Super Card System

Chapter 12: Drago and the seriously injured Sabo



Ian didn't know what Big Bear was thinking and why he gave him his hat, but Ian couldn't see through this silent man, and didn't know what he was thinking at all.

The big bear went out, and Ian took off the bear ear hat on his head. Looking at the cute bear ear hat in his hand, Ian felt that a slot was stuck in his throat, and he didn't know how to spit it out.

What the hell, do people in this world like giving hats so much

Not knowing what he would look like wearing this hat, Ian imagined it, and suddenly felt embarrassing.

But he also knew that Big Bear might be more kind to him. If the phone bug was sent to thank the dojo for the food, then this hat should be his personal thank you gift.

As a last resort, Ian had to put on the bear ear hat.

When he returned to the dojo, Ian heard the laughter coming from inside, which surprised him very much. It was really unimaginable that a more traditional person like Master Koshiro could talk quite well with Evakov.

After walking in, Ian said to Koshiro: "Master, it's done!"

"Then, we're leaving too!" Evakov stood up from the ground and put on the hood again to cover his purple afro.

The same is true for Daxiong and other Revolutionary Army fighters, covering themselves tightly again.

Koshiro was looking at the hat on Ian's head in surprise. After hearing what Evakov and the others said, he came back to his senses and asked, "Would you like to stay longer?"

"No, it's not good to stay in the village for a long time!" Evakov said: "We will go to the beach and wait for the boat to arrive."

Koshiro nodded and said to Ian, "Ian, send them off!"

"Okay!" In fact, Koshiro didn't need to say, Ian also decided to do the same. Evakov and the others said they would go to the seaside to wait for the boat, so they must be waiting for Drago, and Ian wanted to follow him to have a look.

Ian led the way out of the dojo, followed by Ivakov and Daxiong, and those soldiers of the Revolutionary Army came out after bowing to Koshiro respectfully.

"..." Looking at the dojo that became empty after everyone left, Koshiro sat on his knees without saying a word, and he didn't know what he was thinking. [oM]

Along the way, including Eva, all the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army looked at the cute bear ear cap on Ian's head with some surprise.

They naturally knew that it was Big Bear's hat, and they were surprised that Big Bear would give his own hat to others.

But looking at the wavy bear with no hat on at this time, even Ivakov didn't ask what was going on, they just kept staring at Ian.

Feeling the hot gaze from behind, Ian only felt itchy all over, so this time when he came out, he didn't take them around in circles, and walked straight towards the beach, and left the village after a while.

The revolutionary soldier who fought against Ian scratched his head and said strangely: "Hey! It didn't seem so fast when I came here!"

Ian looked back at him solemnly and said, "Your illusion!"

"Really?" The revolutionary soldier was also a little unconfident.

"Yeah!" Ian nodded with certainty: "You must be hungry! That's why you have an illusion."

Seeing this scene, Evakov laughed hip-hop and said, "What a boy with character!"

Ian shrugged, he knew that the detour could not be hidden from Evakov and Big Bear, but who made him look like a child now, children's pranks will be forgiven, right

Shuangyue Village is actually not that big, and the population in the village is not too large. When Ian brought everyone to the beach, he could see a few small fishing boats tied to the beach. They were fishermen from the village who went fishing. It was already afternoon at this time, and these fishermen had already finished their work and went back, so the beach seemed quiet. Ivakov and his group came here, and they were not afraid of being seen.

According to the timeline, the revolutionary army at this time is still in the stage of accumulating strength, so they act very low-key. For them, it is best to avoid being seen as much as possible.

Ian accompanied them and waited by the beach. Ivakov wanted to persuade him to go back first, but Ian shook his head. Helpless, everyone had to let him go.

We waited until it was dark, but there was no boat coming, but fortunately, Big Bear took a few revolutionary soldiers and found the food that he had bombed over. The group cooked a pot of rice by the beach, and then went After catching a few fish and roasting them, Ian just had a meal like this, and Ian was not polite, and followed them to eat.

The moon had already risen in the sky, and Ian started to yawn, but suddenly he heard a Revolutionary Army soldier standing on high above shouting: "Here we come!"

Ian quickly got up and looked into the distance, only to see a dark shadow on the sea heading towards this direction under the darkness of night.

As time went by, the black shadow became bigger and bigger. It wasn't until Ian got close and under the moonlight that Ian could see the outline of the ship clearly.

It was a huge three-masted sailing ship, but at the bow was a dragon's head, winding down, the dragon's body was just used as the keel to support the whole ship, and then a dragon's tail was exposed at the stern, making the ship look like It's like being supported by a dragon.

This is Drago's ship without a doubt.

A soldier of the Revolutionary Army had already signaled the boat with a light, and Drago's boat slowly slowed down and approached the shore.

"Eva, can I go up and have a look?" Ian pulled Raevakov's cloak and said innocently, "I've never seen such a big boat before!"

Evakov was not surprised by Ian's request. In fact, seeing Ian waiting here with them, Evakov guessed that Ian might want to see their boat, so he said: "Hee-hop! Ian Candy! It's okay to go up and see, but let me tell you first, I can't take you away! So after reading it, you have to get off the boat and go back, okay?"

"No problem!" Ian nodded.

After the dragon boat came to a complete stop, a sampan was lowered from the left side of the ship. Ivakov and Da Xiong started to board the boat along the sampan. Ian also followed closely behind. The remaining revolutionary soldiers, Then he began to call for some people on the ship to carry the food by hand.

Once on the boat, Evakov yelled, "It's too slow, Dorag! How long do we have to wait!"

Ian followed behind Ivakov, stuck his head out through his tall body, looked forward, and saw a figure wearing the same green cloak on the deck, turning around slowly.

Under the moonlight, Drago was still wearing a hood, so that Ian could not see his face clearly.

"Sorry!" Drago said, his voice sounded very deep: "Some things have been delayed, in order to save this child..."

As he turned around, revealing a child lying on the deck behind him, Ian saw the thick bandages wrapped around his body for the first time.

The bandage not only wrapped the child's whole body, but also covered his head and face. He was in a coma with his mouth open, and black burn marks could be seen in the gaps in the bandage. The blood that came out was so dazzling.

Even Ian couldn't help shivering when he saw the child, he was frightened by the child's injury.

Don't think about it, this child must be Sabo who was rescued from the sea by Drago!

When he truly saw Sabo's tragic situation at this moment, even Ian couldn't help but feel angry, how vicious it must be to treat a child so hard!

If Drago hadn't happened to rescue Sabo, maybe Sabo would have died just like that!

At this moment, Ian realized for the first time how cruel the Tianlong people are...

Naturally, Evakov also saw Sabo lying on the deck, so he jumped over in shock and squatted down to check.

"This is too serious!! Hey, hurry up and get someone to help with the wound!" Evakov yelled.

"Ivan, can you treat him?" Drago asked.

"No, the child is too young, he needs special medicine!" Evakov said: "I can only hang his life first! Send him to treatment as soon as possible!"

After finishing speaking, Evakov took off his gloves and put his hands on Sabo's body!

"Healing hormones, adrenaline!"

Sabo on the ground coughed suddenly. Seeing this, Evakov immediately said happily: "Very good, the heartbeat has recovered!"

Several Revolutionary Army soldiers hurriedly took advantage of this opportunity, lifted Sabo up on a stretcher, and sent him to the cabin.

Evakov raised his head and asked Drago, "Who is this child? Why was he injured so badly?"

Drago shook his head and said: "I don't know his name, he was attacked by Tianlong that sad country..."

"Really..." Evakov was speechless for a while.

At this time, a voice suddenly came, saying: "His name is Sabo!"

"Huh?" Drago was taken aback, and looked in the direction of the voice, only to see another child standing on the deck. The person who made the voice was naturally Ian.

"Who are you?" Drago was a little curious: "Do you know this injured child?"

While asking questions, Drago naturally saw the bear ear hat on Ian's head, and couldn't help but glance in the direction of the big bear.

Ian shook his head and said, "I just know his name."

He knew very well that Sabo had suffered such a serious injury this time, and after recovering from the injury, he would lose his memory, and he only said this name so that the members of the Revolutionary Army could call him in the future.

In fact, even if Ian didn't say anything, the members of the Revolutionary Army would know Sabo's name from the things he carried on him. The reason why Ian made the noise was actually subconscious...

Drago looked at Eva, and Eva spread her arms and said, "This is a child from the dojo in the village, a boy with a great personality, I'll take him on board to have a look."

"Really?" Drago glanced at Ian, didn't speak, but turned around and asked, "Where's the food?"

A Revolutionary Army soldier replied: "The ashram in the village gave us some."

"Well, get ready to sail!" Dorag said, "Go back to Bardigo!"

Ian has seen it now, and he has no regrets in his heart. Hearing what Drago said at this time, he knew that he was issuing an order to expel the guest, so he said, "I'm going back to the ashram too!"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the sampan on the side of the boat, and within two steps, he heard Drago suddenly say, "Eva, send him off!"

Ivakov followed Ian and sent him off the boat. When he came to the shore, Evakov said to Ian: "Little Ian, don't tell anyone about seeing us, you know?" ?”

"I understand, you are not ordinary people!" Ian shrugged and said, "By the way, Uncle Xiong gave me a phone bug, may I know your number?"

Evakov was taken aback for a moment, and then realized: "Uncle Xiong? You call him that? What do you want my number for?"

Ian nodded: "Because I may need to find you for something in the future..."
