Sunset Boulevard

Chapter 1



Chen Boqiao spent three months in the Asian Union Fifth Military Prison, during which he celebrated his twenty-ninth birthday, missed his father's funeral, and witnessed six former officers being taken to the prison's execution grounds.

His single cell was not far from the execution ground, and ten minutes after an ordinary military prisoner passed by, he could hear the sound of the execution gun and the fluttering of the birds that were startled by the sound of the gun. The gunshots of the unsilenced AKM automatic rifles were like war drums, beating on the vast drum surface in the haze above the suburbs of the Asian League.

On the morning of December 25, the day after the sixth officer was executed, Chen Boqiao appeared in court.

Wearing a rough prison uniform, with steel handcuffs around his wrists, he sat in the dock, absent-mindedly listening to the prosecutor's impassioned reading of the indictment.

At the end of the court, the Asian Associated Press's cameras were running, broadcasting the trial of Chen Boqiao, the son of the Asian League's richest man and former army colonel, to the whole league.

Treason, murder, four murders with proven evidence and brutal means.

Chen Boqiao was sentenced to death in court and executed immediately.

After the trial, Chen Boqiao was first escorted by prison guards and taken away from the courtroom.

From the courtroom to the escort car, you need to go through a corridor full of reporters from the alliance.

Two rows of explosion-proof police officers with helmets blocked a narrow passage. The reporters with the access cards on their chests pushed the policemen excitedly. The stronger reporters lifted the microphone over the policeman's shoulders and tried their best to reach Chen Bo. Qiao asked aloud, eager to get a few words from Chen Boqiao.

"Mr. Chen, will you continue to appeal?"

"Mr. Chen, before the judgment begins, foreign media have disclosed the judgment in advance one after another, and many evidences have been proved to be forged. Do you know the details of this matter?"

"Mr. Chen, your supporters are protesting at a sit-in outside the courthouse, there are mass marches all over the coalition, I implore you not to give up on your appeal—"

"Mr. Chen Da-, there are authorities who speculate that this whole thing is your stepmother's conspiracy, may I ask-"

"—Mr. Chen! Could you please answer my—"

The passage separated by the human wall became narrower and narrower, and reporters rushed to the front hall following Chen Boqiao's pace.

On the contrary, Chen Boqiao was the one with the most stable emotions on the scene. He even smiled at a camera that was about to be attached to his face.

The flash of the camera is strung into a long strip of lights, and it is on and off in the corridor, just like Chen Boqiao's twenty-eight to twenty-nine years old, and he can't see the edge.

More than ten months ago, Chen Boqiao was still the idol of the young soldiers of the alliance and a rising star in the military and political arena.

On January 29th, he led the commandos to complete a surprise attack, liberating a small town in the center of the war zone that had been blocked by the war between the two countries for three years, allowing 100,000 people to escape from the nightmare of war .

Subsequently, Chen Boqiao was appointed as the youngest colonel of the Asian League and awarded the Presidential Medal.

On June 12, Chen Boqiao's father, Chen Zhaoyan, the richest man in the Asian League, was shot while he was inspecting the factory and died on the way to the hospital.

On June 14, Chen Boqiao was identified as the prime suspect in the killing of Chen Zhaoyan and was arrested at his home.

After a few months of ups and downs, Chen Boqiao reappeared in the public eye. Chen Boqiao was not as lost, embarrassed, or angry and angry as predicted by the media news.

He hasn't changed at all.

"—Mr. Chen! Can you give shareholders a clear answer to the question of Zhaohua Energy's succession! Will your stepmother and Chairman Chen's widow, Ms. Zhao, become the first Omega richest man in the Asian League?"

"Mr. Chen Boqiao—"

Chen Boqiao didn't answer any questions. He passed through the light strip made up of blurred faces and noises, and stepped into the escort car at the urging of the officer behind him.

Before the door was closed, Chen Boqiao heard the slogans of the protesters outside the courthouse. Those who had been jointly protected by him and his comrades were shouting his name in unison.

There are eight bulletproof and explosion-proof armored vehicles in the escort convoy. In order to prevent accidents, the convoy has planned nearly ten different routes. The driver will only get the exact route a few minutes before departure.

There were three escort officers in the carriage where Chen Boqiao was located, two young men sat opposite him, and an older one sat next to him, all holding submachine guns, staring at Chen Boqiao closely, not relaxing for a moment. Chen Boqiao closed his eyes and took a nap for a while. When the car passed a slightly bumpy road, he opened his eyes and met the young soldier sitting directly opposite him.

The soldier's eyes widened, his lips pursed, and he looked like he was facing a great enemy.

Out of politeness, Chen Boqiao smiled at him kindly, but he didn't expect him to be even more nervous.

"Are you very hot?" Chen Boqiao looked interesting and couldn't help but ask, "Are you still afraid of me?"

Before the young officer could answer, the middle-aged officer beside Chen Boqiao had already raised his gun and warned in a low voice, "Communication is prohibited." The young officer turned his face obediently upon hearing this.

Chen Boqiao shrugged helplessly, but stopped talking, leaning back against the barbed wire, boredly listening to the muffled and violent accelerator sound of the armored vehicle as it climbed the hill, and watching the submachine guns in the hands of the two escorts across from him swaying along with the body. Nudge regularly.


"Hello, the owner is inconvenient to answer your call now, please leave your message after this speech is over."

"Ajue, where have you been? I'm very worried about you.

"I have done everything you asked me to do. You clearly said that we are still the closest friends. But why did you never contact me again after that day

"By the way, my father is not angry anymore, he agreed to let me go out to relax, I am going to go to the independent country of Thailand. I peeked at the map in your safe and the date marked on it, sorry.

"Will we meet? Hopefully.

"Ah, and, if you hear my message, call me back as soon as possible."


The fifth prison where Chen Boqiao was temporarily imprisoned was located in the deep forest on the mountainside of Mishan.

The escort team went all the way unobstructed. Just halfway through the journey, when everyone relaxed a little bit of guard, a deafening loud noise came from above their heads, and the fast-moving heavy armored vehicle stopped in an emergency, and the brake pads screamed. resounds through the valley.

The four rushed forward due to inertia, Chen Boqiao was still handcuffed, and his shoulder slammed into the steel wall of the car, making a muffled sound.

The escorts responded very quickly and quickly stabilized their bodies. The older officer raised his gun and pressed Chen Boqiao's waist hard: "Stand honestly!"

The other two held their guns back to back in a guarded posture.

The four of them listened nervously. Suddenly, the strange sound of leaves smashed into the car, and after a few seconds, the escort helicopter's propellers smashed sharply on the trees and rocks. It penetrated the trembling steel plate of the escort armored vehicle and got into the ears of the officers and prisoners in the vehicle.

The pounding sound of "bang bang" sounded rapidly and slowed down regularly, like a pair of rough hands clasping the prisoner's throat, temporarily not lethal, but horrifying.

The officers turned pale and exchanged glances.

Chen Boqiao was not afraid, but had a bad premonition in his heart.

-Simple and rude behavior, untimely rescue timing, compared with their original plan, the gap is somewhat unusual.

As soon as the helicopter crashed, the surroundings became quiet again. The four people in the car held their breaths. The older officer was about to speak when something blocked the left side of the car door. The car shook up and down, and moved to the side with a bump.

The armored vehicle was shoveled away from the driveway, pushed through the isolation barrier of the mountain road, rolled over in the direction of the canyon, and fell straight down.

The officer beside Chen Boqiao only had time to swear a swear word, his head hit the roof of the car, and the submachine gun almost went off.

Fortunately, after a moment of weightlessness, something suddenly pulled the front of the car up, and several people leaned back at the same time, smashing heavily on the steel door at the rear of the car.

Due to the position, Chen Boqiao was pressed on top, and he was not injured, but his back was hurt by the gun handle. In addition, he felt that the four Alphas were crowded too close to each other, and the smell was not very good.

The armored car was probably hoisted up by a helicopter, and it wobbled upward like a pendulum.

The middle-aged officer was the first to slow down, the top of his head was smashed, and the blood dripped down the hairline. He grabbed the barbed wire with his hands without saying a word, stood up reluctantly, and pointed a gun at Chen Boqiao: "Don't move."

Chen Boqiao raised his hands to show his innocence.

The helicopter flew with them for a long time. The middle-aged officer's hand holding the submachine gun gradually became unstable. The muzzle of the gun was shaking from side to side. If the angle was not right, he winked at the other young police officer and signaled for a change. When it was about to let go, the body of the armored car shook, and the rear wheels hit the ground first, followed by the front wheels.

They landed.

The three officers surrounding Chen Boqiao didn't say a word, as if making an appointment, they first aimed their guns at Chen Boqiao. After a breathless silence, the rear door was opened, revealing a very thin slit.

The middle-aged officer made a simple gesture. The three officers clasped their waists together, held their guns against Chen Boqiao's back, and asked Chen Boqiao to open the door.

Chen Boqiao took two steps forward under the muzzle of the gun, and reluctantly pushed open the bulletproof door slowly, and the cold air belonging to Mishan got into his nose.

He saw dark green trees, wind-swept sandy flats, a team of heavily armed mercenaries, nearly thirty black muzzles, and a person he didn't expect.

"Come down." Zhang Jue looked at Chen Boqiao blankly and said to him.

Chen Boqiao raised his hands, raised his feet and stepped out of the car. The officers also followed behind him and got down. Before he could react, three silenced guns from different directions fired at the same time, and the three fell down. Chen Boqiao squatted down in disapproval, and when he wanted to check the pulse of the middle-aged officer, Zhang Jue said, "Anesthetic."

Chen Boqiao retracted his hand wisely and looked at Zhang Jue quietly.

Maybe a little thinner than when he was studying, he thought silently.

They didn't know each other well when they went to school, and it's been so many years since they graduated from high school. No matter how hard Chen Boqiao tried to think about it, he could only remember the general outline of Zhang Jue.

The two looked at each other silently for a few seconds. Zhang Jue took the lead to turn his eyes away, then raised his hand to grab the coat from his subordinate, and approached Chen Boqiao. The coat was tucked into Chen Boqiao's arms and whispered, "Put it on."

"Thank you." Chen Boqiao was a little cold, so he was not polite to Zhang Jue. He shook off his coat and put it on his body. When he looked up and wanted to thank Zhang Jue, Zhang Jue had already walked away and was talking softly with his subordinates.

In all fairness, Zhang Jue is not the type of Alpha with outstanding appearance. He is not good-looking, thinner than ordinary Alpha, and it is easy to be mistaken for Beta.

He is still tall, only a little shorter than Chen Boqiao, his skin is pale, his eyes and lips are also very pale, his face is gloomy, and his slightly curled black hair is over his shoulders, which is tied at the back of his neck at will. After taking care of it, in the words of Chen Boqiao's friend Pei Shu, Zhang Jue was filled with frustration.

Not long ago, Pei Shu sighed that if Zhang Jue could join them in some social party of the Asian League, then Pei Shu himself, whose flower name is out, would never be voted "the last Omega in the audience to want to marry him". champion.

Perhaps sensing Chen Boqiao's eyes, Zhang Jue raised his head slightly, glanced at Chen Boqiao, and asked him, "Have you dressed?"

When Chen Boqiao nodded, Zhang Jue briefly said "Follow me", and then walked towards a helicopter without looking back.

Chen Boqiao paused on the spot, looked at Zhang Jue's back, and remembered that in that conversation, Pei Shu mentioned the reason for Zhang Jue: "I heard that Zhang Jue was divorced by his childhood sweetheart Omega."

At that time, Pei Shu asked Chen Boqiao: "Has he confessed to you before?"

Chen Boqiao thought about it for a long time before digging out Zhang Jue from his memories of his student days. He honestly told Pei Shu: "There are many people who have confessed to me, and I am not impressed."

Zhang Jue walked to the helicopter and turned to find that Chen Boqiao was still there.

Chen Boqiao stopped recalling, smiled at Zhang Jue, and opened his legs.


"Hello, the owner is inconvenient to answer your call now, please leave your message after this speech is over."

"Ajue, I saw the news, I knew it was you... Are you crazy! Do you think that person still remembers your name

"... I'll be in Bangkok at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and I don't think we'll meet.


"Zhang Jue, I will never mind you again."


Camouflage-painted helicopters flew low above the lush mountains.

Chen Boqiao changed into his prison uniform in the narrow space one foot square behind the cabin.

The jumper and slacks that Zhang Jue prepared for him were neatly folded and placed on an iron frame that was welded to the ground. The clothes were simple in design, clean and fit, with signs of being worn, as if they were carefully picked from the second-hand market.

In order to avoid a sky-watching forest, the helicopter slanted to one side for a while, the ground in the cabin formed an inclination, and the prison uniforms piled on the ground slid down to the lower side.

Chen Boqiao stood still, however, he zipped up his slacks, buttoned them, looked at himself in the small round mirror attached to the wall, walked back to Zhang Jue and sat down again, putting on soundproofing earmuffs.

Zhang Jue was looking at the electronic map on the tablet, and the red dots representing their coordinates were slowly moving south.

An hour later, they approached the border between the Asian Union and the Independent State of Thailand.

The density of border defense stations in the border forest is very high, and the ammunition of each border defense station can knock down their planes. If they fly directly over, there seems to be little hope of survival.

Chen Boqiao looked around and saw that there was no safe place for helicopters to take off and land, so he approached Zhang Jue, touched Zhang Jue's shoulder, gestured and asked, "How did you get there?"

Zhang Jue turned his head, watched Chen Boqiao finish speaking, and asked with a puzzled face, "What?"

Chen Boqiao sighed, leaned closer, pulled Zhang Jue's earmuffs down, and asked, "Zhang Jue, how do we get there?"

Zhang Jue probably heard it clearly this time. His pale complexion seemed to turn a little whiter. He leaned back almost incomprehensibly and replied to Chen Boqiao, "Just follow me."

Chen Boqiao shrugged in compromise.

After flying for a while, Zhang Jue stretched out his hand and patted the mercenary sitting in front of them. After making a gesture, the other party got up from his position and handed them the umbrella bag he had arranged.

After Chen Boqiao took it, he turned the umbrella bag upside down and looked at it, and asked, "How do you open this umbrella?"

"You won't?" Zhang Jue was surprised.

"I didn't jump over the parafoil." Chen Boqiao said.

The distance between the two was very close, and Chen Boqiao saw Zhang Jue's black hair falling behind his ears a few tufts, and swayed with the movement of his hand.

Zhang Jue thought for a while, put his umbrella bag on his back first, then let Chen Boqiao stand in front, put the spare lock on Chen Boqiao's waist, and tightened it inward.

Zhang Jue's movement of locking Chen Boqiao's waist was bizarrely fast, as if someone was pushing and urging him from behind.

"It can only be like this, let's do it." Zhang Jue buckled the two and said to Chen Boqiao.

After all, he glanced out the window, and Chen Boqiao followed him, and happened to see a small canyon, cutting a light-colored gap between the dark green mountains.

Chen Boqiao stood in front of Zhang Jue, and they kept a short distance at first, and after a while, Zhang Jue held their arms again.

Zhang Jue grabbed Chen Boqiao and surrounded him from behind. Zhang Jue's shirt is very thin and his waist is also very thin, the heat of his body sticks to Chen Boqiao's palm through the fabric, making an upright action less upright.

Chen Boqiao tried his best to keep a polite distance, but the two were close to each other with almost no gap, and he could not help but smell the very personal pheromone smell on Zhang Jue.

The light musk is mixed with bitter apricot, which is not very offensive, nor does it make Chen Boqiao feel uncomfortable, but for Omegas, Zhang Jue may indeed lack appeal.

Alpha grows taller after differentiation in the developmental period, the muscles become developed visibly to the naked eye, the pheromone smells scattered, and the opposite sex is attracted to each other.

The alma mater of Chen Boqiao and Zhang Jue, in order to prevent adolescent students of the opposite sex from being affected by too many pheromones, will reassign their residences and campuses after the students are divided. In order to protect their children, most parents of omega students also choose to transfer their children to omega schools after their children are differentiated. With a thin impression, Chen Boqiao felt that Zhang Jue should belong to the kind that should not change much before and after differentiation.

In fact, Chen Boqiao couldn't remember whether Pei Shu said Zhang Jue confessed to him before or after the division of Zhang Jue. Chen Boqiao has rejected too many people, and remembering them too tightly can easily cause embarrassment and impoliteness, so he never bothered to remember them. Judging by common sense, if it really happened, it should be before.

When Chen Boqiao was distracted, the helicopter door opened, and the wind from outside rumbled in, making everyone's hands and faces hurt.

"I'm going to jump." Zhang Jue said, his icy fingertips pressed the back of Chen Boqiao's hand and immediately released it.

Chen Boqiao glanced back subconsciously, only to see Zhang Jue's ears that were somewhat flushed, because Zhang Jue was very white, the flushing was particularly obvious.

However, before Chen Boqiao could think deeply, Zhang Jue led him and jumped off.

The free fall time of the low-altitude skydiving was very short. Zhang Jue quickly adjusted his posture, opened his umbrella, and floated down from the canyon.

The bottom of the canyon is mostly turbulent water, and a narrow and long flat land can be found if you look closely.

The sound of water and wind enveloped them, Chen Boqiao was next to Zhang Jue's shoulders, and the ground was getting closer and closer to them.

After a while, the two fell to the ground and took off their skydiving equipment.

There was a small cave at the bottom of the flat ground. At the entrance of the cave stood a young man with brown skin. The young man was wearing a thick padded jacket, shrugging his head and rubbing his hands, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

When he saw Zhang Jue and Chen Boqiao, he said, "Sir, you are on time", but his eyes were fixed on Chen Boqiao.

Zhang Jue nodded and asked the young man plainly, "Can I go?"

"Okay, I just checked the surveillance," said the young man, then suddenly turned to Chen Boqiao and said to him, "Colonel, don't worry, our business has been deserted recently, and people have gone to the market for the winter. Today this road is mine. It's absolutely safe for you and me to go there alone, and no fourth person will know where you've been."

After all, he turned on the searchlight and led them into the cave.

After a short walk along the dark, damp cave, they reached the entrance to the secret road leading to the independent kingdom of Thailand.

The entrance switch was located next to the stalactite above his head. The young man turned left and right a few times, and a door by his feet slowly opened.

The young man held the lamp in his mouth and climbed down the shelf first.

Chen Boqiao didn't follow him immediately, he looked at the rough but practical door, turned his head and asked Zhang Jue, "Smuggling gangs that cross the border illegally?"

"Well," Zhang Jue glanced at him and explained for the youth, "he is your supporter."

Chen Boqiao smiled and didn't make a statement. He walked to the door, put his foot on the shelf, and slowly climbed down.

This secret road for illegally crossing the border has been dug for some years, and some rechargeable energy-saving wall lamps are hung on the soil wall.

Twenty-five years ago, the satellite navigation plan of the Asian Union, which is fully supported by the current President Zhao Kun, began to be deployed. It spent hundreds of millions and launched a total of 29 satellites. It has been in operation for more than ten years. A secret passage that has been in use for many years cannot be found.

Chen Boqiao stepped on the bumpy road and followed the young man in silence.

After more than two hours, they saw the stars of the independent country of Thailand.


"Hello, the owner is inconvenient to answer your call now, please leave your message after this speech is over."

"I've met my little uncle and talked to him, Zhang Jue, do you have any conscience? Use me again.

"But forget it, as long as the part about the τ differentiation-promoting agent is true, I will reluctantly forgive you.

"My father just arrived home. He told me that the negotiations between the Asian Federation and the surrounding independent countries that have established diplomatic relations have ended, and a large-scale joint search has been launched.

"I hope you and that person have already arrived in the independent country of Thailand, where it is safer, and I will still go to Bangkok tomorrow.

"Good night."


The border defense of the Independent State of Thailand is not as dense as that of the Asian Alliance, and the night sky is much deeper than that of the Alliance. The stars are very bright, and the moon is softly glowing, hanging in the west of the night.

The fragrance of vegetation and moist soil slowly ascended along Chen Boqiao's ankles, scattered in the mist at night.

After saying goodbye to the youth, Zhang Jue took Chen Boqiao out of the grove where the passage was located, circled left and right down the mountain, walked into a small and dilapidated social parking lot, and finally parked beside an old pickup truck. At the bottom, he took out the key with tape, opened the door, started the car, and drove all the way down the mountain.

The winding mountain road has been around for some years. Frontier defense supply trucks often pass by here, pressing out many pits of different sizes on the road. It is too late to avoid when driving.

Zhang Jue drove intently, pushing the sleeves of his beige cotton and linen shirt to his elbows, exposing his pale and slender forearms.

Inside the car there was a smell of old leather steamed by the heating, mixed with the pungent diesel smell, giving Chen Boqiao a sense of peace of mind for unknown reasons.

Suddenly, the military communicator Zhang Jue placed in the cup holder began to vibrate. Zhang Jue picked it up, listened to the other person without saying a word, and occasionally replied with a few "um", until he hung up, he said the longest sentence in the entire call: "Okay, follow the original plan. "

Throwing the communicator back into the cup holder, Zhang Jue drove forward again. The windows were not closed tightly, and the surroundings were so quiet that the sound of tires running over stones could be heard.

When approaching the foot of the mountain, Chen Boqiao was so bored, he just reached for the radio knob, but heard Zhang Jue say, "Are you hungry?"

Chen Boqiao was stunned for a moment, and before he could answer, Zhang Jue said, "I'll be in town in another 20 minutes, what do you want to eat?"

"What?" Chen Boqiao asked.

As if he had memorized it several times, Zhang Jue reported a lot of vegetables for Chen Boqiao to pick without pausing, and said, "It's not convenient for you to show up right now, if you want to eat something more sophisticated, I'll go out after the safe house. Buy it back for you."

Chen Boqiao thought about it, picked a simple sandwich, and thanked Zhang Jue again.

Zhang Jue didn't look at Chen Boqiao, and quickly said, "No need."

Chen Boqiao smiled gently, raised his hand again and turned the broadcast on. The car was filled with noise without signal. Chen Boqiao lowered the volume, slowly turned the knob of the channel, and started to change the channel.

He swapped out tactful Thai music stations, local news, interviews, and ended up on international news radio.

The female anchor's English is very standard, but the radio signal is not very good. Chen Boqiao heard "Breaking news from the Asian Union... criminal Chen Boqiao... A premeditated crime, which caused... serious... ... officials resign ... stock market ... voters ... ".

Although I can't hear the whole picture, Chen Boqiao grabbed the key words and listened with relish.

It's just that before he could listen to it, Zhang Jue's left hand suddenly moved from the steering wheel, grabbed the tuning knob and turned it roughly forward, turning back to the music station.

The song that was playing before was coming to an end when the voice of the well-known female singer of the independent country of Thailand rose up and fell sadly.

Chen Boqiao glanced at Zhang Jue, Zhang Jue frowned slightly, not knowing why he was unhappy.

"Don't like listening to the news?" Chen Boqiao asked tentatively.

"It's too noisy." Zhang Jue said.

A dim and sporadic light appeared in front of them, and they approached a residential area, the town that Zhang Kui was talking about.

Chen Boqiao cheered up and sat up straight.

"We're staying here tonight," Zhang Jue said softly amid the low-pitched singing on the music radio, "After confirming that the information is safe, drive to Bangkok tomorrow morning and leave the country by boat."

"Are you going with me?" Chen Boqiao asked him.

"Well," Zhang Jue nodded and said, "I will take you to North America, and then transfer to the New Independent State. After that, there will be a special person to protect your safety."

"Thank you." Chen Boqiao said.

Zhang Jue paused for a moment, then said, "No need." His brows stretched out, much more relaxed than before, and he said more: "There are some simple disguise items in the safe room, and I have to make you fake. It looks like it's on the passport."

Chen Boqiao looked at Zhang Jue and said "OK".

Along the way, Chen Boqiao recalled intermittently what Zhang Jue looked like as a student, but there was very little he could remember.

If it wasn't for Pei Shu sometimes mentioning it, Chen Boqiao would have forgotten that there was such a person.

However, Pei Shu's description of Zhang Jue was different from the feeling Zhang Jue gave to Chen Boqiao.

Pei Shu said that Zhang Jue was withdrawn, cold, self-assured, and not gregarious.

Perhaps it was the quiet night, or perhaps because of the critical situation, Chen Boqiao no longer restrained his emotions, and he looked at Zhang Jue from top to bottom.

- The knuckles on the back of the hand are bulging, the blood vessels are blue, jagged and thin. It is by no means the physique of a normal healthy alpha, but judging from the performance of skydiving, it seems to be more courageous than the ordinary alpha.

If I remember correctly, Zhang Jue's father was a political figure in the newly independent country. The newly independent state and the Asian Union's diplomatic relations were broken many years ago, and they have close ties with North America.

Chen Boqiao couldn't help but feel a headache.

Originally, in the physical evidence in court today, his communication records with North America were indeed fabricated, but Zhang Jue's appearance today seems to have really confirmed his treason.

But this is the end of the matter, and it is too late to say anything else. The only way is to push the boat with the current and adapt accordingly.

It's just... Zhang Jue... can you trust me

What is his motive? Will you be obedient

Chen Boqiao retracted his mind and whispered Zhang Jue's name.

Zhang Jue responded quickly and softly: "What's wrong?"

Chen Boqiao asked, "Who do you represent?"

Zhang Jue was silent for a few seconds and said, "It doesn't mean anyone."

Chen Boqiao looked at Zhang Jue's side.

The corners of Zhang Jue's lips were flat, and his eyes looked straight ahead, looking stubborn. After half a minute, Zhang Jue said again, "The Asian League is not worthy to judge you."

Chen Boqiao remembered that Zhang Jue was about the same age as him. A person of twenty-eight or nine years old is not mature enough to say such arrogant and idealistic words. But Chen Boqiao was still amused by the serious Zhang Jue: "Really."

Zhang Jue was still solemn, and he told Chen Boqiao: "I didn't plan to act so early, but after the demonstration at the gate of the Presidential Palace last week, the Fifth Military Prison suddenly changed several prison guards, two of whom were the president's father. guards."

Chen Boqiao's face froze.

"Don't worry," Zhang Jue reassured Chen Boqiao when he noticed the change. "The Asian Union can't reach the newly independent country."

Chen Boqiao pondered, but did not speak.

"But..." Zhang Jue changed the subject and said slowly, "When the new independent country comes, you have to do me a favor."

Chen Boqiao glanced at Zhang Jue and asked, "What are you busy with?"

"I want you to open a genetic lock of Zhaohua Energy."

After Chen Boqiao heard this, he was slightly taken aback.

Every gene lock of Zhaohua Energy is the top secret of the group. After Chen Zhaoyan died, only Chen Boqiao was left to open it.

Not many people know about the gene lock, so how did Zhang Jue know about it

Chen Boqiao thought for a while, and cautiously asked, "Which one?"

"Zhaohua Energy's space medical capsule prototype, I want to take a medicine that was recalled and destroyed thirteen years ago," Zhang Jue said, "Is it possible?"

Chen Boqiao did not answer immediately.

He looked out the car window, saw the welcome sign with colorful lights approaching them, was left behind, and watched Zhang Jue drive the car into the town. Chen Boqiao lowered the car window with an old hand crank, letting the hot night wind pour into the car.

Zhang Jue seemed to become nervous after getting no reply for a long time, and his words became more and more: "This medicine is only for my personal needs. If I can't find it, I will not ask you for help. This time I come to Asia. Alliance, I promised my father to let you help me open the cabin, and he took the risk to help me so much—"

Before Zhang Jue gave more explanations, Chen Boqiao leaned towards Zhang Jue and put his right hand on Zhang Jue's shoulder: "I see, where is the prototype you're talking about?"

Chen Boqiao felt the muscles of his shoulders tense, and saw Zhang Jue's light-colored lips pursing in front of him, then slightly opened, and a voice came out between his lips and teeth: "My home."


"Hi, I'm Ai Jiaxi. It's inconvenient for me to answer your call right now. Please leave your message after this speech is over."

"Jiaxi, call me back when you hear the recording, the independent country of Thailand is not fun, go home immediately, don't get angry."

"Hi, I'm Ai Jiaxi. It's inconvenient for me to answer your call right now. Please leave your message after this speech is over."

"I'll come back and explain to you, remember, call me back."

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