Sunset Boulevard

Chapter 11


In the middle of the night, Zhang Jue had a high fever.

Chen Boqiao didn't know when Zhang Jue caught fire. He and Zhang Jue didn't sleep in the same room.

A few hours ago, when the car stopped downstairs in the safe house, Zhang Jue opened his eyes, but he didn't wake up.

Chen Boqiao stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Zhang Jue. Seeing that Zhang Jue was motionless and his eyes were out of focus, he asked him, "Can I still go upstairs by myself."

Zhang Jue listened, thought for a while, nodded, got out of the car obediently, followed Chen Boqiao upstairs slowly, went into the bedroom and lay down on the bed, and continued to sleep quietly. Zhang Jue slept well, curled up on the side of the bed, his injured left arm resting on the quilt, his forearm bent, showing half a Band-Aid.

The light from the ceiling lamp in the bedroom was a cool tone, and Zhang Jue finally had a little blood on his white skin because he was drunk. Even if he didn't move, he no longer looked like a plaster statue.

Zhang Jue's body is perfect and complete. The only visible wound is the one where he stabbed himself with the pen. Unlike Chen Boqiao, who has been in the army for so many years, there are injuries everywhere.

Chen Boqiao held his arms and looked at Zhang Jue at the end of the bed not far away. He thought that Zhang Jue had probably never joined the army or was injured, otherwise he wouldn't have been stabbed like this, so he frowned and began to cry out in pain.

He also thought that Zhang Jue should have been the kind of good boy who did not make noise or make trouble when he was young. He was well protected, and he had done the most deviant thing in his life. He might have traveled across the ocean to the Asian Union to find a death sentence he liked.

Senna Snow Mountain, Ai Jiaxi, Harrison, and a disease that requires you to carry injections with you.

Chen Boqiao wanted to know more clearly, and felt that he didn't need to hear Zhang Jue say it himself. After all, he has never been associated with the word dullness. He has eyes to see, and his brain to think.

The electronic clock on the bedside beeps on the hour, and Chen Boqiao is no longer standing there. He rummaged in the bedroom for a while, found a thin quilt from the cabinet, and spread it on the sofa in the living room. Leaving the big bed in the bedroom for the unconscious Zhang Jue.

Chen Boqiao went to the bathroom to undress and called Pei Shu to inform Pei Shu that he and Zhang Jue would set off in eight days.

Pei Shu left Bangkok in the morning and rushed back to the north of the Asian Union to meet with an important person in secret. He gave Chen Boqiao an overview of the content of the meeting and conversation with the other party and the newly formulated plan.

The two talked for a long time, and finally decided to disclose Chen Boqiao's whereabouts to the president halfway through the cruise, creating a public pursuit. They desperately needed the opportunity to impeach the president, and Chen Boqiao did not arrive in North America with Zhang Jue.

Hanging up the phone, just as he was about to rest, Chen Boqiao heard Zhang Jue's ravings coming from the bedroom.

At first, Chen Boqiao thought that Zhang Jue was talking in his sleep, but after a few minutes, Zhang Jue was still moaning intermittently, sounding uncomfortable, Chen Boqiao stood up, walked into the bedroom, and turned on the light.

Zhang Jue lay on his back in the middle of the bed.

As soon as the light on the ceiling came on, Zhang Jue moved, raised his right hand, and covered his eyes with the back of his hand. Chen Boqiao got closer again, and saw Zhang Jue's dry lips parted, and in a lower hoarse voice than usual, he blurted out incomprehensible and fragmented sentences.

"Medicine." Zhang Jue suddenly said a word that Chen Boqiao was familiar with, and then removed the hand covering his eyes.

Zhang Jue half-opened his eyes, with an abnormal flush on his cheeks, and said, "Cold." He gropedly grabbed the quilt, wrapped it around him, and repeated, "It's so cold."

Seeing Zhang Jue's appearance, Chen Boqiao felt that something was wrong, so he leaned over and placed Zhang Jue's forehead, feeling a burst of scorching heat.

"Zhang Jue?" Chen Boqiao called him, "Can you hear me?"

Zhang Jue looked at Chen Boqiao, as if he was carefully identifying who was on the opposite side. When Chen Boqiao thought he was about to speak, he slowly closed his eyes, pulled the quilt up a little, covered his head, and hid himself in the room. quilt.

Chen Boqiao was stunned for a while. Looking at the bulging quilt, he felt that he had no idea what to do, so he first searched inside and outside the house, found an emergency medicine bag, and pulled out an ear thermometer from inside. A meter and a box of antipyretics.

He took the ear thermometer, grabbed Zhang Jue out of the quilt, and measured his temperature, which was thirty-nine degrees one.

Zhang Jue was forced to be exposed to the light and air outside the quilt again, and his face was not very good-looking, and he looked unhappy.

Chen Boqiao supported Zhang Jue and made him lean against the pillow. The two were very close together. Chen Boqiao always felt that something was wrong. When he went outside to pour water for Zhang Jue, he realized that the smell of pheromones will become very strong when people have a high fever, but for some reason, Zhang Jue has almost no smell at all.

But people are different, and Chen Boqiao didn't think about it after pouring the water.

The antipyretic medicine is a capsule that needs to be swallowed. Chen Boqiao grabbed Zhang Jue's shoulder and asked Zhang Jue to sit up a little more. He put the cup next to Zhang Jue's mouth, and followed suit: "Drink first."

Zhang Jue opened his mouth, Chen Boqiao tilted his hand slightly and poured water into Zhang Jue's mouth. Zhang Jue's eyes widened, but the person was very uncooperative and did not contain the water. The water slid down the corners of Zhang Jue's mouth, all dripping onto the clothes and quilt.

In the past, on the battlefield, the soldiers were only slightly injured and could not fall into the line of fire. Chen Boqiao had almost zero experience in dealing with such minor illnesses and pains. He reluctantly put the cup on the bedside table, wiped the water stain with a tissue, and decided. In another way, give Zhang Jue capsules first.

Zhang Jue was wet, and he was a little more awake. He sat up straight, looked down at the capsule in Chen Boqiao's hand, and seemed to think for a while before he said, "Chen Boqiao, it's not this, you took it wrong. ."

Zhang Jue was finally no longer as cautious and timid as before. He called Chen Boqiao even with his first and last name. He frowned, but he was not angry. It's a little stupid, but he has a little bit of confidence.

Chen Boqiao immediately said, "I have replaced it with a new one, and the effect is the same."

Zhang Jue, who has a high fever, is more deceiving than one who does not have a fever. He first looked at the capsule suspiciously and said, "Really?" Then he looked at the determined Chen Boqiao for two seconds, took the medicine, and said: "Okay then." Then he put it in his mouth.

But after Zhang Jue closed his mouth tightly, he didn't move. Chen Boqiao didn't want to open it, let alone drink water and swallow the capsule.

After a stalemate like this for a while, Zhang Jue's face suddenly collapsed.

"It's a bit bitter." Zhang Jue said. He stuck his tongue out a little and licked his upper lip.

There was some white and half-turned powder on the tip of his tongue, probably because he had melted the antipyretic medicine, which made him feel very bitter. Seeing this, Chen Boqiao handed over the water glass again, Zhang Jue took it this time, swallowed a few saliva, drank all the water in the glass, put it aside, then closed his eyes and lay back on the pillow.

No matter how you take the medicine, it is still taken.

Chen Boqiao guarded Zhang Jue for a while, and when Zhang Jue's fever subsided for the most part, he stopped talking nonsense, and then went to sleep outside.

The next morning, Chen Boqiao opened his eyes and sat up. When he looked up at the bedroom, Zhang Jue was standing at the door. Zhang Jue had changed into a loose set of dark clothes, his skin became pale and bloodless again, and his expression returned to normal. He looked at Chen Boqiao: "You're awake."

Zhang Jue's voice was still a little hoarse, as if he hadn't woken up.

Before Chen Boqiao could speak, he said again, "Did I have a fever last night?"

Chen Boqiao said yes, Zhang Jue paused and asked, "Are you tall?"

"Thirty-nine degrees one," Chen Boqiao said, "I gave you antipyretics."

"Thank you." Zhang Jue said.

Zhang Jue's gaze stayed elsewhere. He didn't look at Chen Boqiao, and he didn't ask Chen Boqiao where the injury on his hand came from. He walked to the coffee table, poured two glasses of water, and handed it to him. One cup for Chen Boqiao.

Chen Boqiao took it over, and their fingers briefly touched for a second. Chen Boqiao felt that Zhang Jue's body temperature still seemed abnormal, so he took the ear thermometer on the side, and wanted Zhang Jue to take another test.

Seeing this, Zhang Jue took a step back and looked at the thermometer defensively.

"I'm ready, put this away." He said to Chen Boqiao, as if the thermometer was some kind of beast.

Chen Boqiao didn't force him, and put the thermometer back.

Zhang Jue didn't sit down, he stood by the sofa holding a water glass, always some distance away from Chen Boqiao. He seemed very cramped, and still seemed uncomfortable.

"Why don't you sit?" Chen Boqiao asked him.

Zhang Jue shook his head and seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "I have something to do today, so I need to go out."

Chen Boqiao observed Zhang Jue's expression and asked, "Can't you take me?"

"It's a private matter, maybe I won't be back until tomorrow morning," Zhang Jue said in a lower and lower voice, as if suppressing some discomfort, and said to Chen Boqiao, "There are some quick-frozen foods in the refrigerator, do you know what to do?"

Chen Boqiao looked at Zhang Jue's face and said slowly, "I don't know."

"It's all written on the packaging," Zhang Jue said, leaning over to pick up Chen Boqiao's mobile phone on the table, and entering a number, "If you still can't, call me, my phone is on. "

After entering the number, Zhang Jue wanted to put Chen Boqiao's mobile phone back. I don't know if he didn't hold it tightly, and the mobile phone fell halfway and fell on the carpet.

Zhang Jue didn't pick it up, he stood up straight, and said to Chen Boqiao: "Leave the gun and car here, and there is money."

Having said that, he turned around and went out.

Zhang Jue walked quickly, Chen Boqiao went to the window to look, and saw Zhang Jue walking into the alley across the street after a while.

Chen Boqiao first picked up his mobile phone, sat and thought for a few seconds, went back to his room and changed into a set of clothes, put on his sunglasses, mask and hat, took a self-defense gun, and followed him out.

Maybe Zhang Jue was really uncomfortable. He walked very slowly, and Chen Boqiao soon caught up with Zhang Jue. Zhang Jue didn't start the navigation, didn't go far, crossed a street and turned into a strange alley.

Chen Boqiao remembered which door Zhang Jue entered at the entrance of the alley, and walked into the alley after ten minutes.

There are hotels with very small doors on both sides of the alley. The shops are all peach powder and written in Thai and English. Most of the hotel glass doors have some vulgar patterns, and some have large room prices and several package prices. There was a thick curtain behind the glass door, and the scene in the hotel could not be seen clearly.

Chen Boqiao took a few steps, and someone behind him also entered the alley. He glanced back, and it was a young couple who were almost sticking together. He gave way to the side, and the young couple passed by him and entered one of them.

Chen Boqiao walked to the door of Zhang Juejin's house, pushed open the glass door, pulled back the curtain, and walked in. There was a vending machine with a large LCD screen in the not spacious hall. Photos of the interior decoration of the room are played in turn on the LCD screen.

This is a self-service love hotel without a front desk.

Chen Boqiao approached the vending machine, and after a few random operations, he found that only three rooms in the hotel were locked, and one of them had the longest waiting countdown.

He also picked a room himself, bought it for four hours, and after paying for it, a key fell into the vending machine's withdrawal port. After taking out the key, Chen Boqiao took a closer look. The key is very thin and has a single tooth mark, making it the easiest lock to open.

At the entrance of the corridor where the room with the longest countdown is located, Chen Boqiao called Zhang Jue.

The sound insulation of the love hotel was really poor, and Chen Boqiao heard the phone ring. After a while, Zhang Jue answered Chen Boqiao's call.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Jue asked in a low voice.

Zhang Jue's voice was weak, but the background sound was very quiet. Chen Boqiao couldn't tell if there was anyone else in Zhang Jue's room.

"Are you busy?" Chen Boqiao held the mobile phone in one hand and straightened the steel ring through the key bit by bit with the other, "I can't fire."

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Jue asked.

"I want to warm up some bread," Chen Boqiao said casually, pressing the steel bar against the right angle of the wall and snapping it into two sections, "I'm hungry."

Zhang Jue took two breaths quietly, and taught Chen Boqiao to say, "You can use the oven, preheat it first."

"What is preheating?" Chen Boqiao asked again.

" set the temperature to one hundred and eighty degrees," Zhang Jue spoke slowly, "then turn on the oven and wait ten minutes."

"Understood," Chen Boqiao said, "thank you."

"Anything else?" Zhang Jue asked again.

"No, are you still busy?" Chen Boqiao lowered his head, put away his hands, and asked Zhang Jue, "Is it work?"

Zhang Jue paused for a while, and then made a soft "Hmm" sound. Chen Boqiao said "don't bother" and hung up the phone.

Chen Boqiao stood at the corner for a while and slowly walked to the door of the room. He easily opened the door with a steel bar. There was a very narrow entrance behind the door, and a sweet smell that could not be ignored poured out.

The pheromone scent of omega in heat.

Chen Boqiao had received special training and had a strong resistance to omega's pheromone, but this time the taste was a bit special, with the bitter apricot smell he once smelled on an alpha, and the smell of smoke.

He closed the door lightly and walked forward into the room.

There was no one else on the bed, only Zhang Jue.

There was a very slight vibration in the air. Zhang Jue was lying half-lying with a soft-looking blanket between his legs, his face was red with a thin layer of red, his legs were curled up, and his knees and ankles were all crimson.

Zhang Jue's right hand was raised, his wrist was pressed against his cheek, a cigarette was sandwiched between his index and middle fingers, and the ash accumulated a long, trembling connection to the unburned cigarette, the phone fell beside the pillow, and the screen dark.

Seeing Chen Boqiao coming in, Zhang Jue didn't react. He stared in the direction of Chen Boqiao blankly, took a breath, and the smoke drifted out from his red lips and quickly dissipated.