Sunset Boulevard

Chapter 32


Chen Boqiao held his arms and leaned against the wall, quietly waiting for Zhang Jue to make a decision.

Zhang Jue, on the other hand, turned over the entertainment list slowly, hoping that Chen Boqiao would wait until he was impatient and leave the list by himself.

Five minutes later, Chen Boqiao said, "Forget it, I'll come."

Zhang Jue immediately raised his head when he heard the words, and stuffed the notebook to Chen Boqiao: "Okay."

Chen Bo bridged over, looked down, glanced at Zhang Jue a little funny, and said, "I have turned to the casino for introduction."

As he turned forward, as if he was going to say something, Zhang Jue was afraid that he would ask another question, so he blurted out, "I can do it." He even tried his best to smile at Chen Boqiao.

Chen Boqiao looked very helpless. He said, "Okay, I won't ask you." Then he quickly chose one, picked up the intercom phone on the side of the TV cabinet, and called to make an appointment.

The receiver of the intercom was very loud, Zhang Jue was sitting on the bed, and he could hear what the service desk opposite said.

The service desk said that the restaurant just had the last deck position left. After confirming the meal time with Chen Boqiao, he reminded that the restaurant has dress etiquette requirements and must be dressed properly.

Chen Boqiao hung up the phone and asked Zhang Jue, "Do you remember the face of the person who exchanged cards with me?"

Zhang Jue still roughly remembered the man's appearance and knew what Chen Boqiao meant.

The public area of the cruise ship is densely populated with cameras, but the pixels are not too high. The man's facial contour and height are similar to Chen Boqiao's, and the hairstyle is the same, but he has no beard.

Zhang Jue took out the bionic leather from the cabinet, and when Chen Boqiao took off his beard and changed his clothes, he changed his face a little based on his impression, and the two walked out of the door together.

In order not to be stopped by the restaurant waiter, they first went to the commercial area downstairs, entered a store selling men's clothing and leather goods, and asked the clerk to bring them two sets of formal clothes.

When Zhang Jue finished changing his clothes and walked out of the locker room, Chen Boqiao hadn't come out yet.

His tie wasn't a good one, so he stood by the sofa and asked the clerk to fix it for him.

The clerk was a short Omega woman, and was able to reach his neckline only on tiptoe, probably to maintain her balance, so she moved a little slowly. Before finishing the repair, she suddenly put down her hand, took a step back, and looked behind Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue followed her gaze and turned to look. Chen Boqiao was wearing a dark gray suit, standing a few meters away, watching them quietly, whether they had just come out or had been watching for a while.

Before Zhang Jue spoke, Chen Boqiao smiled at Zhang Jue.

Suddenly, he overlapped with the boy Zhang Jue remembered in the principal's office on the first day he reported on Roche.

The boy in the school uniform, who was half a head taller than Zhang Jue, also smiled and said to Zhang Jue, "Welcome to enroll." Then he looked down at the notice in Zhang Jue's hand and called him, "Zhang Jue."

But this time, what Chen Boqiao said was: "Come here."

Zhang Jue reacted, then approached slowly, and stopped two steps away from Chen Boqiao.

Chen Boqiao tugged Zhang Jue's arm lightly, making Zhang Jue stand closer, raised his hand and quickly tied Zhang Jue's tie, and handed the card to the clerk standing beside him.

They got to the dining room on time, passed the indoor dining table and up a few steps to the deck.

The sky is almost dark blue, and the sea breeze is a bit strong. The candles on the table are covered with glass covers, which look exquisite and cute.

The restaurant dishes that Chen Boqiao picked were delicious, but the portions were a bit large. Zhang Jue's appetite was not very good recently. He was full before the main course was eaten. He didn't want Chen Boqiao to see it, so he tried every dish. a bit.

After dinner, they stayed on the deck for a while.

The night wind was blowing on their faces, Zhang Jue looked at the dark, wavy sea water far and near, and his mind was dizzy.

The discomfort went straight from his left abdomen to the top of his head, Zhang Jue reasoned with his drowsy brain, suspecting that he was seasick. He grasped the railing tightly, turned to look at Chen Boqiao, Chen Boqiao was also looking at him, frowned slightly, and asked him, "Are you uncomfortable."

"Well, maybe seasick." Zhang Jue said slowly.

"Is there any medicine in the room?" Chen Boqiao asked.

Zhang Jue shook his head. He had never been on a boat since he was a child, and he never thought that he would suffer from seasickness.

"Let's take a look first." Chen Boqiao grabbed Zhang Jue's hand and led him inside.

It was warmer indoors than on the deck, Zhang Jue's nausea eased slightly, but he was still dizzy.

The hospital is on the first floor, next to the cruise ship lobby. In the evening, there are very few people. It didn't take long to see the doctor.

The doctor was a middle-aged beta man. Hearing Zhang Jue's symptoms, he first prescribed seasickness medicine. Before Chen Boqiao went to get the medicine, he asked them as if he had just remembered, "Aren't you going to have children in the near future?"

Zhang Jue and Chen Boqiao were both stunned, Zhang Jue said first: "Not ready."

"Oh," the doctor said, "I'm afraid you have plans, and you can't take this medicine for pregnancy or during pregnancy."

But Chen Boqiao didn't move. He lowered his head and looked at Zhang Jue for a few seconds, and suddenly asked the doctor, "If we have had this a few times before, do we have to take a pregnancy test before taking the medicine."

"Frequently?" the doctor asked without hesitation. "Have you taken contraceptive measures?"

"Frequently, not done," Chen Boqiao said, "but there is no knot or mark."

The doctor made another "Oh" and said, "Let's have a test." He picked up the pen and asked for another order.

"No need," Zhang Jue felt a little embarrassed. He didn't look at Chen Boqiao, and whispered to the doctor, "We have taken measures, and I have taken medicine."

Zhang Jue took the seasickness medicine on the hospital bench. The effect of the medicine was very fast. After a few minutes, he was no longer dizzy, just a little sleepy. All the way upstairs and back to the room, Chen Boqiao didn't say anything to him, and he looked a little cold. He entered the room and asked Zhang Jue to take a bath first. Zhang Jue came out of the hot shower, lay down on the bed against the wall that Chen Boqiao had chosen for him, and fell asleep after a while.

Zhang Jue woke up suddenly because he heard Chen Boqiao calling his name.

He opened his eyes, Chen Boqiao was standing beside his bed, surrounded by a bath towel, he sat up and looked up at Chen Boqiao.

Chen Boqiao also looked at him, after a long while, Chen Boqiao turned off the light.

There was no light source in the room, and it was so dark that I could not see my fingers.

The air conditioner seemed to have been turned down, Zhang Jue was sitting on the bed wearing a thin T-shirt, feeling a chill.

He had taken seasickness medicine and his mind was very dizzy. After sitting for a while, he didn't hear Chen Boqiao's voice. He was inexplicably nervous and panicked.

There was pure silence in the air.

Zhang Jue staggered and sat up on his knees, put his hands on the wall, and fumbled up along the wallpaper with bumps, trying to reach for the switch, but after a few clicks, his wrists were firmly clasped.

"What are you doing with the lights on?" Chen Boqiao said. The palms of his hands were a little rough, and the calluses on his fingers and palms rubbed against Zhang Jue's skin. After a short pause, he suddenly pulled Zhang Jue forward gently.

Zhang Jue fell forward unsteadily and crashed into Chen Boqiao's arms.

Chen Boqiao's muscles were very strong, and his body temperature was higher than Zhang Jue's. He released Zhang Jue's wrist and half hugged Zhang Jue's waist.

When he touched Chen Boqiao, Zhang Jue felt a little bit more secure, but when Chen Boqiao didn't speak, Zhang Jue always felt that something was not right, so he raised his face and asked hesitantly, "What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing." Chen Boqiao's voice sounded beside Zhang Jue's ear.

The rosin on his body was very rich, mixed with refreshing water vapor, and his hand on Zhang Jue's waist reached into the edge of the hem of the T-shirt, one after another stroked Zhang Jue's back, and then grabbed the T-shirt and lifted it up. He pulled the top of Zhang Jue's head, took it off for Zhang Jue, and took off Zhang Jue's underwear.

Zhang Jue was naked and felt a little cold, so he approached Chen Boqiao meekly and met him closely, raised his head again, rubbed Chen Boqiao's chin with his lips, and slowly moved towards Chen Boqiao's lips. Move over.

When he was about to touch the corner of Chen Boqiao's lips, Chen Boqiao moved, and Zhang Jue knew that Chen Boqiao deliberately moved his face away when he wanted to kiss him as usual.

Zhang Jue wanted very little, and it was not easy to be sad, but he was also really afraid that Chen Boqiao would hide from himself, and there were only a few days left before parting, so for the first time he mustered up his courage and hugged Chen Bo diligently. Bridge's waist, begging him in a low voice: "Don't hide from me, okay?"

Chen Boqiao's hand on Zhang Jue's waist suddenly tightened, and after a while, he took the initiative to kiss Zhang Jue's lips, moved it slightly, and asked Zhang Jue very gently, "Do you like me hiding? ?"

Zhang Jue nodded, realizing that Chen Boqiao couldn't see, and said, "Well."

Chen Boqiao then kissed Zhang Jue again, and slowly pushed him onto the bed, pressing his legs apart to both sides, rubbing the seam of his thighs up and down with the hard raised top, trying to squeeze in a little, and propped it open. He opened the entrance and backed out again, taking out some bodily fluids and rubbing against his inner thighs.

"Zhang Jue," Chen Boqiao touched his leg, called his name, and asked him in a curious tone, "What medicine are you taking?"

"Is it an aphrodisiac?" Chen Boqiao's voice was very gentle, but Zhang Jue couldn't answer the question he asked, "It's so wet."

Zhang Jue's cheeks were hot, he felt terribly ashamed, and his eyes were sore. He wanted to put his legs together, but was held down by Chen Boqiao.

Chen Boqiao pressed his hip bone and squeezed in slowly, first pushing it lightly, and then pushing harder and harder. Zhang Jue's legs were wide open, and he was smashed up by Chen Boqiao, biting his lip so hard that he didn't dare to make a sound.

Chen Boqiao smothered Zhang Jue for a long time before he slowed down. He clasped Zhang Jue's wrist, hugged Zhang Jue, pressed Zhang Jue's ear, and asked him, "When did you buy it?"

Zhang Jue put his head on Chen Boqiao's shoulder, rested for a while, and said in a low voice, "The day I saw the Erawan Buddha."

Although he was slow, he realized that Chen Boqiao was unhappy because he took medicine, but he didn't understand why Chen Boqiao was unhappy.

Chen Boqiao didn't speak, Zhang Jue slowly defended himself: "I know you don't want it." Then he added, "It's too late to say it every time."

He was sitting on Chen Boqiao's lap, Chen Boqiao went in very deep, and the top was squeezing his genital cavity, as if he would squeeze in with a little more movement.

Chen Boqiao was silent, the hand on his back moved away, as if he was looking for something, and after a few seconds, he turned on a bedside lamp.

The lights were dim, Zhang Jue closed his eyes a little, felt comfortable, then opened his eyes and saw Chen Boqiao's more serious eyes than most of the time, and his handsome face with no expression.

They were near the head of the bed, and their lower bodies were tightly connected. Chen Boqiao opened his mouth and said in a low voice, "I don't want it that much."

"It's not the right time," he said, "so there is no best."

Zhang was by no means very convinced, but he did not refute it.

Chen Boqiao supported Zhang Jue's buttocks, slowly squeezed into Zhang Jue's genital cavity, and said, "Let me in."

He made Zhang Jue lie on the bed again, clasped Zhang Jue's crotch, nailed it deeper and deeper, and forced it into Zhang Jue's genital cavity.

Zhang Jue had never been in such pain before, his entire abdominal cavity seemed to be numb with pain, his lower abdomen was twitching and twitching, he bent his legs, looked at Chen Boqiao, opened his mouth to breathe, and controlled his expression.

Chen Boqiao lowered his head and kissed him, the tip of his tongue stirred together and his teeth were knocked, as if he was comforting him, and at the same time asking for something from him.

After entering completely, Chen Boqiao's movements became lighter, and Zhang Jue gradually became less painful. The genital cavity instinctively unfolded, moistly and softly retaining the things that could breed life with it.

Chen Boqiao shot in Zhang Jue's genital cavity and kissed Zhang Jue's glands, but there was still no mark.

Zhang Jue fell into a coma shortly after finishing this day.

Chen Boqiao hugged him, and the two of them slept all night on a single bed.