Sunset Boulevard

Chapter 23


Zhang Jue thought he was hallucinating because it was too hot in the car.

The weather in Bangkok has changed a lot. Yesterday was still cloudy and rainy. Today, it was cloudless. The sun came out very early, rising from the eastern horizon to the center. There were more than two stops at Chenboqiao and Zhangjue around the Erawan Buddha. Hours, the car is hot in the sun.

The air-conditioning was hot, and the wind hadn't turned cold yet. Zhang Jue stared at Chen Boqiao, and Chen Boqiao also looked at him.

Chen Boqiao's expression was calm, and he calmly asked Zhang Jue "how is it", making Zhang Jue realize that the phrase "I'll try with you" was indeed said by Chen Boqiao.

Zhang Jue thought for a while, and felt that the word "try" was strange. Chen Boqiao didn't say what to try with Zhang Jue, as if he couldn't pick a suitable word.

Try to fall in love, try to be together, try to be a couple, all similar words are put on Zhang Jue and Chen Boqiao, even Zhang Jue himself finds it funny.

Chen Boqiao and Zhang Jue are too far apart.

It would be a lie to say that Zhang Jue never thought about being with Chen Boqiao. Zhang Jue thought about it when he was seventeen. However, Zhang Jue, who has passed his twenty-eighth birthday, will never dream of falling in love with Chen Boqiao before going to bed.

Zhang never wanted to think of Chen Boqiao that much, but he did feel that no third person in the world would know that Chen Boqiao had sex with him.

This can almost be included in Chen Boqiao's life stains.

Chen Boqiao should kiss and have sex with someone better, why is it Zhang Jue

However, Zhang Jue did not ask such a stupid question as "what to try", he asked Chen Boqiao: "Why?"

"Zhang Jue," Chen Boqiao smiled, "what's your problem?"

Chen Boqiao always speaks easily, as if in his eyes, no problem exists.

He put his hand on Zhang Jue's shoulder, approached lazily, and replied nonchalantly, "Because your Eros amulet has appeared."

The air conditioner finally cooled down a bit, but Chen Boqiao was very hot.

The faint and pleasant smell of pheromone, the temperature of Zhang Jue's shoulder and hand, Zhang Jue did not dare to look up, and the chin and lips of Chen Boqiao that he saw from the corner of his eye made Zhang Jue feel dry.

Chen Boqiao waited for a few seconds and asked Zhang Jue, "I haven't found the address yet?" The restaurant address, click on departure.

The navigation sent a prompt to turn left, but Zhang Jue still didn't respond.

Chen Boqiao didn't express his dissatisfaction, he took away the phone in Zhang Jue's hand, Zhang Jue looked up at him, he and Zhang Jue looked at each other for two seconds, as if it was because Zhang Jue looked too stupid, he couldn't help laughing , leaned over and pressed Zhang Jue's lips, and said, "Let me do it."

Chen Boqiao's taste is very refreshing, and the beard that Zhang Jue helped him stick to Zhang Jue's face. His lips were also hot, and when he kissed Zhang Jue, his voice became indistinct. His teeth touched Zhang Jue's upper lip, and he quickly moved away. appeared by the door.

Zhang Jue and Chen Boqiao switched places, and all the way to the restaurant, Zhang Jue didn't say much.

Chen Boqiao was downstairs in the restaurant. He parked the car in the underground garage where many of the sensor lights were broken, but it didn't turn off. He called Zhang Jue, and when Zhang Jue turned his face, he said, "You don't seem very happy. ."

Zhang Jue didn't make a statement, and Chen Boqiao said again, "What's wrong?"

He unfastened Zhang Jue's seat belt, approached Zhang Jue, and looked closely into Zhang Jue's eyes.

Chen Boqiao's handsomeness is the kind of handsomeness that can't be concealed by disguise, even if Zhang Jue personally turned him into another person, his nose, eye sockets, pupils and smell are still Chen Boqiao.

Zhang Jue raised his hand, carefully touched the cheek above Chen Boqiao's beard, and then leaned over to kiss Chen Boqiao's lips.

This time Chen Boqiao didn't avoid it, his beard was very hard, scratching Zhang Jue's chin; his lips were very thin, at first he was stunned by Zhang Jue's approach, then he opened his mouth and kissed Zhang Jue wetly.

Zhang Jue closed his eyes, licked Chen Boqiao's upper jaw with his tongue, wrapped the tip of his tongue and sucked, and their lower lips were rubbing against each other, probably because Zhang Jue was not good at kissing, and their teeth collided, but Chen Boqiao He didn't laugh at Zhang Jue because of this, he held Zhang Jue's back, stroked the back of Zhang Jue's neck, and inserted his fingers into the roots of Zhang Jue's hair.

They kissed for a long time, Chen Boqiao retreated a little, he pressed Zhang Jue's shoulder, his voice was a little low: "Do you still want to eat?"

The carriage is too small, and Chen Boqiao's pheromone smell is very strong, much stronger than Zhang Jue's previous smell.

Zhang Jue looked at him, leaned over again, and pressed his face to Chen Boqiao's chest. Chen Boqiao didn't urge any more, hugged him back and didn't speak.

"Chen Boqiao." Zhang Jue called him.

Chen Boqiao made a "hmm", and the voice seemed to be ringing in Zhang Jue's ear.

"How long do you want to try?" Zhang Jue asked him.

Chen Boqiao put his hand on Zhang Jue's head, stroked it gently, and asked, "How long do you think is appropriate."

"As long as you want," Zhang Jue said, "I'm just asking."

Chen Boqiao hugged Zhang Jue for a while and said, "Let's talk about it then."

He didn't give Zhang Jue the exact time, but Zhang Jue didn't care, even if Chen Boqiao said he regretted not trying now, it didn't matter, Zhang Jue didn't care at all.

Zhang Jue sat up, looked up at Chen Boqiao, scratched his hair, and felt it was messy, so he asked Chen Boqiao embarrassedly, "Do I look bad."

He pulled the hair rope off, grabbed the hair with his hands, and wanted to get it back together again, and asked Chen Boqiao, "Do you think I should get a haircut?"

Chen Boqiao raised his hand and pinned the broken hair that Zhang Jue had dropped on his cheek behind his ear.

"The head is so low, what do I think." Chen Boqiao said, he pinched Zhang Jue's chin with his index finger and thumb, and asked Zhang Jue to raise his face and look at Zhang Jue's face carefully.

Zhang Jue didn't dare to look into Chen Boqiao's eyes, and looked around in confusion.

"Don't worry about it," Chen Boqiao said. "That's good."

They got out of the car, walked to the dark elevator, and pressed up.

The door of the elevator is mirrored, according to Zhang Jue and Chen Boqiao. Chen Boqiao is tall and tall, and his stance is improved, while Zhang Jue is too thin and too tall, he doesn't feel like a bird, he looks clumsy, and it is difficult for people to like him at once, but Chen Boqiao is still willing to try with him. .

The elevator door opened. He and Chen Boqiao walked in. Chen Boqiao glanced at him and asked, "Zhang Jue, what are you happy about?"

Chen Boqiao looked very calm, no different from before, but Zhang Jue couldn't help but smile at Chen Boqiao. He knew his expression was dumb, and he said something stupid that matched his emotional intelligence. He said : "I feel like a dream."

He actually knew that Chen Boqiao left after the test, probably because of sympathy and pity, a momentary fever, or a combination of both.

But Zhang Jue seems to have returned to the sixteen or seventeen-year-old who liked Chen Boqiao and wanted to fall in love with Chen Boqiao, and became the Zhang Jue who dared to dream of Chen Boqiao before going to bed.

Chen Boqiao's expression didn't change. He looked at Zhang Jue, raised his hand to touch Zhang Jue's cheek, and asked, "Really?"

Zhang Jue looked at Chen Boqiao and said, "Well."

He didn't know how to please someone anyway, he might give Chen Boqiao all his best things, and he couldn't make Chen Boqiao feel very precious.

Chen Boqiao receives these every day.

Time, money, body and love. There is nothing special about Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue read a scientific journal and saw a statistical article saying that if the pheromone taste of alpha is related to the ocean, the love, desire and sexual desire will be much lower than that of ordinary alpha, and it is not easily affected by the pheromone of Omega.

Chen Boqiao is in this category. It is not easy to be limited by desires and has a farther goal to achieve.

Zhang Jue was politely rejected by Chen Boqiao. He knew that Chen Boqiao's rejection was not tough, but very direct. Chen Boqiao was wearing the training uniform of the rowing team. He was just Chen Zhaoyan's son. He had no scars on his body, and even his hairstyle was an expensive one. Sitting on the wooden stool in the locker room, he looked so perfect.

He looked up at Zhang Jue who was standing, patiently listened to Zhang Jue's confession, and then smiled tenderly.

With a smile that was a little helpless, not like being troubled by Zhang Jue, he said, "Thank you, but I'm not ready to fall in love."

Chen Boqiao called him: "It's here."

When the restaurant floor arrived, Chen Boqiao hugged Zhang Jue's back, not too intimate or divided. They came late, there was only one corner seat left, and the waiter led them to sit there.

Zhang Jue followed Chen Boqiao, looked at Chen Boqiao's hand, took a few steps, and couldn't help reaching for Chen Boqiao's hand, but Chen Boqiao was walking so fast that he couldn't reach it.

Zhang Jue's hands were very pale, with blue blood vessels running up the back of his hands, and even his fingernails were pale and bloodless. Chen Boqiao has a scar on the tiger's mouth, and his complexion is much darker than Zhang Jue.

The back of Chen Boqiao's hand was touched by Zhang Jue, his footsteps stopped for a while, he turned his head slightly, and glanced at Zhang Jue with a smile in his eyes, he said, "Zhang Jue, it's only a few steps away."

It seems that Zhang Jue demands too much and is too exaggerated.

But he still followed Zhang Jue's meaning and held Zhang Jue's hand.