Sunset Boulevard

Chapter 36


Zhang Jue's physical examination was scheduled on the morning of his fourth day back home.

Due to Zhang Jue's special physical condition, his father contacted a private hospital with good privacy to examine him.

After the driver took Zhang Jue to the hospital, a doctor was waiting for him at the entrance of the medical examination center. The doctor, surnamed He, is a mild-mannered middle-aged beta from the medical team who will perform surgery on Zhang Jue, and also holds shares in this private hospital.

In order to protect Zhang Jue's privacy and reduce Zhang Jue's doubts about the operation, he will accompany Zhang Jue throughout the process.

After completing various routine sampling and examinations, Zhang Jue and Dr. He came to the ultrasound room.

The dean and the doctor in the ultrasound room greeted him. The other party gave up to Dr. He and walked out of the ultrasound room. Dr. He let Zhang Jue lie on the medical bed, lift up his shirt, and take off his pants to expose his abdomen.

Zhang Jue did as he did, looking down at Dr. He squeezing ice-cold transparent gel on his lower abdomen.

Dr. He used the ultrasound probe to spread the gel evenly in circles, pressed it down slightly, and moved slowly to check Zhang Jue's reproductive cavity.

"Because of the influence of pheromones, the genital cavity is not well developed," Dr. He told Zhang Jue while looking at the monitor. "It's smaller than a normal Omega."

Zhang Jue was not surprised or disappointed. He remembered that the doctor said the same thing when he had an examination last time. He asked Dr. He, "Will the alpha glands develop after the alpha glands are removed?"

Dr. He's hand holding the ultrasound probe stopped suddenly, he turned to look at Zhang Jue, and asked, "Do you want to remove the Alpha gland?"

Zhang Jue didn't know the intention of Doctor He's question.

He himself always felt that since he originally had Omega glands, it was only natural to remove the later transplanted alpha.

"Can't you?" he asked with some doubts.

"It's not impossible," Dr. He said, glanced at the display screen, and said, "Actually, picking Alpha glands is easier."

"But your father's intention seems to be to pick an Omega," Dr. He added. "He also has his own considerations. After you have lived as an Alpha for so long, suddenly becoming an Omega may not be a good thing for your social relationship. We have also given some reference opinions. The last two cases of patients who had their glands removed chose the identity that they were used to."

Zhang Jue hadn't thought about it so much, and he didn't have any social connections.

The fact that he became an Omega probably affected his father far more than he did himself.

"But don't be in a hurry," Dr. He said with a smile, "as long as you father and son negotiate."

Zhang Jue nodded, and Dr. He continued to check. When he checked a certain position, he stopped again.

Dr. He pressed his hand on the probe and exerted more force, and leaned his face slightly in front of the screen. He seemed to find it strange, so he wanted to see more clearly.

The ultrasound probe pressed a deep mark on Zhang Jue's abdomen. Dr. He frowned, looked at the display screen for a long time, and suddenly let go.

"Have you had sex recently." He asked Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue looked at Dr. He for a few seconds and nodded.

"In the future..." Doctor He looked at Zhang Jue with a very troublesome expression, and after thinking about the words for a long time, he said, "When you have sex, try not to forcefully enter the genital cavity."

Zhang Jue was stunned for a while, but Dr. He didn't pause, and then said, "The genital cavity is still slightly swollen. I will go out and give you some medicine in a while. After three days, I will review it and wait for the inflammation to subside before surgery."

He retracted the probe, printed an ultrasound sheet, stood up, took a tissue, put it on Zhang Jue's lower abdomen, and said gently, "Wipe it."

Zhang Jue didn't say anything, lowered his head, slowly wiped the gel clean, put on his clothes and got out of the hospital bed. When the two walked to the door, Zhang Jue called him, "Doctor He."

"Where is my father..." Zhang Jue looked at Dr. He and didn't say anything further.

Dr. He quickly reacted, and he said empathetically, "There is no need to let Mr. Zhang know about such trivial matters."

After the examination was done, Zhang Jue and Dr. He went to the rest area to sit for a while.

Dr. He said some preoperative instructions, Zhang Jue wrote them down one by one, contacted the driver who was waiting outside, and went home.

Three days later, the physical examination reports came out. Dr. He copied Zhang Jue and Zhang Jue's father a copy each. The part about the ultrasound examination was thoughtfully deleted from the report, and only a summary was made.

The report said that Zhang Jue generally met the surgical requirements, his physical condition was better than that of the previous cases, and the probability of complete removal of the glands was higher, and the recommended operation time was attached.

The day after he got the report, Zhang Jue accompanied Ai Jiaxi to the hotel where the birthday party was held on the outlying island. He originally wanted to have dinner at the hotel's Chinese restaurant, but who wanted to receive a message from his mother at 4:30 in the afternoon and asked him to return immediately. Family.

The island is a little far from Zhang Jue's house. Zhang Jue rushed home at 6:30 and entered the door. His parents were not in the living room. The servant pointed in the direction of the dining room, and Zhang Jue walked directly over.

In the winter of the newly independent country, it gets dark early, there is almost no light source outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the lights in the restaurant are very bright.

The dishes on the table were neatly arranged, and Zhang Jue's parents sat at the table for an unknown time.

Zhang Jue asked his parents hello, and when he saw his father nod, he pulled out the chair and sat down.

"Let's eat first." The father said lukewarmly.

The family eats the meal in front of them individually.

Zhang Jue cut the fish silently.

He remembered that his father went to North America with the president of the newly independent country this time, and he needed to stay for four days and three nights. It was only two days later, but for some reason he returned home one night earlier.

It is extremely rare for a father to come home for dinner, and his mother is usually very happy, but this time, Zhang Jue always felt that neither of them looked very good-looking.

Halfway through the meal, my father suddenly put down his knife and fork.

Zhang Jue saw it out of the corner of his eye, and raised his head to see that his father was looking at him, while his mother was very nervous. Although he didn't put down the tableware, he didn't eat anymore.

"Doctor He said, do you want to remove the alpha gland?" Father asked Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue nodded: "Yes."

He also has the will to discuss this matter with his father, but his father is too busy to find an opportunity.

"Why?" the father asked again. He looked calm, but his words became heavier, and there was a hint of rain coming.

At this time, Zhang Jue's mother suddenly interjected very lightly: "Can you finish it first?"

"I'm done eating," the father said, looking at his mother, "I'm full." Then he turned to Zhang Jue and waited for Zhang Jue's explanation.

Zhang Jue did not avoid his father's gaze, he looked at his father quietly: "My native gland is Omega."

"But your choice at seventeen was Alpha."

As if he was negotiating with Zhang Jue, his father stared at Zhang Jue's eyes: "Have you ever thought about what it means to you to suddenly change your second gender

"You've been an Alpha for 12 years, you've been engaged to an Omega, and you haven't even fully developed your genitals. Once you remove your Alpha glands, what will happen to your life next, have you ever thought about this

"Will there be any normal, well-matched Alpha willing to accept you?"

It should be out of confusion about Zhang Jue's choice, or anxiety about Zhang Jue's future, eager to persuade Zhang Jue to maintain his Alpha status, Zhang Fu became sharp and aggressive: "What will others think of you? The reason for the divorce? Have you considered it?"

Mother looked at Zhang Jue with puzzled eyes. She pursed her lips tightly and said softly, "Xiao Jue, think about it more clearly."

"I..." Zhang Jue made eye contact with his mother, paused for a while, and said in a very weak voice, "I'm not afraid."

It seems that I feel that these three words are reluctant.

There was a breathless silence in the restaurant.

The food was cold, and the wind was strong outside, blowing the fallen leaves against the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Finally, Zhang Fu spoke first.

"Since you were young, your mother and I have given you a lot of freedom. You wanted Ai Jiaxi to break off the marriage and move out, but we never interfered with you." He paused for a while and sighed, "But this surgery, you We have to give us a reason."

Zhang Fu is nearly sixty years old, and looks much younger than his actual age, like forty-five or sixteen,

Zhang Jue looked at his father, the words stuck in his throat.

His father was sixty years old this year, but his appearance was at most forty-five or sixty-six. He always looked very dignified and personable. Now he took off his glasses and leaned back on the chair, showing a little tired oldness.

His parents asked him for a reason, but he couldn't give it.

Because in the end, Chen Boqiao didn't give him any promises, Chen Boqiao was just a distant, elusive dream.

No one will change themselves because of a dream, smokers will not quit smoking because they dream of their lung disease, criminals will not surrender because they dreamed that they were arrested, want to be with Chen Boqiao, so they want to remove the alpha glands. , Zhang Jue himself could not be persuaded, how dare he use it to persuade his parents.

He spends some time with Chen Boqiao.

There were moments of happiness, loss, debauchery, and illusory warmth, but Zhang Jue recalled that day, and the scene that left the deepest impression was the first time he met in Asia League and Chen Boqiao in decades.

Chen Boqiao came out of the escort car, saw Zhang Jue's face, and was stunned for a short time, then remembered Zhang Jue's name, showed his usual smile, and nodded in greeting with Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue thought that this is probably the relationship between him and Chen Boqiao, even if Chen Boqiao really wanted to try it with him, there would be no future.

"Zhang Jue," my father seemed to be unable to wait any longer, calling Zhang Jue's name and saying bitterly, "We only need one reason."

Zhang Jue stared blankly at his father, and even thought it might be better to just do as his father wanted, stop disobeying his parents, it doesn't really make any difference which gland is removed.

The result is the same, what he insists on is meaningless, Chen Boqiao will not be with him because he pity him, he can find a better person at any time, but his parents only have one son.

But in the end, Zhang Fu gave in first.

He slumped his shoulders and said, "Forget it."

"Pick whichever you want," he said, "since you're not afraid. Your mother and I don't care either."

Chen Boqiao's retrial went well. On a sunny afternoon in mid-January, Chen Boqiao was acquitted and released in court.

Pei Shu brought several advisors and waited for Chen Boqiao in the courtroom's lounge. A suit was placed on the sofa. After half an hour of repairing, Chen Boqiao would go out to be interviewed by the authoritative media of the Asian League.

Chen Boqiao and the lawyer were brought in by the staff, smiled at Pei Shu, and shook hands with the people present. He went to put on his suit and walked out while tying a tie. He looked relaxed and comfortable, the look of Chen Boqiao that everyone was most familiar with.

Pei Shu handed him the reporter's interview outline, he took it, looked down, suddenly raised his head and asked Pei Shu: "By the way, let you call him, what does he say."

Pei Shu was stunned for a moment, then realized that Chen Boqiao was talking about Zhang Jue, and said, "It's safe to go home, what else can I do."

After speaking, he suddenly remembered what Zhang Jue wanted him to convey.

It's not that he didn't tell Chen Boqiao, mainly because he thought that Zhang Jue's point was that Chen Boqiao didn't need to go, and he greeted Zhang Jue, Zhang Jue said that it was a minor operation, and the lawyer's visit time was very short every time. Short, then such a trivial matter, it is understandable to say that Chen Boqiao is released from prison.

However, after relaying Zhang Jue's words to Chen Boqiao, Chen Boqiao's expression changed obviously.

Although it was very fast, he restrained his expression and stared at Pei Shu for a few seconds before asking, "When did it happen?"

"It's been more than ten days." Pei Shu said, inexplicably frightened.

"Give me the phone." Chen Boqiao put down the interview outline and reached out to Pei Shu. Pei Shu quickly handed the phone to Chen Boqiao and watched Chen Boqiao start dialing.

There was no answer from the other party, and Chen Boqiao kept dialing.

The stylist brought by Pei Shu dared not approach Chen Boqiao. The media came to knock on the door twice. Chen Boqiao finally put down his phone, wrote a name for Pei Shu to contact him immediately, and then opened the door without looking back. , followed the media staff who had been waiting for a long time to the interview location.