Sunset Boulevard

Chapter 18


Despite Chen Boqiao's explanation, Zhang Jue still took his heart to the sentence "Chen Boqiao is the most annoying to smoke". On the way back to the safe house, he kept the car window open, fearing that the smell of smoke would be too strong. Bridge is not used to it.

In the afternoon, he was bored and uncomfortable waiting in Pei Shu's reception room. He saw an ashtray outside through the floor-to-ceiling window, so he went to the car to get a cigarette and lighter, and went outside to smoke.

His cravings were picked up when he was first in heat and without medicine. At that time, as long as there was something that could divert even the slightest attention, he would try it, and among the things he tried, only smoking was addictive.

However, Ai Jiaxi had a great opinion on Zhang Jue's smoking, so after finding a calming inhibitor, Zhang Jue deliberately gave up, and he would not think of smoking until a special moment.

Standing in Pei Shu's villa and waiting for Chen Boqiao to go downstairs today is one of Zhang Jue's special moments.

Chen Boqiao knocked on the car window, Zhang Jue saw Pei Shu from the corner of his eyes across Chen Boqiao, he was dazed for a moment, and then he couldn't help recalling the evening when he confessed to Chen Boqiao.

In the rowing club locker room.

Chen Boqiao said some euphemisms skillfully and sent Zhang Jue away, and Zhang Jue had to walk out in a daze.

When passing another row of lockers, he and Pei Shu, who was leaning over to change shoes, exchanged glances.

Pei Shu's expression immediately became subtle, with a little surprise. He probably didn't expect someone like Zhang Jue, who was withdrawn and unsocial, to stammer and say some nonsense words to Chen Boqiao.

Zhang Jue didn't stay for long, he walked quickly, and when he was about to open the locker room door, he heard Pei Shu teasing Chen Boqiao easily behind him.

Pei Shu said, "Isn't that Zhang Jue... You are very good. Bo Qiao."

Zhang Jue pushed open the door and walked out, but he didn't hear Chen Boqiao's answer.

The short half-hour memory of the seventeen-year-old often became the reason for Zhang Jue's inexplicable anxiety. Zhang Jue imagined many expressions of Chen Boqiao who responded to Pei Shushi in the locker room that he had not seen, helpless, slightly contemptuous, mocking, perhaps Chen Boqiao had no expression at all.

Because Zhang Jue means nothing to Chen Boqiao.

Zhang Jue stood on the shore, watching the wind-swept water in the swimming pool, smoking one after another. He wanted to go back to the reception room after pumping the remaining half of the bag, but he didn't expect Chen Boqiao to go downstairs so quickly and catch him.

Pei Shu did not pretend to have amnesia, did not hide his understanding of Zhang Jue, and said that Zhang Jue did not do enough homework.

Zhang Jue retorted in his heart, if he had done enough homework and did not smoke or drink, Chen Boqiao would not reject Zhang Jue. But then again, since Pei Shu said it, then Chen Boqiao may be really annoying others smoking, at least once.

After all, Pei Shu must know more than Zhang Jue.

Thinking like this, Zhang Jue lowered the car window a little more.

"Zhang Jue," Chen Boqiao said suddenly, he reminded Zhang Jue, "I didn't disguise, the window is open so wide, it may be photographed."

Zhang Jue was taken aback, and immediately raised the window, leaving only a small gap.

"You don't smell of smoke," Chen Boqiao said, as if he could understand all Zhang Jue's confusion, "Don't be so nervous, don't you know how unreliable Pei Shu's words are."

Zhang Jue made a "hmm", and Chen Boqiao said again, "Close the opening of the window." Zhang Jue obediently closed the window.

After a short drive, Zhang Jue always felt that the smell of tobacco in the car became heavier, so he couldn't help asking Chen Boqiao, "Did you smell it?"

With a smile in his eyes, Chen Boqiao reiterated to Zhang Jue, "Zhang Jue, I really don't hate the smell of smoke so much."

"I won't smoke in the future." Zhang decided to say firmly.

They were driving on the elevated, passing a huge LED screen billboard, and took a picture of the night news overview, with a photo of the Asian Union President Zhao Kun, with a few lines of characters on the side, the Asian Union President Zhao Kun, live broadcast at 9 o'clock tonight, Make a speech.

Zhang Jue took a peek at Chen Boqiao and found that Chen Boqiao was also looking at the billboard, so he asked Chen Boqiao, "Want to see it?"

Chen Boqiao turned his face away, looked at Zhang Jue for a while, and said with a smile, "I think so."

So after returning to the safe house, Zhang Jue found a small projector in the room and nailed it to the ceiling. The bed in the bedroom was facing a white wall, which could just be projected. Zhang Jue projected the live broadcast on the bedroom wall and sat beside the bed waiting for Chen Boqiao.

Not long after Chen Boqiao came out of the shower, the live broadcast started.

The chair of the meeting came to the stage and said that according to the president's wishes, an officer named Fang Hong should be allowed to speak before the president's speech.

Zhang Jue noticed that when he heard Fang Hong's name, Chen Boqiao was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately recovered. When the major Fang Hong limped onto the stage, Chen Boqiao's expression no longer changed.

"The criminal Chen Boqiao is my comrade-in-arms." Fang Hong said.

He lowered his head to read the manuscript, and clasped his hands on the table of the lecture booth. Zhang Jue felt that his shoulders were shaking slightly for no reason, and subconsciously glanced at Chen Boqiao again. Chen Boqiao realized it, smiled at Zhang Jue, and introduced: "It's my old subordinate."

Fang Hong spoke very steadily, but his voice was not loud. He said that in his opinion, Chen Boqiao was a stubborn and lawless officer, who only wanted to be promoted to the rank, and never cared about the safety of his subordinates.

For example, when the battle zone broke out into a deadlock, Chen Boqiao once proposed that a team of young soldiers should be drawn to attract firepower, and the main force would go around from the flank. After the strong persuasion of Fang Hong and his comrades, the plan did not take shape.

Fang Hong kept his head down and read the manuscript. Zhang Jue felt uncomfortable halfway through listening and wanted to close the live broadcast, but Chen Boqiao held his hand.

"Nothing to hear." Zhang Jue persuaded Chen Boqiao to say.

Chen Boqiao held Zhang Jue's hand and didn't use much force, as if he knew that Zhang Jue would not resist.

"I haven't seen Lao Fang for a long time," Chen Boqiao looked at the picture projected on the white wall and shrugged indifferently, "It's better to watch it on TV."

Immediately afterwards, Hong continued to read word by word at the top of the screen: "I think that the team's success in breaking through the siege is due to the hard work of the front-line soldiers, and there is a trace of luck, which has nothing to do with the leadership ability of the criminal Chen Boqiao."

The sound came from the speaker Zhang Jue placed in the corner, with a little distortion.

Chen Boqiao didn't laugh anymore, he didn't look at Zhang Jue, but made Zhang Jue suffer.

Zhang Jue's eyes were fixed on Chen Boqiao's gentle profile, and he remembered the memorial services that Chen Boqiao attended that he had seen repeatedly.

I remembered when I was 20 years old, the first time I saw the news of Chen Boqiao's rescue of the hostages and injured him. I tried my best to get from the newly independent country to the Asian Union. The visitors' cars came in and out, but never got close.

Zhang Jue didn't pay attention to what Fang Hong said again. He thought that Chen Boqiao was an idealist who was not naive enough, although Chen Boqiao would never admit it; and he was not qualified to see Chen Boqiao's deck. Unfamiliar old classmates.

Even if we never meet, never chat, and will never be remembered, Zhang Jue hopes that Chen Boqiao can live well.

Chen Boqiao finally moved his gaze from the wall to Zhang Jue's face. With a smile on his face, he said to Zhang Jue, "How can I put on this face, I'm still alive."

Zhang Jue did not speak, and Chen Boqiao added: "Fang Hong's wife works in the Central Bank of the Union and has three children."

Like explaining something for the old subordinate, and explaining the reason why he doesn't care.

Zhang Jue still looked at Chen Boqiao without saying a word, and Chen Boqiao called him: "Zhang Jue."

"Come here." Chen Boqiao grabbed Zhang Jue's wrist and pulled Zhang Jue into his arms.

Zhang Jue was lying stiffly against Chen Boqiao. The sound of the picture entered Zhang Jue's eyes and ears, but not his brain. Chen Boqiao's pheromone temperature enveloped him, the aroma of sea salt and pine wood, which stimulated Zhang Jue's alpha. The glands made him slightly uncomfortable, but also secretly eroded his consciousness, making his heart skip a beat.

Zhang Jue pressed his forehead against Chen Boqiao's chin, watching the live broadcast, Fang Hong bowed and stepped down. After a while, Zhao Kun, the president of the Asian League, came up.

The President's speech was as fierce and dramatic as ever. He denounced Chen Boqiao and described Chen Boqiao as a heinous murderer and a short-sighted traitor.

After a while, Chen Boqiao moved. He raised his hand to squeeze Zhang Jue's shoulder and said, "Zhang Jue, you are so nervous watching TV."

Chen Boqiao's hand went around Zhang Jue's chest, like hugging Zhang Jue, and also looked down at Zhang Jue with a mocking look on his face, as usual.

But Zhang Jue felt that Chen Boqiao was actually absent-minded.

They looked at each other and couldn't tell who approached first. Zhang Jue thought that 99% of them should be him.

It should be Chen Boqiao who gave Zhang Jue a chance, so Zhang Jue seized it. Zhang Jue raised his head and touched Chen Boqiao's cheek, chin, and corner of his lips with his lips. He knew that he was shaking indistinctly, and he didn't know that Chen Boqiao was shaking. Did you find that Chen Boqiao let him get close to him in a lame and bad way.

Zhang Jue couldn't know whether he liked it or endured it, so he finally rubbed slowly and pressed his lips with Chen Boqiao.

Chen Boqiao is like a person who needs to vent, so he does not refuse to comfort him. He is Zhang Jue's dream. If it can make Chen Boqiao feel better, no matter how difficult it is, Zhang Jue is willing to try it first.

Kissing Chen Boqiao, Zhang Jue's other gland gradually showed the momentum of repression. It was not as lost as it was when it was in heat, but it was also difficult to restrain.

He moistened Chen Boqiao's lips, and Chen Boqiao pressed his arm like a wordless encouragement.

When Zhang Jue straddled Chen Boqiao, Chen Boqiao turned down the volume of the live broadcast and asked Zhang Jue, "Is the estrus not over yet?"

Chen Boqiao asked insincerely. Zhang Jue felt that Chen Boqiao knew that he was not in heat, but he still said what Chen Boqiao wanted to hear: "It seems so."

Zhang Jue pulled away Chen Boqiao's bathrobe, kissed Chen Boqiao's Adam's apple, passed through his chest and strong abdominal muscles, and came to the half-raised part. He raised his hand and pulled down the edge of Chen Boqiao's panties, opening his mouth to cover it.

Chen Boqiao is very big, even if it is half soft, Zhang Jue is very reluctant.

The smell of pheromone hit Zhang Jue's face, Zhang Jue closed his eyes, opened his mouth with great effort, swallowed and sucked, slowly, the things in Zhang Jue's mouth became harder and bigger, squeezed his tongue and pushed him against him. deep in the throat.

Zhang Jue felt Chen Boqiao's hand gently caressing his cheek and hair, and then clasped his chin.

Whether it was Zhang Jue's delusion or not, Chen Boqiao became less polite. He casually pinched Zhang Jue's jawbone and pressed himself deep into it. The corners of Zhang Jue's mouth hurt. He looked at Chen Boqiao with half-open eyes, trying to make his expression appear to be enjoying himself, but he knew that he pretended to be bad.

Chen Boqiao also lowered his head and stared at Zhang Jue, brushing away the hair that was sticking to Zhang Jue's face, and the knuckles of his fingers slid up and down on Zhang Jue's cheeks gently and slowly, as if what was pleasing him was actually Zhang Jue's patience and patience. Pain is the same.

But soon, he let go of his hand, pressed Zhang Jue's shoulder, and withdrew from Zhang Jue's mouth.

"I'm sorry," Chen Boqiao said, "you're not feeling well."

His tone sounded a little apologetic, but he pulled Zhang Jue's arm up, Chen Boqiao took off Zhang Jue's clothes and let Zhang Jue sit on him again.

Before entering, Chen Boqiao hesitated for a while. Chen Boqiao leaned against Zhang Jue and suddenly asked Zhang Jue, "Are there any condoms?"

Zhang Jue was stunned for a while, then stared blankly at Chen Boqiao. Chen Boqiao's hand was on Zhang Jue's thigh, and the place where they met was touching, but Zhang Jue found that Chen Boqiao's expression was still very rational.

"Put it in the hotel," Zhang Jue said slowly, "I didn't take it back."

"Well." Chen Boqiao didn't move.

Zhang Jue waited for a while, then felt a little at a loss. He looked at Chen Boqiao and stammered, "Or else I'll use my mouth..."

Chen Boqiao interrupted Zhang Jue and said in a very low voice, "Forget it." Almost the next second, he squeezed into Zhang Jue's body.

Zhang Jue had sex with Chen Boqiao for the second time, but it was still not very intense. He thought that maybe Chen Boqiao didn't want to knock his genital cavity apart, so he didn't move very much, but it was a little too long. On the bed, Chen Boqiao changed several positions according to Zhang Jue, and then asked Zhang Jue to ask Zhang Jue. Get up and lean against the wall.

Zhang Jue wrapped his legs around Chen Boqiao's waist and crotch, and his body fluids dripped down his buttocks. No one listened to what the Asian League's live broadcast was saying.

Chen Boqiao kissed Zhang Jue one after another, but when Zhang Jue raised his head slightly to deepen the kiss, Chen Boqiao turned his face away unfriendly, and then looked at Zhang Jue's stunned face. Like a very ruthless owner, teasing the most unloved pet in the house. A few seconds later, when Zhang Jue reacted and felt a little uncomfortable, Chen Boqiao clasped Zhang Jue's chin and kissed him deeply.

Before ejaculation, Chen Boqiao withdrew.

Zhang Jue leaned over on his knees, but Chen Boqiao rejected Zhang Jue's offer to give him oral sex again, and just touched Zhang Jue's lips with the tip of Zhang Jue and his own body fluids, grabbed Zhang Jue's hand and moved it. After a few moments, he finally shot Zhang Jue in the face. Zhang Jue closed his eyes reflexively.

Chen Boqiao didn't form a knot, but he did ejaculate a lot. The warm semen had a strong smell of pheromones in the light fishy smell, and it slid along Zhang Jue's face to the corner of his mouth, then to his chin, dripping. It landed on his kneeling knees and thighs, and dripped down the side of his legs.

Chen Boqiao wiped some of the semen under Zhang Jue's eyes with his fingers and said, "Open your eyes."

Zhang Jue opened his eyes, Chen Boqiao looked at him, pulled him up a bit, kissed Zhang Jue's lips like a reward, and said, "I have made progress today, but I didn't cry."

Zhang Jue felt that his face was very hot, and said he wanted to take a bath. Chen Boqiao let him go.

The bathroom is very small, there is no shower room, only a shower head and a thin shower curtain. Zhang Jue rinsed his body and turned off the water with his legs soft, but he heard the sound of the door being opened behind him. He pulled it apart a bit, and put a hand on Zhang Jue's waist.