did Luo Zhen think of it.

"Speaking of which, Professor Leif did say that no one can be absent on such an important day, so he has been looking for you."

I am afraid that it was for this purpose that Leif left the control room before it exploded and went to look for Roman, preparing to lure him into the control room and blow him up together. However, in the end he failed to successfully find Roman, so he simply Bombs were also planted in other places, planning to blow up the entire Chaldea, right

Under such circumstances, Roman became the person with the highest position in Chaldea. He has been busy since yesterday, rescuing all the surviving personnel, taking charge of command, and even finding the remaining bombs. , to avoid the ending of Chaldea being directly blown away.

As he said, it is not easy to handle all this in less than a day.

Even if they had lost contact before, they might have caught up at the last moment and brought Luo Zhen and Ma Xiu back. It can only be said that they really put in a lot of effort.

Presumably, Roman must have been anxious since yesterday, but he also understood the seriousness of the matter. He first rescued the victims, then restored the operation of Chaldea step by step, re-observed the singularity, and then recovered Luo Zhen. coming.

Thinking of this, Luo Zhen glanced in the direction of the command room.

There, the surviving technicians were indeed operating various instruments against the clock. Seeing Luo Zhen and others returning smoothly, they smiled and even cheered in the command room.

The anger in Luo Zhen's heart gradually disappeared.

"Well, you have a reason."

Luo Zhen said angrily.

Roman didn't have any complaints about this. He must have realized that Luo Zhen had suffered a lot and laughed.

"Well, anyway, I hope you're fine."

After saying that, Roman looked at Mashu, who was dressed in a completely different way, then turned to Luo Zhen again, and spoke with a solemn expression.

"It seems that a lot of things happened. Let's make a report first."

This is what Chaldea needs most right now.

"Then let me make the report."

Mashu then moved forward, his face full of seriousness.

The report was conveyed to Chaldea through Mashu's mouth.

Luo Zhen glanced around the entire dilapidated control room, then turned his head and looked in the direction of .

It wasn't until he saw the current situation of that Luo Zhen was stunned for a long time and sighed quietly.

Because Luo Zhen knew.

This is just the beginning.