Super Card System

Chapter 110: origami



On Chambord Island, the most worth mentioning is the bubble culture.

According to the characteristics of resin bubbles, people have developed many methods of using bubbles. A rope is tied to the bubbles, which can be used as a bag for purchasing items. The buoyancy of the bubbles offsets the weight of the goods, which is easy and labor-saving. , or add a special windmill to the bubble, and push it lightly, and it can move forward with the help of the wind. On Chambord Island, such a means of transportation is more useful than a bicycle.

What’s more worth mentioning is coating and hotels. Coating refers to using mangrove resin on the ship’s body to coat a layer of film-like objects. After that, just open the air valve at the bottom of the ship, the resin will expand, and the entire ship will be inflated. The ship is wrapped in a huge bubble, which can resist the strong water pressure of the seabed and help the ship cross the red earth continent from the bottom of the sea.

The bubble hotel is another way of using it. There are countless bubbles hanging on the rows of cables. People use alloy paint to paint the bottom of the bubbles. Not only can it be used to increase the weight and maintain the balance of the bubbles, At the same time, this layer of alloy coating has also become a foundation, which can be stepped on and hold things. Because the alloy coating is opaque, it can also be regarded as covering people, so this kind of bubble hotel can be said to be very popular on the island. It is a place that many foreign tourists want to experience.

Under the leadership of the lame, Ian came to 32gr! It is the so-called No. 32 mangrove area. There are many hotels here. The rows of bubbles tied to every two pillars are a hotel. The bubbles on the top are also colorful and look very beautiful.

"Is Lucius here?" Ian asked the cripple.

"Yes, he lives in that hotel!" The cripple pointed to a hotel on the right front.

"How do we lure him out?" Ian asked, "Is it okay if we do it directly here?"

"Of course not!" the cripple said, "This is not an illegal area. If there is trouble here, the navy will arrive soon. We must lead him to a place where no one is around."

Ian really didn't understand these things, so he simply patted the lame man on the shoulder and said, "Well, it's up to you!"

The cripple nodded, and gestured a few times to a guy who looked like he was begging at the door of the hotel, and then he saw the beggar nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

Ian was really surprised, and said, "Is that our person?"

"That's right!" the cripple said, "He's a member of our family, he's in charge of monitoring!"

Fuck, the posture is long. To be honest, Ian didn't realize that the guy looked like a gangster just now, but he really looked like a beggar. Just now Ian saw someone throwing money into the bowl for him!

"Let's go, Boss Ian, let's go to a place where there is no one and wait." The cripple said.

Ian followed the cripple, left the spot, and went to the edge of the mangrove area of No. 32. In the process, Ian found that people followed them one after another, all of whom he had just recruited. It is estimated that the cripple used the phone The worm notified them that they were coming.

I'm ashamed to say that these people are members of the Ian family in name, but Ian can't even pronounce their names until now...

When he came to a place where no one was around, the cripple blew his whistle, and the crowd immediately dispersed, looking for a place to hide.

"Boss Ian, do you want to hide?" the cripple asked.

"No, I'll just wait here!" Ian shook his head.

The cripple stopped talking nonsense, and limped away, looking for a place to hide. Ian saw him sorting out his guns by the way.

Ian sat cross-legged on the ground, waiting with the Yan Modao in his hand. Not long after, about twenty minutes, Ian finally saw someone appear.

The leader was the guy disguised as a beggar that Ian saw just now, but behind him was a group of people chasing after him.

Needless to say, he was naturally one of Lucius's people. Ian saw from a distance that Lucius was dressed as an aristocrat, and he was following behind unhurriedly, while his subordinates were holding weapons. chasing.

The guy disguised as a beggar ran towards Ian panting, stopped when he saw Ian, and said, "Boss Ian... I, I attracted them!"

"How did you do it?" Ian asked him curiously, "By the way, what's your name?"

"Boss, my brothers all call me Monkey, and I spit on him when he came out! Then he led people to chase after him!" Monkey said proudly: "This kind of person who looks like a nobleman The same guy, the most intolerable thing is this kind of thing!"

Ian is convinced, the guys under him are really tricky.

With the appearance of the Skinned Pirates, Ian and the others gradually came out of their hiding places. Lucius thought it was just a beggar who offended him, but he didn't expect to find something wrong after chasing him here. .

His people stopped cautiously. Lucius stepped forward, squinted his eyes at Ian and said, "It seems that I'm being targeted!"

"You are Lucius? The guy nicknamed Leech?" Ian asked him with a slight smile.

"It's indeed me. What's your name?" Lucius' voice was very thin, which matched his fair skin perfectly.

"I'm Ian, a pirate hunter!" Ian walked forward step by step, and said as he walked, "I won't hide it from you, I'm here for your bounty!"

Lucius narrowed his eyes again, and said in surprise, "You want to catch me? You're so brave!"

After finishing speaking, Lucius said to his subordinates: "Shoot and kill him!"

The Skinned Pirates immediately carried out Lucius' order and fired bullets at Ian.

Ian jumped up on the spot, dodged the bullets, and rushed towards Lucius in front. At the same time, the Ian family behind also shot at the Skinned Pirates.

Lucius didn't bring many people with him, so the cripples still had the guts to confront these ordinary pirates head-on. They also knew that they could only help Boss Ian at this time. Ann did it himself, and if they hid behind and remained motionless, they might be repaired when they got back.

So these guys are totally biting the bullet...

When Ian landed on the ground, he swung his sword twice, knocked over the two skinned pirates around him, and then slashed at Lucius with a large upper part of his sword.

The crutch in Lucius' hand suddenly pulled out, it turned out to be a thin sword, and blocked Ian's slashing with a "clang", but Lucius' strength was obviously not as strong as Ian's, so he was slashed by the knife. Had to stagger backwards.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ian withdrew his hand and stabbed forward with the knife in both hands. Lucius dodged sideways, and the knife brushed past his chest.

Ian took advantage of the trend and slashed towards Lucius' chest. Lucius had no choice but to hold the hilt of the sword with one hand and press the tip of the sword with the other hand. With both hands, he blocked Ian's horizontal cut. There was a burst of sparks.

After a few attempts, Ian obviously felt that Lucius's swordsmanship was not very powerful, so he felt more relieved, and rushed to attack Lucius' vital points.

At the beginning, Lucius tried to block it with his sword skills, but after a few times of blocking, he couldn't keep up with Ian's knife speed, and was stabbed by Ian on the left rib.

However, after Ian's knife hit, he didn't feel any cut to the human body. Instead, he felt a swipe sound, as if his own knife cut a piece of paper.

Taking a closer look, Ian realized that a big gash had been ripped open on Lucius' chest, but no blood flowed out.

"It's useless, I'm a paper fruit user!" Lucius sneered at Ian, "Although your sword is stronger than mine, you can't hurt me!"

After speaking, Lucius suddenly stretched out his hand and tore a piece of paper from himself.

"Paper knife!"

Just like throwing a card, Lucius actually turned a part of his body into a sharp paper knife, held it between two fingers, and threw it at Ian.

Ian tilted his head slightly, and the sharp piece of paper flew over his face, cutting off a few strands of his hair.

From the very beginning of the battle, Ian had activated the force field. Naturally, such a move would not be able to hurt him, but just as he was about to fight back, he suddenly sensed something flying from behind, so he quickly put away his knife and dodged.

The paper knife thrown out by Lucius just now returned like a boomerang, landed on Lucius, and merged with his body.

"Hmph! If you can hide one, can you hide ten or a hundred?" Lucius said with a sneer, and then his whole body suddenly turned into countless pieces of paper!

These pieces of paper spun and flew towards Ian suddenly.

This is equivalent to hundreds of sharp paper knives attacking Ian together, and they are still surrounded in all directions!

Lucius, the superhuman paper fruit, does have his strengths. It can be said that this paper fruit is just like Bucky's torn fruit. Not only is it not afraid of physical attacks, but it is much more aggressive than the torn fruit. .

Seeing so many pieces of paper flying towards Ian, the cripples behind them were all startled, thinking that Ian might not be able to avoid it now.

However, Ian smiled slightly, because he didn't even want to hide in the past.

Holding the knife in both hands, Ian raised it violently, and sent a whirlwind forward!

The swirling pieces of paper collided head-on with the whirlwind, and were immediately distorted in their forward trajectory, not to mention being carried away by the whirlwind, and even blown away a little distance.

After the whirlwind dissipated, the pieces of paper reunited into Lucius' body in mid-air. His original smile disappeared, and his face became a bit ugly.

Lucius didn't fall either. He turned into a piece of paper at this moment, with no weight, so he could float in mid-air with the help of the wind. Suddenly, a huge white paper appeared in front of him, and then the white paper quickly began to folded up.

Soon, as the piece of paper changed, a paper cannon appeared in front of Ian!

"Origami Cannon! Shoot!"

Following Lucius' order, a paper cannonball actually shot out from the mouth of the paper cannon, flying towards Ian.

Ian suddenly dodged away from the spot, and the paper shell hit the ground where he was, and actually exploded!

"Aha, it's interesting!" Ian's eyes lit up, he really didn't expect the paper fruit to have such a special ability.

This is the uniqueness of devil fruit ability users. Many abilities seem to be anti-scientific.

This Lucius is quite good at developing his paper fruit ability, no wonder there is a bounty of up to 86 million Baileys.

The origami cannons fired at Ian continuously, and the sound of explosions continued, which seemed to be fierce. However, in fact, Ian kept running back and forth to avoid these slow-moving paper balls. Can't hurt him.

Lucius also discovered this problem. After all, his paper cannonballs were not real cannonballs, and they didn't have such a high speed, so he quickly regained control of the paper cannon.

I saw the paper cannon quickly unraveled, and then started to fold again. Soon, an origami dinosaur appeared in front of Ian.

"Haha, it's so funny!" Ian smiled happily: "Is this an origami show?"

"Hmph! Whether it's a show, you'll find out later!" Lucius snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, the origami dinosaur rushed towards Ian.

When the origami dinosaur rushed to Ian's side, it suddenly opened its mouth and bit towards Ian. Ian saw that it was too big, so he had to jump away to avoid it. The dinosaur's mouth hit the ground, and a piece of gravel It was directly bitten by it!

"Yo, is it really as powerful as a dinosaur!?" Ian also felt a little surprised.

He could see that Lucius's origami ability seemed to only appear one at a time, and the dinosaur was only folded after the disintegration of the cannon just now.

In other words, if this origami can be solved, does Lucius know if he can still use this origami ability? ... Friends who read books, you can search for "", you can find this site in the first time.
