Sunset Boulevard

Chapter 31


The boarding deadline is coming to an end soon, and the cruise is about to set sail.

Choi Chengze stood at the door of room 1037, waiting for someone.

He just turned 30 this year. He served as a soldier in the Asian League for five years. After he was discharged from the army, he joined Pei Shu's security company. He has worked so far and has been divorced once. His family is in a small town on the edge of the war zone. Since the Asian Union and the Independent State of Mongolia opened fire, he has never heard from his family again. It was not until the war zone was liberated at the beginning of the year that he reunited with his mother and young son.

1037 is at the end of the corridor.

Cui Chengze looked at the scattered people in the corridor. They all entered their rooms, and none of them approached 1037.

At 3:07 in the afternoon, an Alpha man wearing work clothes and a beard came towards Choi Chengze. This afternoon, Cui Chengze saw him. This Alpha is slightly similar to Cui Chengze, but slightly taller and slightly taller than Cui Chengze. His footsteps did not stop until he stopped in front of the door of room 1037.

"Sorry, it's been a long wait." The man said, took out the room card, and swiped at the magnetic sensor port of 1037, and the magnetic sensor made a light unlocking sound.

The door opened, the man walked in first, Cui Chengze pulled the box, and followed behind.

The man first turned on the lights in the room. Although the room in the inner cabin was decorated with curtains, there was no light source and no real windows. The white light shone down from the ceiling, adding a little depression to the already narrow room.

Cui Chengze closed the door with his hands behind his back, and stammered, "Colonel Chen."

Chen Boqiao turned around, stretched out his hand, and shook Cui Chengze briefly and forcefully: "Hello."

"Hello." Cui Chengze has seen Chen Boqiao many times in the screen newspapers and magazines, and this is the first time he has seen him.

Chen Boqiao changed his clothes, wearing some dirty clothes, his neckline was tightly buttoned, his eyes were calm, but he gave people an inexplicable sense of oppression. Cui Chengze retracted his hand nervously, and told Chen Boqiao: "Senior Colonel, Mr. Pei said, I will give him a message after entering the room."

Chen Boqiao nodded and said, "Okay." Cui Chengze dialed Pei Shu's phone using the secret line, and then stuck a small projector to the door of the cabinet, projecting Pei Shu's image on the white wall.

Cui Chengze used to be Pei Shu's mother's bodyguard. A few months ago, after having a chat with him, Pei Shu transferred him to an inconspicuous administrative position in the group's subsidiary, waiting for the right moment to cooperate with him.

A week ago, Pei Shu told him some of his plans and brought him to the Independent Kingdom of Thailand, giving him a new identity. Compared with others, he has not much to do. He only needs to exchange identities with Chen Boqiao, share a room with another unidentified roommate, and use Shen Yufei's passport to arrive in North America.

"Have you boarded the ship?" Pei Shu sat at the slightly messy desk, raised his head, and said, "When the ship sets sail, Zhao Kun will obtain your passport and cabin information. We expect that in the early morning four days later, The ship will enter the sub-alliance waters."

Cui Chengze glanced at Chen Boqiao, Chen Boqiao's expression didn't change, he just nodded slightly.

"Also," Pei Shu pushed his glasses, flipped through the stack of papers, found one, put it on the top layer, and said to Chen Boqiao, "We discussed the question you asked me before. The president does not want to make a statement. He needs to quickly move the ship away from the waters of the Asian Union. As for the safety of other people on board, it should not be affected.

"—The premise is that other people stay in the room and don't run out in the middle of the night." Before Chen Boqiao could answer, Pei Shu added.

"I know." Chen Boqiao said.

Cui Chengze vaguely felt that both of them meant something, and the atmosphere was a bit weird, but he couldn't tell where the weirdness was.

Pei Shu also made a sound of "um", then suddenly narrowed his eyes, carefully looked at Chen Boqiao's dress, and said slowly: "His skill is good." Then he said to Cui Chengze: "Chengze, three days later, you will let Zhang Jue Come to the Boqiao room again and help him change his clothes in advance."

Cui Chengze glanced at Chen Boqiao, and Chen Boqiao said to Pei Shu with no expression on his face: "When talking about business, you don't have to test me by the way."

Pei Shu was stunned for a while, then smirked and explained to himself: "I just asked casually."

"You live alone, you are all at ease," Pei Shu said again, "It's not like I haven't seen the cabin map, so what are you trying to squeeze with him."

Pei Shu's voice became lower and lower, and he didn't seem to want to continue the topic, so he turned around and said: "By the way, the differentiation agent you asked me to find, some of them on the market are fake, and I don't have you. The authority of the group has not been found."

Chen Boqiao then nodded, and Pei Shu added: "Don't worry about this. I looked at it, this cruise ship is quite good, and there are various entertainment activities. You haven't taken a vacation in ten years. Zhuhe's credit card limit is very high, just take advantage of these few days to rest and take a vacation. There is still a tough battle to fight. "

Cui Chengze doesn't know what to do next. He can be sure that only Chen Boqiao is not absolutely safe.

Although the current state of Pei Shu is relatively relaxed, it is unknown whether the authority of the Zhao family can be shaken. They all knew that getting Chen Boqiao to be arrested in the waters of the alliance was not a well-designed plan at all, it was just a desperate risk on the arrow.

Chen Boqiao looked at Pei Shu noncommittally and asked, "What entertainment?"

Pei Shu smiled: "Everything is there."

Cui Chengze handed the entertainment list on the table to Chen Boqiao and said, "Colonel, this is all on it."

Chen Boqiao looked at the list for a while, put it down, looked up, saw that Pei Shu hadn't hung up, and said, "You're still here." Then he disconnected the connection.

When Pei Shu's image disappeared, Chen Boqiao looked at Cui Chengze. He put the room card in his hand on the table, pushed it to Choi Chengze's side, lightly buckled the card with his index finger, and said, "You live here first, and I live with him in 1013. I will directly contact him the night before the operation. come over."

Cui Chengze also exchanged the room card of 1013 to Chen Boqiao. When he remembered it, he asked, "Then when you return to the Asian Union, I will go to 1013 to live?"

Chen Boqiao glanced at Cui Chengze and called him gently, "Song Ze."

Choi Sung Taek turned his eyes away,

Chen Boqiao looked at him. Chen Boqiao's eyes are bright and focused, giving people a very firm and reliable impression. Cui Chengze thought silently, is it because of Chen Boqiao's determined temperament that he will always win, that makes the soldiers lurking in the war zone willing to follow him, listen to his orders, and build dams with flesh and blood.

"When I go back, he may move to another room." Chen Boqiao didn't care about his distraction, and started to say something that had nothing to do with the plan, "I will ask Pei Shu to give you a quota, and you will be promoted to the same floor as him. , for the remaining ten days or so, take care of him."

Cui Chengze felt a little dazed at first, and then realized that Chen Boqiao was talking about another person in room 1013.

Chen Boqiao seemed to be able to read minds. He stopped and asked Cui Chengze, "Has Pei Shu mentioned him to you?"

"I haven't mentioned it much." Cui Chengze scratched his head and tried his best to search for his memory. When Pei Shu mentioned him, he said something insignificant and not much in reality when he mentioned him.

"It's normal," Chen Boqiao said, curling his lips slightly, "he is from the newly independent country. I hope you can accompany him to the new independent country after he landed in North America, and leave after seeing his family."

With that said, Chen Boqiao picked up the sticky note on the table and wrote a number to Cui Chengze: "If you can't get to his floor, call him. Tell him that I asked you to find him."

He paused for a while, and then gently explained to Cui Chengze: "This person is not too concerned about himself, you should be more careful. If he doesn't go out for a day, help him order a meal."

It may also be Choi Sung Taek's illusion. Facing himself, Chen Boqiao seemed to be more relaxed than facing Pei Shushi just now.

It was as if he had met someone who was close to a stranger, so he unconsciously showed a little secret and weak tenderness that he was unwilling to show in front of acquaintances.

Cui Chengze was curious and guessed at the person Chen Boqiao said, so he looked down at the note written by Chen Boqiao. Chen Boqiao wrote very coherently. I don't know if he really has a good memory, or if he has passed through this series of numbers in his mind many times.

"After memorizing the number, dispose of the paper," Chen Boqiao urged again, "Don't leave anything related to you in this room."

Cui Chengze remembered each one.

"By the way," Chen Boqiao seemed to think of something, turned back and said, "Don't let him drink."

Cui Chengze nodded quickly, suddenly thinking of the rumors about the evil smoke of Chen Daxiao, and asked one more question: "What about the smoke?"

Chen Boqiao paused before saying, "Let him go."

When Chen Boqiao returned to his room, Zhang Jue had just put away the last item.

Looking at the empty suitcase, Chen Boqiao leaned over and closed it, buckled the side buckle of the suitcase and picked it up, and said to Zhang Jue, "Help me pull the shelf away."

Zhang Jue did as he did, and pulled the steel bar that was holding the iron frame out. The spring of the steel bar was very tenacious. Only when he saw Chen Boqiao was pulling it easily, did he realize that it was actually tight.

He unfolded the clip completely, put Chen Boqiao on the empty suitcase, and then closed the cabinet door, the room was not as small as it was when he first came in.

The beds in the room were placed in parallel, with a distance of at most 20 cm in between. Zhang Jue turned his head and asked Chen Boqiao, "Which one do you sleep on?"

Chen Boqiao looked at him for a while before saying, "You pick first."

Zhang Jue was a little embarrassed because he felt that he couldn't guess which one Chen Boqiao wanted to sleep in. After thinking about it for a long time, I still asked Chen Boqiao for help: "How about you first?"

Chen Bo laughed. He looked down at Zhang Jue and said, "You can't even pick a bed." Then he pointed to the bed against the wall and said, "Then you can use this one."

Zhang Jue nodded in relief.

It was still early, so he sat on the bed and turned on the TV. The quilt and mattress are very soft and should have been dried in time after washing, so there is no unpleasant smell.

The TV began to broadcast a lengthy boarding instruction, introducing various facilities on the ship, Chen Boqiao sat on another bed, but was by no means far from Zhang.

He watched Zhang Jue for a while, then suddenly reached out, took Zhang Jue's remote control away, lowered the volume to almost inaudible, and put it next to his lap.

"Zhang Jue," Chen Boqiao didn't look at Zhang Jue, put it on the screen, and said slowly, "I've always wanted to ask you what to do after taking the τ differentiation agent."

Zhang Jue turned his eyes to look at Chen Boqiao's profile, was stunned, thought for a while, and told Chen Boqiao truthfully: "The medical team my father asked for said that there was such a precedent before, and one of the glands could be removed. The body is separated and removed, but the highest purity tau differentiation-promoting agent is also required in the process.”

Chen Boqiao was silent.

After a while, he asked Zhang Jue, "Is the operation dangerous?"

Zhang Jue himself did not understand the question of whether it was dangerous or not. After all, it was not the time for surgery yet, but his parents were very active in finding τ differentiation-promoting agents, so he said a little uncertainly: "It shouldn't be dangerous, right? ."

"What is it?" Chen Boqiao turned his head and asked Zhang Jue calmly and objectively.

"The last patient survived," said the medical team.

Chen Boqiao looked at Zhang Jue for a long time before he said: "When I get the differentiation agent, I will re-evaluate it again." He added: "If the operation is dangerous, it is better not to do it."

"It's been evaluated several times, and my parents want me to do it." Zhang Jue told Chen Boqiao honestly.

After finding the sedative inhibitor, Zhang Jue was no longer so obsessed with changing his physical condition, but this was not something he could decide alone.

"Why?" Chen Boqiao asked him again.

"Because," Zhang Jue couldn't understand Chen Boqiao's expression, so he said hesitantly, "People with two glands don't live long, it's hard for them to accept."

Chen Boqiao still didn't make a sound, Zhang Jue continued to explain: "The interference of pheromones with each other will lead to a shorter lifespan."

He looked up at the TV screen, which was introducing the show schedule for the next ten days of the small theater, and the poster switched from Hamlet to ballet.

There was a faint sound of the announcement in the air, but I wanted to hear it clearly, but I couldn't hear it clearly. He didn't want Chen Boqiao to think that he was using his physical condition to gain sympathy, so he said to Chen Boqiao: "You don't have to pity me, in fact, I don't care much."

Before the show was over, Chen Boqiao turned off the TV.

Zhang Jue didn't notice when Chen Boqiao was so close to him. Chen Boqiao put his shoulders on him, made him turn his face sideways, and touched the glands on his neck with his fingertips. Zhang Jue was a little itchy from being touched, and he couldn't help raising his hand to press Chen Boqiao's chest. He didn't want him to touch him again, so Chen Boqiao grabbed his wrist.

Chen Boqiao's breath lingered around Zhang Jue, like Zhang Jue's mental drug.

Zhang Jue felt that Chen Boqiao might still sympathize with him, because Chen Boqiao's kisses became more careful than before. The rosin on him softened.

He kissed Zhang Jue for a long time, Zhang Jue knew he wanted to do it, but he didn't do it in the end.

Chen Boqiao got up from Zhang Jue and went to the bathroom. Maybe after washing his face, he came out soon. He handed Zhang Jue the cruise's entertainment list and said that it was almost time. Zhang Jue went to dinner.