Sunset Boulevard

Chapter 3


Chen Boqiao opened his eyes.

He was lying on a double bed in a dark room with a thin slit in the middle of the heavy curtains, through which the gray sky before sunrise faintly revealed.

Chen Boqiao turned on the lamp, sat up, looked around slowly, calmly accepted the master bedroom of the safe house where he had slept for one night, accepted the independent state of Thailand, Zhang Jue, and the original complete plan that was infinitely disrupted. The fact that he is good at adapting.

Military prison, running around in exile, Chen Boqiao has nothing to do with panic. When fully awake, he quickly changed his clothes and went to wash before getting up.

There is only one bathroom in the safe house, to the left of the entrance door. He passed the living room, and without thinking too much, he opened the door of the bathroom, and a white mist of water hit his face.

Zhang Jue wrapped a bath towel around his waist and held a towel for wiping his hair in his hand. He stood half naked behind the water vapor, his mouth was slightly open, and his eyes were a little surprised.

Chen Boqiao was stunned for a while, then took a step back: "Sorry."

"It's okay," Zhang Jue waved his hand, "I'm done washing."

Zhang Jue didn't close the door, and Chen Boqiao didn't move, and asked casually, "Take a shower so early?"

Zhang Jue blinked slowly, and asked in a dull manner, "Is it early?"

But before Chen Boqiao could speak, Zhang Jue said, "It's already 4:30." There was a sense of naturalness in his tone, as if 4:30 in the morning is the global working time.

Chen Boqiao couldn't help but smile and asked, "It's not early at 4:30? Aren't you going to sleep?"

Zhang Jue closed his mouth and stopped talking, looking a little depressed. Chen Boqiao thought Zhang Jue's appearance was funny, and continued to tease: "I can't really sleep all night, right?"

"No," Zhang Jue paused and explained to himself seriously, "I slept for nearly five hours."

His black hair was half-dried, and it was wet against his neck and shoulders, with water droplets sliding down his chest, through the hollows in his ribs and lower abdomen, and into the towel along the mermaid line. Zhang Jue's skin was as fair as snow, with a few patches of light red scalded by the excessively high water temperature, and the muscle lines in his abdomen were not obvious, but he was not as thin as Chen Boqiao thought when he was holding him for the skydive yesterday.

Chen Boqiao has been in the army for many years, and it is unavoidable to mix bathing with his comrades. He has also participated in the sub-alliance conscription for several years to prevent Omega from being wrongly screened into the army. He believes that he has a good understanding of the physical characteristics of a healthy adult Alpha.

Now it's not that Chen Boqiao wants to make any rude comments on Zhang Jue's body shape, it's just that the two of them are standing face to face at close range, and it's impossible not to look at them.

In all fairness, if you don't look at height, just look at skin color and body shape, Zhang Jue really has nothing to do with the Alpha group.

However, Zhang Jue's gun-holding technique and the precision of parachuting and landing made Chen Boqiao feel that Zhang Jue should have received long-term professional training and had good physical strength.

"Zhang Jue," Chen Boqiao asked him, "You are a good parachute jumper, have you ever been a soldier?"

Zhang Jue shook his head and said, "No."

Chen Boqiao gave a "um" and asked casually, "What have you been doing all these years after graduating from Roche?"

The water vapor in the bathroom gradually disappeared, and the cold air from outside the room seeped in. Zhang Jue seemed to be a little cold, but he didn't mean to push Chen Boqiao away from the door. He hesitated for a while because of Chen Boqiao's straightforward question. Seconds, and then answered honestly: "I went to a national university in North America, and after graduation, I returned to work in China for a few years."

"What job?" Chen Boqiao immediately asked.

Seeing Zhang Jue's expression of hesitation, Chen Boqiao narrowed the scope of the question again: "Does it have anything to do with your action?"

Zhang Jue looked at Chen Boqiao, thought about it, and shook his head, as if he didn't want to talk about it.

The two stood silently for a few seconds, and Zhang Jue grabbed the towel tightly as if afraid of the cold.

Chen Boqiao lowered his head to see it, and when his mind changed, he raised his hand and put his hand on Zhang Jue's shoulder. After feeling the expected coolness, he smiled gently at Zhang Jue and asked, "Why don't you say cold?"

Zhang Jue was touched by Chen Boqiao, and immediately shrank slightly, and then a very light red appeared on his cheeks. "It's not particularly cold," he lowered his eyes and said, "You can use the bathroom, I'll go get dressed first."

After all, Zhang Jue took a step forward.

Chen Boqiao admitted that his character was not good. He deliberately did not want to let go, and wanted to see how Zhang Jue would react.

Zhang Jue couldn't walk past, so he had to stop again. For some unknown reason, he was always reluctant to look up at Chen Boqiao, his head was downcast, and he was uneasy, like a recruit who was sentenced to stand.

Chen Boqiao was amused when he found that Zhang Jue was in a panic, so he stepped back a little bit, gave a position that Zhang Jue could pass, and pretended to be natural: "Go ahead."

Zhang Jue hesitated for a few seconds, but finally didn't ask Chen Boqiao to make it bigger. He lowered his head and squeezed between Chen Boqiao and the door frame, and walked quickly back to his small bedroom.

Chen Boqiao watched Zhang Jue's back disappear from behind the door before entering the bathroom.

When Chen Boqiao came out of the bathroom, the clock in the living room showed 4:40. Zhang Jue was sitting neatly on the sofa, holding a flat-panel monitor with a solemn expression on his face. Chen Boqiao walked over and saw ten side-by-side surveillance images displayed on the screen.

"We have to go." Zhang Jue said without looking up.

"What's wrong?" Chen Boqiao frowned and looked closely.

"The surveillance outside the safe house," Zhang Jue pointed to a surveillance camera at a low angle, "this is the only alley in this area that can accommodate traffic."

There is an alley in the picture, and two tall men are standing face to face not far from the camera. At first glance, it looks like they are chatting, but if you look closely at the standing posture of the two, they always seem to be a little nervous.

"They've been here for ten minutes," Zhang Jue said.

Chen Boqiao saw one of the men compare a gesture, which is a gesture commonly used by the runners-up army, meaning to prepare for action, and confirmed the identity of the person who came.

After Zhang Jue kidnapped him yesterday, he took out the signal jammer that had been implanted in his body earlier, and threw it away, so that the tracker placed on his back in the military prison would take effect.

Therefore, Chen Boqiao was not surprised that the soldiers of the Asian Union chased here. After all, according to Chen Boqiao's experience in performing tasks in the past, when chasing down important prisoners, the accuracy of the satellite navigation system of the Asian Union is quite high.

"The soldiers of the alliance," Chen Boqiao told Zhang Jue, "means to prepare for action."

Zhang Jue was silent for a few seconds, and said as if to himself, "How can it be so fast." After that, he got up and went to the room. After a while, he picked up two travel bags, threw them on the ground, and opened the door. Communicator: Hold on to the alley, I'll take him away first. "

Someone on the other side replied, "Okay."

After cutting off the communication, Zhang Jue said to Chen Boqiao, "Let's go, you can help me carry a bag." Then suddenly, as if he remembered something, he glanced at the cat with injured feet squatting obediently on the mat.

"Cat..." Zhang Jue looked hesitant.

Chen Boqiao walked over quickly, picked up the cat with one hand, lifted the two bags on the ground with the other, raised his hand to raise the kitten, his face was close to Zhang Jue, and the kitten let out a cooperative meow. And Chen Boqiao smiled at Zhang Jue: "Is that okay, classmate Zhang Jue?"

"… All right."

Going down to the second floor, Zhang Jue opened the window, took Chen Boqiao over the window sill, and walked along the outer stairs of the second floor to the street behind the building. It was just dawn, and there was no one on the street. Zhang Jue pressed the remote control key in his hand, and the lights of an inconspicuous off-road vehicle that had fallen into a layer of gray flashed.

After only a few hours of rest, they were about to set foot on the road of escape.

Zhang Jue started the car decisively, accelerated, shifted gears silently, bypassed the alleys in the center of the town, and drove outside the town.

Driving past the most extended building in the township, they drove onto the gravel ground, ran over the weeds, and rushed onto the national road that passed through the outskirts of the town. Zhang Jue suddenly said, "After you were arrested, did anyone perform minor surgery on you? ?"

Chen Boqiao turned his head to look at Zhang Jue, but said nothing.

"Or," Zhang Jue added slowly, "Have you ever woken up and suddenly felt pain in a place you couldn't see?"

Chen Boqiao was sure Zhang Jue had guessed it, but he still didn't speak.

After driving for less than half a minute, Zhang Jue slammed on the brakes, and the car stopped with a harsh braking sound.

"You come and open." Zhang Jue said decisively.

The two switched positions and put the kitten in the back seat. Zhang Jue found the detector from one of the bags he got into the car, he was clinging to Chen Boqiao's shoulder with one hand, and he moved the detector slowly on Chen Boqiao with the other hand.

When the detector touched Chen Boqiao's left shoulder, the green light indicated turned red, and an alarm sounded. Chen Boqiao felt Zhang Jue's hand tightening on his shoulder.

"What?" Chen Boqiao asked.

"You have a locator on you," Zhang Jue whispered, "so they came so quickly."

Chen Boqiao did not answer and waited patiently for Zhang Jue to continue.

"I don't have a shield, so I have to take it off." Zhang Jue said gloomily.

Chen Boqiao said "um": "Pick it."

Zhang Jue didn't move, just moved the detector away to prevent the alarm from going off, and sat back after a while.

"I should have thought of it earlier." Zhang Jue said a little annoyed.

"It's not your fault," Chen Boqiao comforted him naturally, "Just pick it up for me."

"But I don't have anesthesia," Zhang Jue said, "only simple surgical tools."

"Just take it," Chen Boqiao said. "The positioning implants of the Asian League are generally not placed deep."

Chen Boqiao turned the steering wheel, stopped by the side of the road, turned off the fire, and turned to look at Zhang Jue: "Quick fight and quick decision."

The sky is completely bright, the air in the independent country of Thailand is very transparent, the sky is blue like a picture, and there is a sunroof on the roof of the car.

Chen Boqiao took off his shirt, revealing his upper body covered with old injuries.

He has led the team to perform many missions, and has suffered a lot of flesh wounds.

Some soldiers regard the scar as a medal, and Chen Boqiao prefers to regard it as an index of memory.

Chen Boqiao is always busy, busy losing comrades in arms, or losing close relatives, and he has a lot more things to remember than others. He used the formation time of the scar to remember the life of a comrade-in-arms, remember his close relatives, and record everything before continuing to accept the next one calmly.

Chen Boqiao knew that Zhang Jue was looking at his back, and also noticed that Zhang Jue was not moving, so he joked with Zhang Jue: "I usually don't need anesthesia when I'm injured in battle."

Zhang Jue hesitated for a moment, then went to the back seat to look through his bag. When he returned to the front seat, he was holding two boxes, one of which was an ice box.

There were five blue liquid injections in the ice box. Zhang Jue took one and simply said to Chen Boqiao: "This... is actually what I use. But it can also be used as an anesthetic. Over time, you completely lose touch and pain."

Zhang Jue pressed one end of the needle to Chen Boqiao's arm, and the injection was automatically injected into Chen Boqiao's body. The potion took effect almost immediately.

"Do you still feel it?" Zhang Jue touched Chen Boqiao's forearm and asked him.

Chen Boqiao raised his hand and touched the leather steering wheel of the off-road vehicle and the plastic instrument panel, but he didn't feel anything, only resistance told him not to make fearless attempts.

"What kind of medicine is this?" he asked Zhang Jue. But more than this question, he wanted to know why Zhang Jue needed to use this medicine.

Zhang Jue's eyes wandered without answering, and he raised his hand to close the ice box. Chen Boqiao shot faster than Zhang Jue, but he didn't control the strength of his hand, and pushed the ice box out.

The ice box fell from the shelf, and all the ampoules in the glass tube fell out. Both of them wanted to pick them up, but they bumped into each other in a hurry, and none of them received one. The injections fell to the ground one by one, making a crisp sound, and then they were crushed by the heavy ice box.

Chen Boqiao looked down and saw the blue liquid flowing all over the place.

"… "

The two looked at each other silently for a few seconds, Chen Boqiao apologized to Zhang Jue as sincerely as possible: "I'm sorry."

"Is there a place to buy it?" Chen Boqiao tried hard to remedy it.

Zhang Jue didn't speak, his eyes were filled with confusion and shock, as if he hadn't realized that the person who sacrificed his life to save him shattered all his important medicines.

"Why don't you tell me what it is, and I'll ask Pei Shu to get it for you." Chen Boqiao said again.

Zhang Jue didn't respond, Chen Boqiao stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Zhang Jue: "Zhang Jue? Are you alright?"

Suddenly, there were some noises from the communicator, followed by loud fights and breathless voices: "Sir, where have you been, we can't hold it anymore, we're ready to retreat."